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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

Page 4

by Yumoyori Wilson

  She grimaced. "Eww."

  We all laughed and hugged Minju farewell. Once an Uber picked her up, we stood there watching her car go down the street and turn the corner.

  "She's become Master's new sex toy," Minsu grumbled with disgust.

  "Why Minju? Makes no sense," Minso added.

  I shook my head, unsure why Master was suddenly so fond of Minju. It was helping rack up her lies, but that wasn't the way I wanted her to do it.

  "It's Minju's choice. Abiding to Master will get her closer to reaching 1000 lies. If she's okay with it, I guess there's nothing we can really do." Minsu shrugged and Minso simply nodded in agreement. They both turned toward me and smiled.

  "Let's go, bomb addict. We gotta celebrate," they said together which always freaked me out.

  "First off, I'm not an addict and secondly, we better get some cake." I grinned.

  "You bomb everything," Minsu hissed in Chinese.

  "Every mission you have to destroy something with fire," Minso added in Japanese. I knew they were doing it to ensure no one understood our conversation, which only made me grin.

  "Whatever. I like playing with fire. Let's go enjoy the reward we earned together." I outstretched my arms to hook theirs and skipped forward.

  "Ah. Don't skip, Xia," Minsu whined.

  "Sometimes she acts like we're still eight and she's six." Minso laughed. Even though they were both against it, they ended up skipping with me as we moved down the street laughing and singing victory songs.

  Even if Minju was here in spirit only, I was excited to reach 1000 Lies. I'd finally experience what it was like to be a true Reaper of Beauty.

  "That hits the spot." I closed my eyes and enjoyed the burning sensation of the vodka running down my throat, leaving a hot tingling in its wake.

  We'd stopped by a different hotel that was seven blocks from our previous hotel and checked in. The explosion that occurred at the other hotel was deemed a terrorist attack. Having picked up a new set of clothes from a 24-hour clothing store, we changed our entire outfits to less eye-catching attire.

  After we'd gotten our new set of clothes, I'd decided to shower, needing to clean off the sweat I'd gathered using magic and from our crazy getaway. When I came out from the bathroom, there was Minso and Minsu with a cake that had 1000 Graduate on it. I had no idea how they were able to get that cake made in less than 45 minutes and at 2 in the morning, but I was the happiest I'd been in a while.

  They sang congrats to me and then we enjoyed a little cake and pre-drinking while we dressed up in our new outfits. Once we were ready, we headed down to a club three blocks away that was open till 5 AM.

  Minso and Minsu wore short black dresses and black heels while I sported a dark red dress with ruby red shoes. I left my hair loose, but the sisters put their hair up in simple buns, neither of them wanting to deal with the morning aftermath their hair would become if they left it down and got wasted.

  I already knew Minso was going to drink lightly as she always acted as the drunk watcher of our group. I, however, was going to make sure I got drunk, or at least got to the point where I couldn't remember my name.

  It had been such a long time since we'd been out, motivating me to enjoy the night to the fullest. Now that I was an Elite Reaper of Beauty, I didn't know what my next task would be or when I'd get a day off. Had to live it up!

  We'd reached the club with ease and the sisters were now working their hips on the dance floor with two sexy Puerto Rican twins. They had hit it off right away and for a brief moment, I wondered if this was how life would have been if we'd not been raised as Reapers.

  To be able to come to a club, enjoy our time, and maybe find love.

  I tried not to ponder on it; the whole love thing always brought me down into a depressed mood. After my idol had been killed, I'd cut off the thought of finding a man to love. It was off-limits in my mind, and as much as my body yearned for companionship that didn't involve a deal or pleasing someone to save my life, I knew it would never happen.

  I'd have to be with a man who could face Master. An individual who had the connections to protect himself. I could defend myself easily, even if it was against Master.

  However, love meant you cared for another person and putting them at risk was suicide when you were a Reaper.

