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Once in a Lifetime

Page 3

by Jade Falconer

  As the students wrote, the professor proceeded to tell them what each of the symbols stood for. He explained thoroughly but quickly, and when he had finished he asked if anyone had any questions. The few students who were not still madly scribbling looked generally blank. With a few exceptions.

  Percy doodled aimlessly at the bottom of his notes. He had written down most of what the professor had said, enough to remember, since he was familiar with the concepts. But the tip of his pen was composing a decorative border around the paper.

  The professor stopped speaking, and came to stand in front of Percy. “Young man,” he said evenly. “You seem to be in the wrong class. This is mathematics, not art.” His voice was cold. A few brave souls laughed but quickly quieted at the professor's glare.

  Percy looked up at him with a calm smile. “Oh, I took notes. You're welcome to see them, of course.” He stared up at him, unused to being truly intimidated by anyone.

  The professor frowned. He gestured at the board. “So, I suppose you know all of it already,” he sneered.

  Percy smiled. “Of course I don't know all of it. Don't be absurd. Am I not here to learn it?” he asked guilelessly.

  The professor's expression darkened. “What's your name, boy?"

  Percy sat up straighter. He was not used to being spoken to thusly. “Lord Percival Elgin, at your service,” he said haughtily. “Have I broken some rule of which I am unaware that you should take that tone with me?” he asked.

  A few of the students tittered nervously as the professor's smirk widened. “Oh, apologies, my lord. I did not know we had nobility in our midst. I must have missed the royal proclamation.” He smiled. “Lord or not, here you are a student and insubordination is not allowed."

  Percy frowned. “Insubordination? My good man, what are you talking about? You have asked me questions and I have answered them. I have no idea what I have done to inspire such a base accusation. And then to mock my lineage ... I really must protest."

  "You may protest all you wish. In detention. Report to me this evening after dinner.” He turned away and continued lecturing.

  Percy managed the remainder of his lectures without incident. When he returned to his dormitory before dinner, he hardly had an opportunity to tell any of his fellow students apart, let alone get to know them. However, apparently some of them knew him.

  Two boys nudged each other as he entered. “Nice job,” the taller one remarked. “First day. Impressive.” He had an unruly shock of coarse blond hair and pale blue eyes.

  Percy arched an eyebrow. He regarded the two other young men. “I beg your pardon?” he asked politely.

  The other boy, a redhead whose face was covered in freckles, spoke up. “Kent. I say, no one's gotten a detention quite that quickly. Bloody hell."

  Percy pursed his lips. “Well, word gets around fast, I see. No matter. I didn't do anything wrong, and I intend to explain that to Mr. Kent,” he said, deliberately emphasizing the fact that the professor was not a member of the aristocracy.

  The blond boy snorted. “That would be ill advised, you must see that. T'will only enrage him more."

  Percy was completely astonished. “What do you imagine he might do? Take me over his knee? Come now. I don't think that he could have much influence over a future peer of the realm.” The very idea that the teacher would take him so harshly to task for simply doodling on his paper was beyond him.

  The redhead paled. “I know I wouldn't like to find out, that's all,” he declared.

  The other boy nodded, and it seemed they'd drawn a bit of a crowd. “He's not known for being fair. You'd better go. Being late would only make it worse."

  Percy rolled his eyes. It was silly for all of them to be cowed by another man, a commoner no less, simply because he was a professor. He took his time getting to his detention appointment. He strolled into the lecture hall, head held high.

  Professor Kent sat behind his desk. He looked up, then glanced at his pocket watch. “How good of you to join me, my lord,” he said lazily. “Do have a seat."

  Percy took a seat in the front row again and crossed his legs. “If I may, Professor, I'm sure we can work out this misunderstanding fairly simply. I assure you I meant no disrespect in class.” He decided to start of calmly and rationally, and see how that went.

  The professor regarded Percy for a long moment, then stood and walked around the desk. “I shall speak slowly, as you are new to the world of academia.” He paused. “You had a tutor, did you not? You never attended classes with others.” He leaned against the desk, arms crossed.

