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Five Hearts: A Tale Of Faith, Love, & Destiny~

Page 14

by C D Swanson

  She was standing with tears streaming down her face. She felt so sick about this, and knew it was so wrong on so many levels. But, she bowed to her husband’s wishes and went to her room sobbing quietly.

  Eldon went into the room and picked the baby up who was sleeping so soundly. He felt a little remorse but not enough to keep the baby. He put a blanket over the child’s body and brought him downstairs to the car. This was the right thing to do.

  He arrived at his destination and knocked on the tiny little trailer house. Bob opened the door, cigarette dangling in his mouth, in a ripped tee shirt. He burped and said, “Come on in my wife is expecting you. Let me see the baby.”

  He showed Bob the baby, “He’s so small and skinny. But my wife will deal with him. Do you have our money for taking this kid? We aint got no money to take care of this here brat.” His breath reeked of cigarettes and beer.

  “Yes I have the first of five checks.” He handed him the first hefty installment.

  The wife came in. He noticed bruises on her arms and legs and she had a drink in her hand. She looked at the baby saying, “This him?”

  “Yes this is him.”

  The wife took the baby walking into the back room. And that was the last he saw of a baby that was his and Sasha’s for a couple of hours.

  He pulled away feeling a little guilty but not enough to do anything about it. The kid would do fine, kids were resilient. He didn’t want to think about this for another moment. He had his own flesh and blood coming in nine months. He promised himself he wouldn’t tell Sasha about the horrific conditions he witnessed upon dropping the baby off to those two miscreants. He didn’t realize that they were this bad, but the checks would help them fix things up. He put on happy music and sang all the way home. He didn’t care to think about this anymore. They all got what they wanted. He would have his own child to carry on his name. And the people would have money to help defray their costs. He made it worth their while.

  And, while he drove home. He didn’t know that at that moment the husband was yelling at the wife.

  “Stop that brat’s crying or I’ll give you something to cry about,” his voice loud and threatening.

  “But he won’t stop. What do ya want me to do about it?”

  He slapped her hard across her face. “Just do something about it. I’m going out to get some peace and quiet. That kid better be quiet when I get home or else you’ll both be sorry.”

  He walked out of the house slamming the door behind him. She looked at the baby on the bed crying. She didn’t know what to do. So she got some cold milk and put it on a spoon and starting feeding him that way. She was in the middle of feeding him when a neighbor came by, after she heard an infant crying.

  “Hello? Anyone here?”

  She walked in after knocking and couldn’t’ believe what she witnessed her neighbor doing with the infant and screamed, “What are you doing? Don’t you know you can choke that infant feeding him like that?” She was incredulous. She ran over and took the baby from her. She took note of her lip bleeding. And she reeked of alcohol. “I have a bottle and formula over at my house. I’ll run and get it. I’ll be right back. And, then perhaps you can explain where this infant came from?”

  The neighbor ran home to get a bottle, formula and diapers. The woman holding the baby was taking a sip of her drink and didn’t know what to do anymore. She hated her life and her husband. She wanted to run away, that’s all she dreamed about. She wanted to just run away, and one day she vowed to herself that she would. She didn’t know when, but she would run far away from everyone. Everyone!

  The neighbor returned and took the baby. She gave it a bottle and started sucking away so quickly. She looked at his beautiful face as he grasped her pinky while he was drinking. She smiled and mouthed soothing cooing sounds to him. She looked at her neighbor who was clearly drunk out of her mind. She realized right there and then that she had to take this baby to her house. She couldn’t leave it here with these two, it would be unconscionable. She walked home with the baby, but not before explaining in a note where he was going to be. After she wrote the note she walked out with the baby who was still drinking his bottle. She’d find out who this infant was, and why they had him in their home, which clearly was not place for an infant.

  The lady, her neighbor was face down on the table sleeping off a fifth of rum. Her husband across town was drinking while paying a prostitute for another night of services rendered.


  Chapter Twenty-One

  Luke recalled his unhappy childhood. He often wondered why his parents didn’t give him away like the baby they bought. He thought his life might have been better with another set of parents.

  “Hello this is Luke anything new going on?”

  “No Mr. Schaw. I have nothing new to report. The office and the staff is status quo,” the employee’s voice answered.

  “Okay well I’ll be in much later than I anticipated. I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up the phone and got on his treadmill. He wanted to “run” his thoughts out of his mind. He needed to run from himself. He needed to run from his mind. His parents never loved him. They were in love with the idea of procreating. His mother might have been a different woman had she married a different man. She showed compassion to Luke a handful of times, but her husband always took her away for another adventure overseas… so she never had time to cultivate their relationship properly. He began running at a fast pace and soon was filled with endorphins being released from the exercise. He wanted to feel good. His whole life all he ever searched for was to feel better about himself, and to feel good. That was all he ever wanted. Sadly it was something he never experienced.

  “Hello this is Miss Novak are there any messages for me?”

  “No Miss Novak. There’s a package for you though. I placed it on your desk.”

  “Who is it from?”

  “I don’t know Miss Novak. It’s wrapped in blue and pink and no return address.”

