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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

Page 9

by C D Swanson

  “I’ve bad news for you. I’m afraid the baby didn’t make it son. He was born with several complications…The umbilical cord was around his neck it cut off the oxygen and he perished. I’m so sorry.”

  Isaac thought he heard wrong, it couldn’t be! No, this was a nightmare. Surely he’d awaken in a moment. Suddenly, he felt his body give out rendering him instantly to his knees. and began crying unabashedly. He was sobbing out of control. Kelly’s mom walked away and into an office downstairs without glancing back. She could hear Isaac’s sobbing as she walked down the steps.

  Kelly woke up and saw Isaac holding her hand with his head down on the bed. She smiled and was happy to see him waiting for her.

  “Hello Isaac,” she managed to whisper.

  He looked up immediately and felt his heart ripping in a thousand pieces. “Kelly. How are you doing?” He kissed her forehead gently, as he touched her face.

  “I’m good…Did you see him yet?” she asked with a huge smile.

  He looked at her with tears in his eyes. He was dying inside, how could he tell her? Her whole world was about to be blown up. How does one find the words to tell a mother her baby is dead?

  “What?” she asked in alarming tones, sensing something was wrong.


  “What?” she shouted, sitting up in bed her eyes wide with fear.

  “I’m afraid I have bad news sweetheart,” his voice cracked.

  “No—I want to see our son, where is he? Where is my son? Isaac where is our baby?” She was truly panicking now, “where is he?” she screamed.

  “Kelly, he didn’t make it. I’m so sorry baby…” Tears streamed down his face as he stood up by her bed looking down at her, helpless and feeling like he somehow failed her. He tried to hold her, but she pushed him away and started wailing while shaking her head. Her eyes were wild with panic, fear and disbelief.

  “No! He is not dead! He can’t be—I don’t feel he’s dead. No, he isn’t. Where is my baby?” She attempted to stand, and began kicking off her covers with a fierce determination.

  A nurse ran in with a sedative she inserted it into the IV drip by her bed. She turned to look at this young girl –barely a woman and her heart went out to her, she told her in soft tones, “Kelly, calm down it’s going to be okay.”

  She was fighting the nurse; two others came in to restrain her. Isaac was off to the side crying, holding his head with one hand, punching the wall with his other.

  “Isaac, find our baby, I know he’s not dead. Please find our baby…” She stopped speaking closing her eyes as the medication took effect. Tears streamed down her precious face, she looked like a little girl in that big bed. She looked so small. So tiny, so pale. So broken.

  Isaac’s heart was in a million pieces, he felt as if his guts were ripped out, and he could hardly breathe. He walked over to her bedside and sat down. He gently took her hand in his and kissed it.

  “She’ll be out for a good long time, why don’t you go and rest yourself son?” the head nurse offered her unsolicited advice with a caring and parental tone.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he answered adamantly never taking his eyes from Kelly.

  “Okay.” The nurse touched his arm and left.

  He looked at her. How did this happen? God is so good-he couldn’t’ believe this could happen. Something wasn’t right. How could an innocent baby be dead? They asked for forgiveness and went and took their vows before God. How could this happen? He started to sob again. It was too painful to bear. “Oh my God, please forgive me for asking why. I’m trying to be strong—help me Father to be strong. Please Lord help me to find the way and provide the wisdom I’ll need to help Kelly with this tragedy. I’m your servant Lord, and I accept your will…but, show me how to help my wife. Please God…Please…”

  He fell asleep sobbing and praying, his head on the bed near Kelly’s side. The mother never showed up after Kelly gave birth. She walked out on Kelly and never returned that day or any other. Just completely disappeared. Her mother was ruthless, uncaring, and completely evil in every single way. The antithesis of her daughter.

  It was a long road of recovery for both of them. Isaac helped her through the entire process of grieving, and forgiving her mother. And then Kelly earned a scholarship to attend college. She readily accepted it and they said their tearful goodbyes, for the moment. She loved Isaac but realized she needed to provide for herself, and this scholarship was the way to do it.

