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Personnel Training (Fem - Dom erotica)

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by Jay Merson

  Personnel Training


  Jay Merson

  ©Copyright. Jay Merson 2009

  The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted under the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Illegal copying or distribution of this title in any form or by any means is strictly prohibited All characters in this story are aged eighteen years and over.

  Smashwords Edition

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  Chapter 1

  Desmond entered the office without knocking, sauntered to the chair and sat down without waiting to be asked. His arm hooked casually over the back of the chair and he crossed his legs in a lounging sprawl of comfort.

  "I've been watching you," Kathleen said evenly, unimpressed by his Caribbean style, laid-back defiance. She lifted the manila folder from the desk and rested it on her knee; she was about to speak again when he interjected.

  "I know," he said, his wide eyes flashing confidence and rebelliousness. "I've been watching you too."

  She was unruffled; Kathleen slowly closed the folder and placed it back on the desk, her stare directly at him.

  "You’re a cocky one aren’t you?"

  He grinned to show his brilliant white teeth as a flashing smile, "All us blacks are," he said and chuckled at his own quip.

  Again Kathleen was unimpressed by his innuendo, "Perhaps," she said, deliberately emphasising a tone of disbelief and then said, "Your position in the warehouse is under review, you know that don't you? You know also that your work record to date is less than adequate."

  He simply shrugged his shoulders and looked toward the window.

  "Look at me!" she snapped angrily.

  He seemed somewhat shocked at her outburst and complied, displaying though his great reluctance as he did so.

  Kathleen leaned forward to rest her elbows on the desk in a deliberately slow and precise manner. Her tone when she spoke again was firm and full of threat, "Listen, you little shit," she hissed through clenched teeth. "Your casual attitudes and ways might impress some people - but certainly not me."

  She sat back holding his icy stare.

  "So?" he provoked.

  She contained her rage. In the personnel office she was in charge but had little other than dismissal to back up her authority - so very different to her private life. Kathleen stood up slowly, pushing her chest out to emphasise the thrust of her breasts against the thin white material of her blouse. She rolled her hips as she walked around the desk, aware of his leering gaze on her upper thighs as they moved beneath her tight grey skirt. She moved to the side of his chair, stooping to bring her face down close to his ear. Kathleen paused there, sensing his nervousness now beneath his brash exterior.

  "You are a worthless little shit that impresses me not one tiny bit with your 'cool' attitudes. The message is simple - shape up or ship out."

  He sat dumbstruck.

  "In your own jargon, do the bizz or get the fuck out - understand?"

  He nodded silently and sat upright in the chair with his hands on his knees, a little scolded boy with a hangdog expression on his face.

  Control over him had been established, her nipples hardened to erection and Kathleen felt that familiar gripping deep in her vulva. She walked back to the front of her desk and turned to face him, leaning back to rest her buttocks on the edge and stretching her long legs out lazily. A powerful surge shot through her as she displayed her body to him. The way his greedy eyes roamed her from head to foot, lingering on her thighs and breasts before travelling over the rest of her slender frame. She remained silent for a few moments, allowing him to view and to lust for something that he simply could not have.

  "You will, as from today, change your attitudes to both management and your fellow workers. Your work rate will improve as will your attendance and lateness record - is that clear?"

  He nodded at first and then shook his head, his voice one of hesitancy and confusion, "I don't really know what to do or say how to change. I need help."

  She stood up and smoothed her hands down over her hips for effect, "If you need additional training here at work then it will be provided for you. If you need further advice....private guidance perhaps...."She, paused for effect, turning and walking back behind her desk, pausing again as she sat before crossing her legs."That would have to be in our own time and outside any company commitment or involvement."

  His face broke a huge grin; triumph was etched in his expression.

  "Do you wish for such advice?" she asked her expression bright and encouraging.

  He nodded his head several times and uttered quickly.

  "Yeah, let’s do it."

  Kathleen sat silently watching the youth, "Okay," she stated firmly. Kathleen leaned forward on the desk, picked up her pen and a piece of notepaper and began scribbling.

  "Wednesday evening at eight and at this address - don't be late."

  She watched as he rose self-consciously from his seat to take the note from her, "I go out Wednesday nights," he protested meekly.

  "Well you will not be going out this Wednesday evening," she said sighing and portraying her irritation at his remark, "Only to that address."

  She waved her hand casually in dismissal, "You may go."

  She watched the lad walking to the door, his firm rounded buttocks rolling delightfully within the confines of his tight overalls, his hard athletic thighs showing through the thin material as he walked. This one, she would really enjoy subduing - she just knew it.


  Her knee pressed hard down into his back between the shoulder blades; it added purchase for her to pull harder on the rope to draw his elbows in and together behind his back. He was naked and kneeling, his head pulled down onto his knees by the collar and leash around his neck. So great was the pressure on his back that his cock and balls were crushed between is body and thighs. The man grunted in pain as she pulled on the rope one final time and then secured his elbows firmly.

