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Spy Fall

Page 8

by Audrey Randall

  Olivia pinned her with a look. “He’s a good guy. Don’t let him get away. Take care of him.”

  Delilah laughed as she squeezed Brandon harder making him grunt. “I promise I won’t.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “What happened?” Rebecca almost started biting her nails again as she listened to the aggravated breathing on the other end. He always was like this when he was displeased.

  “What do you think happened? I’m sure your friends have told you all about it,” he answered angrily.

  “Were the crates taken?” She probed, almost afraid to know the answer.


  “The lady…” Rebecca began.

  “I’ll take care of him and you take care of her. Don’t disappoint me,” He warned.

  Rebecca was always taken aback when he used that tone with her. He could be so loving and yet, when he wanted to, his voice could send a chill through her body like nothing else could. He was her lover, her confidant, and her trusted advisor. She hated disappointing him, especially since he usually reprimanded her physically and emotionally.

  “When will you be here, my love,” she cooed into the phone, careful to keep her voice low so that the group in the other room wouldn’t hear her.

  “Soon. Be ready for me.”

  “I always am,” she whispered before the line went dead.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Delilah was about dead on her feet by the time that the other two agents were saying their good-byes. They had wrangled her into helping with some of the hacking into the group. It wasn’t Bond level stuff, but she still found an adrenaline rush from the prospect.

  Just as she was about to put her head down on the kitchen table, Brandon swooped her up.

  “How do you still have any energy?” she sleepily asked as she laid her head on his shoulder.

  “The food helped or else I would be dead on my feet. The Marines also trained us to make do with little sleep.”

  Delilah yawned as he brought her into one of the most incredible bathrooms she had ever seen. White marble all over, with the biggest Jacuzzi tub taking up one side of the room. “Frack, I’m officially turning in my resignation and joining the mob or whoever owned this place before.”

  Brandon gave a little laugh as he gently seated her on the side of the tub. “Yeah, either way, I guess I’d be chasing you.”

  Delilah moaned, her blood pressure kicking up a notch. He then surprised her by pulling away. “You have to be sore. Let me take care of you,” he gently murmured as he turned away to face the tub.

  Delilah watched him turn on the water, before he turned to kneel in front of her. His dark hair looked so touchable that she couldn’t help but run her fingers through it. As he groaned with pleasure, she couldn’t believe that she could touch him this way. After so many years of longing, he was hers. He was taking care of her, but she wanted to take care of him.

  Reaching down, she tugged at the end of his shirt, bringing it over his head. She enjoyed watching his toned muscles flex at his movement, but also hated seeing the wounds on his body. He definitely needed more care and she would see that he got it.

  Sliding off the side of the tub, she kneeled in front of him and reached for the clasp of his jeans. He inhaled a surprised breath when her fingers grazed his rippled belly. After a moment of struggling with the button, she turned her attention to the zipper, bringing it down carefully. His cock was already standing at attention, ready to serve, but this moment was about tenderness and care.

  Delilah looked up to see Brandon’s eyes were closed as he enjoyed being the one pampered. This gave her renewed energy to please him as he had her. She started to pull his jeans down and he kicked off his shoes and socks to make it easier for her. She then stood and offered her hand to him. Without words, he met her eyes. The love that she saw shining back at her was enough to make her tremble a little as she turned to test the water and then encouraged him to get in the steamy bath.

  Brandon stepped in and gave a loud sigh of contentment as he laid back stretching his long arms out along the tub’s smooth edge. Delilah couldn’t help but smile as she watched him rest his head back and close his eyes. This was a side of this complex man that few saw. When many saw him, they just saw a gorgeous face and body. Little did they know that he was always aware of his surroundings and was deadly. She had seen all these facets of him today, but to see him truly relaxed was a gift and she knew that she was the only one in the world to receive it.

  “You better start taking off your clothes and get in here or I am going to pull you in, Sandy Vajajay” Brandon warned, his eyes still closed and head back in repose.

  Delilah reached in and gave him a little splash, before she started pulling off her sandy clothes as quickly as she could. She knew he would follow through with his threat, although she was also sure that she would enjoy every moment of it.

  As she stepped in, she hissed at the heat of the water. It was hotter than she normally liked it, but it could have also been the sexy man stirring up the temperature. Sliding in, she took the soap bottle and poured a little in her hand. Luckily, it had a neutral scent. Having him smell like wildflowers wouldn’t have quelled her libido in the least, but he might have protested. Moving toward him she lathered her hands up and then ran them down his hard chest. They both moaned with pleasure. She wasn’t sure who liked it more. His chest was spectacular. Hard muscles with warm skin that rippled at her touch. She took extra care on the wound on his neck and the other bruises she noticed.

  Once she was satisfied with her care of his chest, she moved to his arms and hands. He had swimmers arms. Not overly muscled, but definitely toned. Massaging his hand, she was in awe with how these hands touched her with such reverence, but could just as easily inflict harm to those who threatened him.

  After caring for his arms and hands, she moved her attention to the lower part of his body. His legs were long and toned, is was another long part of him that her eyes kept darting toward. Despite just losing her virginity, she felt a tightening between her legs that called out to be quelled.

