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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

Page 9

by Yumoyori Wilson

  One of his strengths was healing, which was rather intriguing to find out because he didn't look like the healing type with his somewhat "bad boy" appearance.

  In Japan, healing magic was a rarity in itself, just like other skills like Minju's ability to change her appearance to someone else, kind of like Mystic from X-Men.

  I had a few abilities of my own, one of them being able to control wind and metal objects. I wished I could control all of them, but fire was an element that thrived on pure rage, and electricity ran on the power of lust. Both were a tad difficult to do unless you were "in the moment."

  After our magic talk, he told me more about his roommates. He'd known Dante the longest, both of them being friends for seven years. He'd met his other friend, Silas, the following year during magic training courses, and finally Ace, who'd been his friend for five years.

  I talked about the triplets and opened up about Yang and the pain that still lingered within me. Xander seemed to relate with ease, explaining they had one more friend named Arrow. He'd been another member of their team and had the ability to use illusions to confuse people.

  He'd been killed two years ago, his body thrown into the ocean and videotaped for the four of them to witness. They never found the body, which to this day bothered Xander. He didn't love Arrow as he did Dante, but he'd known him even longer than all of the other guys--childhood friends who talked about the good in the world and tried their best to ignore the bad.

  Xander then revealed he and his friends worked with the peace organization, the one my Master tried his best to avoid at all costs. I didn't get into details about it, not wanting to be given information and be perceived as spying.

  They didn't work directly with them, as in the type that took every single order or mission that came up. They were kind of like an exclusive team who tackled cases that were dangerous to all groups, both good and bad.

  It was hard to understand his role, especially when you were more of a neutral peace group than on a determined side. I couldn't help expressing my worry, scared we'd have to cross paths and hurt one another, but Xander doubted it.

  Even if we did meet, their group couldn't harm me unless I fought back. Dante was his bodyguard or protector because Xander's magic was strong but energy consuming. I didn't have to deal with that issue, being trained for as long as I could remember to harvest my energy and allow my body to adapt to the decrease of magic.

  Even if there were a situation where I'd used all my magic, I'd feel more off balance than weak enough to be helpless. Silas was what Xander explained as the nerd of the group, having enough knowledge to hack any system and infiltrate a building without a map or guideline.

  Ace, however, was a mystery and what Xander called "last resort." He was a "ticking time bomb," or that's what he said Dante referred to him as. He was the killing machine on the team and would kill on sight if things went out of control.

  Xander explained that the twins Minso and Minsu had been dancing with were also on their team, but they only came for bigger missions because they were similar to Ace and were far more deadly.

  They could have lived here since they shared a room anyhow but decided to get their own place in the city. That made me wonder if I could try to hook the sisters up at one point, or at least encourage them to enjoy their time with the Puerto Rican twins.

  After explaining more about my past and my current dilemma of where to stay, Xander offered for me to stay with them.

  * * *

  "You're not serious right now. I can' there's no way I can stay."

  "Why not? Ruby likes you. Dante's fond of you. Silas would LOVE you, and Ace...well he hates everyone, so nothing to worry about there." Xander shrugged.

  I rested my chin on his bare chest and stared at him. "Ace hates everyone? I can sense Doomsday happening from my mere presence."

  "He's guarded and appears like he hates everyone. He'd like you. You're more reserved. He doesn't like girls like me." Xander winked.

  "Hmmm. Is he bi?" I asked.

  "I kind of don't know. He's a little closed off. Haven't seen him date anyone though," Xander admitted.

  "You should run it by them in the morning," I mumbled. "I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I can afford my own place just fine."

  "You need to live somewhere protected. Not just a gated community or condo. Those are still easy to break into and plant bombs in," Xander pointed out, reaching for his phone that was on the nightstand to his left.

  "I guess you have a point," I grumbled back, knowing quite well how easy it was to sneak into condos and plant anything in your targets hotel room. "But I'm invading."

  "They won't mind."

  "How about if it becomes permanent?"

