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My Wife My Baby...And Him

Page 6

by Shelia E. Bell

  Stiles and Detria knew each other because Detria’s parents had been members of Holy Rock almost since Pastor started up the church, but they never ran in the same circles. Detria wasn’t a popular, stand out type of girl back then, but she was still a looker. She had long, shapely legs, and a nice round plump butt like most of the young guys liked, especially Skip.

  Detria had returned to Memphis after living in Arizona for five years and resumed her membership at Holy Rock. It didn’t take long for her to work her magic on the newly divorced Stiles.

  Stiles fell hard for her. She was conveniently present to prepare food for him and his family, lavish him with attention, and she won over the late great First Lady Audrey Graham.

  Skip had no intentions to sleep with Detria, but what man in his right mind could resist a woman like Detria Graham? She had a way of letting a guy know what she wanted, and Skip was the kind of man who you didn’t have to tell twice.

  When the two of them did do ‘the do’, Skip felt like he’d won the lottery because Detria was definitely no prude in the bedroom. He could see himself in a long-term relationship with her, if only he had stepped to her before Stiles. She was intelligent, smart and she didn’t mind spending her money on him. He looked on his wrist at the bracelet she’d given him and smiled. She looked smoking hot tonight. He wanted her and he wanted her bad. Maybe her mouth said it was over, but Skip wasn’t buying it. He wasn’t about to let her go that easily. He would keep biding his time, giving her a chance to miss him, to let Stiles dig his own ditch again, and then he would fill it up and there would be no turning back. Detria would be his. All he had to do was be patient…and that would be no problem.


  Hearing Detria call his name and squirm underneath his touch, intensified Stiles’ desire for her. He eased up off her just enough to stare deeply into her sexy, coffee brown eyes. He increased his rhythm and Detria cried out in satisfaction as she thought about how much she missed Skip.

  Chapter 8

  “Regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.” Susane Pieffer

  Stiles preached from his heart. Sweat beads travelled across his forehead as he strolled back and forth across the plush purple carpet. “Genesis two, verse eight, says it’s not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. And God formed woman and he said, a man leaves his father and mother; and he and his wife become one flesh. Furthermore, the Word says he who finds a wife finds a good thing.” Stiles walked over to the glass podium, reached inside his suit coat, pulled out a snow-white handkerchief, and wiped his brow.

  “That’s why I’m grateful this morning, church. I’m thankful for my helper, my first lady. You all know I just celebrated my birthday. I want to thank God for allowing me to see another year,” Stiles continued, engaging the congregation with his every word. His eyes cascaded to the second row and there sat Detria smiling from ear to ear. She loved it when Stiles publicly acknowledged her.

  “I love my wife. I’m thankful that she sticks by me through thick and thin. I know y’all think I’m perfect,” Stiles said, laughing, “but I’m not. Just ask her.” He winked at Detria. “I just wanted to say thank you, baby.” He casually walked down the steps leading from the pulpit, walked to the front pew, and stopped in front of Detria. Reaching over the pew, he took hold of her hand, guiding her as she stood up. Stiles kissed her lightly on her lips. Detria looked around like she was shy, all the time reveling in his outward show of affection.

  “I’m not ashamed to let her know in front of all of Holy Rock that I belong to her.” Stiles grinned, then turned and walked back up the steps to the pulpit. Behind him, he heard his congregation oohing and ahhing.

  “Tell it, Pastor Graham,” Hezekiah said.

  Fancy, sitting next to Detria, reached over and squeezed Detria’s hand when Detria sat down. “Praise God, First Lady. Bless you,” she said.

  After church service was over, Stiles positioned himself at the exit door so members of his congregation could shake hands with him as they left.

  Detria usually stood with him, but this time she excused herself and headed to her office.

  She swiftly rushed toward the back stairs, which kept her out of view of the crowd. The hallway leading to her office was empty. She was relieved because she didn’t want to be held up by members of Holy Rock who wanted to chat with her. She felt like most of the people who approached her, especially the women, were fake and didn’t mean her any good. She distrusted most of them, but definitely the women her age or younger. All they wanted was a window of opportunity to get next to her husband.

  “Hold up,” someone said as she got closer to her office.

  Detria didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. She knew that voice like a mother knows the voice of her kid. She kept walking, slightly increasing her pace, hoping she could make it to her office before Skip caught up to her.

  “Detria.” He stopped her by taking hold of her elbow. “What’s up? Why you acting like I’m a serial rapist or something?”

  “What do you want?” she asked between clenched teeth.

  “What’s wrong with you? Dang, all I’m trying to do is see how you’re doing. Can’t a man at least do that?”

  She looked around acting nervous and paranoid. “No, you can’t. I told you, I can’t take the chance of anybody finding out about us.”

  “According to you, there is no us, not anymore. Look, let me holla at you, just for a minute.” He kept his grip on her elbow and led her toward her office.

  “No, Skip. We don’t have anything to talk about. And definitely not here.” She frowned and tried to break loose from his grasp.

  “Either we can go in your office and talk or I’ll say what I have to say right out here in the open.” He started talking loudly and he could tell right away that he was making her uncomfortable.

