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Nocturnal Surrender (The Nocturnal Surrender Series)

Page 2

by Pearl, Lorraine

  “Good. If you have any questions beforehand, just ask one of the more experienced girls. Oh, and don’t forget to take a break afterward if you feel lightheaded at all.” Kade smiled wide then walked away.

  She was dizzy already, and she faced a pale version of herself in the mirror—almost as light as her boss. No way could she follow through with this. Worst case scenario, she’d be fired and have to beg her parents to let her move back home. She winced at the thought, especially at her age, but it was better than the alternative of selling her body to make money.

  Ginger, one of the other strippers, sauntered over as she pulled on her robe, face flushed slightly from coming off stage. “The first time’s always the hardest. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it soon enough. You might even enjoy it a little. Those sanguinarians are pretty damn hot most of the time, and they usually tip well.”

  Nicole took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I…I don’t think I can do this. A lap dance is one thing, but to… Isn’t it creepy that these guys do this?”

  “Guys and girls.” Ginger ran her slender fingers through her long red locks and winked as if she liked the idea. “Sure I thought it was weird at first, but you’ll see. They’re just like the rest of us, only with the kink of getting off by drinking blood.”

  Nicole would have laughed if that statement hadn’t scared the hell out of her. Maybe she should have stayed on the farm, went to nursing school, and settled down with Lucas Simmons—and had lots of babies—like her parents wanted. But no, she had to move to the opposite side of Pennsylvania so she could go to the best law school in the state.

  Yeah, as if she’d ever make it as a lawyer when she hated arguing any point, no matter how important. Better get used to letting strange men—and women—drink her blood.

  She forced a smile and thanked Ginger for the advice, then went to retrieve her first bloodsucking customer.


  Palms sweaty, Nicole opened the door to the private room and invited the hulking man inside. At least he was good looking, but his size terrified her. Bulging biceps threatened to rip the sleeves of his blue T-shirt. Judging by those massive thighs, his jeans might split apart at any moment. The guy was all muscle, the body builder type, and he looked to be nearly a foot taller than her. A man like that could easily force himself on her.

  Thank goodness they monitor these rooms.

  But it was his silver contacts and prosthetic fangs that made her heart race. What kind of freak did this sort of thing? Did he really believe he was a vampire? Did he need psychiatric help?

  Remember what Ginger said. It’s only a fetish.

  There was nothing to worry about. She’d heard stories of all sorts of strange sexual behaviors. In truth, this happened to be a tame one.

  She put on her performance smile, and with her best sex kitten voice, she cooed, “What would you like, Mr. Evanko?” She skimmed her fingers up and down his shirt, momentarily enthralled by the rippling abs underneath. “I’m all yours.”

  He seized her wrist in a vice-like grip. “For starters, you can call me Bastian. Only my brother Donovan goes by Mr. Evanko.” Slowly, he moved her hand lower, stopping at his waistline. “Why don’t you tease me a little?”

  Crap, he’s related to Donovan. That revelation hit her like a blow to the chest. Although his name had sounded familiar, she hadn’t put the pieces together before. This customer was the sibling of her boss’s best friend. Just what she needed. More pressure. Why did he have to pick her out of all the girls? She was the least experienced, and way out of her league.

  Bastian cleared his throat, and she snapped her head up to meet his silvery gaze. When he spoke, the tenderness in his voice surprised her. “Don’t worry. I know you’re new here. I’m a patient man, and my looks can be deceiving. Think of me as a big teddy bear.”

  Grizzly was more like it.

  He loosened his hold, and she dipped her fingers into his pants, wiggling them against the soft patch of hair. She pulled up his shirt with her other hand and played along the washboard she’d revealed. Like a rock. The thought piqued her curiosity. She glanced down and noticed something else was hard. Has to be painful in those tight jeans.

  “Ah, that’s it. A little lower.” A groan rumbled out of him. “Do you like what you see?”