  “Goodbye Isaac, I’ll always love you. Be safe and know my heart will be with you forever, and I will keep in touch,” she whispered emotionally.

  “Kelly, I’ll love you forever. I’ll never forget you. You stole my heart a long time ago, and it’ll never belong to another. Keep in touch, please Baby. But for now, be happy and go with God.”

  It was a tearful and painful goodbye. She never saw Isaac again. And, she never saw her mother again, nor did she leave a message of any kind for her daughter. She just left, merely disappeared without a word, nothing at all. In a way it was probably for the best. Kelly forgave her mother and prayed that somehow God would touch her heart and heal her mother of her evil ways.

  Chapter Ten

  Ruth walked into the meeting with Sarah and Jacob. They were waiting for Kelly Novak to show up drinking their coffee and eating donuts.

  “Hello guys…ooh donuts! Yes!” She quickly walked toward the table and grabbed two.

  “Hello Ruth.” Sarah smiled widely.

  Jacob smiled. Ruth was down to earth and so sure of herself. She never gave a thought to her weight issues. She was comfortable with herself and ate with such gumption he admired her for not letting anyone influence who she really was. She was confident with her image, and that was nice to see in this day and age, where the unrealistic size zero seemed the goal of most women. This was refreshing to witness.

  “Kelly has the contractors coming with their blueprints for the extension of the apartments. The projected date of completion is currently four to six months. I can hardly wait to see it,” Sarah said with conviction.

  “That’s wonderful,” Ruth said as she munched on a chocolate filled donut.

  “The place is filled to capacity now. And, there are so many who wish to be in the program. I think especially with this madman running around hurting the homeless, it seems to have accelerated their interest overall.” Sarah offered an update to Ruth.

  “I can’t believe they haven’t found him yet.” Ruth said.

  “I know it’s taking forever,” Jacob responded as his voice moved with emotion.

  “It’s been going on for about four months now, right Jacob?” Sarah inquired.

  “Actually, this will be the seventh month since my attack. I think it’s the same person. I don’t know why. I just have a really strong feeling,” Jacob said with sincerity, before noticing Kelly Novak.

  She sashayed in with her usual flair of elegance and looked absolutely regal in her sapphire blue ensemble. Her hair pulled back in a fashionable chignon, white pearls held it in place. “Good morning all. So sorry for the delay-traffic was awfully heavy this morning, more so than usual. I think it’s the holiday shoppers already.” She rolled her eyes in exasperation and smiled.

  “It isn’t even Thanksgiving yet…Holiday?” Ruth said in surprise.

  “Well, the stores are decorated already, and people, tourists, love this time of year in New York City,” Sarah said with New York confidence. “Okay-so the contractors are right behind me; they made a stop in the men’s room.”

  “Can I get you a cup of coffee Kelly?” Jacob asked as he stood up.

  “Oh, I can get it, stay there. Thanks.”

  She was so like a regular person, never wanted anyone to wait on her. She was a humble kind woman. Almost saint like in her qualities. She reminded Jacob of Sarah. They were so similar. They even looked alike.

  “Sarah, how is Candy?”

  “Oh she’s great. Thank you for asking. She’s with a fan
tastic nanny I hired who’s home schooling her also. Being she’s too young for regular classes. She loves it. She has learned so much,” Sarah’s voice was filled with pride. And, she went on like a proud mother smiling widely.

  “Sarah is there any news about the pending adoption?” Kelly asked with genuine interest as she took a bite of a glazed donut.

  “Nothing yet, they claim it’ll be months before I get an answer.”

  “Is there something I can do to expedite this matter? Please let me know if there is anything at all I could assist with. If ever anyone was meant to be together, it would be the two of you. You love each other, it’s so apparent to all who witness the two of you together,” Kelly offered in a small voice with true compassion and sincerity.

  “Thank you Kelly, that’s so sweet of you, I’m touched by your offer. I will certainly let you know if anything comes up you can assist me with. You’re too kind.”

  “Not at all. It’s important that child be with the right person, and that’s definitely you,” Kelly affirmed her earlier comments to Sarah.

