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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

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by C D Swanson

  This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

  Five Hearts

  A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

  All Rights Reserved.

  Copyright © 2013 C D Swanson


  Cover Photo © 2013 JupiterImages Corporation. All rights reserved - used with permission.

  Bible Scripture quoted from KJV/NKJV unless otherwise indicated.

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  For God

  Thank you my faithful God for all You are,

  and all You have done, and continue to do.

  You are my strength and my fortress.

  Through You, all things are possible…

  Psalm 119:105 (KJV)

  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet

  and a light unto my path.”

  With Special Mention

  Ron, my husband, thank you

  for the journey we’ve had so far.

  God willing we’ll continue

  for many years to come. I love you.

  Max, our “boy,” a constant source

  of love and fun.

  I thank the Lord for you every single day.

  I love you.

  Mom, thank you for all you’ve done in my life

  and continue to do. I love you.

  Thank you to all of the people and animals

  who have passed through my life,

  past, present and future.

  To those who have briefly passed through.

  To those who have lingered…

  and those who have gone.

  Other Books by C D Swanson

  Dear God With Love

  Butterflies Possum & Laughter

  Passages of Everyday Life: Through faith

  The Chateau

  The Inner Office Of Samantha Evans

  40 Days & 40 Nights of His Word – feed His Sheep

  The Chief’s Niece

  Changed From The Inside Out - Loving God

  Look for C D Swanson’s

  Soon to be Released

  A Heart of Courage & Faith

  A young woman’s climb out of poverty, abuse and bullying. Kim’s determination to help women in need inspires her to open a “safe house” upon graduation. She moves from New England to North Carolina and begins a new life. Love, adventure, and inspiration are clearly defined in this compelling and moving story.

  Release Date TBA

  Chapter One

  “Sarah, why would you be going out of your way like this?”

  “I’d hardly call going to the hospital out of the way.” She looked at her best friend Ruth and rolled her eyes. “This is not a big deal, okay? Why are you stressing about this? ”

  “But, you already told her no, why are they calling you again?” Ruth rolled her bracelet around her wrist continuously since the inquisition began.

  “Look, this is what I do, why is this so shocking to you? It’s not like it’s something new. I go to the hospital quite regularly. Geez, you’re acting like it’s a total surprise or something. I’m leaving, can stop rolling your bracelet. I’m going. So just relax. Okay?”

  “Okay. But, you’re too trusting. And I’m over protective of you… I suppose.” It was Ruth’s turn to roll her eyes. “It’s been a long work day for both of us, so my cranky overly protective ways are in full bloom. We both should have been out of this clinic two hours ago. So, I’ve an excuse for being annoying and excessive,” she stated with emphasis and a smile.

  She smiled at her friend, Ruth wasn’t kidding when she admitted to being overly protective. Sarah fetched her oversized shoulder bag. Then, picked up her tablet, and slid it gently into the purple carry case. Sarah’s sleeveless black cotton dress with purple piping down the sides, matched the carry case to perfection. Her black suede pumps completed the classic look.

  “Ruth, I’ll call you later. Are we are still on for dinner?” Her thick chocolate-espresso hair pulled back in a ponytail touched her waist and swung like a pendulum while she rushed about.

  “Yes. I’ve gotta run and meet Mike anyhow. Bye. Be careful.”

  “Yes mother. Bye.” She winked at her friend.

  Sarah pushed the button for the elevator. Thoughts began parading through her mind like a circus. There were too many things swirling around inside her twenty-eight year head.

  The state reports were due, which would be the equivalence of a trapeze act. Then, there was the state representative, demanding a meeting with Sarah, about an alleged complaint, now that was similar to jumping through a hoop of fire! Finally, there was the overzealous CEO, who needed to show her the new bylaws, which went hand-in-hand with a ton of paperwork…and that was akin to the clown doing his juggling act!

  Her circus reverie had her so amused, that she was in her car before she realized and on her way to the hospital. The hospital was on the other side of town. The area had a high crime ratio, hence the reason for Ruth’s concern.

  She played her Christian music, and immediately, the circus left her mind, while she listened intently to the lyrics of God You Reign. The song was so relaxing and inspiring. Anytime she felt stressed, or over-processed with the day’s events, she reached for her collection of Christian CD’s. The music was her personal oasis each and every time. It never failed. The only other thing above the music was the word itself. The Bible did it each and every time. She was so blessed that she knew God so intimately. She smiled.

  As her mind began to embrace the tranquility of the song, she felt the cell phone vibrating in her pocket.

  Lowering the volume of her music, Sarah picked up the cell. She looked up and noticed the hospital within view as she waited for the light to turn green.


  “Hey, is this my sexy girlfriend?” A deep booming voice asked.