  “Mmhmm.” Licking her lips, she reached farther until her fingertips brushed his erection. “You really turn me on. I love a muscular man.”

  At least that much was true. And his cologne smelled good, woodsy and clean. Long sandy hair framed his chiseled face, accentuating the strong angles.

  I can do this. Play around with him a little and nothing else.

  Even though the don’t-touch-unless-invited policy didn’t apply in the private rooms, at least sex wasn’t part of the services offered.

  Could’ve been worse. She might have ended up with some dirty old man reeking of cigar smoke. Sure, Bastian Evanko liked to pretend he was a vampire and drink human blood—she nearly cringed—but he was decent to look at as long as she ignored the eyes and teeth. If she were completely honest, he was quite sexy.

  Another quick touch inside his pants, and he shuddered.

  “Do you like that, Bastian?” She slid her other hand down to play with his belt.

  He clamped onto her shoulders with his thick fingers. “You have no idea how much. It helps to know you’re attracted to me, too.”

  Yeah, if she’d only met him under different circumstances, and if he wasn’t paying her for a lap dance, among other things. But she didn’t want to think about the blood or she’d never follow through.

  “I can tell you’re nervous. It’s okay. I promise I’ll make this as good for you as it is for me.” He caressed her cheek and tilted her head up to meet his gaze. “Why don’t you let me have a little taste to break the ice, and then you can dance for me before I drink more?”

  A shiver rolled over her. There was no holding it back. This is too crazy.

  She yanked her hand out of his jeans and stumbled backward. The room spun, the walls seemed to close in, and heat spread through her body. For a minute, she feared she might pass out. The seductive background music suddenly thundered in her ears and the low lighting dimmed further.

  She leaned against the dance pole and reached behind for support. Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest and her rapid breaths were shallow.

  This hadn’t happened since she was a teenager. She’d gotten over her panic attacks years ago. But this one slammed into her full force. A few more seconds and she would hyperventilate.

  Muscular arms encompassed her. “It’s all right, Nikki. I’ve got you.” Bastian lifted her, and she released the pole then latched onto his neck. “That’s good. You’re fine. Everything will be okay.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed to keep the room from spinning and gave herself over to him. Under any other circumstance, she’d never allow a stranger to do this, but something about him comforted her. Maybe it was the soothing quality of his deep, velvety voice, or his protective and powerful embrace. Whatever the case, she didn’t open her eyes until she was on the couch, sitting sideways on his lap.

  Her anxiety had lessened in those few seconds, but some dizziness remained until her breathing steadied and she regained her composure. Now she wished there weren’t cameras in these rooms. She’d surely be fired for this. No matter how understanding Bastian was, Kade ran the place with an iron fist. He would never put up with a stripper having a meltdown on a customer—and with an Evanko, no less.

  Bastian rubbed circles on her back as she clung to him, shaking slightly. Maybe he was a big teddy bear.

  “Why are you here? It’s obvious this isn’t the right career for you.” Bastian’s compassionate tone and gentle caresses made Nicole believe he actually cared.

  “I…I can do this, but I need a minute.”

  He looked into her eyes. “I know you can. The problem is you don’t want to. Why take a job like this?”

; “There’s no other way to afford living here and paying for college, at least not without compromising all my values.” She hated how cliché that sounded, but she’d truly had no choice. Working at a convenience store wouldn’t cut it, and she wasn’t qualified to do anything else. The circumstances of the past had put her farther behind in the career department than most twenty-four year olds.

  Finally, her heart rate returned to normal. “I’m sorry. I understand if you want to stop. I’ll find you another dancer.”

  “That won’t be necessary.” This time, his voice had a sinister undertone.

  She tried to get up, but he wouldn’t release her. One arm clamped around her waist held her immobile while the other hand pushed her hair off her shoulder, leaving it exposed except for the thin strap of her bra. Smooth fingers glided along her skin, sending a chill through her. When they came to rest on her neck, she noticed his gaze had focused there, as well.

