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The Billionaire's Conquest (Mercury Billionaires Book 1)

Page 4

by Nicole Casey

  “No! I’ll do it,” I quickly stated.

  Roger smiled. “I thought you would. He’s expecting a text with a time to meet up with him tomorrow. I’ll leave that up to you. You will still be expected to come into work each day and make sure nothing else is happening, but I know that this will require lots of work. I have the utmost faith that you can do it.”

  I nodded, heaving a sigh.

  This was finally it. I was going to be given my big chance. I just couldn’t believe my luck was that my big chance was with Trevor Wild, Billionaire and Entrepreneur of Mercury Wild. I wondered what kind of assistance he needed, because by the outsider’s perspective, they were fine. I thanked Roger and headed back to my desk, with Trevor’s number in my hand.

  I fished my cell phone out of my desk drawer, already anxious to get started. I put his number in my contact list, then sent him a text message.

  Jasmine: Hello, my name is Jasmine Washington and I received your name from my boss. I would be happy to help you out in whatever time would work best for you. We can meet tomorrow. Please advise me of your availability.

  That seemed professional enough. If I was being honest, I was a little nervous about my first job. I wanted it to go perfect, but it was really all new territory for me. Trevor’s response was quick to arrive.

  Trevor Wild: Hello, Jasmine. Thank you so much for getting with me. I look forward to meeting you and getting this started. I will be at the club starting at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Any time after that would work. Thanks again!

  Jasmine: I can be there at two thirty. I will see you then. Thank you!

  I slipped my phone back into my desk drawer and felt excited about my first job. I wouldn’t tell Trevor he was my first case, but I wanted him to be satisfied. Two thirty wouldn’t come soon enough.


  I pulled my jeep into the parking lot of the club at five minutes until the meeting. I had a notebook and pen in hand and I wanted to look the part, so I had dressed in pencil straight skirt and a white blouse, with a jacket that was buttoned over it. I could hear the clicking of my heels on the pavement, as I nervously approached the club.

  The parking lot had a few cars, but it was still early, so I didn’t question where all the activity was. I opened up the door and was greeted with just a hostess standing there, as opposed to the two employees that opened the doors on Saturday night.

  The hostess smiled. “Good afternoon! Just one today?”

  I had to smile, because she didn’t question if I was a member. It was surprising to think that I actually looked like I belonged there.

  “Actually, I’m just looking for Trevor Wild. I have a meeting with him.”

  “Ahh…yes. You must be Mrs. Washington.”

  I smiled, blushing slightly. “Ms. But you can call me Jasmine.”

  The woman smiled and nodded her understanding. “Follow me!” she said.

  She led me through the club and I took a chance to look around, seeing it all really for the first time. This wasn’t a place I was allowed to walk freely around, so it was nice to get a feel for the atmosphere. When we got to the bar, we bypassed it and went through double doors. The closer we got to an office, the more nervous I became. But there he was. Trevor was seated behind a desk, typing on his computer, and there was a tug at my heart as I saw him.

  “Jasmine Washington is here, sir,” the woman said, introducing me.

  Trevor looked up and the minute his eyes met mine, recognition flashed in his facial features.

  “Thanks, Layla,” he said, glancing at Layla for a minute. She nodded and dismissed herself and then he looked back at me.

  “Hmm…” he then chuckled softly and stood to his feet. “I guess we’ll formally be introduced then. As you know, I’m Trevor Wild and you’re Jasmine Washington.” He stuck out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to officially make your acquaintance, Mrs. Washington.”

  I looked at his hand and then up at his eyes that were staring back at me.

  “It’s Ms. Washington and please…call me Jasmine.” I shook his hand. His grasp was firm, yet comforting. I slowly pulled my hand free, because I could have been lost in that moment for hours, then cleared my throat.

  “So, I don’t have all the details of what you’re actually looking for, but do you mind giving me a tour of the place and we can hash all that out?”

  “Of course,” he said.

  He walked around the desk and led me out of his office, to where we started a tour. He showed me everything from the various rooms that housed more gambling machines, to the rooms that were used for parties of different degrees. As we walked, he shared his story, about how he didn’t know when it happened but along the way they slowly started to falter in sales. He always thought they could pick back up, but then credit cards were being overcharged and shipments were now being missed and he feared for the sake of his business.

  We went upstairs, to a whole other layer of the club that I hadn’t even known had existed. It seemed this club was a hub of activity, or at least should be, because of all the features there were.

  “Members have started canceling their memberships,” he said. There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

  When we walked down the stairs, I turned to him.

  “Mr. Wild,” I started.

  He shook his head. “Please call me Trevor.”

  I continued. “Trevor, I won’t say that it will be an easy task to get things back to where they were, but I do believe that it’s doable. Just trust that I will do everything in my power to make it work. We’ll get it there. I promise you.”

  He smiled and we headed back to his office. Once there, I put my purse down and looked around. “We first need to start with your bookkeeping. I need to see important receipts and documents for the last year would be a good starting point.”

