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Once in a Lifetime

Page 16

by Jade Falconer

  Percy looked over his shoulder at the other man, raising an eyebrow. “I believe I would be hard put to be any more ‘subordinate', Admiral,” he quipped.

  Lightning fast, the older man reached out and grabbed Percy by the hair. He yanked him upright savagely, and growled, “Shut your smart mouth, boy. Right now you're not an earl, you're just a whore with his pants around his ankles. If you want me to fuck you, and I know you do, you'll toe the line."

  Percy gasped, wincing at the pain in his scalp. He arched back against him, whimpered. “Yes,” he ground out. A little shiver of fear went through him.

  "You'll call me sir,” the older man snarled. “Now fetch some oil and put it on me.” He released Percy's hair.

  Percy looked around in a panic. He should have anticipated this. He spotted an oil lamp on the desk, unlit thankfully. It would have to do. He kicked his trousers off the rest of the way, not wanting to further humiliate himself by waddling across the room even for a few steps. He tipped some oil into his hand and returned to the Admiral. He looked into his eyes as he smoothed the slick substance thoroughly up and down the other man's length.

  "Good,” hissed the older man. “Now turn around and spread. You know you want it."

  Percy swallowed hard and turned around. He bent over the chair again, and spread his legs apart. He squeezed his eyes shut and arched his back. He glanced over his shoulder.

  Without hesitation, the Admiral stepped forward, spread Percy open and slid his cock inside. He groaned loudly, holding the younger man's hips as he buried himself.

  Percy gasped at the suddenness of it. He gripped the arms of the chair. It had been quite a while since he'd been with anyone, and it felt so good. If he closed his eyes tightly he could almost imagine that it was Alastair who was fucking him.

  With precision, the admiral began pistoning in and out of Percy. He moaned each time he thrust in, holding Percy firmly by the hips. Percy felt dirty and he gasped for breath. He was close, but he wanted more. He needed something. He arched his back more, pressing back against him. The older man moved faster, driving harder into Percy. He reached up and scratched down Percy's back.

  Percy shivered. “Oh God, does it feel good? To use a total stranger like this?” he panted. The other man was an enigma, handsome but a mystery to Percy.

  Admiral Stewart groaned as he fucked Percy thoroughly. “It feels so good, to pound into your tight little body,” he said. “You like to talk, boy? Tell me how you like being taken like this."

  Percy shivered.. “It feels like your cock is splitting me apart,” he rasped. He could tell this man enjoyed being brutal.

  "But you can take it, can't you? You love to take it...” The admiral changed his angle slightly.

  He whimpered, nodding. “Yes. I ... this is what I was made for. To be fucked like this,” he said, body jerking when the man behind him hit that particular spot that nearly made him come right then. “Ohh, I..."

  "That's right, all you're good for is to take a hard cock up your arse,” the older man said as he pounded. “Tell me how much you like it."

  Percy let his head hang down as he moaned and held onto the chair. “God, I'm so hard, I feel like I'm going to explode,” he choked out.

  "Do you want to come, boy? Should I let you have your pleasure?"

  "Please,” he begged. “Please, can I come, sir?” He throbbed with need, holding back with all his control.

  "Since you asked so nicely,” the man grunted with approval, “You may. Now.” He pounded even faster.

  Percy moaned loudly and started to pulse. His body shivered hard as all his muscles tensed. His legs shook under the strain. The admiral kept driving through Percy's climax, then he gave a loud gasp.

  Percy could hear the other man as he found his release. He was so deep inside him when he came, their sweat-slicked skin was semi-adhered to each other. Percy could feel sharp hip bones against his ass, knees pressed to the backs of his own. He swallowed hard as his breathing started to slow.

  The man didn't move for long moments, the he took a shuddering breath as he withdrew from Percy's body. He put a hand on Percy's back. “You all right, boy?"

  Percy nodded, straightening slowly. He knew not to expect much in the way of emotional dénouement from a stranger. “Fine,” he said softly. He grabbed his trousers off the floor and started to make himself decent again.

  The admiral straightened, fastening his trousers. He patted Percy fondly on the shoulder. “Splendid,” he nodded.