  “I agree with her,” Jacob said, and smiled at Sarah with a wink.

  The two of them have been working so hard on this project, along with running the regular clinic. Jacob never complained, and was doing a phenomenal job of reaching the homeless population. He was a professional and as if he was born into this role. So talented, and so grateful to Sarah for this opportunity.

  Jacob grew so fond of Candy; he visited three times a week for dinner. They all played “Candy Land” afterwards and laughed until she had to go to sleep. Candy always wanted Jacob to read her a story and tuck her into bed. It became a ritual and Candy would have it no other way. She truly adored Jacob, and did so from day one. It was wonderful watching the two of them together.

  The contractors walked in, three big men with expensive suits. They nodded smiled and sat down with blue prints in hand. After a brief introduction by Kelly they got down to the reason for the meeting.

  “This is how we can extend within regulations, and bring the most value to the space we add on.” The head contractor Sam announced.

  He rolled out the blueprints and they were far beyond what Sarah had envisioned originally. She was thrilled with these plans, so much so that she could hardly contain her excitement.

  “These are amazing guys!” Sarah exclaimed with appreciation and astonishment.

  “Yes I agree. Wow.” Jacob was elated.

  “Okay—great. Gentlemen, if all are in agreement, let’s sign and date this document to get it going immediately.” Kelly suggested.

  They signed and had it witnessed and notarized by Ruth. It was all set to go. They would break ground next week. How exciting this was for all parties concerned, it was an auspicious occasion and a welcomed one at that.

  Sarah walked over and hugged Jacob in a spontaneous and sincere gesture. And all eyes were on them.

  “Oh, sorry…I got so excited.” She blushed.

  “No problem, I’m not sorry,” Jacob answered before grinning.

  Ruth and Kelly took note of this obvious exchange smiling at each other with their eyebrows up in approval. It was quite apparent how close the two of them have become. And, how often they spoke about Candy as if they were an old married couple!

  “Okay, well gentlemen, thank you so much. Your ideas are brilliant.” Sarah thanked them as she regained her composure.

  “Okay Sarah don’t give them a big head…They might want more money!” Kelly laughed her well known laugh, which was like a giggle and a sigh.

  The contractors left with blueprints and contract in hand. It was such a relief that is was over. She was blessed to have Kelly supporting this entire thing.

  “Kelly, how’d you like to come over to my house tonight for a celebratory dinner? That is if you don’t mind lasagna and chicken. It is Candy’s favorite lately and I made it last night.” Sarah asked in earnest.

  “I haven’t had a home cooked meal in ages. I’d be honored. Thank you.”

  “Ruth—can you make it too?”

  “Me miss out on lasagna and good food? Of course I’ll be there. After all, I went shopping and fit into a size fourteen instead of a size sixteen, so I’ve room to spare.” She touched her bottom for emphasis.

  Sarah said her goodbyes and hugged Kelly so tightly. She was so blessed and thankful for God sending this lady into her life.

  “Thank you Kelly. God Bless you.”

  “Please—thank you!”

  “Okay…Well-I am so excited to have you on board with us.” Sarah was humbled.

  “I look forward to seeing Candy. Is there a favorite toy, or something she especially enjoys that I could bring her?” Kelly asked from her heart.

  “Oh, no really…”

  “Please, let me pamper her. I would so love to if you wouldn’t mind.” Her eyes pleaded for permission.

  Sarah looked at her and noticed tears glistening in her eyes. She could hardly deny her generous request. She realized this meant a lot to Kelly. “Well, she loves Barbie dolls. And she loves the pretty clothes.”

  “Barbie dolls and clothes it is! Thank you for this honor, I can hardly wait to see her precious little angelic face.” She smiled and appeared excited by the prospect of presenting Candy with gifts.

  “Sure.” Sarah was amazed at her fervent need to see Candy and pleased at once.

  “What time should I arrive?”

  “Six pm?”

  “See you then. Okay, I have to dash off. I have shopping to do!” She winked at them and took off in a flash.

