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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

Page 11

by C D Swanson

  “Yes, I heard—I can’t believe no one has come forward yet. He must be hiding in the sewers like the dirty rat that he is,” he said with contempt.

  “What an insult to the average sewer rat.” She smiled.

  Jacob laughed and replied, “I stand corrected.”

  Just then the door opened and Sarah came in with donuts and three dozen bagels, and all the works.

  “Hello Kelly. Hi Jacob,” her voice was cheerful and melodious.

  “Hello. Here let me help you with that.” Jacob ran to take the packages from her and went to set them up.

  “Thanks Jacob.”

  “Well guys, we’re going to be on the national news today. Are you as nervous as I am?”

  “Oh Sarah you just be your normal charming self and you’ll bewitch them all.” Kelly smiled, and then continued; “besides it’s really nothing at all. I’ve done these interviews so many times…just take my cue if you have any trouble. I have your back,” she reassured her with confidence.

  “Thanks! That already alleviated my anxiety more than you know.”

  “How is the little doll Candy today?” Kelly inquired with avid interest.

  “She’s happy and loves you and her new Barbie doll. She requested banana waffles with blueberry syrup, so I know she was really happy.”

  “Oh she is a veritable delight. I just love her.”

  “And she loves you too.”

  Ruth showed up asking, “do I smell donuts and bagels?”

  “Good morning Ruth,” they said in unison and laughed as she sashayed toward the goodies before taking a seat.

  “Hey! I ‘m a big girl who needs her energy. I have a big press conference to cover here. I’m doing two jobs—Attorney and Press Secretary. Ahem! Did I hear someone say raise?” Ruth feigned indignation before taking a huge bite of a Boston crème donut.

  “Ruth you certainly deserve it, and as soon as this big portion of our project is over with—you’ll get one!”

  “Wow! I was only kidding! But, thanks!”

  “Is that all it takes? Gee I think I’ll have to remember that for future reference,” Jacob said with a wicked smile.

  “Okay guys—I’m nervous enough. They all should be here within fifteen minutes,” her voice quivered.

  “Sarah, I’d be more than glad to help you through this. But, remember-no mention of the funding. I do not want it to be known. Please keep me as anonymous as possible.”

  “Yes Kelly we’re all aware. If something does get out, it won’t be any of us that told,” Sarah promised.

  “Thank you.”

  They saw the news truck pull up and the reporters getting out with the cameras, and the state van pulled up at precisely the same moment.

  “Here we go,” Sarah sighed.

  “Places everyone everything will be okay,” Jacob said with confidence.

  They waited for what seemed like an eternity and then the doors swung open. Sarah looked at Jacob he winked at her and smiled with a thumbs-up. And, she went over to take her place with Kelly…Jacob joined them shortly afterwards.

  “Good Morning everyone. I’d like to take the time to introduce you to everyone connected with this project. To my left, is the Director and Liaison of the Shelter, Mr. Jacob Morgan. And, to my right you’re all familiar with her and her kind works and acts, she needs no introduction. I’m honored to say she’s part of our dedicated team, Miss Kelly Novak,” she paused waiting for the applause to stop before continuing, “Last year at this time the shelter was a mere dream and the start of something big in my mind. There were so many homeless people that came through my clinic, besieging my heart each and every time one of them came in. And, it was because of the need that this project began to take root in my mind. It was my intention to not only offer shelter, but to provide tools to help them become fully functional in every aspect of society. By that I mean a job, a home, and in essence reclaiming their lives. Far too many of them were victims of circumstances. A good portion of them lost their money when the stocks crashed, and some to schemers who took their investments. And the rest were just pawns of life in general. It became increasingly apparent that they needed the resources and tools to rebuild their lives. And I wanted to be able to do that for them. I was so fortunate to have found Jacob Morgan who is behind the success of the project-he is an amazing and compassionate Director. He’s aware of the hardships with being homeless, as he was homeless himself.”

  A cacophony of murmuring voices resounded throughout the conference room registering shock.