  I didn't know of any man in existence who could face the Master with his level of connections and Reapers. His was the largest secret organization I currently knew of, which was slightly bigger than another lethal group who aimed to protect civilians and bring peace.

  I didn't focus on the peace movement that was going on in Japan. The crime rates and casualties from mysterious deaths and accidents were growing day by day, and the people were tired. I couldn’t deny that I was a part of the individuals contributing to such violence, but it wasn't like I had a choice.

  If I did have a choice, I'd rather do good than evil. Even if I was born and raised as a Reaper of Beauty, I didn't personally think it was right.

  There just came a point where I accepted that this was my life and began to dehumanize myself and the situations I'd ended up in. Yang wasn't the only death I'd witnessed as a child. After Yang's and her mother's murder, Master insured that all killings had me present.

  It was a traumatizing experience that still haunted me today. I could vividly see the people who once raised, taught, or cooked for me, be killed by Master's cold hands. Some would look at me with sympathy, while others glared at me with murderous expressions.

  Each time I'd return to my room, and the triplets would be there to comfort me as I broke down and sobbed. That was my only safe haven--to cry in the arms of the La sisters before taking a warm bath and heading to bed.

  "Another one, Miss?" the bartender asked.

  "Three please," I replied, reaching out for my side purse that held my cash, but someone placed a 100 dollar bill on the table.

  "Make it four."

  I turned my gaze to the man who slid onto the stool and met my intrigued gaze. For the first time in history, my heart skipped a beat. Not in fear or anguish, but in lust as my body hummed in delight thanks to the immense attraction my body felt for this man. Every nerve within me exploded with electricity.

  Before he sat on the brown stool, I could tell he was tall, probably 6’5”. His body was a slim build, but he had muscle in all the right places; his biceps peeked out of the short-sleeved, black Armani dress shirt that fit him like a glove.

  He wore black dress pants that fit him perfectly, and the black roots of his hair shifted to a sleek white that almost looked silver when the dim lights of the bar shone upon it. His angular jaw, long nose, and black eyes had me captivated while those smooth lips of his looked like they could deliver some major damage if I allowed him to kiss me.

  I didn't know if I'd been drugged or something, but to me this man was a masterpiece that all the girls would love to bring home and live out their fantasies with in the bedroom. I inhaled deeply. The rich aroma of his cologne hit my nose and made me want to moan in adoration.

  Even the triplets didn't know how much I adored a man who wore amazing cologne. Just because I couldn't have a man, didn't mean I had no expectations.

  Right now, he was hitting all of them. His Caucasian features that were more dominant than the Asian ones told me he’d hit another one of my checkboxes, this one in the sex department. Please be six inches or bigger.

  Most men I'd had to sleep with to get what we needed on missions were only three to four inches and only needed a few thrusts in my pussy before they came and called it quits. How pathetic.

  I felt more like a sex doll who hadn’t felt a hint of excitement rather than enjoying the "pleasurable experience," which those same individuals would try to brag about. Before they perished by my bombs and other traps.

  "I can pay," I announced in English, unsure whether he spoke Mandarin or Japanese.

  "I'm aware," he replied in Mandarin which made me grin.

  "How do you kn
ow what I am?" I inquired in Mandarin.

  "Skin tone is light like Japanese women, but certain features remind me of Chinese women. I'm taking a guess that you're both, but I could be wrong," he said with a grin.

  The bartender returned with four drinks, and I reached out and rotated the drink in my hand, using a hint of my magic to make sure there weren't any drugs inside.

  "Good observation." I switched back to English as I took the shot in one go. I sighed. "Never get enough of vodka."

  "Until you're wasted," the man countered, picking his up and taking the shot with ease.

  "True." I grinned, ignoring the flips and jumps my stomach was doing when he smiled and gave me a view of his dimples. This man is a trap. He must be.

  "What would you like Mister..." I trailed off, hoping he'd give me a name to research later. Research as in stalk and see if he's either an American model or a celebrity I never heard about.

  "Xander Zhou," he introduced. "Please to meet you..." He trailed off and I grinned.