  The last thing she wanted was drama. She took the keychain with the office key on it from out of her handbag, unlocked the door, looked around again, and then disappeared, along with Skip, inside her office.

  “What do you want? I don’t have time for your foolish games. You know the business, Skip.” She folded her arms and looked at him like she wanted to slap him.

  “I want this.” He stepped up on her, jerked her hands loose, and gently pushed her back to her desk until her bottom rested on the edge of it. Without saying a word, he devoured her mouth with his.

  Detria twisted and turned but it made him want her even more. One hand went underneath her dress and the other hand caressed the small of her back, making it impossible for her to escape.

  “Skip,” she tried to speak, but he pressed his body against hers even closer. She felt his desire for her and her body couldn’t deny him. She gave him what he wanted.

  Afterward, Skip helped ease her down off the desk, his body still dangerously close to hers.

  Detria shakily stood on her feet, steadied herself, and then stormed off to the bathroom. “I can’t believe you did this,” she said in tears. “Why couldn’t you just leave good enough alone?”

  Skip was right up on her. “Because, you know you wanted me just as much as I wanted you. We can’t do without each other and you know it. You aren’t going to tell me that Stiles can make your body do all the things that I make it do.”

  Detria bit on her bottom lip. “What do you want from me? I told you, I can’t do this anymore. I love my husband.”

  “Bull! Who do you think you’re fooling? If you loved him so much then why did we just make love?”

  “Go. Leave me alone, Skip,” she screamed and closed the bathroom door in his face.

  Skip stood on the other side of the door listening to the running water from the faucet, while thinking about what had just happened. He couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t get enough of her, and from the way things had just gone down, she felt the same about him. The way her body gave in to him, there was
no doubt in his mind that she was in love, and it wasn’t with Pastor Stiles Graham. He smiled wickedly, then turned, and left.

  “Skip.” There was no answer. “Skip,” Detria called out again. After there was still no response, Detria slowly turned the doorknob, opened the door, and exited the bathroom. She looked around cautiously, as she walked back to the front and out into her office. With the palm of her hand over her chest, she exhaled slowly, and sat down in her office chair to get herself together before going out to meet up with her husband.

  Stiles stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Skip leaving out of Detria’s office going in the opposite direction. His first thought was to stop Skip and ask him what he was doing coming out of his wife’s office, but then he quickly decided against it. In due time, if something ungodly was going on he believed that God would reveal it to him.

  He waited until Skip disappeared down the hall before he walked up to Detria’s office. At first, he started to knock, but he thought why should he have to knock. This was his wife and this was his church. He didn’t have to announce his presence to anyone. He turned the knob. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked. He walked in and immediately Detria looked up while at the same time saying, “What are you doing back here?”

  “I didn’t know I had to have permission to come back here.”

  “Oh, I…I thought.” Detria stopped talking. What could she say? How was she going to explain who or what she was talking about? “Uh...are you ready to go?” she said instead.

  Stiles didn’t push the issue. He would find out soon enough what was really going on, if anything, between his wife and Skip. But for now, he had to keep his composure, at least until he got away from Holy Rock.

  “What happened to you? You look a little flustered. You okay?”

  “Yeah," she stammered. I came in here because I got nauseated all of a sudden. I didn’t want to throw up my insides in front of everybody.”

  “Who were you talking about when I came in? Sounds like you thought I was somebody else.”

  “Oh, Skip saw me in front of my office fumbling with my door keys. He stopped and asked me if I needed help, which I told him that I didn’t. He said I looked faint, and asked me if I was okay. I admitted that I wasn’t feeling too well, so he stayed with me for a few minutes until I assured him that I would be fine. He had just left when I heard the door open, so I thought he’d come back for some reason or other.” Detria stood up and walked from behind her desk.

  Stiles was nobody’s fool, but he was a firm believer that what’s done in the dark will surely come to the light, so he took his wife at her word. “You feeling better?”

  “Not really. And I don’t understand, because I felt fine during service. Maybe I’m coming down with a virus or something.”

  “Well, let’s get home. You ready?”

  “Yeah. I want to get out of here, go home, and relax the rest of the afternoon. Do you think Mother Brown will take Audrey home with her for a couple of hours?”

  “There’s no need to ask her to do that. When we get to the house, you can relax, do whatever you want, and I’ll take care of her.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course, I’m sure. She’s my sweetie pie.”

  Detria’s eyebrows raised. She picked up her purse and followed Stiles out of her office.

  The ride home was quiet. Audrey sat quietly in her car seat staring out the window at the cars and trucks zooming past.

  Stiles’ mind was a flurry of thoughts. Skip had been his friend for years. Skip wouldn’t go behind his back and try to bed his wife. Would he? No way, but then again, my ex-wife had an affair with my sister, so why would it be so hard to believe that Skip and Detria might be knocking boots? One illicit thought after another filtered through Stiles’ head like a raging tsunami. The sound of screeching tires and a car horn brought him back to his senses.

  “Stiles, pay attention to the road, will you,” Detria shouted. “You almost hit that car.”