  “I’ll let him tell you his story in a couple of minutes. To continue, we were fortunate to be able to gain funds through generous benefactors…which allowed us to get our project off and running. We have a full facility for their transitions. One side is female, the other male. There’s a library for studying, and computers will be available for research. There will be courses given for career developments. I am very happy to report—it’s going exceedingly well. So, thank you to all parties concerned. And, with special mention to Kelly Novak, who has been an integral part of this formation. She has given her personal time to help with the decorating, and the overall structure of the building. Plus her heart is near and dear to the homeless population. As you are all aware, she’s offering a reward for the capture of the Homeless Attacker. So we’re truly blessed to have her on our team.”

  Thunderous applause erupted in the conference room clearly showing their approval. After quite some time Sarah was able to resume. “And, now I’d like to introduce you to the Director of Project Shelter—Mr. Jacob Morgan.” Sarah stood back clapping with a show of support for Jacob.

  When the applause subsided, Jacob spoke, “I’m so honored to be a part of this amazing organization, and thrilled to be the Director of the shelter project. It’s been moving along according to plan, in fact we’re ahead of schedule by a couple of days. We intend to provide all of the resources necessary, to our residents at our shelter. This began as a pilot program to see how well it fared before building others of the same throughout the remaining boroughs. It’s our intent, while housing these individuals, to provide tools of trade of their choice, with the ultimate goal concluding with graduation. Graduation occurs after successfully completing their courses, and securing employment and an apartment. So it’s quite extensive. And, so far we have fifty individuals in our shelter, and so many others who’ve signed up showing keen interest in getting out of their current scenarios. So, thank you all for coming, and we look forward to seeing our residents leaving our shelters. It’ll be bitter sweet, seeing them go…but because that’s when we know that we’ve done our job. Thank you.”

  There was another round of applause along with a standing ovation. The reporters and others were very pleased with what they had heard. It was very encouraging for all parties present.

  They had a brief question and answer session showing live on the news. They were receiving a lot of publicity through Kelly, and gained so much in their collateral department since her influence with the Shelter project.

  “Miss Novak what do you think of the horrific beatings towards the homeless?” a reporter asked with fierce determination.

  She glanced at Sarah to see her reaction and Sarah nodded to go ahead and take center stage and handle it.

  “I think I speak for the entire organization to say we’re sickened by this pattern of madness that’s going on in our beloved city. This madman has to be caught and brought to justice. It breaks my heart all of the senseless beatings of this population.”

  “Have there been any calls from parties claiming to know about any of this—for the million dollar prize?” A New York Times reporter stood front and center with his question.

  “There’ve been calls and some leads, but nothing that’s concrete as of yet. That’s all I’ll say on this subject. We just pray it’ll end soon. Thank you.”

  She stepped away from the podium while questions were still being asked, and walking away without hesitation…Sara
h went to the microphone, and spoke confidently, “Please feel free to join us…we have lovely refreshments in the back of the room. The hot buffet choices are courtesy of Domenick’s Restaurant and Grill. And, the desserts are from Pierre’s confectionary and sweet bar. Thank you and God Bless.” They applauded and the crowd walked to the back of the room to partake in the treats.

  “Thank you so much guys. You did such an amazing job.” Sarah smiled and hugged Kelly and Jacob.

  “I think you are underestimating your own worth Sarah. You’re the person who spearheaded this entire project.” Jacob returned her compliment, and Kelly nodded in agreement.

  “Well, I’m so proud of all of us. This is going to be the best thing for our city, and it’ll hopefully make homeless a word that will become extinct in our boroughs and eventually throughout the USA.”

  “Small baby steps Sarah, but it is so awesome to dream big.” Kelly touched Sarah’s arm and smiled.

  They were all surprised at the delivery from Domenick’s and Pierre’s, but they wanted to donate in exchange for some publicity, and to support the cause. So, the donuts and bagels that Sarah brought earlier were not needed. The food was heavenly and the dessert sheer ambrosia! They loved it. Sarah’s rejoicing was short lived, interrupted by a phone call from her nanny.

