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ROMANCE: Love Untamed: A Diamond Creek Alaska Novel, Contemporary Romance (Diamond Creek, Alaska Novels Book 4)

Page 1

by Croix, J. H.





  Note to readers

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  (Excerpt from TUMBLE INTO LOVE by J.H. Croix; all rights

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  About the Author

  Love Untamed

  A Diamond Creek, Alaska Novel

  By J. H. Croix

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 J.H. Croix

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1514764792

  ISBN 13: 9781514764794

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher with the exception of brief quotations included in critical articles and reviews.

  Cover photograph: (lower) © Patrick Davis,

  Cover photograph: (upper) © Jerzy Król,


  To my readers for such phenomenal support and for making this journey more fun that I could have imagined! And always…my husband for supporting the work of my dreams.

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  Diamond Creek Alaska Books

  When Love Comes

  Follow Love

  Love Unbroken

  Love Untamed

  A Note to Readers

  Welcome to Diamond Creek, Alaska! Each book in this series can be read as a standalone novel. The Diamond Creek, Alaska Novels are steamy, tender, and poignant contemporary romances set in the beautiful, wild, and quirky community of Diamond Creek.

  In Love Untamed, you will follow Susie and Jared on their explosive journey to love! I hope you fall in love with them, just as I have. As for whose heart may be up for grabs next? Well…I hope you’ll keep reading as Diamond Creek has many stories, surprises, and sexy escapades to offer, all set in the breathtaking beauty of the Alaskan wilderness. From someone who called Alaska home for over a decade, Alaska might be cold, but its romance is hot!

  Happy reading and thanks for joining us in the last frontier!

  ~J.H. Croix~

  Chapter 1

  One-year prior

  The rain came down so hard, the windshield wipers could barely keep pace. Susie Hammond glanced over at Jared who sat silently in the passenger seat. He was soaked through and yet managed to somehow seem unperturbed. Her emotions on the other hand were in turmoil. She tried to tamp them down, but waves of anxiety, fear—and inconvenient desire—crashed inside. Jared had been quiet since they’d dropped off Tess and Nathan at Tess’s hotel.

  She thought back to when Hannah called her early this evening and broke the news that Jared, Luke and Nathan hadn’t been heard from and were overdue at the harbor for their return from a routine fishing trip. She’d looked outside and her heart had stuttered. Kachemak Bay was barely visible in the heavy rain that fell and the mountains were invisible. Wind blew in window rattling gusts. Storms off the coast of Alaska could be vicious and made more so by the unforgiving conditions. On a perfectly calm day in the summer, the chances of survival in the ocean were slim without quick rescue.

  Susie had done what she always did—tucked her worry away and went into action. Jared, Luke and Nathan Winters were three brothers who ran a guiding business in Diamond Creek, Alaska. Luke was married to her friend Hannah, while Nathan was dating her other friend Tess. As she’d sat waiting with her friends, Hannah, Emma and Tess, Susie’s mind kept turning to Jared. Against every shred of sanity she had, there was an undeniable draw to him and it drove her batty. Jared was exactly the kind of man who would push her over the edge—detail oriented, always together, never messy, always calm—and so damn sexy she could barely look at him sometimes. Knowing he was out there in the wind and rain seemed to have flipped a switch inside. All those feelings she’d managed to keep at bay created an internal tumult.

  Susie had stood in the lashing rain with her friends as the helicopter landed, the whir and whack of its blades swirling the rain around them. Even though she’d personally spoken to the harbormaster and knew the Coast Guard had reported all on board were safe, her heart kicked into gear while she waited for the passengers to disembark from the helicopter. Jared had stepped out after Luke, tall, dark and dripping with water. She hadn’t been able to stop herself from pulling him close for a hug. “You’re soaked. We need to get you dry,” she’d said.

  Jared had pulled back and looked down at her, his piercing green eyes a flash of color in the dark rain. He chuckled. “Dry would be good about now.”

  Susie fought her urge to fret over him. He was soaking wet and shivering, and he was laughing about it. He’s okay. You said you just wanted to know he’s okay. Clearly, he is. What are you freaking out about? He was okay, and she was still off kilter to the point that emotion welled in her chest. Her emotions made no sense, and she wanted them to stop. Now.

  After a visit to the hospital for Jared, his brothers and the passengers on their guided trip to get cleared, Susie had taken charge of Jared, Tess and Nathan, while Emma brought Hannah and Luke home.

  “Damn, this rain isn’t letting up.” Jared’s voice cut through the quiet in the car.

  Susie glanced over. “Definitely not. I’m glad you’re not still out on the water. How are you feeling?”

