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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

Page 4

by C D Swanson

  Sarah was speechless. She didn’t know what to say. Her heart was overflowing. She didn’t realize until just this moment how much she loved this little girl. And now to hear her words, confessing what she was yearning for in her heart and praying for… It was beyond comprehension. She was too choked up to speak. She continued hugging Candy while stroking her precious head covered by the pink soft woolen cap.

  “Candy, I’ll be back after work. You’re finished with your treatments, for now. So, you’ll come home with me tonight. How does that sound? Sound like a good plan?”

  “Yes Mommy.”

  Sarah’s heart skipped and jumped. To be called mommy from this sweet little girl’s mouth, shook her to the core. She suddenly realized the repercussions of allowing Candy to come home with her. It could be devastating. The new social worker seems to have encroached written on her smug face, and would have no problems setting it into motion. Sarah had to acknowledge to herself, that it wouldn’t just be earth-shattering for Candy. She wanted this to work for so many reasons, but the number one reason was she truly loved this little doll. Candy had her heart and that was the reality of the situation, period the end. End of story.

  “Baby, I’ll see you later. Be a good girl. And, we’ll get whatever you want for dinner. Okay?”

  “I want a cheese burger, French fries with a lot of ketchup, and a ginormous plate of chocolate ice cream.” She sealed the deal by licking her lips, rubbing her tummy, along with a big picket gate smile.

  Touching Candy’s nose Sarah smiled, “you’ve got it!” I have to get going munchkin…I’ve an appointment this morning,” Sarah hugged and kissed her.

  Candy accompanied Sarah to the elevators. She watched her enter the elevator. They waved to each other before the doors closed.

  “Bye Mommy,” she squealed in delight.

  “Bye precious.”

  As the doors shut she was smiling through her tears. She couldn’t believe what was accomplished so quickly. The thought of Candy in another foster home, while battling this hideous disease was too much to bear. Thank God for the outcome, so now she could relax.

  She needed to get to her office soon, Jacob would be arriving shortly. She still was so uneasy about a doctor being the one who beat him so viciously. She was repulsed that innocent, unknowing, and unsuspecting people had that monster as their personal physician. She hoped he would be caught soon. Her cell phone interrupted her disturbing and dark thoughts.

  “Hello Luke.”

  “So glad you remembered my name. What’s going on? Why haven’t you called?”

  “There’s a lot going on. I’ve been involved with getting a special dispensation from the state to bring Candy home to my place…”

  “Whoa! Are you kidding me?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Why would you go and do a stupid thing like that?”

  His voice was laced with a tone she had never heard before. It was filled with venom and disdain at once. Even his breathing was labored. Sarah was stunned before answering, “Stupid? How can you say that to me? Where’s this coming from?” She was incredulous at his words.

  “Hey, I’m sorry Sarah, but you have to admit this is truly stupid.” his voice softened somewhat before continuing, “I’m just really like…what the heck are you thinking of? Serious?”

  “Well, Luke I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m going to say goodbye for now. When you calm down I’ll speak with you, but not until then. Goodbye Luke.”

  She shut the cell phone down. She couldn’t believe he just called her stupid, and wasn’t supporting her in this delicate matter. And his tone, this was a totally different side of him. And Sarah didn’t like it at all. Luke, of all people, should be aware just how much this little girl meant to her. All of the children in that cancer ward meant something, but this little one with no parents moved into her heart from day one! And, he was calling it a stupid move? Maybe she didn’t know Luke that well after all. If he was this insensitive about this scenario, she couldn’t help but wonder what else he may be callous about. Sarah’s feelings towards Luke began to change immediately after that outburst. Something just clicked off and promptly shut down.

  Jacob glanced quickly at his watch; he didn’t want to be late. How fortuitous that Sarah showed up when she did. He was beyond stunned that an ugly incident blossomed into what may be an opportunity of a lifetime. What did he do to deserve such kindness? He felt as though he was dreaming, and in a matter of minutes, he’d wake up and it’ll all have been a pleasant dream. He approached the receptionist and took a deep breath, “my name’s Jacob. I’m here to see Sarah Johnson.”