  Looking up at him, embarrassed that she couldn’t keep her eyes away from his huge, bobbing cock, she felt herself blush anew when their gazes met. “Come here, Delish,” his voice huskily commanded. It was as if he could hear her body’s plea.

  Without thinking too much, she moved to straddle him, the water sloshing all around them. Grabbing hold of his shaft she gave it a few pumps, making him moan and throw his head back. She loved having this power over him. She knew that his allowing her this control over his body showed that he trusted her. She couldn’t wait to take him into her mouth for a taste, she just hoped that she remembered everything she read in that Cosmo article that was in the doctor’s office the other week.

  “Delish, are you too sore?” His voice was hoarse as he asked.

  “No,” she whispered as she trailed kissed up his chest, while one of her hands positioned his staff to slide through her folds as it stroked him up and down, and the other went to cup his balls. She was surprised when he reared up, groaning loud, making the water in the tub drip over the top.

  “You’re torturing me! Have mercy! I give up!” Brandon groaned with a laugh.

  Stroking him faster, she teased him, “Do you wave the white flag or the white towel in this case?”

  Brandon’s breaths began to come out in puffs. “You know I do.” Bringing his head up he looked at her with a heat that she had never witnessed anywhere in her life. If it could have been translated into a temperature, she would have smoldered. “I’m yours, Delilah. Take me. I’m completely yours.”

  With that, he wound his hands into her hair and around her neck bringing her mouth up to his for a punishing kiss. Delilah was so turned on by the kiss, she momentarily stopped her stroking, which he reminded her of by lifting his hips.

  She bit his lip and laughed against his smiling mouth as she whispered, �
��You ask me to take you, but then you command me. Pick one.”

  “Can’t I have both?” he pouted.

  Delilah stroked his throbbing cock as her hand on his balls moved lower to press against his sensitive perineum.

  Brandon roared with pleasure, “That’s it! I’m taking you! You can take me next time!”

  Claiming her mouth in a bruising kiss, he grabbed her hip with one hand and plunged two fingers in her aching pussy with the other. “So ready for me,” he growled as he trailed his lips down her neck. “You’re so wet.”

  “How can you tell? I’m taking a bath,” she pointed out without really thinking.

  Without any further ado or maybe just to shut her up, he gently pushed her hands away from his private area and he grasped her one hip, holding her over his thick, angry cock. Delilah let out a small yelp when he rammed his hard shaft into her, as he pulled her down onto it. At first she felt a twinge of discomfort, but as he began thrusting it into her, she dropped her hands to curl around his neck.

  Brandon soon seemed frustrated with something. Suddenly, he somehow maneuvered them so that Delilah was resting against the side of the tub and he was able to brace his hands on either side of her body and his feet on the end of it as he once again began thrusting hard.

  “I’m going to load you up with so much cum that this water will never be able to wash it away,” he growled as his eyes never left her breasts that delightfully bobbed at the top of the sloshing water.

  Delilah moaned loudly and gripped the edge of the tub for better support as she rested her heels at the top of the tub as well. It gave him incredible access to the parts of her that demanded his attention.

  The pleasure within her was beginning to reach a point and she felt as if she couldn’t take it anymore. Her body cried out for relief, but Brandon managed to keep her on the edge, never letting her teeter over.

  “Brandonnnnn…” she heard herself cry out, asking for the sensations that she knew awaited her. She closed her eyes, unable to take in anymore stimulus. The sight of his tight buttocks clenching, causing the water in the tub to wave about as he slammed into her was almost too much for her brain to handle.

  She heard him growl in her ear, “You are mine and I am yours. Nothing can wash that away.”

  With that, he moved one of his fingers to gently caress her clit. Delilah could see stars form in front of her eyes as she began cumming harder than she ever had before. All her muscles tensed as he moaned, “That’s it, Delish. Milk my cock. Take my seed.”

  Crying out and clawing at his back, she felt him push in as hard as he could until she was sure they shared the same body. She felt his hard cock swell and twitch as he released his cum deep inside her.

  If Delilah had thought that their connection was strong before, she now knew that the new realm of emotion and connection that they had moved to could never be found with anyone else.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Brandon silently cursed himself for taking her so hard after he had taken her like a brute on the beach. The poor girl held all his hopes and dreams for the future, the least she deserved was some candles and satin sheets.

  As he laid against her body in the lukewarm tub, he felt a little guilty that he enjoyed the feeling of her legs moving to wrap around his waist, as his cock remained buried in her heat, and her fingers wove themselves through his hair.

  For a man who had never truly felt at home anywhere, this was as close as he had ever come to the feeling. Burying his head into her neck, he breathed in her unique scent, wishing that they could stay in this moment forever. He dreamt that they could forget about everything that seemed to be swirling around them and only focus on the truly important things in life - like loving. And chocolate, because he knew she would insist on it.

  However, just like there was one food she couldn’t live without, he had one as well. Smiling, he decided that he would ask her to feed him.

  “Delish,” he murmured.

  “Yeah?” She dreamily replied.

  “I’m hungry.”