  "Xia," I replied, lifting my next shot glass to give him a toast in greetings instead of a handshake. He smirked, raised his second glass, and clinked it with mine, both of us drinking down the clear liquid and sighing.

  "Hits the spot," Xander declared.

  "Agreed. Now to see when the effect will kick in." I hummed, placing the empty glass back down.

  "Get drunk easily?"

  "Not by a long shot, but I've had ten of these so we'll see what happens." I shrugged.

  "Long day."

  "Very long. Fun though," I turned to press my back against the counter and watched Minso and Minsu who were grinding up on those twins like their lives depended on it.

  Xander followed my gaze. "Friends?"


  He did a double take, and though he didn't show it on his cool expression, I bet he was wondering how I ended up having African half-sisters.


  "You're telling me."

  We were silent and watched the last two people sitting two seats down leave to join the festivities on the dance floor. Once the bartender moved to the back I got to the point.

  "What do you want, Xander?" I asked in a cold tone.


  "Hmm. If I wasn't as skilled, I may have believed you." I grinned at the smooth tone of his voice.

  I wasn't the type to play into the flirting game when it wasn't a job, but the burning electricity between us was clouding my better judgment. Or the exquisite alcohol.

  He sighed, returning to look at my friends as they danced the night away. "Why?"

  "Why what? My reasoning for not believing you?" I inquired.

  "Why are you okay with being who you are?"

  "Do you know what I am?" I played the game, curious to know how he knew I was a Reaper. Or that was my guess anyway.

  "Somewhat. The circumstance that you're in. You do well at hiding your mana though. Impressive."

  "I try. Not as successful when I'm tipsy though." I accepted his compliment but still didn't know what he was after.

  "Why would you be okay with being a Reaper?"

  "What makes you think I'm one?" I turned my head to meet his eyes, their once black appearance now a gorgeous silver that made me grin as I unintentionally bit my lip. This guy is dangerous. Very very dangerous.

  "My magic tells me so."

  "Must be nice to have talking magic." I rested my arms behind me as I crossed my legs. "Listen, Xander. Whatever seductive magic you have, it won't work to get information out of me or lead me astray to whatever you're planning. I'm here to enjoy my night with my sisters. Nothing more."

  "I'm here to do the same, minus the sisters," he replied, sending shivers through me. Must be the magic.

  He slid off his stool and moved to face me, blocking my view of the sisters. “Dance with me."

  "Good offer."

  "Are you normally flirtatious, yet stubborn?"

  "I like having a variety of emotions and leaving men frustrated for more. Like an addiction, if you will."

  "I wouldn't blame them." His hooded eyes met mine, mirroring my own desire. My mind was trying to deny our connection, but it was pulsing between us, and I bet anyone else could feel it.

  "One dance."

  "Two." Xander winked, and my heart was already sold. The sisters are gonna get a laugh out of this. Xia swept off her feet by a sexy stranger who knows what she does for a living.

  "Deal." I smirked. "And one more drink."

  He chuckled and nodded, moving back to the bar to call the bartender.

  "I'll make it two."

  The two dances ended up lasting till the 5 AM closing, with a lot of grinding, hip-swinging, and a long make out session pinned against the back wall in a hidden section of the club. I thought our connection was strong just by sitting next to him, but that was surpassed when his hands landed on my waist and moved down to my hips.

  Our chemistry was one I never expected to have with anyone. The mysterious aura that surrounded him, the calm collectiveness he exuded with every question and comment, and his lips. Heavenly Father forgive me because those lips could create sin with their existence.

  Kisses normally meant nothing to me, the interaction only leaving me feeling the need to pop a Listerine strip in my mouth to forget the man's atrocious breath, but Xander....oh Xander Zhou's breath was delightful and oh so addicting.

  If it weren’t for Minsu telepathically reminding me that the club was closing, and the fact that we actually had to get back to the shrine, I wouldn't have second guessed stripping down and enjoy him right then and there.