  Percy colored slightly at the mention of his tutor. He missed William all the more now that he was being looked down upon by a handsome man with nothing but derision on his face. “That's correct. What of it?” he asked.

  "So you are ignorant of the dynamics of a classroom. The professor rules in his classroom. The students are there to learn, not prove their own knowledge or their station. I do hope that I've cleared that up for you."

  Percy rolled his eyes. “I beg your pardon, Professor, but when you first took me to task, I had completed taking notes, and was waiting for my classmates to catch up. As I did absolutely nothing wrong, and was chastised for it, I didn't see anything wrong with standing up for myself. I would not have mentioned my title had you not asked my name.” He folded his arms over his chest.

  "You showed disrespect then, and you continue to do so,” the professor said, his voice low with anger. He stepped closer, looming over Percy. “Do not think your ancestry will get you through your schooling. Put away your ego long enough to learn."

  Percy recalled vividly when his studies first began suffering. When he first laid eyes on William and had that nameless, unidentifiable longing. Well, he'd identified it now, and he knew the cure. As he looked up at the nasty piece of work who continued to dress him down, he realized the uncomfortable truth that he was just as attracted to this man. He licked his lips slowly, gazing into his eyes, and he completely forgot what the man had just said.

  The professor's eyes narrowed, and he glared at Percy. “You're not listening to a word I'm saying, are you, boy?"

  When Percy spoke, his voice was slightly hoarse. “A thousand pardons, Professor.” This was clearly not William, and he could not simply blurt out something intriguing about studying the Greeks’ wicked ways. Though, some of the man's words filtered back through his brain at last. “I promise you that I am prepared to learn whatever you have to teach,” he said with uncharacteristic meekness.

  Professor Kent's eyes widened, clearly surprised at Percy's change in attitude. “I do not forbid discussion in my classroom,” he said, stepping closer and leaning down, putting one hand on either side of Percy's chair. His voice dropped dangerously low. “But I will have respect, is that clear?"

  Percy could hardly stop his impulse to flirt. He was well into it now. “Oh, I have the utmost respect for...” His gaze roamed down the professor's body and back up again quickly. “You,” he finished.

  After a moment the professor stepped back. He fixed his gaze on Percy for a long moment, then said, “See to it that it continues, and we shall get along just fine. My lord.” He turned his back to pick up some papers. “You may go."

  Percy couldn't help feeling dismissed. Very likely the other man had no interest in those of his own sex. He sighed and stood slowly, unfolding his long lean body. “By your leave,” he said quietly.

  The professor turned to look at him as he left, and spoke once more, but this time his voice was a low purr. “I am always open to students who wish to learn.” He raised an eyebrow. “My office is just there,” he nodded at a door leading off the classroom, “should you wish any additional guidance."

  Percy glanced at the teacher over his shoulder, arching an eyebrow. “Why thank you, Professor. I may take you up on that.” Then he slipped out the door and returned to his dormitory.

  It was three days before he had mathematical theory class again. He had toyed with the id
ea of going to him sooner, but he thought perhaps he would take his time to come up with a really compelling problem that would demonstrate his superior skill and intrigue the other man.

  He kept his mouth shut and didn't doodle during class. He was, in all ways, a model student, even to the extent of having the correct answer when called upon. He lingered when the class was over, hovering by his own chair for a moment until most of his classmates had gone. Then he approached.

  "Professor, might I have a moment of your time?” he asked politely.

  Professor Kent looked up in mild surprise. “Of course. Would you like to come into my office?” he said.

  Percy smiled as charmingly as he could manage. “Thank you.” He followed the older man, and took a seat in a chair facing the desk. “As I was working on my assignment in the intervening days between classes, I happened to think of a problem that I have long yearned for a solution to.” He pulled out a small sheaf of papers.

  The professor listened as Percy explained, eyebrows rising. “You show more understanding than I'd expected,” he said grudgingly. “Obviously you had an intelligent tutor."