  He gave me a sheepish grin and I really wondered what that was all about, until he led me to a filing cabinet. At least the cabinet was labeled with a breakdown of three months at a time in each drawer, otherwise I might freak out before I even started.

  He opened up one drawer and it was just layers and layers of bills, receipts, orders, etc. all just thrown in it. I pulled out a handful and just looked at it, the months were all thrown together and it was a jumbled mess. I looked up at him and he smirked.

  “Yeah, I suppose organization skills isn’t my strong suit.”

  I nodded. That was an understatement. “Well, this could take me at least a week to go through,” I looked over at his desk that was just a few feet away. “I’ll try not to be in your way or anything.”

  He shrugged. “I understand. Take the time you need.”

  I looked back at the drawers and took a deep breath. I hoped I didn’t get myself into a world of trouble, because I was already feeling a tad overwhelmed, but I would persevere and get through it. I just had to.


  A week had passed and Jasmine was right, it did seem like she needed at least that much time to go through my filing system. I found that I didn’t care that she had to take that much time, because I would look up at her and her back would be to me, and I would get more intrigued by this woman.

  She was there pretty much every time I was. During the day, she would go into her normal job, then come to the club and be there late until the night. She was putting all her energy into helping me out and I was appreciative of that. She even came in on the following Saturday, when I was sure she would typically have been off.

  As I watched her on that Saturday, organizing the drawer into files, with papers spread out all over a table, I couldn’t help but stare. Her neck was peeking out from under her ponytail and for a brief moment, I considered what it would feel like to kiss that beautiful neck of hers. My eyes ran down her back and landed on her ass and I twitched in my seat, getting uncomfortable in the crotch of my pants.

  I bit back a groan, then looked down, needing to get her off of my thoughts. However, I then looked back up and she was now mas
saging her neck, then tossed her head back and twirled her neck around, cracking it to become more comfortable. I’m sure it was the fact that we had been working so close to one another, nearly non-stop over the past four days, but suddenly I was drawn to this woman like a magnet and it took every ounce of my control not to go to her and pull her into my arms, beg her for sex, and then ultimately fuck her on my desk. The mere thought had me excited from the waist down. I gasped as the vision overtook me and barely missed the knock on my door.


  I quickly looked towards the door and Sam was staring at me. His eyes went from me to Jasmine and he smirked as if he knew. By this point, Jasmine looked up and she smiled, catching me off guard once more.

  “What?” I snapped.

  Sam widened his stare. “Well, um…you’re needed out in the bar.”

  I quickly stood up. “I’ll be right there.” There was so much pressure building in my boxer shorts, that I worried she could tell the amount of arousal I had right now. “If you need anything, you know where to find me.”

  She nodded and again smiled. “Of course!” She looked back at her paperwork and I headed out of my office and further away from her. It was the best thing anyway, because I wasn’t sure how much more I could take to just sit there and feel the desire creeping up inside of me.

  When I got out to the bar, I walked over to Sam. “What’s up?” I asked.

  “The stupid cash register is acting up again and is stuck.” I looked at Sam. It seemed like such a trivial thing that needed fixing, but I went over to it. Usually a few forceful pushes on the drawer and it fixed the problem. This time I did it three times, but to no avail. I grabbed a knife from a drawer and moved it over the lip of the drawer and then pushed the drawer and it popped open. I glanced at Sam and he smirked.

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Next time you’ll remember.” I tossed the knife in the dirty tray, then looked back at the club. I really didn’t want to go back in there, especially when my erection had finally subsided. As I was looking around the bar area, I spotted the table with my friends and was quick to make my way to them.

  “Heya boys,” I said, putting my hands on the back of Marcus’ and Damon’s chair.

  “Trevor!” They all yelled in unison.

  I laughed. “How’s the staff treating you today?” I asked.

  “Well, I wasn’t going to complain, but I’ve had an empty glass for at least a minute,” Marcus said.

  I laughed. “I’ll get someone right on that.” I then looked back around the table. “Where’s Daxter?” I asked.

  “His girlfriend and he went out of town for the weekend. He had a photoshoot and he thought he could also use it for a romantic getaway,” Dylan said.

  “Well, that’s nice,” I commented.

  The rest of the table and myself started talking about maybe he would use the time to ask Jenna to marry him. I was enthralled in talking about that, that I hadn’t noticed Jasmine approach.

  “Well, hello there,” Dylan said.

  I looked up and saw Jasmine standing beside me. I flushed and then shot a look at Jasmine. “You need something?” I asked.

  “Yes!” She looked up from the paper she had in her hands. She looked around the table and a touch of pink appeared on her cheeks. She then looked at me. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but I’m confused by this order for two hundred dollars.”

  I took the paper from her and looked it over. “Oh, these were decorations for a Bachelor party that the club hosted. They were paid for by the club, but then reimbursed by the guest.”

  She nodded, grabbing it back from me. “Oh. Okay. I just wasn’t sure if it was out of your pocket or theirs, so thanks for that,” she said. “Sorry again!” she mumbled.

  “It’s alright, Jasmine. Anytime!” I said.