  “Yes. How are things going?”

  “Not too good. I’m afraid Candy has suddenly spiked a temp and seems weak. It happened within the last hour,” her nanny’s tone was decidedly somber.

  “Oh. I’ll be right there.” Sarah’s heart began to race. Suddenly nothing mattered but running home to made sure that Candy was okay.

  “What’s wrong?” Jacob stood up seeing the alarm on Sarah’s face.

  “That was my nanny. Candy spiked a temp and is weak. I have to go,” her voice cracked.

  “Please take my limo...can we accompany you?” Kelly stood up with a super concerned frown.

  “Yes Kelly, thank you so much.”

  “I’ll hold down the fort here. Sarah, don’t worry about a thing,” Ruth said as she hugged her friend.

  “Thanks Ruth.”

  While in the limo Sarah was silent staring out the window her mind racing. She said a quick prayer to God for strength and His divine will to help with what was to come.


  She looked at Jacob in response.

  “How are you doing? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine for the moment. It is Candy who I am worried about. I cannot thank you both enough for supporting me this way.” She held Jacob’s hand and then grabbed Sarah’s hand. Her heart was beating rapidly, she was so nervous.

  The ride was taking longer than usual and just when she thought she’d lose it all—they pulled into her driveway. She hardly waited until the limo stopped before she jumped out. Jacob and Kelly followed in suit. They were behind her as she opened the door to her house.

  “Mommy’s home,” Sarah called out.

  The nanny came out and put a finger to her lips, saying, “she just fell asleep –her temp was 101, however, it came down a little.”

  “I’ll go and look in on her before I call her doctor.” She ran up the steps.

  Jacob felt helpless, as did Kelly. It was interesting how the two of them had formed such a bond with Candy so quickly. It felt as if 6 years or longer had gone by. Hard to believe it was only 7 months.

  “My heart goes out to that young woman,” Kelly said as she sat down on the white sofa.

  “She’s such a strong and resilient young lady. And, Candy is such a fighter –plus the bravest little person I’ve ever known,” Jacob said with conviction.

  “Yes, she sure is,” Kelly said in low tones.

  “Is this bringing back any bad memories for you Kelly?” Jacob was concerned for Kelly, her face showed deep emotions etched with pain.

  “Well, my son’s birthday is tomorrow and I always wonder how he would’ve turned out had he lived,” the pain in the voice was palpable.

  “With you as his mom, he’d have been the luckiest kid in the world, second to Candy.”

  She smiled and took his hand and squeezing it gently, her eyes sparkling with tears as she said, “Thank you. That was sweet and means the world to me-especially since he would have been your age.”

  “You want to hear something funny. My adopted mom who deserted me at 14, she never told me my birthday. So, I never celebrated one.”

  “Oh I’m so sorry Jacob.” Her heart broke hearing this young man’s plight. There was so much pain in the world. Too many broken hearts were all around her.

  “I know. It is okay, no biggie. That is one way of holding back time-mentally at least.” He gave a half-hearted grin.

  “Still…that must have been hard. Where is your adopted mom now?”

  “I heard she died years ago, she was an alcoholic.”

  She cast her eyes downward. She knew that story only too well. Her childhood was not a bed of roses that most people believed. Her heart went out to this remarkable young man whom she grew so fond of, she surprised herself how much.

  “I’m sorry again Jacob. Your life hasn’t been fun. But-what you’re doing now is so meaningful and filled with purpose. You must be happy at last.” She offered her support while showing him the positive side of his life now. Besides, sometimes one must walk in sorrow in order to relate to the world. The bridge of adversity is one that many people cross… the important part is what they do with their lives when they’re no longer on that bridge.

  “Yes. For the first time I can honestly say yes. Yes, I’m very happy.”

  They both stood up when Sarah returned. “She is very warm to the touch. I’m going to give the doctor a call. Please excuse me a moment.”