  "Oh, he had some innovative motivational techniques,” he said, trying to disguise his small grin. “Can you recommend a direction I ought to go to puzzle this out?” he asked, gazing into the professor's eyes. He was a difficult man to flirt with, but Percy could almost feel that it might be worth it. Almost.

  After a moment's hesitation, the professor got up slowly and came around to Percy's side of the desk. He pulled up a chair and sat beside him, leaning close as he began to explain the problem. Percy could smell the appealingly male scent of him, like clean air and soap and a vague hint of leather. His concentration was sorely tested as he listened to the complex mathematical concepts. He frowned, trying to grasp it. “Yes, I think I understand what you're saying.” He looked into the other man's eyes. “Thank you,” he said breathily.

  Professor Kent gazed back, not looking away, and finally said, “I am pleased to see I was wrong in my initial assessment of you."

  Percy felt pinned like a butterfly on a board. He licked his lips. “People are frequently wrong about me. Don't let it trouble you. I'm quite used to it,” he said, barely above a whisper.

  The older man smiled. “But I believe there is one particular thing I was not wrong about,” he purred.

  Percy lowered his gaze for a moment, then looked back up at the teacher. “And what would that be?” he asked.

  He didn't answer, but, slowly, the professor reached out and ran his hand through Percy's hair, pulling out the tie that held it. Percy sucked in a sharp breath. His long brown hair tumbled over one shoulder, and he continued to gaze steadily at the handsome older man. “I believe you're right,” he said quietly. He had hoped, but had not expected this, and his body reacted instantly.

  Now that Percy's hair was loose, the professor took a handful of it and used it to pull him closer. “I usually am,” he whispered, face inches away from the younger man's. Without waiting for a reply, he crushed his lips to Percy's. Well used to kissing, Percy yielded almost right away. His lips parted in invitation and he whimpered. His hand reached out to balance him, falling on his professor's broad shoulder as he was dragged close without resistance.

  The older man kissed Percy roughly at first, as if testing him. He swept his tongue into his mouth, possessing it, his free hand dropping to Percy's thigh.

  Percy loved to be manhandled. Anything that seemed to indicate that he was craved was perfect. And he knew where this was going. He didn't want to stop. He kissed back with all the skill he'd acquired, stroking the other man's tongue as his hand slid down his chest.

  After a moment, the professor pulled back, gazing intently into Percy's eyes. “I see you've done this before,” he said, his voice a low purr. He slid his hand higher.

  Percy's lips were parted and he breathed faster than usual. “Yes,” he whispered. His hand rested lightly on the other man's thigh, high enough that his thumb could reach, and gently stroked up and down the hard bulge of his professor's cock. “In some aspects, I am quite an advanced student."

  A rough moan issued from the teacher's throat. “Perhaps you'd like to demonstrate some of your proficiencies, then,” he suggested, eyes dark.

  Percy felt more confident by the moment. “Certainly, I'd be happy to,” he said with a coy smile. “My two best subjects are sucking and bending over desks. Which would you prefer?” he asked.

  The professor's eyes widened. “Perhaps first I'd like to see you put that mouth to better use than insolence,” he said lazily.

  Percy pushed his chair back and gracefully went to his knees before the other man. His hands braced the professor's thighs and slid up to the apex slowly. As his fingers worked at the fastenings of his trousers, Percy looked up at his face. “Does it excite you to see me on my knees for you? To know that I'm about to suck your cock?” he asked, his voice gone hoarse. William had always enjoyed a few naughty words, and Percy assumed it was part of the package.

  The professor's hand found his way into Percy's hair once again. “I thought you were going to do something besides talking, boy,” he growled. “Get on with it."

  Percy gasped, eyes widening. His fingers slid inside the other man's trousers and he pulled out his cock carefully. He leaned over and wet his lips for a moment before sucking him deeply into his mouth. He'd had practice at it, and his sweet, gentle tutor had always given him highest marks. He only hoped this man would be as easily pleased.

  Professor Kent's breathing sped up, but he otherwise didn't make a sound. He tugged on Percy's hair, urging him on. Percy felt, for the very first time, intimidated. He sucked harder and faster, doing everything he could think of to wring a reaction from the other man. He stroked firmly with his tongue, pressed with his lips. He took him deep, nearly gagging.