  “Yes, she’s expecting you. She’s running a little late and called to say she’d be arriving within 10 minutes. Please make yourself comfortable. While you’re waiting, may I get you a cup of coffee or tea?”

  “Oh that sounds good. I’ll have a cup of coffee, black no sugar. Thank you” he grinned as he took a seat by the window.

  “Sure thing, I’ll be right back Jacob.”

  He was anxious and really couldn’t sit still, so he walked over to the bulletin board that was prominently displayed and saw pictures of Sarah smiling. Each picture told a story. She was impeccable, yet the pictures didn’t do justice to her inner beauty. With various awards bestowed upon her, she seemed so humble, the mesmerizing green eyes were sparkling, but the smile clearly said, I’m uncomfortable with this attention please move on. There were numerous pictures of Sarah helping the homeless, helping children in need, providing volunteer time to the cancer ward. The last picture was a subject close to Luke’s heart, raising awareness of animal rights. Sarah was holding a dog with one leg and one eye as a result of abuse, but has since been adopted and doing well. The dog’s name was Lucky. Jacob smiled; he knew exactly how Lucky felt. The receptionist pulled him from his thoughts turning abruptly when he heard her voice.

  “Here you are Jacob. Oops, sorry. I startled you.”

  “Thanks very much. No problem, just deep in my own kind of reverie. I get in trouble when I think, so thanks,” he smiled and nodded his head as he took the cup offered.

  “Sure thing. Sarah should be here any moment. I can’t imagine her being too much longer.”

  He sat down in awe of Sarah, what an extraordinary woman. She was attractive on every level, kind, smart and caring. It doesn’t get any better than that. He felt God worked just a little bit harder on this one than anyone he’s known before. She was close to perfection. A melodious voice massaged his ears with pleasure. He turned to see Sarah resplendent in her dress offering an almost angelic halo as the sunlight flickered behind her. He grinned and his hand shook ever so slightly.

  “Hello Jacob. I’m so sorry for the delay. Things were really hectic this morning. I’ve been running around like a lunatic. I actually almost called to reschedule because I didn’t want to keep you waiting longer than need be. But, here I am,” she held out her hand and made a motion with the other hand as if wiping sweat from her brow, and finished with a big over-the-top smile. Her perfume greeted his nostrils as it lingered in the air embracing him ever so sweetly.

  He extended his hand to meet hers, “No problem Sarah, I just got here” he fibbed.

  “Oh good. How’re you doing today Jacob? Are you feeling any better?” She touched his head gently and winced when she did so sensing his pain.

  “Oh much better, thanks to you.” Her touch was soft and yet felt as if a boulder crashed on his head rendering him helpless.

  “It was just being in the right place at the right time. I’m fortunate that God provided the direction for me to find you in time.” She smiled displaying even white teeth and a lone dimple in her left cheek.

  “Yes, as am I.” He was feeling like an adolescent, he hardly knew her, and yet she was doing things to his heart that no one managed to do before. She was stunning in red. The knit dress clung to her curves. It was sensual, feminine, alluring…and yet there was an innocence being projected at the same time.
  “Well, I guess we should get started. Please follow me; I’m right around this corner,” she pointed for emphasis.

  “Sarah?” her secretary was walking rapidly towards her, a yellow piece of paper in her slim hands, her eyebrows scrunched together.

  “Hello Marie, what’s up?”

  “I’ve an urgent message from Luke. He said to call him as soon as you get this note. He sounded desperate and demanded I give this to you no matter what,” she handed her the note and waited for a reply, her boyfriend was an obnoxious ass and she didn’t want to deal with him again.

  “Thank you Marie I’ll take care of it, “she nodded and turned without another word.

  Jacob watched Sarah crumple the paper and throw it into her attaché case. She didn’t even glance at it, nor did she seem interested in the message. She pushed back a stray tendril from her face, and then smiled at him.

  “Here we are Jacob, come on in and close the door behind you please.”