  She walked into the kitchen and Kelly’s heart sunk. She wasn’t a mom per se-but she knew what it was like to lose a baby, and it was hell. She looked at Jacob and realized how nice looking he was, and how sad that his young life didn’t go well. Whoever gave him up for adoption is really missing out on an incredible and outstanding man.

  “The doctor told me to bring her in. He wants to check her out given her medical history. He told me try not to worry, but tell that to my heart,” her voice was barely audible. Her hands began shaking; she put them in her pockets. Then, it all became too much for her, and she started to cry. Jacob ran over and took her in his arms. She immediately put her arms around him in response and began sobbing openly. Kelly got up to get some tissues and found she began crying as well.

  “Here you go Sarah.” She handed her a tissue.

  “Thank you Kelly. I don’t know what to tell her, I have to wake her up to inform her she’s going back to the hospital?” She started crying again.

  “Oh honey we’ll come with you if you’d like,” Kelly replied in sincerity her heart breaking in two.

  “Thanks, perhaps you both should come too. I agree, she loves you both so much.”

  “Okay, and please Sarah keep a positive mind set, this may just be a touch of the flu, or a 24 hour virus. It doesn’t have to signal anything else. The doctors are being cautious due to her diagnosis that’s all,” Jacob explained in soft compassionate tones.

  “Yes, Jacob is right. Sarah, hopefully it’s nothing more than a virus, and she’ll be back to her normal self in no time,” Kelly’s tone was upbeat as she supported his sentiments.

  “Thank you. Thank you both so much, I don’t know what I would do without either of you.”

  They ascended the stairs and walked into Candy’s room. Sarah looked at her beautiful angelic face, blonde ringlets on the pillow and smiled through her tears. She took a deep breath and went over to Candy.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Thirty-Four Years Ago in Hawaii

  She stared at the money in her bank account and laughed. She couldn’t believe she didn’t have to be a pauper any longer. It was a really good deal. She didn’t care why they gave her the money and made the proposal. She didn’t care what she had to agree to do in order
to get this money. All she cared about was that she got a huge amount of money. And that was all that mattered to her. Some might think she was doomed to hell for taking one million dollars for the deal she agreed to. But, she didn’t think twice about it.

  She had always wanted to live in Hawaii. She saw how gorgeous it was on television, and here she was! She sipped her pina colada in her pink bathing suit, looking out over the Pacific Ocean! It doesn’t get any better than this. She smiled taking it all in, the tropical breeze; the ocean sounds and scent, this was living. She was finally happy in her miserable life. She finally got what she dreamed of her entire life. Again, not concerned with the repercussions of her actions, she did not feel one iota of guilt. All she felt was freedom and a buzz from her drink.

  She left and never turned back. She didn’t care about anything or anyone back home. All she knew is that she was finally going to live a life of peace, happiness and contentment. The bank account was her lover as far as she was concerned. Good old money! Who said it couldn’t buy happiness?

  She put her drink down and began walking back to the hotel with a huge smile painted on her face, and as she crossed the street, a speeding van came out of nowhere slamming into her. She went flying into the air and landed fifty-five feet away. A crowd rushed over as a doctor brushed through. Upon examination he saw she was dead. Her neck was broken she was killed instantly.

  Chapter Fifteen

  He saw Sarah at the hospital and didn’t go over to say hello. He knew she didn’t want anything to do with him any longer…So, he usually watched from a distance. He went up the stairway and put her out of his mind for the moment. He went to the supply closet and grabbed the surgical masks, scrubs and gloves. All the necessary supplies needed for his next plan of attack tonight. He couldn’t think about Sarah right now, he had more important things to do. He wanted to feel good again-and feel the rush of pleasure.

  “Sarah, we’ve run some preliminary blood tests for the moment. We put it out STAT, and we’ll get those results within the hour. For now, all we can do is wait. She’s resting comfortably and is stable at this point in time.”


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