  The older man finally moaned, as if grudgingly. He arched up, thrusting into Percy's mouth. “Keep it up. Looks like you're good for at least one thing."

  Percy would have frowned if his mouth hadn't been occupied. He redoubled his efforts. He tried to swallow around the thick cock in his mouth and, after a couple of tries, he managed to take him all, down to the root. That earned Percy a moan from the professor. “Much better,” he said approvingly. He gave an abrupt gasp, then snapped, “Pull off,” as he tugged at Percy's hair.

  Percy stopped, still looking up at him as the older man's cock pulsed its seed on him. He felt the sticky wetness on his face. He wiped at his mouth and nose delicately with two fingers. He had definitely not expected that, and he wasn't sure what to make of it, either.

  The professor looked down at Percy with a satisfied smile. “You look good that way,” he remarked before offering a clean handkerchief.

  Percy accepted the handkerchief and cleaned off his face. For once, he had nothing to say. He felt strange. Not himself. His brow furrowed and he looked to the other man for something. He wasn't sure what. Then he stood slowly, setting the handkerchief down, intending on going.

  "Stop!” The word was commanding, the professor having recovered his composure.

  Percy looked at him, wide-eyed and less confident than he'd ever been in his life. He meant to speak, to ask what he was waiting for, but all he could do was lean back against the desk, and watch and wait.

  The older man reached out slowly and ran his finger down the still-obvious bulge in Percy's fine trousers. “You don't think I'm cruel enough to leave you like this, do you?"

  Percy swallowed hard. “I don't know,” he said honestly. He was hard, and he still wanted, but he wasn't sure of anything right now.

  The professor smiled. His gaze roamed over the younger man as he said, “Show me, Percy. Show me how much you liked sucking my cock."

  For a moment Percy didn't understand. Then he looked down and realized. He unbuttoned his trousers and pulled out his own still hard cock. He licked his lips and looked at the other man, waiting.

  "Mmm,” the professor said
approvingly. “So hard ... did you get hard for me that first time? In detention?"

  Percy bit his lip, still frowning. The professor didn't seem to make any move to relieve him. “Yes,” he said quietly. “But I wasn't sure of your interest.” He still wasn't, but he kept that opinion to himself.

  "Touch yourself. Show me how you look in the throes of passion."

  Percy felt stripped bare. Not only was the professor not going to touch him, he wanted him to perform for him. Defiance rose up in Percy and he braced his hands on the desk. “And if I don't?” he asked warily.

  The older man raised an eyebrow. “If you don't, you'll never get to bend over that desk for me,” he growled. Then his expression softened. “I thought you might enjoy displaying yourself for me."

  Percy felt dirty as he curled his fingers around his own cock. He started to stroke. It wouldn't take long, he knew. He couldn't meet the other man's eyes as he did it. He looked down at himself, panting, as if he was alone in the room.

  "Look at me,” the professor demanded, his voice now barely above a growl. “Look at me watching you, such a dirty boy..."

  Percy raised his eyes, looking at the other man. The tone of voice almost made him start. He was panting hard, but he didn't make a sound. Like he wanted to withhold some part of himself from this enigma. Finally, a whimper broke free as he started to come, pulsing over his own fingers.

  "Perfect.” The older man was on his feet now, crushing his lips to Percy's as soon as the boy finished. Percy had never been more confused. He craved the kisses, but there was nothing of William's sweetness in them. He yielded, but he wasn't sure why. The professor was overwhelming somehow. His senses were swimming.

  Finally he released Percy, pulling back and licking his lips. “If this is something you'd like to do again,” he said, “You must be very careful. It is up to you.” He handed Percy the handkerchief.

  Percy cleaned himself off. He still felt as if he'd been struck speechless, but he managed a subdued, “I understand.” He straightened his clothing, making himself decent again, and he smoothed back his hair. He thought he must look quite a fright. “Good night, then,” he said.


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