  “Who’s this?” She kidded.

  “Hey that’s not funny.”

  She laughed, she loved kidding around with Luke. He was, so far, the funniest man she has ever known.

  “Hello Luke, how are you today?”

  “Hmm, who’s this?” He kidded right back in his manly tone.

  She laughed the laugh that he loved so much. It was one of those over-the-top-magical-and-oh-so-feminine-type-laughs. Everything about Sarah was feminine, her clothes, her soft articulate tone. Everything. She was a woman through and through.

  “I’m on my way to the hospital, and…”

  “Are you going to that part of town again? How many times do I ask, no...beg you to call before you go?”

  “Oh, it’s not a big deal. I’m going to park by valet, it’ll be okay. You know I come here quite frequently. The parking attendant knows me by name for goodness sake! I promised the children in the cancer ward that I’d come back. And so, they wait and anticipate my return. You’re a big worry wart.”

  “Please let me know when you’ve safely arrived. No
, better still…keep me on the phone until you’re in the hospital.”

  “I’ll be fine, stop worrying. Luke honestly, you act as if this is the first time I’ve ever gone to this hospital. My goodness I’m a grown woman in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “Sarah, I know you’re capable of navigating your way around town. However, that’s a pretty rough part of town. Just be careful. After all, you never know who you may encounter. Please, be careful, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “Luke I’m already here, I’m pulling into the parking lot right this minute. I’m fine.”

  “Are you going into the valet parking lot?”


  “Okay, well then call me as soon as you’re leaving the hospital.”

  “I will… goodbye.”

  “I love you Sarah…” He waited for a response and was surprised when he got none. In fact, she had already hung up.

  Sarah stepped out of her silver Corolla, quickly walking toward the valet. She had helped him before with several personal issues. He was usually working this shift, and so accommodating. It was obvious he was grateful for Sarah’s help in the past.

  “Hello Clegg, how are you this evening?” Sarah asked with genuine concern and a big warm smile before adding, “would you please park my car?”

  “I’m fine. Thank you. And it’d be a pleasure to park your car as always Miss Sarah. How long will you be gone?”

  “Around two hours.”

  “Okay, here’s your receipt young lady. I’ll have this little beauty waiting for you when you return,” he smiled.

  “Thank you so much,” she smiled in return.

  Sarah, in his opinion, was one of the kindest and nicest ladies that came to this hospital. The majority seemed stand-offish. Most times they barely acknowledged him. Not Sarah. And, she was such an attractive looking woman too…very demure and ladylike. She was a tall, green-eyed brunette and seemed to have a heart of gold. Sarah listened to his problems, and helped him. Plus, she treated him with dignity and respect. And, she made him feel important, like he really mattered. Sarah was the total opposite of the ladies who parked their cars here, who treated him as if he were a piece of lint on their clothing.

  Sarah decided in favor of the stairs instead of the elevator, and as she reached the third landing she saw a man sitting on the steps. She hesitated at first, but then, looked closely. He had his hands on his head…the upper part of his shirt was saturated with blood. Sarah ran over to where he was seated without a second thought.

  “Oh my goodness! Are you okay?” He didn’t respond at first. “Sir, let me call someone to come and help you.”

  The injured man slowly looked up at her. He appeared to be around thirty-five years old. His light grey eyes locked with her dark green eyes, and Sarah felt his pain. His clothes were tattered and torn. His head was bloody. Sarah was unable to distinguish his hair color due to the profusion of blood.

  “I’ll get in trouble. Please, I have no money or means to pay…”

  “Nonsense, there are funds for those who don’t have insurance. Let me call a doctor, someone should look at that…”

  “No, I’ll get in trouble. I…”

  “Why do you keep saying that? What happened here?” Sarah’s eyes glared at him as she demanded an answer.

  He looked at her intently; blood streaming down his face. Then his head went down with deliberance.

  “Please allow me to help you. Listen. I’m a counselor, a social worker. I work at a clinic, and I can help you. I’ll keep everything confidential, and won’t tell a soul. I give you my word, but you really need to let me help you. Please, you’re severely injured.”

  He gazed at her angelic face. She looked like an honest person…her eyes appeared concerned. He felt he could trust her, and so what did he have to lose anyhow? Maybe jail was a better place for him anyhow. He was homeless. At least in jail he would be guaranteed a hot meal, and a place to put his head at night.

  “I’m homeless, I live in this hospital. I sleep wherever I can find a spot without much traffic. I sleep in the crevice of the wall, here in the stairwell, a good portion of the time.”

  “Crevice of the wall?” Her eyes widened as she was consumed with compassion and sorrow for this young man.