  "No difference. You can stay."

  "Aren't you upset that I'm not exclusive?" I asked randomly.



  "Don't know. You can't be exclusive because of your job. If you have to have sex to save your life, then who am I to get all fuzzy about it. What would I rather want? You alive, or dead? Can't fuck a dead person, and I'd rather learn more about you and date for a long time than cost you an early execution," he explained, looking a little upset about the death talk.

  He outstretched his hands, resting them on my back while he texted away. It was as if he was giving me a hug which I was currently enjoying.

  I didn't get to enjoy a lot of hugs, only from the triplets who tried to show me as much affection as they could behind the closed doors of our room.

  With a sigh I pressed my right ear against his chest, listening to his relaxed heartbeat. "You're rather easygoing."

  "I've been told that. I don't look it though."

  "You look like you'd destroy everyone to get what you want," I mumbled.

  "I would. Just depends how badly I want something."

  "Would you do that for me?" I whispered, the sound barely reaching my ears.

  I felt one of his hands trail down my back, a moan escaping my lips at the gentle touch that left little electric shocks in its wake.

  "I would, without hesitation." His husky voice made me grin.

  "You've fallen quite hard for me."

  "Have I left a similar mark on you?" he murmured, his voice so close to my ear it sent shivers down my spine.

  "Yes." I practically moaned, biting my lip to calm my body that was already becoming heated for another round of sex. I was way too tired to move, but slow sex wouldn't need much, and I could guarantee I'd gain a little more energy once we started.

  He chuckled, and his phone binged three different times. I lifted my head to see his smile widen on his face, those black eyes of his twinkled with pure happiness.


  "The guys are cool with you staying."

  "Really?!" I asked, feeling a little taken back by the news. "They don't know me. Aside from Dante, they never met me. Why would they approve of me?" It sounded preposterous to me. Master would never trust a person to stay in the guest room for a single night, even if he'd known them for decades. How can these men be willing to let me stay with them?

  Xander chuckled, turning his phone on silent and placing it back on the nightstand to give me his full attention. "Don't have to. I don't let people into my life unless I'm 100% sure of them. They all know that and trust my instincts. If I'm chill with it, so are they. Plus, Dante told them you called the kitten Ruby."

  "He did not." I huffed.

  "He did. Totally approves of you." Xander smirked, leaning to give me a peck on the forehead. "Now, are we sleeping or doing other things?" he asked with a wide grin that darkened with lust.

  "It's morning."

  "Your point?"

  "Dante is home," I pointed out.

  "Dante is doing workout drills with our security guards." He grinned even wider and granted me a chance to see those charming white teeth of his.

  "You planned this!" I grumbled, my body thrumming at the proposition.

  Xander act
ually laughed. "I planned nothing out, Xia. Plans never go my way. Fate likes me though."

  "I hope Fate likes me too," I admitted. Didn't want to ruin the mood, but now that the sun was beginning to rise, I was afraid of what was to come.

  Xander's hands ran through my loose black locks, and he lifted my head so that I met his gaze. "Fate wouldn’t let me meet you, only to take you away from me."

  The kiss that followed was rich with emotion, and I poured my fears and worries into the lovemaking that came right after, hoping I'd get a chance at living past today.

  * * *

  Thankfully, when I'd arrived back at the shrine, I hadn't been killed or even approached. It had been 7 AM, and our sleep schedule was different than the average 6 AM household.

  The triplets moved out of my way, letting me pass and head to my side of our room. I stripped out of my dress, not caring about the girls or the feeling of their eyes on me.

  "Well, damn. Xander's a kisser. Girl, you're marked all over!" Minju hollered, while Minso and Minsu laughed.

  "Xia went hardcore," Minso declared.

  "And she thankfully lived to tell the tale," Minsu announced, joy lingering in her voice.

  "That's because Minju kept Master occupied all night long," Minso revealed, and Minju groaned.

  "He needs to stop this addiction of his."

  "Haven't you reached 1000 yet?" I yawned and unhooked my bra.