  Even though he wasn't expecting anything, it seemed terse. “Oh. Right. If you're in town for a while..."

  The admiral shook his head. “Shipping out tomorrow,” he replied. “I'll sleep well now, though, thanks to you."

  Percy nodded. “Right, then. Have a nice evening.” He felt so awkward as he bent over to pull his boots back on. This man had just fucked him, and that was that. He'd needed it badly, but the afterwards almost made it not worth the trouble.

  "I shall,” the admiral said breezily, and then without a backwards glance he was out the door and gone.

  Percy stared at the door for a moment. He stepped around the chair and sank down into it, combing his fingers through his hair. He gave a passing thought to Alastair, wondering where he was, what he was doing. But Alastair didn't want him anymore, and it was best to forget him. Not that he could.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The seasons changed slowly and soon Percy had to return to the country for the holidays. The prospect wasn't that thrilling, but he had purchased a few gifts for his grandmother, who was getting on in age, and he was looking forward to seeing the castle.

  One evening, as he was ensconced in his study poring over household accounts, the butler poked in his head. “My lord, we have a visitor. The Duke of Rosshaven wishes to see you."

  Percy had conducted some business with Rosshaven, although they had never met. They were partners in a shipbuilding venture. “Please, show him in, certainly!” he said, standing. It was an unexpected visit, but it might be nice to have distraction from the tedium. It was late enough that the duke would certainly wish to stay the night, at least.

  The other man was led into the room and Percy's eyes widened. He was far younger and more handsome than he'd expected, with jet black hair and a wicked looking beard that came to a sharp point without obscuring much of his face. “Your Grace,” he said respectfully, bowing.

  "Lord Elgin! We meet at long last! Please forgive my rude, unannounced arrival at such a late hour. But my footman seems to have taken ill,” the man explained in a deep voice. “I thought we were in a dreadful mess until I recalled the location of your lovely home. If we might just stop here for a few hours..."

  "Of course, Your Grace. Please, give me but a moment to have rooms made ready. Does your footman require medical assistance? Something to eat, perhaps?” he asked, as he waved at the butler and gave him some quick instructions.

  "But I do not wish to put you or your staff out at all!” the man exclaimed. “And of course you must call me Edward,” he added after the butler hurried out.

  "It's no trouble, truly,” he said. He wasn't sure about calling a duke by his first name. “And you must call me Percy,” he said smiling. “Can I offer you a drink? A room will be ready for you in just a few minutes if you are weary from your journey."

  The duke beamed. “A whiskey would just about do it,” he nodded. “But only if you're joining me."

  "Of course.” Percy went to the sideboard and poured two crystal tumblers full, handing one to the duke. “Were you traveling to see family?"

  "Yes, I was off to see my mum. But she'll just have to wait. It's a good thing I didn't have the children with me, you'd have been overrun.” The duke sipped at his whiskey approvingly. He looked around. “Am I to assume you've not yet married?"

  Percy's lips twitched. “No. Not married.” It was an interesting query for a visiting duke. He wasn't sure about the handsome ma
n. He hadn't paid much attention to gossip about him, because he had had no idea how handsome he was. He took a sip of his drink. Of course, if he had children he must be married, so perhaps Percy's instincts were failing him.

  "Pity. I'm sure all the fine ladies are plotting, however. It won't be long I'm very sure.” The duke seemed to be watching Percy closely.

  Percy took another sip of the fine cognac. “They may plot, but I am yet far too young to marry,” he said with a sly grin. He was almost certain the man was only being friendly, and had no particular intentions. However, at least he was something nice to look at for the evening.

  The duke drained his drink and accepted another. “Well I am sure you will have your pick, a young handsome man like you,” he said, giving Percy a penetrating gaze over the rim of his glass.

  Percy rather thought his primary charm rested with other factors, but he inclined his head. “When the time is right, perhaps,” he said. He went to refill the duke's glass. “I am sure it is very unfashionable to marry at only three and twenty."

  "Oh, and we mustn't be unfashionable,” smirked the other man, still looking at Percy. “But I suppose you're having quite the time, playing the field."