  The panic stirred again, but she held it back. If anything went wrong, the bouncers would rush in. Safety always came first at Delacroix. It had been drilled into all the employees’ heads.

  Then why didn’t she believe it now? And why had her opinion of Bastian changed so fast? The look in his eyes—however much she could tell with those contacts—went from caring to lethal in an instant.

  Her body tensed. She wanted to scream, but what if her inexperience made the situation seem worse than it really was?

  Maybe she could salvage her job if she played her cards right.

  One bite might not be so bad.


  Nicole relaxed, and to her surprise, tilted her head to offer herself.

  Bastian’s stare never wavered from the spot on her neck, though the fierce intensity softened. His gentle demeanor returned. Maybe it had been there all along.

  She’d read him wrong, imagined the whole thing. It had simply been her anxiety, and her imagination getting the best of her.

  There’s nothing to be afraid of.

  He leaned closer, threaded his fingers through her curls, and pulled her to him.

  The fine hairs on her skin stood at attention and her pulse quickened once more. Warm lips feathered over her sensitive flesh, his tongue licking a hot trail along her throat.

  He unfastened her bra and tossed it to the floor then moved his large hand to massage her breast. A few seconds later, he gently tugged at her nipple.

  Moisture pooled between her legs, creating an aching need. If only he would touch her there…

  The pressure of his lips on her neck, and when they dipped lower to the upper curve of her breast, made her moan.

  Suddenly, she remembered she should be doing something. It was her job to satisfy him, not the other way around. She slid her hands under his shirt. God, those abs.

  She teased him, slipping her fingers inside the top of his pants again. He grunted and shifted beneath her, pressing his erection into her rear.

  A primal urge took over. Without thinking, she straddled his lap. Grinding on him to the rhythm of the music, she made certain the bulge in his jeans hit the perfect spot.

  A small sting at her breast grabbed her attention. He’d grazed her skin with his fangs but thankfully hadn’t drawn blood.

  He clutched her hips and helped her keep time with the music—and their moans. His teeth scraped along her throat. Their bodies molded together, and he bit down with a groan.

  Nicole gasped. Slight pain gave way to intense pleasure as he sucked. His fingers slithered up her side, sending a shudder through her. The combination of sensations made her feel more alive, more aroused, than ever before.

  She’d never been with anyone who compared with him physically. Just the thought of all that brute force taking her, driving into her, had her so wet she barely controlled herself.

  Rocking on his lap, she wondered how much longer she could hold off her orgasm. Another minute of this and she would surely—

  He pulled back abruptly. “I have to stop before you pass out.” The rasp in his voice surprised her. Apparently he was close to losing control, too.

  Between panting breaths, she managed to speak. “I’m lightheaded, but…I don’t think it’s…from loss of blood.”

  A mischievous grin lit up his face. “That’s good to hear.” He shifted under her. “Uh…can you stand up yet? I need to adjust. These jeans are uncomfortable.”

  Nicole nodded and stood, a little wobbly on her feet. Before she moved away, Bastian seized her hips, leaned forward, and took her panties between his teeth with a growl. Her core throbbed, begging for more. She remembered the sensual heat when his mouth had played over her neck, and now she wanted it somewhere else.

  No, don’t go there. I have a job to do. “I owe you a dance— Oh!” Her eyes almost rolled back as his tongue swept down under the lace, nearly hitting her clit.

  In one fluid motion, he pulled the fabric to the floor, and she stood naked before him. The gleam in his eyes was predatory, the kind of look she’d been taught to identify in self-defense class. Goosebumps rose along her skin, and the gut feeling she should run took over.

  She fought to maintain control. Leaving wasn’t an option. He’d done nothing wrong. It was her job to strip for him. He had simply moved the process along at his own pace. The lick was easy to overlook.

  “The things I could do to you would make your head spin.” Bastian’s smile showed off his fangs.