  She smiled, then whirled on her heel and left the table. I turned around to find all eyes on her. Both Dylan and Damon whistled their approval and I shot them disapproving looks. “Who. Was. That?” Dylan asked.

  He looked up at me and I shook my head. “That’s Jasmine, the consultant that I hired to work for me.”

  “Wait a minute!” Marcus said, turning to look up at me. “That is who you hired from J & E Consulting Firm?” he asked.

  I had wanted it to be a secret, but it was clear the secret was out. “Yes. Why?”

  Marcus snickered. “Some guys have all the luck. My consultant was a guy with a beer belly and a tattoo wrapped around his neck. How’d you come up with her?”

  I snickered. “Luck of the draw, I guess.” I turned to find her just at the bar and my eyes slipped down to her firm ass. I looked back at the men and they were now staring at me. “What?” I asked, feeling annoyed.

  “Nothing!” they each said, then chuckled and went back to talking.

  I knew what they were thinking, but they weren’t going to get me to admit anything. Sure I liked my hot consultant, but the question was…did she like me? That was really what kept dragging my attention away. I wasn’t going to risk everything by taking a chance, unless I was one hundred percent certain. I had my bar to consider and with any hope it was on the road of doing better.


  Another week went by, before she finally stated that the paperwork was finally in order and she wanted to go over ways that she thought the bar would improve. However, the night was busy, probably one of the busiest I had had in over two years. So, every time she tried to get me to go over things with her, I had to apologize and tell her that I would find her as soon as I was finished.

  I didn’t plan on that not being until two in the morning, when the bar was just closing. I thought she had probably already left for the night, but I found her in my office as I went to grab my things and head home.

  “Oh…Jasmine. I didn’t realize you were still here,” I said.

  She looked up from her notebook. Her hair was a frazzled mess, but she’d never looked more beautiful. She stood up from behind my desk, looking embarrassed that I found her sitting there. “Well, I got busy working and nearly forgot the time. We can go over this on Monday, if you would prefer.” She looked at her notebook, but I shrugged.

  “As long as you’re still here, I don’t mind staying,” I said.

  She nodded and then opened her notebook back open.

  “I had an idea. What if you have a night where you can open up the club to the public, offering them free drinks for their first round?”

  I frowned. “Free drinks? Opening up to the public?” I shook my head. “I don’t know. It seems to me that that’s one way to quickly go out of business.”

  She shrugged. “I can see why you’d say that, but really you do have to spend money to make money. Trust me that people aren’t going to be able to stop at only one drink. Then, if you are offering the general public a chance to come in, that will get them enticed to join the club. Plus, chances are they will use the casino machines and the pool tables and that is all more money in your pocket. I really think this could work, but are you willing to take a chance?” She held up the notebook and showed me the figures she had worked out and the potential money I could take in during the night. She then scrunched up her nose.

  “I know that it could be much less, but I think this is your best chance at bringing this bar back up to your standards…and the standards of your dad and your grandfather.”

  I did like the sound of that and I was putting my trust in her, because I did have faith in her abilities. “I suppose it could work.”

  She smiled. “It will work. Imagine this club on Saturday night booked to capacity with a line of customers waiting to get in. I know it can work.”

  “Okay, then I say we can give it a shot.”

  “Yes!” She looked like a little girl on Christmas morning and I had to smile at her excitement. “Are you free tomorrow?” she asked.

  I frowned. “It’s Sunday. Don’t you want a day off?”

  She shook h
er head. “Not if we’re going to have this shindig ready by next week. We need to make fliers and bulletins and we need to start a revolution, where all your regular guests tell their friends and get them in here. People aren’t going to want to miss this. Trust me.”

  I laughed. “Okay, if you want to get together tomorrow, we’ll get together tomorrow. Say six o’clock? I can make us supper here.”

  She laughed.

  “You cook?” she asked.

  I didn’t know why she was so surprised, but I nodded. “I do indeed cook and you won’t want to miss out on my masterpiece recipe.”

  She arched an eyebrow, then smiled. “Okay, then I’ll see you at six o’clock.”

  We made plans for her to meet me in the back alley, so I could let her in. Then we would immediately get started. I didn’t know what it would all entail, but I did know that I was excited to get the ball rolling and hope that things did all work out as she thought they would.


  When I first ran into Trevor, what was now nearly two months ago, I thought he was handsome. He had a sexiness about him that made the hairs on my arms stand up. He had a smile that captured my whole heart. And to this day, he knew how to make me catch my breath, by just looking at him.

  I didn’t know if he could sense when I would gawk at him, but there were a few times that I was certain he was staring at me. Working with him for the past few weeks had me more enthused about the new chapter in my life. I would have to remember to thank Roger one day for it.

  When I woke up on Sunday morning, I couldn’t believe how excited I was to be working the sixth day in a row, but with Trevor, it wasn’t even like work. Time always passed by so quickly. The only time it slowly went by, was when I was away from him and in this particular case…the hours between the time I woke up and the time six o’clock finally arrived. I didn’t think it would ever get there.


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