  He looked at her office; it was filled with pictures of animals, and children from the cancer center, as well as pictures of the elderly. On the center of her desk, there was a white ceramic cross, with the words “Thank you God-I love you.”

  “Please forgive me I’m elated and annoyed at once. I got the okay to take Candy, the little orphan who has cancer…”

  “Yes, the one you were going to see last night. That’s fantastic Sarah! I’m so happy for you. Does it mean she’s coming home with you?” His voice held interest and expressed genuine excitement while he waited intently for her response.

  Sarah was nothing short of amazed how this stranger reacted to her personal news. It was as if he knew her heart, although in reality he had only listened during their brief encounter. He obviously sensed how much Candy meant to her. Luke, on the other hand didn’t understand her at all. This action on Jacob’s part turned a light on. The stark contrast in their reactions seemed to be an additional recognition about Luke. The light knitted the stray thoughts she had been nursing in her mind for some time now. “Yes, that’s correct Jacob. Thank you for understanding and remembering, I’m completely impressed, and so grateful. At least someone understands” she flung her bag on her desk.

  “Oh… I’m taking that the other part of your emotions, being annoyed has to do with this man called Luke?” He was surprised at how easily he was speaking to this virtual stranger. Usually, he was clumsy and quiet with strangers, especially women. This was completely new, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. He hadn’t decided yet. But, he was swimming in unfamiliar waters, that much was apparent.

  “Yes, you’re correct again. And, I will not bother you with my issues, sorry I got into that. You’re here to take on a newly created position. So, let’s get on with that aspect shall we?” She wouldn’t let her digression go any further quickly bringing the focus back to business. Her relationship or lack of one with Luke will be settled much later, and not here. And, certainly not with Jacob…she’ll have to dial Luke back, and take a welcomed breather.

  “No problem listening. And, I’m so grateful to you. You have no idea how…”

  “Listen, Jacob, please don’t mention it again okay? It makes me feel very uncomfortable. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Anyone else would have done the same.” She twirled a strand of hair around her finger, “here’s your job description, it’s a draft, and we can add, or detract, as we go along. That being said, this is a rough outline of the proposed duties and job responsibilities.” She walked to the round conference table and motioned for Jacob to join her. She was highlighting key duties when Jacob sniffed her fragrance, again. It was sweet and fresh. It suited Sarah, it was unusual and pleasant…something that angels might like.


  “Yes, sorry. I was thinking of something.”

  “No problem. Do you understand that this position has free housing as well?”

  “Yes, I just saw that. That’s amazing. I feel as if I’ve walked into a dream. It’s unbelievable!”

  “Okay, but listen…it isn’t a luxury apartment, however, it’s clean and in a safe neighborhood. It’s a basic apartment, nothing more.”

  “After living in a wall space in a stairwell, I think it will be akin to the Taj Mahal as far as I’m concerned. I’m grateful and can hardly believe I’ll have a place of my own tonight.” He gazed into her pistachio-green eyes and felt an overwhelming desire to hug her, and tell her thank you. Propriety, and good sense, had him refrain from acting on his impulse, choosing to concentrate on her next words instead. Although it was getting increasingly difficult around her, he needed to slap himself and act like a man, instead of a freaking little boy with a grammar school crush. She makes me feel as if I’d never been around a woman before. Geez this is getting embarrassing. I hope she’s not noticing my boyish behavior around her. Maybe, it’s from the beating? The gray matter pushed around in my head making me behave like an idiot? Yeah, that’s it. I’m not myself due to the beating. No other explanation for this nonsense. He realized she was talking to him again, and he refocused looking directly at her.

  “Yes, you will have a place tonight Jacob. And incidentally, here are your keys. The landlord knows you’re expected to move in today. It’s furnished, so you’re all set. We’re also going to give you an advance for clothing, so you can pick up some new clothes on the way home. Okay? Now, let’s get on with the gist of the duties and responsibilities involved with this position.”

  “Sarah?” He touched her baby-soft well-manicured hand.