  “I’m pretty sure you already did.” Or was that the anxiety? I can’t even think straight anymore.

  Heat enveloped her. Under his intense stare, she felt overexposed. She moved her hands to cover herself, but he clasped her wrists.

  “You are far too beautiful to be shy. And like you said, you still have to dance for me. Unless you’re dizzy.” He paused until she shook her head. “I must say, your blood is sweeter than any I’ve tasted in a long time.” He stood and touched her cheek. “It has to be your innocence.”

  “I’m not innocent.” She stroked the bulge in his pants. “I’m woman enough to please you.”

  He licked his fangs, his tongue gliding sensuously from one to the other. “Mm, I have no doubt. But unless I’m mistaken, sex isn’t part of the services here.”

  Why had she said that? What was she thinking? She was completely nude, fondling a customer, and offering far more than she should have.

  Can I screw this up any worse?

  How could he unnerve her so badly? It wasn’t only her inexperience as a stripper. Something about him screamed danger, but he’d done nothing overt enough to warrant accusations. Plus, she was inexplicably attracted to him, wanted him even though she hardly knew him. Hell, she had no idea what might have happened if he hadn’t reminded her where they were.

  When she realized her hand remained on his crotch, she jerked it away. “I’ll give you that dance and let you go before you’re charged for extra time.”

  “I’m just afraid if we’re alone in here much longer I might take you up on that other offer.” He caressed her breast then leaned down and sucked on her nipple.

  He flicked his tongue over the hardened nub, and she grabbed his hair, holding him to her. She should stop this before it went too far, but her body pulsated with desire. Arching into him, a moan escaped her lips. As if in response, his other hand slid from her hip, trailing lightly down her overly-stimulated flesh until it reached the sweet spot.

  His fingers moved in a dizzying circle over her clit while his mouth continued working its magic on her breast, the occasional fang scrape adding to her pleasure. Electricity shot through her. She reached for his shaft again, rubbing his jeans firmly and wishing he was inside her.

  A second later, his fingers dipped into her wetness. She gasped then eased her legs farther apart to give him full access. A tingling sensation built deep within and rolled over her body.

  She ripped thoughtlessly at his T-shirt and pulled it over his head as they paused their ministrations long enough to get the unwanted material out of the way.
/>   His fingers quickly found her core again. For a moment, she could have sworn he’d moved with unnatural speed, but it had to be the lighting, and the passion fogging her brain. She reached back to his waistline and undid the belt, the button, and finally the zipper. A second later she followed the light trail of hair down and slipped her hand inside the confined space.

  She closed her fingers around his hard length. His breathing hitched in response.

  Holy hell, he’s huge.

  Stroking his thickness, she tipped her head back, and he claimed her mouth with a fiery kiss. His tongue mimicked the motions of his fingers, in and out, as waves of pleasure washed over her. Her lips burned slightly from his sharp fangs so she opened her mouth wider to ease the pressure. He pulled out of her and left her with a sudden emptiness. She prayed he wouldn’t stop this time, but when he slid his pants down, she feared she might get her wish.

  With full access to his shaft, her strokes elongated, and he groaned in response. After stepping out of his shoes, then his jeans and boxer briefs, he turned her to the couch. He guided her until her legs met the cushions and she sat. Faced with his girth, she swallowed the lump in her throat. Before she attempted to suck him in, he laid her back and lowered his massive frame onto her, his erection pressing against her wet entrance.


  Bastian hardly believed an angel like Nikki wanted him. The bastard, the rogue who shouldn’t have been allowed to live, the killer. But then, she didn’t know about the atrocities he’d committed in the past. For that matter, she had no idea what he truly was.

  Yes, there had been moments when she’d seen through his mortal charade and recognized the predator within. He’d heard her thoughts, scented and felt her fear. Sad thing was it only fueled his desire. She had to be so strong to fight the instinct to flee when faced with the devil.


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