  “She is such a classy lady, just so different and amazing in many ways,” Jacob said in admiration.

  “That she is…and so much more,” Sarah replied.

  She could hardly believe her good fortune her cup was overflowing. People were coming into the shelter opting to transition, and it was all because of Jacob and his testimony. What a kind and beautiful soul he had. She was so happy that she found him when she did. Her whole life turned around for the better with him in her world, things just started happening, doors began opening. The Lord sent him my way for a reason…thank you God.

  “Okay, I’ve a meeting with a group of potential clients. I’ll see you at six pm. I’m looking forward to that delicious dinner, and the great company.” He grabbed his coat and headed for the door, then turned to smile before exiting.

  “See you later Jacob.”

  Ruth was staring at her friend, looking at the whole exchange while munching on another donut.

  Sarah looked at her and shrugged her shoulders. “What?”

  “You know what.” She chewed on the donut with a smile.

  “No, I don’t know—what.” She rolled her eyes with feigned annoyance.

  “You have gotten really close to Jacob.” Ruth said calmly.

  “Yes, when you work with someone the entire day, and part of the night-it happens.” She knew where Ruth was going with this, and tried to make light of it.

  “I am talking, close…not close.” She winked as she finished her donut.

  “Ruth, knock it off. There you go again with your romantic overtures in your mind. This is strictly business—and he loves Candy and she him. So, it is all about work and Candy. It is nothing more, nothing less.”

  “Ah ha…Me thinks you protest too much.” She rocked in her chair smiling at her friend and her denial.

  “Goodbye Ruth, I have calls to make. Take your coo coo thoughts and go. I’ll see you later my friend.” Dismissing her gently she added, “I love youuuuu.”

  Ruth grabbed another donut and with a knowing look on her face took a bite then murmured, “yeah, love you too.”

  She thought about the hug with Jacob. She felt something despite her convictions about business only. It was easy to be around him, had been from day one. He was a comfortable person to be with. She had to watch what she said. She was free to be herself with Jacob. With Luke, it was an entirely different scenario. She’d always felt she needed to
tread easy with him. It brought a whole new meaning to the term walking on egg shells. And that he didn’t approve of her work, or the people and projects she put her heart and soul into. With Jacob, he is positively thrilled to help others. He’s as charitable as Kelly is! They both had no claim to the company, and neither wanted, nor desired the recognition. They were both simply outstanding and amazing on all levels. The phone rang grabbing her attention pulling her from her thoughts. “Hello Candy.”

  “Hello Mommy. Don’t forget to bring home a toy for Star, she lost her toy mouse,” her tiny voice sounding like a mommy.

  “Okay sweetheart, I won’t. How’s it going? Are you learning anything with Mrs. Olsson?”

  “Yes, I wrote a letter to you. You’ll see it when you come home. Bye Mommy, I have to do reading now. She’s pointing to my books. Bye. I love you!” She blew kisses into the phone.

  “Bye. I love you too.” Sarah returned the kisses.

  She was so happy. She could hardly wait until dinner. It was going to be a wonderful night. Nothing could impede her happiness or her feelings of elation. It was a perfect day, all the way around-tonight will cap off the most wonderful day since taking Candy home.

  He put the mask over his face and reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out the night stick. He placed the scrubs over his clothes and looked at his latest victim. The victim was sitting, and alone… rubbing his gnarly hands together trying to keep warm.

  He pushed open his car door, glee on his face. While walking toward him, he was pumped full of adrenaline and getting more and more excited with each approaching step, his eyes wild and crazed. He yelled to his next victim, “Hey you.”

  The homeless man looked up and saw a doctor standing in front of him. He stopped rubbing his hands and wondered what this guy wanted with him. “What’d ya want?” he asked as he looked at the doctor.

  “This,” he laughed before he started hitting him with the night stick, and with each blow to his body, he smiled and felt the rush of pleasure. He loved it! Most especially when there no longer was any movement and the body was perfectly still. He was transfixed on his task at hand. He lived for this. Nothing was greater than this feeling of power over another individual.


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