  "You pathetic, snivelling little shit," she sneered and kicked hard into the outside of his thigh with her booted foot.

  Kathleen stood upright and flicked her long auburn hair back off her face with a shake of the head. She raised the riding crop high above her shoulder and brought it down with a sickeningly hard smack across his presented buttocks.

  "Why?" she shouted angrily, "Why did you fail?"

  He grunted and tried to answer but his position and the restricting collar made it a difficult process and his words came out as little more than a low mumble, "Mistress, I am so sorry."

  She lashed him again and then again, "I didn't ask for apologies, I asked for reasons." She lashed again, her whole body swinging into the blows as she beat the man soundly. Her naked breasts swung with the motion of her body and the tiny black panties pulled more harshly into the crease of her buttocks and pussy as she stretched. Kathleen was panting hard, the heady sense of command and control, the power and authority that she experienced pushed her level of arousal higher still, "Call yourself a Sales manager do you? You can't even get your department staffing figures to me on time." Her voice lowered to a sarcastic mocking, "A sim
ple enough task and yet - you failed again." She raised the spiked heel of her boot and pressed it down on the back of his neck, screwing her foot so as to inflict maximum pain on the blubbering man.

  "Next week's figures?" she demanded.

  "They will be in on time Mistress - I will make certain of it."

  She laughed aloud in mockery, "It is I that will make sure that you do wimp - as always, I seem to have to do your job for you."

  She removed her foot and stood upright, her head felt light and distant as the pounding waves of sensation flooded through her entire body. She was filled with a thrilling series of powerful surges in her pussy and her clitoris jerked in reaction.

  "Now, shit, you will suffer for your failings - and suffer much you will too."

  She struck again and again at him with the crop, delighting in his pained wailing and blubbering for mercy. As a particularly hard stroke of the rigid crop slapped across his backside she received a terrific bolt of sensation that caused her back to arch and her head to throw back. Her whole body tensed and then locked rigid as she came to orgasm. Kathleen stood in her open-legged stance, tensed and in bliss as the jerking tremors of her climax ripped through her.

  Chapter 2

  The training session was set and the class ready, spirits were high and the sales team anxious to get the meeting over with and on down to the pub afterwards.

  The sales manager was at the head of the classroom awaiting the personnel manager's presence before commencing. His brow was coated in a fine film of perspiration and his expression set to portray his nervousness of the dominating Kathleen. She would find something wrong with his presentation of the sales campaign, he simply knew it - she always did. If it wasn't the presentation then it would be personal attacks on his character all in a bid to keep him under her control. The woman was a maniac; he felt, a severe and demanding boss plus a harsh mistress during their private sessions together at her house. The thrill and sex that she provided for him during those sessions though made all of the treatment he took from her most worthwhile, both at work and at her home.

  In her mid-thirties and married, the tall and slim brunette was a most attractive and fuckable woman but her demands? Outrageous at times, unfair and even concocted so that he would be sure to fail but the punishments she dished out to him? Well, that was the worthwhile bit. His cock stiffened within his trousers at the thought and he held his folder down over his crotch to conceal the fact from the sales team before him. Every single one of them wanted her, he had heard the comments and listened to the gossip and banter, to a man they should all like to fuck the lovely Kathleen and he wondered how many of them had done exactly that.

  The bitch was late - deliberately, so as to further humiliate him. She planned it always so it seemed, so that her entrance would be solo and would draw complete attention to herself. The teasing bitch simply loved flaunting her body in front of others, but he wouldn't be the one to tell her so. She was force enough to contend with already and to antagonise her further would only bring more pain and suffering - he chose then to keep his views to himself.

  His thoughts were broken by the sound of her thin heels clicking noisily on the floorboards in the corridor outside, there was a momentary pause and then she entered the room in a theatrical gush. The tight pencil skirt that Kathleen wore hugged her narrow hips and slender thighs to give her the impression of being even taller than she actually was. A long split in the skirt up one thigh gave tantalising glimpses of her stocking-clad leg and thigh and fleeting hints of the creamy white flesh above the top. She wore a figure-hugging silk blouse in pale cream that clung to every contour of her slim body and left little to the imagination. Her firm bust was emphasised by the way the material pulled across and under the swell of her breasts. Her bright red lipstick, wide mascara-highlighted eyes and the long brown hair framed her face as a picture of total beauty and sexual alluring.

  She posed momentarily by the seat to the side of the classroom before sitting slowly and crossing her legs casually. Kathleen placed her folder on her knee, bathing in the attention her legs and body were receiving from the many seated men. She smiled sweetly at the sales manager and nodded, "You may begin," she said simply and returned her gaze to the class of salesmen.