  After our intense kissing fest, I gave him my private number, but warned him point blank how dangerous it was to be around or seen with me.

  * * *

  "I don't carry it with me all the time, but I'll reply if I feel like it," I whispered as I finished typing the last digit of my private phone number into his phone.

  "I'll keep that in mind, Xia," Xander replied.

  "You realize how dangerous this is? To keep in contact with me?" I stressed as I handed him back his phone. A smirk formed on his delicate lips.

  "I like danger. Especially with an independent woman who shows no fear."

  "Do they teach that in sweet talker school?"

  "No," he said softly, slipping an arm around my waist and gently pressing my body against his. We stared into each other's eyes, those black orbs once again shifting to a hot silver that projected his growing lust for me.

  "You're not a woman anyone can sweet talk, Xia. You know exactly what you want, and no one, man or woman, needs a magnifying glass to see that. I, for one, am just bold enough to claim what I'm interested in without a second thought. That person is you, and I'm not afraid of a cowardly man who hides in a shrine and sends Reapers to do his dirty work. I won't let him stop me from enjoying those lips."

  I sealed his lips with mine before he could say one more word, my body on fire from his devoted words. Never knew an insult to my Master could sound so fucking hot.

  We broke the kiss when we ran out of breath, our hot breath doing the talking as we stared at one another. He grinned again and whispered. "Your sisters are taking pictures."

  I blinked out of my hot daze to look over my shoulder and saw Minsu and Minso with phones out and wide grins. "Really?" I thought out to them.

  "Oh, honey boo boo. I'm videoing and taking pictures for Minju. She's gonna tease you for months,” Minsu sang in my head.

  "Years! But damn, he’s fine. You get his number? Make sure you got his number," Minso encouraged. With an eye roll, I looked back and shrugged.

  "They have to gather evidence just in case you break my heart." I winked.

  "There'll be no heart breaking. I don't chase unless I'm positive of what I want."

  "You've never dated anyone?"

  "I've never committed to someone unless my magic does exactly what it's doing now." He winked back. I was curious as to what he meant, but his pho
ne rang.

  He slid it out and sighed. "Duty calls, Xia."

  "Guess superheroes have to suit up before the sun rises," I replied. He smirked and declined the phone call, his fingers tapping the screen.

  My phone began to buzz, and I looked down to see his name on the caller id which made me smile. I picked it up. "Do I need your number, too?" I asked, meeting his eyes and trying my best not to show how excited I was.

  "Yes. Just in case you want to text me." He spoke into his phone, leaning down to brush his lips against mine. "And I'm no superhero, Xia. I'm just as dark and dangerous as you." He winked, which made my toes curl and lower region clench; a reminder of how bad I needed a good fuck.

  "Oh, he's dangerous," Minso and Minsu said together.

  I smiled before he gave me one last sweet kiss, leaving my lips tingling for more. "Get home safe. We'll definitely see each other again."

  With a nod, I lifted my phone back up to my ear. "Night, Xander. Thank you for the lovely night."

  "No, Xia. Thank you."

  * * *

  Now that I was awake and sober, I was debating whether I regretted it or not. Can't live without some regrets, but I don't think Xander is one of them.

  I sat up on my bed and crossed my legs, needing a moment to wake up as I ran my hands through my hair and stretched.

  The sound of the door creeping open caught my attention, and I opened one of my tired eyes to see Minju walk in. I frowned at her tired expression and glanced at the time and realized it was 9 AM.

  We got home before 6 AM, but I wasn't a long sleeper. I just needed a little rest to keep me going, three hours being good enough for me.

  "Minju? Have you been with Master the whole night?" I asked.

  My eyes drifted to Minso and Minsu who were snuggled up together in one bed, a common habit of theirs. Minju liked her space, so she had her own bed while her sisters shared a bed.

  "Ya. Don't wanna talk about it," she mumbled, closing the door quietly and moving past her bed. She wore just a silk robe, and I watched her approach her dresser to grab some fresh pajamas.


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