  “That’s interesting. Okay I’ll be by later on this afternoon.”

  “Okay Miss Novak, see you then.”

  Kelly hung up the phone and went to get her purse. She sat down for a moment to glance at her personal mail from the desk drawer in her foyer. As she opened her drawer she pulled out the little framed picture and smiled. “Oh Isaac how handsome you were. I wonder where you are. If only you’d contact me.”

  She traced his handsome young face with her fingers. She hardly recognized herself in the picture, so young so happy. They made such a nice looking couple. They looked like they belonged together. She kissed the picture and replaced it in the drawer. She wiped a tear away and stood up and decided the mail could wait.


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ruth was handling the homeless project, both financial and legal aspects. So far, it was proficient in all areas and in fact, exceeded the projected preliminary goals. “Hello I need to reschedule the dinner for the benefactors, unexpected circumstances surfaced.”

  “Are these circumstances more important than receiving our money?”

  Ruth took a deep breath in order to go forward. These bombastic individuals were so rude believed the world owed them a living due to their bank account. Although it was true that nonprofit organizations were in need of their funds…in fact dependent upon them. However, there still was a thing called benevolence which should be the common denominator when donating. “Mr. Lindquist something has transpired in Sarah Johnson’s life that takes precedence. She’s thankful for your generous pocket, and extends her deepest regrets over the cancellation…but it’s something that cannot be helped.”

  “I insist on knowing what’s so important,” the angry and rude voice insisted on an answer.

  Ruth was livid! This individual was going above and beyond ludicrous heights in terms of arrogance. “Mr. Lindquist it’s a personal matter concerning her little daughter. She has fallen ill and is in need of a bone marrow transplant in order to survive. I
trust you will agree, emphatically that she has just cause for the postponement.” Ruth’s voice was cold and she was livid. There was silence at the other end of the phone, and for a moment Ruth thought he may have hung up. Ruth was about to close her phone when she heard a sound. “Hello?” Ruth listened and couldn’t believe his response when he finally answered.

  “I’m so sorry for my selfish and boorish behavior. I’m humbled by your words concerning the child. If there’s anything I or the other benefactors can do, please do not hesitate to call or ask. I mean that sincerely. I lost a child years ago to cancer, and I can absolutely relate and my heart goes out to Sarah. I feel so foolish, and I’m so so sorry, ” his voice softened sincere in his offer.

  Ruth was taken aback at this uncharacteristic response. Neither he, nor any of the others have ever shown any kind of human interest in anything other than making money. This was going to go down in history for sure. “Thank you Mr. Lindquist. I’ll certainly deliver your message to Sarah, I’m sure she’ll be truly grateful.”

  Ruth decided to call Sarah. Since Candy was brought to the hospital Sarah didn’t leave her side. “Hello Sarah, I spoke with Mr. Lindquist, you might be interested in knowing that he was humbled by your situation with Candy.”

  “Wow…that’s something for him. How are you doing Ruth? How are things going for you?” her voice was tired, flat and low.

  “Everything is going really well, please don’t give this place, or me another thought. You concentrate on your precious little girl. I’ll be by later, is there anything special you want or need? Anything at all.”

  “I need a miracle…Other than that no, but thank you for asking,” she said in sincerity.

  “You’ll get that miracle Sarah. Hang in there sweetie I’ll be by early evening. Bye.”

  Sarah placed her cell phone in her purse and walked into Candy’s room. She was sleeping. She was doing a lot of that lately.


  “Yes sweetheart, I’m right here, I thought you were sleeping.”

  “I was…Mommy am I dying?”

  Sarah’s heart sank… she wasn’t expecting to hear that question. However, given how bright she was this was a perfectly intelligent and legitimate question.

  “No Candy you’re not going to die,” her voice was strong with emotion and conviction. She kissed her forehead as she stroked back a few wisps of her ringlets from her angelic face.

  “Are you sure God doesn’t want me now?”

  “Sweetheart, you are feeling sick right now, but when we find a suitable donor you will be feeling better really soon. We need to fix your bone marrow and you will be okay. I promise you. Okay?” Sarah was never going to give up on her faith and belief that Candy was going to be okay.

  “I hope so mommy. I don’t like feeling this way. What happens if we don’t find a person to match me?” Her eyes were dull and the shadows under her eyes were getting darker with each passing day, a deep and disturbing purple.

  Thankfully Sarah didn’t have to answer that question, because the nurse walked into the room.

  “Hello Candy. How’s my favorite girl?” Melissa asked with a big smile.

  “Not good. I feel sick and tired,” she whined in a small voice.

  “I know Princess, but you’ll feel better one day soon. In the meantime, right now I need to take your temperature and some blood…is that okay?”

  “Yes, I guess so.” She seemed resigned to all the procedures and hardly made a fuss any longer.

  Sarah looked at her and realized what a strong little trooper she was. Not unlike the rest of the children in this cancer ward. They were so brave, all of them. Candy was no different, perhaps only on an intellectual basis.

  “Mommy can I have a chocolate milkshake after this?”

  “Of course Angel face, I’ll go and get it right now.”