  Jared shrugged. “Like a drowned rat. I’m relieved the family with us is okay. I was pretty worried about their daughter. By the time the Coast Guard got there, she was shivering so hard, her teeth were chattering.”

  Susie nodded. “Sounds like she’ll be alright.” Tears threatened to spill over. Get a grip. Jared is just Jared. You’re freaking out because he’s your friend. That’s all. She squinted through the rain running down the windshield, trying to ignore her feelings. No matter what she told herself, she’d been scared to death until she knew Jared was safe. And now that he was here beside her, she didn’t know what to do with her feelings. To say it was awkward didn’t quite capture it.

  “Is this your road?” she asked. Though she’d been to the house Jared shared with his younger brother, Nathan, it had been awhile. Since Luke had married Hannah and moved out, she’d had less of a reason to stop by with Hannah.

  “That’s the one,” he replied.

  When she came to a stop in the drive, Jared looked over, his inscruta
ble eyes flashing with something she couldn’t define. “Why don’t you come in? Give it a few minutes and see if the rain lets up before you head home.”

  Susie felt her head nodding before she could think. The house was quiet, the rain and wind muted inside. Jared adjusted the thermostat. Only then did Susie realize she was shivering. He turned on the television, said he needed a quick shower and disappeared, leaving her to wonder what the hell she was doing here. She idly flipped through the channels and was about to leave him a note and get out of there when he returned to the living room.

  Her pulse ricocheted. He leaned against the small island separating the kitchen and living room. He’d changed out of his wet clothes into navy sweatpants and a black t-shirt. The soft cotton clung to his fit, muscular build. She didn’t know if he did, but she’d bet money he worked out. Though he lived a life that kept him fit as a commercial fisherman and fishing guide, he hummed with a leashed energy. She couldn’t imagine him being still for too long. She glanced over, carefully keeping her expression bland while her pulse pounded and that inconvenient desire coursed through her.

  Susie stood and walked to the kitchen. “I should go,” she said, her words coming out stilted. She needed to get the hell out of there before Jared picked up on the riot of emotions. This will pass. It’s just because you were afraid he might die. And because your friends were worried and it’s some kind of contagious thing where their worry stuck to you.

  “What are you shaking your head for?” Jared asked, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

  She looked over at him and wished she didn’t like what she saw so damn much. On top of his deliciously built body that she itched to touch, he had those amazing green eyes, wavy black hair and chiseled features with a full mouth. As both of his brothers did, he also had dimples. So when he flashed that small smile, his dimples came with it. And since when were dimples so sexy? On Jared with his serious, intense eyes and not too frequent smile, he went from handsome to swoon-worthy because they were so unexpected.

  She felt the blush heat her face. She’d shaken her head without a thought passing through. She tried to pass it off. “Oh just relived you’re all okay. It’s not looking like the rain will let up.”

  Jared pushed away from the counter and came to stand in front of her. She could have sworn she felt the heat of his body. His damp curls caught flecks of light. She heard him take a deep breath. Her heart started beating faster.

  He swore softly and moved so swiftly, it took her by surprise. Since it seemed she’d lost all capacity for clear thought, the only thing that didn’t surprise her was she couldn’t seem to think straight. All she knew was one minute he stood before her and the next, his hand was in her curls. She opened her mouth to say something and his lips landed against hers, his tongue stroking deeply. The desire she’d been trying so hard to keep tamped down roared to life, spiraling through her with such force, she was lost. Every fiber of her strained toward him. One of his hands slipped around her waist, tugging her tight against him. The feel of his muscled body against hers stoked the fire inside of her. Slick heat built in her core. His hand slid down and caressed her bottom, pressing her against his arousal. No surprise, but he was clearly well-endowed. The length and heat of his hard shaft pressing against her cleft was so delicious, all she wanted was to tear his clothes off and have him inside of her.

  His lips left hers and traveled in a heated and frantic pass down her neck. He tugged at her damp blouse, tearing the top buttons apart. Her breasts were visible, barely restrained in the black lace bra she wore. He muttered an imprecation as he undid the clasp holding her bra together in front. Her breasts spilled out, and Jared wasted no time. His lips closed over a nipple just as his knee shifted between her thighs, pressing against her. He alternated with soft licks and suction. Her nipples peaked to an ache. Her hips moved of their own accord, riding his thigh, desperately seeking release.

  Jared abruptly pulled back and said her name. She opened her eyes into his piercing green gaze. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?” he asked in a whisper.

  She swallowed and shook her head, unable to form words.