  After I slid my underwear off, I placed the heap of clothes in the hamper and pulled a fresh set of underwear on and grabbed a simple white t-shirt.

  "Nope," Minju muttered.

  I walked over to my bed, face-planting into the soft sheets. I peeked open my left eye to notice the hint of worry in Minju's pink eyes. The moment our eyes locked, she hid her emotions, and I sighed.

  "You will. Master can't be that cruel," I mumbled, fighting to keep my eyes open.

  "Meh. We'll see. Aside from having passionate sex, what else happened?" Minju brushed the topic off, putting her hands on her hips to stare at me.

  I yawned again and gave up on keeping my eyes open. "I found a place."

  "You did? Where?! When are you moving in? Do we get to see?"

  "Xander's place," I mumbled. Blindly reaching out for my light blanket, I brought it up to my chest level as I relaxed on my left side, my back facing the girls. I thought I'd fallen asleep because of the long silence that followed my response.

  "WHAT?!" they screamed.

  I almost flinched from my half-awake state, letting out a frustrated groan. "Trying to sleep."

  "Oh no, you don't. No sleeping on us when you just threw a bomb at us!" Minju commented.

  "Typical Xia. Loves throwing surprises at people either in the form of an emotional bomb or physical one." Minju sighed.

  "Xia. You’re living with Xander?! Aren't you like, scared? He's just one guy too. He can't protect you. Well, he looks a little scary and badass, but still."

  "Four guys. Trained. Cute Kitty. Goodnight," I stated, my mind drifting.


  "Ugh. Don't bother. She's a lost cause now that she's at the edge of sleep."

  "What about the assignment? We have to tell her about it."

  "We have at least a week until then. We'll explain it to her when she's awake. It would be like talking to a wall if we tried now."

  "I guess."

  I must have fallen asleep, but a low knock woke me up for a minute. "Is Minju here?"

  "Do you need me?"

  "Master's calling for you. He also asked if Xia is awake?"

  "She's asleep. Came home late from the bar. She'll be awake in two or three hours."

  "That's fine. I think he just wanted to know if she was back."

  "Yup. Right there in the bundle. Tell Master I'll be there in a second."

  "Yes, ma'am. Goodbye."

  I heard a long sigh, and I wanted to do my best to pull myself out of sleep, but my exhaustion was taking over.

  "As long as he leaves them alone, that's all that matters."

  That was all I heard, my mind falling into a deep slumber.

  "Minso, I'm fine. Xander drove me around to help me get ANYTHING I could possibly need. Yes! Even the lingerie store! He helped me choose," I said with a hint of mischief.

  I was talking to Minso on the phone, using my hidden speaker earrings to make it easier for me to multitask as I carried the boxes from the elevator to my new room which was down the same hallway as Xander’s.

  It was the same size as his, making me wonder if it used to be Arrow's room. Xander had helped me shop for the basics and thankfully allowed me to pay for my own items after I gave him a deadly glare when he tried to pay for my purchases with his credit card.

  The only thing I did let him pay for was the ten sets of lingerie he'd helped me choose, not wanting to hear his lecture of how “lingerie should be paid for by the man because it was created to please men.”

  I almost hysterically laughed in the store when he said it, the cashier looking just as amused as I did. He didn't realize I bought lingerie for nobody but myself, and no man was going to change my mind about it.

  When we officially got back to his place, or should I say our place, Dante and the guards helped carry the boxes into the elevator, and we'd unpacked them all when Xander got a call that they were needed downtown.

  I assured them I'd be fine with moving my stuff to my new room, and they left while the guards returned to their posts to "protect" me. Like I couldn't protect myself.

  Minso had called right on time and was now keeping me company while I completed the easy task. Ruby was running around, having fun following me as I carried each box and running back to the stack of them as if she were protecting them from thieves.

  The moment we'd arrived she was right there waiting for me, and I already felt welcomed in this new temporary home.