  Percy smirked. “On the contrary. I believe the young ladies find my disinterest somewhat frustrating.” He had gotten something of a reputation for being charming but aloof among the social whirl of the London party set.

  "Disinterest?” the older man purred. “That's an interesting way to put it.” He poured them both more whiskey. “But of course you are just being selective.” He raised an eyebrow.

  Percy was starting to feel more and more relaxed. He smiled coyly. “Oh yes. Extremely selective,” he said, chuckling.

  "Well of course,” the duke nodded. “Eminently sensible of you. And in the meantime, you can still have some fun, can you not?” The man's gaze was intense.

  Percy thought of the few trysts he'd had, and nostalgia tinged them slightly rosier than they were at the time. It had been too long and the thoughts stirred his loins. “Mm. Yes. Fun,” he said, looking wistful.

  The duke raised his eyebrows. “Of course,” he said carefully, “But then again, being married doesn't always mean you can never have any fun again,” he added, emphasizing the word.

  Percy finished off his drink and made a slightly clumsy grab for the bottle to refill his glass. “Oh, I should certainly hope not. I suppose you have quite a lot of fun yourself, no?” he asked, slurring his words.

  The duke leaned closer and lowered his voice conspiratorially. “Well. Between gentlemen, yes. One can have a great deal of fun as long as one is discreet.” He looked into Percy's eyes. “Of course you must know about discretion."

  Percy tossed back his third drink in one go, and gestured towards the door. “Shall we lock it and have a go, then?” he asked. He was feeling fine, now, and he could see just what the duke meant. He grinned at him and put his hand over his mouth. “Oh. Discretion. Yes, well, no one is about at the moment."

  The duke's eyes widened, and he pretended to be shocked. “My dear Percy. Just like that? We barely know each other.” Then he smirked and stood in front of Percy's chair, erection quite visible as he towered over him.

  Percy looked up the length of the duke's body, then his gaze drifted back to the bulge right in front of his face. He swallowed hard. “I'll just get the door,” he said hoarsely. He stood and held onto the arm of the chair for a moment for balance.

  The duke reached out to steady Percy then pulled him against his large strong body. “You don't have to do this if you don't want to,” he purred, soft and low.

  Percy drew in a shaky breath. He was already half hard. “Why wouldn't I want to?” he asked softly. He looked into his eyes guilelessly. “Do you want to?"

  "I think you can feel how much I want to,” the older man said, pressing against him. “It is so seldom I find someone compatible."

  Percy sucked in a breath. “Mmwell, now you have,” he whispered. He held onto the larger man's shoulders for a moment, his balance still compromised.

  "Then my delay was indeed fortuitous,” the older man breathed, running his hand down Percy's back.

  Percy grinned drunkenly. “Shall I get the door? Or shall we call the servants in to watch the show?” he asked.

  The duke grinned. “By all means, lock the door. But be quick about it, I don't want to wait."

  Percy wobbled over towards the door. He shut it securely and locked it, then ambled back towards the duke. “Oh!” he said, raising a finger. He walked over to the bar and pulled out a small drawer near the bottom. He reached into the back and pulled out a small vial of oil, holding it up like a prize. Then he made his way back to the other man. “Can never be too careful,” he mumbled as he started tugging off his coat.

  "Indeed,” the duke smiled, and beckoned Percy close. “Come here. I like to unwrap my gifts myself."

  Percy laughed, stepping close to him. “How delightful,” he said, holding his arms out. “Do with me what you will,” he said, smiling and shaking his hair loose down his back.

  "Ooh, I intend to,” the duke said, and gently he began to strip Percy of his garments.

  Percy helped when the duke needed him to move his arms or lift his feet. The man was charming in a certain way. In short order he was standing in his own drawing room, naked and hard and ready.

  "Very nice,” the duke said approvingly. He gazed openly at Percy's slender body as he began to take off his own clothes. “I do hope you're stronger than you appear. Can you take it?"

  Percy colored slightly. “Oh, I should say so. I like it a little rough.” He nibbled on his bottom lip. His gaze wandered over the Duke's body. He was muscular, which was unusual for the aristocracy. He had a lovely body, and Percy could well imagine he would be vigorous.