  Glancing down at his hand on hers, she replied in a small voice, “yes?”

  He stammered in his head, almost didn’t know what to say, “God bless you, and… thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure Jacob. But you can thank me through your performance. By making me happy knowing I picked the right person for the job,” she looked into his light gray eyes and felt her face flush. Quickly, she glanced at the Yale graduate ring on her finger trying to shake off whatever it was she was feeling.

  “Okay, so what exactly do I do?” His hand was still on Sarah’s when they had an unexpected intrusion.

  Luke barged in and stopped possessively in front of Sarah blocking Jacob purposely, “So, you’re too busy to call at all?”

  “Luke, this is neither the time nor place…”

  “I need to speak with you now. I need to explain why I said what I did,” he touched her face willing her to look at him.

  “Luke, this isn’t a good time…” She pulled away clenching her hands into little tiny tight fists.

  “Excuse me Sarah, would you like a moment? I could go and use the men’s room.” Jacob stood tall totally ignoring Luke holding his ground while waiting for her response.

  “Thank you Jacob. I’d appreciate that, for just a moment this won’t take long.” She bit her lower lip gently while rubbing her forehead.

  “Sure, I’ll be right back,” he glared at Luke before walking away.

  Luke watched him walk out of Sarah’s office with obvious disdain. He then turned his attention upon Sarah. “Why couldn’t you return a call? I wanted to apologize for my stupid comments.”

  “Luke, it isn’t so much your comments as it’s your inability to see what truly matters to my heart. You lashed out with a threatening and contemptuous tone, and didn’t seem to give two thoughts about it. You truly were very admonishing, demeaning, and so cold. I didn’t appreciate it for one moment. Nor, do I care for this intrusion at this time. I’m in the middle of business trans…”

  His eyes were afire as he pulled her arm roughly, “with that bum-that’s business? Huh? What kind of business Sarah?”

  She yanked her arm away from him her eyes wide as saucers, “Bum? Why would you call him a bum?”

  He couldn’t take back the words, he scrambled quickly, “Well, he looks like a bum. You’re always dealing with homeless people, so I assumed he’s another bum. Plus he was dressed in raggedly clothing, doesn’t take a genius to sur
mise he’s either dirt-poor, homeless, or a bad dresser.” His feeble attempt at humor wasn’t appreciated. In fact it completely disgusted her.

  Her eyes narrowed, “Luke, I’m going to ask you to leave nicely. I need some space right now, and I’ll get back to you eventually. But as of this moment I want you to leave.” She pointed to the door while looking up at him.

  He took two steps toward her, “Sarah, I…”

  “You heard the lady Luke”

  He turned rapidly and in so doing inadvertently knocked the cross off Sarah’s desk. Jacob stood close by a full head taller than him, holding the door open as their eyes locked. Luke decided not to make a scene, it would do more harm than good, and so he opted to leave on his own. “Okay Sarah I’ll leave, but not because this clown is telling me to, but because I’ll respect your wishes. I’ll wait for you to come to your senses and call me back. Until then, goodbye.” He strutted to the door pausing just long enough to glare at Jacob intently before finally exiting.

  Jacob closed the door behind Luke, and then walked over to Sarah. He noticed she was frazzled, and rubbing her arm where he man-handled her, clearly upset by Luke’s visit.

  “Are you okay Sarah?” Jacob’s deep powerful voice held a gentle and caring tone. “Your arm… did he hurt you?” his jaw clenched as he noticed the red mark on her arm.

  “No, it aches a little. I’ll be fine. I’m okay, thank you. Sorry you had to witness that utter nonsense. I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately. This is a side of Luke I’ve never seen before” her lip quivered.

  “You know what? He seems vaguely familiar. Is he famous?” he asked as he did an internal search in his mind.

  “Yes, he’s been on a lot of commercials…big shot mogul,” she rolled her eyes while making a whoopee sign with her finger.

  He smiled at her gesture. Yet, he sensed he needed to change the subject quickly. And, so he was honest, “Okay. So Sarah, to change the subject…”


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