  Kathleen secured the final strap around her husband's wrist to complete his imprisonment against the heavy wooden cross. She double checked the ball-gag prising his jaws apart and stepped back to admire her handiwork.

  He was spread-eagled and upright, strapped back to the timber cross fixed to the wall of their bedroom. The wide leather straps around his wrists and ankles and held him suspended clear of the floor, pinned back against the cross in a most uncomfortable and painful position. His cock jutted out hard in erection, twitching in little spasms of excitement as he ogled his wife's body.

  She dipped her head and planted a feather-light kiss to the very tip of his cock with her full and sensual lips. She straightened and moved back again, adopting an arrogant and confident stance.

  "I have been deliberately depriving you of sex, Gordon, you must have realised that by now."

  She chuckled as his head nodded rapidly in agreement, his eyes wide and pleading and his muffled shouts distorted by the gag. His cock reared up in reaction to portray its lack of recent sexual counters.

  "Why have I done so?" she beamed a smile and circled her tongue around her red-painted lips in a motion of sheer sexual teasing, "Because other men ogle my body. They want me Gordon; they want to touch and to feel me, to caress me and to have me."

  He shook his head in denial of the fact but could not speak.

  "Yes, Gordon, yes," she enthused. "They lust after me, mentally undress me and wonder what my breasts and pussy are like under my clothes." She chuckled heartily at his muffled protests, his face taking on a crimson colour as he blurted his replies into the ball-gag. She loved to taunt him, to tell him of other men wanting her, he was jealous, insanely so and yet it excited him at the same time to hear her saying such things.

  Kathleen sucked in air as though imagining that men were watching her that moment, she gave a contented expression and cupped her pussy mound through the material of her short skirt.

  "It thrills me Gordon," she teased. "It makes my pussy throb and get wet at the thought of them wanting me. I imagine their cocks Gordon, stiffening just as yours is at the thought of getting up inside me."

  She gripped her pussy several times and sighed loudly, tilting her head back and gasping softly for his benefit. She moved closer, resting the material of her skirt lightly against the tip of his pulsing cock.

  "I wonder sometimes, Gordon. What it would be like to have another man's cock up inside me."

  His head thrashed from side to side and he bucked his body angrily as he pulled at his bonds.

  "Yes, Gordon, yes," her voice rose in volume and pitch as her excitement increased. She gripped rhythmically at her pussy through her clothing as in a breathless tone she continued her taunting of him, "The feel of another man's cock pushing into my pussy, the feel of his hard athletic body pumping away up at me and oh, when he shoots his load up inside my body."

  Sensing his high excitement and the way he was bucking his hips to rub the tip of his cock against her skirt she pulled back and moved to the side. Kathleen fell silent, holding his stare with a challenging defiance. The fingers began slowly unbuttoning her blouse, easing each button sensually open with her red painted fingernails dancing in temptation, her heart pumped fast as she opened the two halves of her blouse to shown her lacy black bra beneath. Her breasts were pushed upward and together to form a firm swelling cleavage of pure invitation.

  "Do you think that other men might like to see these?" she said throatily as she watched her husband's eyes widen.

  Kathleen slipped the blouse off her shoulders and threw it casually aside. Her hands slipped up her back to release the strap of her bra, holding the loosened ends tantalisingly as his hungry gaze fixed on the
soft mounds of her breasts. She released them as one and shrugged her shoulders forward to allow the small black harness to drop from her body. The charge she received from displaying her orbs was fantastic, his pleading look simply added to the heady sensations tingling in her pussy.

  "I bet that other men would love to see these," she purred sexily and cupped her ample breasts to weight and to squeeze them, her red fingernails standing out in deep contrast to the white of her flesh. "To touch them, feel them and to kiss and lick them."

  Her pussy was leaking her juices, the gusset of her panties wet as the thrilling tantalisation continued. He was beside himself, bucking and straining to try to gain his release but to no avail, he was held fast and could only watch and to suffer his wife's taunting. Kathleen turned and bent at the waist, touching her toes so that her little skirt rode up to show just a hint the little white panties beneath and the beginnings of the curve of her buttocks.

  "I do this at work," she moaned sensually. "I bend and stretch to tease the randy sods. They all want me Gordon - every single one of them. My body, my sex, they want to have me."

  She stood and straightened, unhooked her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Both her hands smoothed down over the curves of her firm buttocks, fingers spread and caressing her body through the thin material of her panties. She looked back over her shoulder at him as she stroked and caressed herself, smiling broadly at his horrified look.

  "I have even let two of them do this to me Gordon; I let them stroke my backside, just like this. I was bending and felt a hand slip up under my skirt, it felt simply too nice to object or to want to stop."

  She giggled mischievously at his muffled ranting and turned to face him. Kathleen hooked her thumbs in the side strings of her panties and eased them down just an inch.


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