  “Yes, there’s a place at the very top. On the 20th floor, it’s almost to the roof. Well, there’s a spot, a little door. Like a hide-away. I sleep in there…”

  “Well, what’s happened here? Who did this to you?” Her eyes were fiery with indignation.

  “A doctor…” He winced, swallowed hard before continuing, “or, quite possibly an intern. I’m not sure which.”

  Sarah felt herself flinch; she was incredulous as to what this young man was espousing. She felt her anxiety heighten; her hands were trembling and instantly became nauseous. After a deep cleansing breath she asked, “what happened?”

  “I was sleeping. Then, I was awakened to the sound of loud voices. I heard a girl shouting no and the doctor saying yes. When I stepped out into the stairway, she ran away. But, not before he looked up and spotted me. He had a surgeon’s mask over a good portion of his face, and a surgeon’s cap on. I really didn’t get a good look at him.”

  She looked at his head, the bleeding seemed to be subsiding, but he needed to be seen by a doctor. Sarah wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Her queasiness getting the better of her as she listened.

  “I was barely awake and groggy, before he rushed up the stairs and slammed me hard against the wall.”

  Sarah’s stomach was doing cartwheels while listening to his words. She realized that she had missed this encounter with the attacker, by minutes, and shuddered at the thought of witnessing such brutality. She might have been a victim as well had she left work five minutes earlier. She stood frozen as he continued his horrific story.

  “The impact knocked the wind out of me, I couldn’t breathe. And, before I recovered from the vicious slam, he told me he despised homeless people. But, that he despised a sneak and an interfering bum even more. I don’t remember anything after he whacked me across the head with a bottle or something he pulled out of his lab coat. Everything went black after that. I obviously fell down the steps. The next thing I was aware of was you standing there looking at me in shock.”

  Sarah listened to the story pushing back the bitter bile in her throat. A myriad of emotions were pulsating throughout her body as her heart flip-flopped like a floundering fish. She somehow found her voice. “Please, let me help you. I’m going to bring you a doctor now. I’ll handle this, and file a medical report testifying that you don’t have the funds, or coverage. And they can list this as a charity case. Okay? I’ve done this so many times. You need help right now!”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Please, let me help you.” Her voice softened into a whisper. “My name is Sarah Johnson, what is your name?”


  “Jacob, come with me. Can you stand up?”

  “Yes, I think so...”

  When he stood up, Jacob was much taller than Sarah surmised. He had about 8 inches on her. She guessed he was at least six-four. He was completely unsteady on his feet. She realized instantly that it wasn’t a good idea to negotiate the steps with him in this condition. The wise thing would be to call for help. She looked up at his face. She needed to get someone, and right now. “Jacob, on second thought, please sit and wait here. I’m going to get the professional medics to help you. Be right back.”

  Not having the strength to debate, he replied in resignation, “thank you Sarah.”

  “You’re welcome. Please don’t attempt to get up or move. Hang in there.”

  He watched her walk away, and even in his current state, with the hot searing pain in his head… he couldn’t help but admire her. She really seemed like a kind woman. He hadn’t been treated with kindness and respect in...he couldn’t remember how long. He then realized that he had never been treated with respect at any time in his life.

  He was abandoned by his adopted mother when he was 14 years old, and lived on the street since. He avoided the cops. He learned to hide in convenient places where no one would notice him. He became very efficient at being on his own. He learned quickly how to survive and where he could find left-over food. The hospital was a prime spot for scavenging. There was so much food left-over being thrown into the garbage every night. He had a feast more times than not. He looked up to see Sarah with two men in tow.

  “Jacob, these orderlies will assist you to the emergency room. I’ll meet you there.” As she turned to go he called out to her in a desperate tone.

  “Wait, please don’t go,” Jacob pleaded as he touched her arm.

  He couldn’t say anything else. He just knew he didn’t want her to go. He felt as if he had known her his whole life, and wanted her with him. His eyes were fixed on her face while he bit his lower lip waiting for her response. Sarah felt an immediate connection sensing his desperation.

  She grinned and nodded simultaneously. “Okay, sure. I’ll walk alongside you.”

  She waited as the two burly orderlies helped him down the stairs, and onto the gurney. Her heart went out to him. She was determined to help Jacob; she really wanted to know what his story was. But, right now she needed to tend to the arduous task concerning his medical paperwork. She felt as if she had known him for a long time; there was some kind of connection, and yet she didn’t know what it was. Jacob seemed familiar to her. Overly familiar in fact, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. And yet, there was something about him. It was haunting and almost intrusive. She couldn’t figure it out, but she would. In the meantime, she needed to get him treated, first things first.

  Chapter Two

  Sarah was finishing up the necessary paperwork with the intake coordinator when she was approached by the attending physician in the E.R.

  “Excuse me are you Sarah?”


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