  “I saw it,” he lied. “How are you feeling now?


  “I said how are you feeling? You still feel nauseated?”

  “I’m good. I guess I was just worn out from this weekend. That’s why I’m going to go home, take a hot shower, and climb up in my bed and do absolutely nothing.” Detria yawned and laid her head back against the headrest.

  She was angry with herself. She felt like today was another huge setback for her. What was it about Skip that she couldn’t resist? Somehow, someway she was going to have to get it through his thick skull that he had to leave her alone. He was treading on dangerous ground.

  Chapter 9

  “If you're giving your all to someone, and it’s not enough, you're giving it to the wrong person.” Unknown

  Detria’s head popped up from the novel she was reading when she heard her text message notifier chime on her cell phone. She read the message from Skip and sighed heavily.

  “It felt good holding u n my arms again,” Skip texted.

  Why was this man pushing things? Couldn’t he just leave her alone? She read the text over and over, contemplating whether to reply or not. She decided to ignore him. That way he would know she was serious about not seeing him again.

  She couldn’t deny it. Today, it did feel good being in his arms. But she vowed to herself that it could never ever happen again. Skip needed to leave Holy Rock, go find another church to attend and work at. If he didn’t, then she couldn’t promise that she wouldn’t fall weak to him again.

  “I miss u. u miss me 2.”

  “Stop texting me. He is right next 2 me.”

  “No he isn’t. If he was u wouldn’t b texting me back.”

  “Skip stop.”

  “I want u.”

  “We hav 2 stop.”

  “He doesn’t make u happy.”

  “Bye Skip.”

  Detria deleted the thread of text messages then turned off her cell phone. She refused to go back and forth with Skip. She sat up in her bed, placed the novel next to her, and laid back. She had to do something about Skip, but exactly what that was, she didn’t know. She turned over on her side and drifted off to sleep.

  Stiles came to the bedroom after playing with Audrey for hours. He had fed her, given her a bath, and read her a bedtime story until she fell fast asleep.

  Stiles took his shower and climbed in the bed next to Detria. Her back was facing him. He rolled over on one elbow and used his free hand to wrap around her body. Detria didn’t budge. Stiles kissed her on her shoulders, then slowly along the spine of her back.

  Detria moved slightly. “Not tonight,” she said barely above a whisper. “I’m tired, and I still don’t feel all that great.”

  Stiles ignored her remarks and continued kissing her on her back. Moving up to her neck, he traced his fingers through her thick, straight hair.

  Detria moved closer to the edge of the king sized bed. “I said, not tonight, Stiles.” This time her voice sounded like she was agitated.

  Stiles turned away from her and over onto his side. “Are you having an affair?”

  Detria couldn’t believe what she just heard. Why would Stiles ask her such a question? What did he know? She was too nervous to turn over and face him, so she answered him with her back still facing him.

  “What kind of question is that?”

  “One that I expect an answer to.”

  “No, of course not.”

  “No?” This time Stiles reached over and pulled Detria by the shoulder until she faced him.

  “What is wrong with you? Stop pulling on me.”

  “I asked you a question, and I want an answer.”

  “I don’t know where this sudden bout of insecurity is coming from, and right now I really don’t care. I told you, I’m not feeling good, and I don’t have time for stupid questions.”

  Stiles was hot. His face turned one shade darker. Was she brushing him off like what he thought didn’t matter?

  “You know what,
Detria? I’m not even going to sit up here and argue with you, so let me put it like this. If I ever find out that you’re cheating on me, you’ll be sorry. Real sorry.”

  “Don’t threaten me,” Detria shouted, throwing the cover off her, revealing her thigh length, violet colored nightie. She pounced up from the bed, stood up, placed both hands on her hips, and stared at him like she wanted to beat him down.

  Detria quickly turned the tables on Stiles. “All the women that practically throw themselves at you at Holy Rock, and you want to sit up here and accuse me of having an affair?” Detria’s head flew back and she chuckled. “All night long the phone rings. I need prayer, Pastor Graham,” she said mockingly. “I need a personal visit, Pastor Graham,” she continued in various female voices. “I’m having problems, Pastor Graham. Can I talk to you, Pastor Graham?”

  “That’s part of my ministry and you know that. I’m a pastor, it’s what I do. My members need me and unfortunately I can’t govern when they need me.”

  “Oh, so that’s all right for you? But me? You have to lay up here and accuse me of the unthinkable. Boy, please. You better get a life. I’m not Rena. I’m not some pushover who’s going to crawl up in a corner and boo-hoo. You got the wrong one, babee.”

  Detria hoped she was playing a good bluff but inside she was terrified. She imagined him telling her that he knew all about her and Skip, but she had to play it off. She didn’t think she’d given him a reason to suspect anything.

  “You can never let things be good between us. Not ever. It’s always something you’re accusing me of or blaming me for, and frankly, I’m sick and tired of it.” Detria folded both arms and rolled her eyes.

  “You’re sick and tired? You can’t be serious.” Stiles laughed. “You think I’m a fool or something? You actually think that I don’t know about the bracelet?”


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