  “Too long,” came his raspy answer. His eyes flicked down to her breasts. Her nipples were damp from his attention and pebbled in the cool air. Her breasts were heavy and full. She’d always wished to be thinner, her curves usually seemed too much. But now, with him looking at her breasts with that heated gaze, she felt so wanted that she wouldn’t change a thing. He cupped her breasts with both hands and leaned forward to lave one nipple and then the other, slowing grinding his thigh against her. She was so wet, she feared he could feel the moisture through her jeans.

  When he softly bit her nipple, she suddenly broke out of the heated moment and pushed away. She opened her eyes to find him looking back at her, once again, his eyes inscrutable. Questions tumbled through her and she ignored them. She couldn’t believe what had just happened and had no idea what to do with how she felt. “I…um…” she started to speak and stopped when she tripped over her words. “I have to go,” she finally said abruptly.

  “Susie…” Jared started to say.

  As soon as he spoke, she got angry, furious with herself for wanting him so much she’d made a fool of herself.

  “What the hell was that about? I’m not like those idiots who moon over you. I’m definitely not your one night stand to make you feel better after you almost drowned,” she said, her voice strident and loud, even to her. She quickly tugged her clothes together, shoving her breasts back into her bra and buttoning her shirt. She grabbed her purse and gave her raincoat a shake before putting it on. She couldn’t even look at him again.

  “Do you have to get angry right off the bat?” Jared asked, his eyes flashing.

  She didn’t look up. “Shut up.” She raced out the door. She heard her name once more as she ran through the rain. When she slammed her car door, she saw him coming through the rain toward her. She started her car and shifted into reverse before he had a chance to reach her. Her headlights illuminated him in a glittering arc through the rain as she backed up rapidly.

  Chapter 2


  Susie pushed through the door at Sally’s. It was raining, so she was meeting friends for an early dinner. Sally’s was a Diamond Creek fixture, an old renovated barn that had long been an established restaurant and bar. She shook her brown curls, raindrops flying when she did. She strode quickly over to the dining area, searching out her friends.

  A good hour later, Susie was wondering how much she could take from Hannah and Tess about Luke and Nathan, their respective husbands. Hannah, Susie’s best childhood friend, had married Luke Winters, and Tess had married his younger brother, Nathan, after meeting him on a fishing trip to Alaska last year. Susie loved to see her friends happy, so she just might have interfered a little. But if she’d known how much they were going to drone on about how awesome their husbands were, she would have reconsidered. There was also the inconvenient fact that Jared was the older brother to Luke and Nathan, so it was difficult to avoid him. She thought she’d done a good job of hiding how she felt about Jared, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Especially since that damn kiss last year. Just thinking about it aggravated her still. She didn’t like letting anything get the best of her, and she’d been an idiot to let that kiss happen.

  After Hannah made a sly comment about Susie being the one to set Hannah and Luke up, Susie harrumphed and took a swallow of beer. “Maybe I can see a good thing coming, but that doesn’t mean you have permanent permission to drone on about how great he is.”

  “It bothers you because you can’t keep your eyes off Jared and won’t admit it to save your life,” Tess replied with a sly grin.

  Susie choked on her beer, grabbing a napkin to wipe her chin. Emma gave Tess an admiring nod. “You may be kinda new around here, but…wow…that took nerve.” Emma was Hannah’s older sister and had moved to Diamond Creek a few years ago.
Their parents had given Emma up for adoption, and many years later, Emma had started searching for them. Unfortunately, she never met her biological parents because they had died in a plane crash in rural Alaska. But she’d found Hannah and decided to move here. She was more low-key than Hannah and Tess, but probably sharper than all of them as she was a therapist. Her sly sense of humor tended to sneak up on others.

  Hannah bit her lip and shook her head. Susie glared at them and hoped they didn’t notice the blush creeping up her neck. Tess had zeroed in on an uncomfortable truth—Susie barely could keep her eyes off Jared whenever he was around, and it drove her nuts. Even when she wasn’t thinking about it, she’d catch herself looking at him. It didn’t help that he was ridiculously sexy. Matters made worse by the fact that they were not cut out for each other. Maybe that one kiss had been mind-blowing, but Jared had never even hinted it happened. He was cool, calm and collected. Stop thinking about him! He doesn’t matter. Right, you only wish.

  “What?” Hannah asked, feigning innocence. “You’re happy to dish it out, you’d better be ready to take it.”

  Play it cool, do NOT let them see you sweat this. Susie straightened her shoulders and glanced around the table. “I’ll have you know that while I won’t deny Jared is handsome—that whole damn family is—I can certainly keep my eyes off of him. Plus, can you imagine me with someone that uptight? That man seriously needs to loosen up.”


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