  She laughed a little, the vibrations of it making her pussy squeeze him. He groaned before she asked, “How can you be hungry? You ate almost the whole pizza!”

  “I’m not hungry for pizza. Let me show you.” Carefully he unwound his body from hers. He loved seeing the flush on her cheeks, knowing that he made them that way. He planned to make them a lot redder in a moment.

  Once they were both sitting, he gently raised her to sit on the side of the tub facing him. Then, he slowly opened her legs wide, as he sat in front of them, never taking his eyes off hers. Careful, as to not hurt her tender pussy, he slid a finger along her slit, however, he didn’t dip it in. Delilah groaned and leaned back, arching her back, making her gorgeous breasts rise up.

  “I loved the taste of us together. I have to have it again,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth to hover over the neatly trimmed area. He glanced down to see a little of their combined essence trickling out. The sight made his cock hard again. He would have slammed back into her, if he thought that her poor pussy could handle it.

  Gently parting her lips, he placed his tongue at the bottom of her slit and slowly licked up to her clit. He did this a few times, enjoying their flavor as Delilah moaned loudly, her sounds echoing off the marble walls, along with the erotic sound of his licks. He then teased her clit with the tip of his tongue, flicking it as his fingers moved to her well-loved slit to rub it gently.

  His other hand went up to pinch her nipples, enjoying how responsive they were.

  “Brandon!” she pleaded as her whole body writhed. Brandon loved seeing her this way. She was normally goofy, funny, and always smart, but this was a new and precious side of her. He was honored to have made her feel this way.

  Her pleasure made him bold. He wanted to try something with her that he had never tried with anyone else. Well, it had been a long time, so just about everything was new. Making sure that his finger had a little of them there, he trailed it down to her perineum. Pressing slightly as he inserted his fingers into her pussy and pushed upward.

  Delilah started writhing and let out a shout, falling forward grabbing his head. “OH MY GOD! DO NOT STOP! I think you found my G spot!” she screamed.

  Brandon felt his eyes go wide as he watched his girl cum hard. Not wanting to miss it, he leaned down and licked her, making her cry more. Her cream was delicious.

  “STOP!” she suddenly cried and pulled his head away.

  Huffing, she ran her hands though his hair, “That was both incredible and just about too much. Does that make sense?”

  Brandon sighed and smiled. It made perfect sense. He reached back and released the water from the tub.

  Delilah shivered as he stepped from the tub. Grabbing a towel he wrapped her in it and carried her out into the master bedroom. The view was spectacular. The new Bay Bridge was lit up, along with the pier. The boats out in the bay were like little stars floating on the water. Across the water lay the East Bay, glimmering with lights running up its hills meeting the dark, night sky.

  Brandon had to admit, as he laid a sleepy Delilah down on the plush bed, that the mob did know how to live. He felt bad that he would never be able to offer her such luxury on his CIA salary, but he did have two other priceless things to offer her: killer orgasms, and his very soul.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Make it stop!” Delilah ground out as she pulled the covers over her head. It was too early for the light to be sweeping through the room like this. Hadn’t whoever designed it thought of shades?

  It was nice to have the sunshine though, she sleepily mused. Normally she was already at work when the sun finally made it into her east facing bedroom.

  “WORK!” She sprung up to a seated position as she realized that she was late for work. “Frack!” She threw the covers off as she began looking around the room for her clothes. She pushed her rats nest hair back as she visualized her b
oss firing her for not even calling in. She reminded herself that that scenario was unlikely, but a reprimand from the Boss Lady was enough to make her heartrate spike.

  “The bathroom!” Her frazzled brain remembered as she hurried into the marble room. “Wow! It really is as spectacular as I remember,” she mused as she spotted her dirty clothes crumpled up in a corner. As soon as she picked them up, she realized how damp they were. “Frack! Can I wear a bathrobe to work?” She seriously wondered. Thinking about Lucas possibly keeling over and her having to offer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation did not make that option seem appealing.

  “Delish, you ready for some food?” Brandon poked his head into the bathroom, looking like he had just stepped off of Hot Spies Are Us Weekly. His gaze heated up when he saw that she was still naked.

  “How do you do that, Brandon?” She admonished him as she put her hands on her hips.

  “Good morning to you too,” Confidently stepping toward her, he put his hands on her hips and bent down to give her a long, wet kiss.

  Moaning, she pushed him away, the images of what they had done last night filling her head. She wasn’t ashamed, but a little embarrassed of how she responded. “As much as I would love to have my way with you, I have to get to work. How do you look so perfect already? Men! My god! Can you help me find something not damp to wear?”

  Brandon laughed and gave her another peck on the lips. “Don’t be nervous. Olivia called in to your work and told them that you were doing a quick assignment for the CIA. Your boss was very understanding.”

  Delilah’s mouth dropped open. “Are we talking about the same Mrs. Sanobi? The woman who got mad when I had to go to get my flu shot the other day? That woman?”

  Brandon pulled her close, making her feel all safe and warm. She couldn’t help but cuddle into him. Resting his head on hers he murmured, “Olivia can be quite formidable if she needs to be. Believe it or not, she has four kids.”


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