  "Do you?” mused the older man. “That's quite intriguing.” He was as naked as Percy now, and he stepped closer. “You are delicious,” he sighed as he began to touch Percy everywhere.

  Percy drew a deep breath. This man was quite unlike the last one. Rather than no-nonsense, getting it over with, this was nearly seduction. Percy reached up and slid his fingers through the jet black hair, and his thoughts strayed to Alastair. “You are very handsome, I must say. I had no idea. I thought all dukes were old and portly,” he said, smirking.

  The man laughed. “They were all young once. But I like to stay in shape on the horses. I don't believe in lying about."

  "And what is your position on kissing, Your Grace?” he asked, putting on an exaggeratedly posh accent. He swayed closer, pressing his body up against the duke's.

  "I'm quite in favor of it, actually,” the duke smiled, and wrapped his strong arms around Percy. Then he lowered his head and crushed his mouth to his.

  Percy whimpered. It had been some time since he'd been kissed, and this man definitely knew what he was about. He slid his arms around the duke's neck and kissed back, rocking his hips slowly back and forth against him.

  All the while they were kissing, the older man let his hands roam over Percy. He plundered Percy's mouth and rocked against him.

  Percy enjoyed being touched like this. He stroked the other man's tongue languidly, his mind drifting back to other kisses. He remembered the times Alastair had held him and touched him after they were both well satisfied. It wasn't all violent coupling. More often than not, Alastair had touched him with a surprising affection.

  The duke's caresses grew more urgent as the tension increased. Finally he pulled back and said, “I believe we will have need of that oil quite soon."

  Percy retrieved it from where he'd tossed it on the settee. He smiled and poured some into his hand to slick the duke's cock. He stared into his eyes as he stroked him slowly. He was growing more desperate. He wanted him badly. He needed that release, that moment when he didn't have to think about anything but feeling good.

  The older man moaned and thrust into Percy's hand. “That feels lovely,” he said, breath hitching. “
But do not continue too long or I fear this will not last."

  Percy stilled his hand but didn't let go of him. “Shall I get on my hands and knees?” he whispered, placing a light kiss at the corner of the Duke's mouth.

  The duke groaned. “Yes, I think that would be quite nice,” he said with a shuddering gasp.

  Percy smiled, enjoying the other man's reaction. He stepped back and sunk to his knees on the soft carpet. He bent over, arching his back, leaning down on his elbows.

  "Ohhh,” the duke moaned, and he fell to his knees behind Percy. “I'm really going to enjoy this..."

  Percy chuckled. “That is the idea, Your Grace.” He was going to enjoy it thoroughly himself. He knew his appeal, and he loved finding someone who appreciated it. Even if he wasn't the person Percy wished for.

  Almost gently, the duke spread Percy open and pressed the head of his cock against him. He moaned and began to slide in. Percy drew in a deep breath and bore down. He closed his eyes and arched his back, glad that the other man was going slowly but relentlessly, entering with shallow thrusts until he was fully sheathed inside Percy. His breathing was labored and he moaned with pleasure.

  Percy whimpered, pushing back against him. It had been a while since he'd been with anyone. “Mm, you don't have to be so careful,” he panted, his body adjusting.

  "I am just careful at first,” panted the duke. He thrust faster. “You like it rough, truly? How rough?"

  Percy did appreciate the caution. “As rough as you like,” he whispered. He was hesitant saying such a thing to a stranger, but he'd showed consideration so far.

  The duke moaned and drove in again, deeper and harder. “Like that?” He gasped, doing it again as he gripped the younger man's hips.

  Percy could almost imagine it was Alastair. He held onto a wisp of fantasy as he moaned. “Yes, do you like that?” he panted.

  "Oh, yes,” the duke moaned. “It's like I'm using you, you're only here for my pleasure."

  Percy smiled. He could tell the other man had never been in a situation where he could loose his desires on someone without restraint. “Oh, yess,” he purred. “Take me, fuck me, feels perfect,” he said encouragingly.


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