  Melissa winked at Sarah and said, “Wow, can I get one too?”

  And, surprisingly Candy laughed, it was the first time she heard her laugh since she was admitted into the hospital. She kissed her and stood up.

  “Yes we’ll get one for you too. What do you think Candy?”

  “Yes she should have one too,” her little voice responded.

  “Okay, be right back girls. I’m on a mission.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Isaac was going to be in NYC for a business trip. His heart lurched each time he had to attend a meeting in NYC. He knew that was where his love of life lived. He struggled with thoughts of contacting her, but he truly didn’t want to disrupt her life. What if she didn’t want anything to do with him? What if she were heavily involved with some other man? However, there was no mention of a “special someone” in her blogs, or in any newspaper reports.

  What could he do to warrant a meeting with Kelly? He had an entire plane trip to think this through. He picked up the ring he had given her… he kept it all these years, secretly hoping that it would be on her finger again. He marveled at the dainty sized ring and recalled the day he gave it to her. She was so spectacular, vibrant and breathtakingly beautiful… and she was already pregnant at the time.

  “Kelly my one and only love, will you marry me?”

  “Oh Isaac yes!”

  He placed it on her finger and they kissed for what seemed like hours. They then went to church and got married in the “eyes of God.” No legal papers of man, but in the eyes of God. They were truly married in their hearts. He never was so happy in his life, and hasn’t been that happy since.

  “Sir, the limo is ready it’s time to leave or we will be late for the airport.”

  “Thanks Jeff…I’ll be right with you.” He picked up his suitcase and placed the ring inside along with their picture. He was going to be prepared should he get the nerve to call her this time around. He flipped off the lights and closed the door behind him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Kelly picked up the package her assistant had called about; she waited until she was in her limo to open it. There was no return address and the handwriting looked like a child’s printing. She opened it gingerly and felt as if the sword of Damocles was hanging over her head. There was a note and another envelope. She opened the note first and began to read.

  “Dear Kelly, you don’t know me but I just might be Santa Claus to you. I was a part of a big deal that went down 34 years ago. I was an underground agent for childless couples, and went in search of babies to make these people happy. So, when a billionaire couple contacted me for hire, naturally I had to find a baby. Well your mother called me after seeing my discreet ad in the underground paper. She told me your baby boy was for sale, and we were not to tell you. She said you were underage and had nothing to say in the matter. Anyway, the Doctor was in on it too, he got a piece of the action. So when your baby boy was born, the Doctor told you he died, and he was bought for a million dollars plus. Your mother got the million, the Doctor ten thousand dollars, and I got fifty-five thousand. Nice amount. So your boy never died, and if you want me to tell you the rest of where he wound up, and who he is-you need to pay me money without involving cops.

  Let me know what you want to do. I feel this is my way of giving back for a wrong done so many years ago. All I want is detective fees, nothing more. I am looking for around seventy thousand bucks, that’s all.

  I know what happened to him for the most part. Oh and your mother died in Hawaii where she went with the million dollars, so the bitch got what she deserved.

  I’ll be in touch by phone, and again this is not blackmail, I just need some money and want to pay back for the wrong I did in my life. Sincerely, Phillip Cane.”

  Kelly stared at the note in her quivering hands. This has to be some kind of joke, it couldn’t be possible. How could this be true? They told her the baby died! All of them, the doctors the nurses and the rest of the staff, were they all ruthless robots? Was this all part of an underground organization? She opened the other tiny envelope and pulled out a picture of a newborn baby, it was her bab
y! She could hardly believe what she was looking at. She trembled and felt sick. Kelly stared at the picture sobbing and gulping in pain. She was travailing so badly the limo driver stopped the car and knocked on the partition.

  “Miss? Are you okay? Miss?”

  She nodded yes, and then said in a weak and small voice, “please take me home immediately.”

  “Yes Miss.” His heart went out to her she was truly in anguish and it probably had something to do with that package she got into the limo with. She was kind and good, he hoped she was going to be alright. He felt so protective of her, all of her employees did.

  Isaac was outside her building sitting in a parked limo. Could he possibly just walk in on her after thirty-four years? He wanted to, but decided to wait another night and instructed the limo driver to take him to his hotel.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The Doctor got the results back. It took a few extra days due to the skeleton crew around the holidays. When he retrieved them he couldn’t believe what he was looking at. He made sure what he was reading was accurate. He walked quickly to Candy’s room and couldn’t believe they were going to have a Merry Christmas after all!

  “Mommy, I want to go home for Christmas can we go home?” Candy was so weak, Sarah’s heart was breaking that she had to keep denying her request.

  “Candy, mommy is doing everything she can to make that happen, we all are okay?” Jacob answered her as he touched her head and made a face at her, the one that always made her laugh. And this time was no different.

  “Jacob, you’re so funny.”

  The Doctor knocked and entered the room, “Hello everyone. Hello Candy, how is my best patient doing?”

  “Okay, but I want to go home now. I don’t like this bed and I miss my room,” her tiny voice demanded.

  “Hello Doctor.” Sarah sat up and wondered why the visit to the room. Jacob went over to Sarah and held her hand tightly.


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