  I couldn't say permanent yet, unsure what Master's plans were. He hadn't killed me yet, and when I did check on him before leaving, he said he wouldn't need me for this assignment and sent Minju and Minsu instead.

  Weird to think I felt a little discarded, like I'd completed my duty and now I was nothing but a backup tool, but I knew I shouldn't be complaining. I had gained a chance many past Reapers would have dreamed to have experienced when they reached 1000 Lies.

  Either way, Minso was home and bored since her sisters were on a mission. It gave us the perfect time to talk which was hard to come by because it was always Minsu and her being sent on dual missions while Minju was left behind.

  "Oh, please tell me you're keeping him!" Minso squealed in delight. I could imagine her lying in bed in pink underwear and a crop top as she kicked her legs up in excitement.

  "You make it seem like he's a pet." I sighed, shaking my head with a small smile on my face. "I am thinking of being exclusive if possible."

  Minso gasped. "EXCLUSIVE?! Hell no, honey, you need to devote yourself to all of them!"

  "All of who?"

  "All the roommates!"

  "I'm sorry, Minso, but you sound like Minju. Did she clone herself to look like you and send you off looking like her? Because you just said something that she would say," I replied shaking my head.

  "Meow." Ruby jumped and began to cling to my shirt, making me smile as I watched her swing from side to side. I lowered the box and continued to listen to Minso.

  "I'm serious! Does Xander want you to be exclusive?"

  "Not if it's by force. I mean, he doesn't want me taking that option away during missions and stuff. I don't know how he feels about me dating him and his roommates. I haven't met them all yet, FYI. I’m privileged enough to meet a man with such a strong connection."

  Dante was attractive, and I assumed my magic had some sort of connection with him, but it was nowhere as strong as the pulse of magic between Xander and me.

  Wrapping my hand around Ruby, I tugged her off my shirt and placed her carefully on my shoulder as I walked back to retrieve another box.

! I'M MAKING SURE YOU HAVE A HAREM!" she vowed. Oh no...

  When Minso got into her determined mindset it didn't matter how impossible the task appeared to be; she'd make sure it happened.

  "Please don't go to a voodoo man and make me a love potion. None of those work in the movies." I sighed.

  "I wasn't going to go to a voodoo man! That's what Minju would do. I'll go to the witch near the club we went to a month ago. Oh, she'll whip you something up."

  "Whip me something up to die!" I exclaimed, not even wanting to think about the crazy witch lady we'd once seen after our night of too many drinks.

  I picked up another box, and Ruby jumped off my shoulder to start running around in a circle on the top of the brown cardboard.

  "You're overreacting! Just think about the idea. What about if the other guys are super-hot?" Minso suggested. "Imagine a threesome?! Oh, foursome. Fivesome. Is that a word?"

  I groaned, shaking my head as I reached my room and lowered the box. I turned to walk back, but Ruby began to meow. Looking over my shoulder, I noticed her wide eyes as she sat there, waiting for me to pick her up.

  "I don't know if that's a word, but if it is, it’s rather hot," I replied, walking back to the tower of boxes. I picked Ruby up once more, placing her on my shoulder and she meowed happily.

  "Is that the kitten?"

  "Ruby. Ya. She's been following me since I got here."

  "Awww. See? Even the kitten loves you. It's meant to be."

  "Sureeeee it is," I drawled out, reaching the final box. I stretched out a bit, lowering Ruby to the ground as I sat on the large box. It was the heaviest, and I wasn't sure if I could carry it without a mini break.

  Ruby lifted up onto her back paws, pressing her front ones against my bare legs. I smirked, leaned over to pick her up, and placed her on my dark jean shorts.

  "Just let your magic guide you," Minso sang.

  "Minso," I began, a question coming to my mind. "Does our magic actually guide us to the ones we're destined to love?" I asked.

  "Yes," Minso said with seriousness. "The stronger the connection between two or more beings, the higher chance of your magic showing you that person or people are meant for you. You can have more than one connection. Some people have five or six, while others have a single one. It's up to the individual to determine what they want to choose."


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