Love's Crazy Twists

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Love's Crazy Twists Page 6

by Johns, S. A.

  With that Matt swung at Shane just as he ducked and Matt hit the beam in the porch. This made Matt even angrier and he began swinging again. Shane stepped to the side and then tripped him, and Matt fell flat on his face.

  “You bastard! I’m going to kill you!” Matt shouted. “If you are man enough to try, then here I am. Hit me! Come on, hit me…right here!” He said pointing to his mouth.

  Matt swung and this time he made contact with Shane’s jaw.

  “Come on Matt, you hit like a girl! You can do better than that, can’t you?”

  Matt took off running full speed right at Shane, and pushed him right off the porch. They both hit the ground with a thud. Matt was on top pounding Shane then they rolled over and Shane was on top hitting Matt. There were fists flying and legs flailing. Accusations being shouted and profanity flying around.

  Julie, who had been in the house, half asleep finally became aware of the fight and stumbled to the door. When she looked out and saw Matt and Shane fighting she didn’t know what to do.

  “What the hell is going on here? Stop it, right now!” She shouted. No one seemed to notice her. “Matt? Shane? What are you doing? Stop it!” She shouted again. She suddenly sobered up and ran down the steps of the porch. She tried to pull them apart. “Come on, knock it off!” She said as she tried to stop Matt’s hand from striking Shane’s face. Then she tried to pull Matt up off the ground. Nothing seemed to work. Finally she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Go ahead and kill each other, I don’t want to see either of you ever again!” Then she turned and walked back up on the porch. She could see that they were beginning to stop fighting. When she saw Shane stand up and walk away she went into the house.

  Matt lay on the ground for a few minutes trying to catch his breath. Then he got up and went to the door. “Jules, come on open the door. I didn’t come here to fight with you or anyone for that matter. I just came to see if you were all right.”

  “I am fine!” He heard through the door. “Will you just please go?”

  “I am going to leave as soon as he does.” He said.

  Julie opened the door. “Where is Shane?”

  “I don’t know. He went that way.” Matt said pointing towards the driveway.

  “Matt, why did you have to start a fight? You know that he is my best friend.” She said. “You better not have hurt him.”

  “Why? Because you love him so much? What about me? Don’t I look hurt?” He asked.

  “Well, you are bleeding a little, do you want to come in and clean up?” She asked. She was so used to taking care of him, that she was doing it again.

  Matt went into the bathroom and started to nurse his wounds. Julie went outside to look for Shane. She walked out into the driveway and sure enough, there he was sitting in his car. She walked over to him. He was sitting with his head hung down not doing anything.

  “Shane?” She asked. He looked up. “Hi.” She gave a little smile. “Are you all right?” She wanted to know.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” He said.

  Julie looked at him and could tell that he was hurt deeper than he was letting on.

  “Why did you have to fight with him? Why couldn’t you have just walked me to the door and left?” She asked.

  “Julie. You know how I feel about him and you know how he feels about me. It was inevitable. I do apologize to you though. I am sorry.” He said and hung his head down again.

  “Shane, let me look at you.” She said. He looked up at her with those eyes that made her heart ache. “You don’t look so good.” She said, seeing the blood seeping from his forehead and the corner of his mouth. “Why don’t you come in and get cleaned up? I assure you that Matt won’t say a word, OK?”

  He shook his head then opened the car door and got out. Julie looked at his torn shirt and the dirty pants and felt awful. She stood in front of him and held out her arms. He know what she was doing, and he held his out too. They stood in an embrace for a few seconds, “I am so sorry Shane. If you wouldn’t care so much about me none of this would have happened.” She almost started crying. None of this was her fault but she felt awful.

  “Jules, this isn’t your fault. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine.” He assured her. “But I am fine…really.” He put his arm around her and started walking toward the house.

  She walked ahead of him into the house to tell Matt not to say a word to Shane.

  “Why is he coming in here?” Matt demanded.

  “He is hurt too, and needs to get cleaned up. If you can’t be civil then you’d better leave.” She said point blankly. “I know you came over here to make sure I was OK. That is really sweet of you and I appreciate it very much. I do. But, one nice gesture doesn’t mean that you are completely forgiven. I do want to forgive you for cheating on me but I will need to regain my trust in you. And checking on me once doesn’t erase all the hurt that you caused me. So, I am going to tend to my friend. If you can’t handle that, then I suggest you leave. I will call you in the morning. OK?” She said.

  “I don’t trust him here with you all alone.” He protested.

  “Matt, I am going to let him get cleaned up and then he is leaving and I am going to bed. OK? That’s it. End of story.” She said. “Good night.”

  “OK, I’m going. Call me in the morning.” He said. “Good night.”

  “Thank you.” She said, and he walked away.

  Shane was sitting on the porch waiting for the coast to be clear before he dared step inside the house. When he saw Julie and Matt come out he was prepared for another fight. Then Matt walked away and Julie told him to come in. he walked into the house and went to the bathroom to wash up.

  “How did you get him to leave?” Shane asked.

  As much as she hated to say it, she did anyway, “That’s easy, he trusts me.” Then under her breath said, “Even though he shouldn’t.”

  “You can’t blame yourself for what happened between us. It’s not your fault. Honey…listen to me. I blame myself. If I wouldn’t have come running over to check on you none of this would have happened.” He said.

  “No!” she said firmly. “I will not allow you to blame yourself! It is not just one person’s fault. We did it together.” She looked away from him and continued, “And it was wonderful.” She blushed.

  He reached to her and spun her around. As he looked longingly into her eyes, he could feel a familiar tightness in his jeans and he could feel his heart beating wildly as he looked at her beautiful face. He couldn’t help himself. He needed her again. It was if she was his life source, and he’d surely die without her. She sensed that he wanted her and she was a little nervous. She knew it was wrong the first time and if she did it again, it would be wrong this time too. She tried to pull away, she wanted to pull away, but her body wouldn’t budge. She was paralyzed when he looked at her that way.

  She could feel her heart begin to race and her knees became weak. She didn’t know what to do. She must not betray Matt any further. Then Shane leaned in and kissed her on the mouth. She gave in to her impulses and kissed back. It was the same kiss she had with him the first time. It was full of urgency. He didn’t just want to be kissing her, he needed to be kissing her. His arms were wrapped around her and holding her tight. His hands slid down to cup her ass and squeeze firmly. She let out a playful squeal. Her arms were around his shoulders, pulling him closer to her. He swung her around and picked her up into his strong arms and carried her off to the bedroom. He put her down gently on the bed, and helped to remove her clothes. Once she was completely naked, he stood back and just looked at her, taking in her beauty and femininity. She truly was a sight to behold.

  “You can’t just strip me and leave me here.” She complained. “Unbutton your pants.” She instructed him. And he did as he was told. “Now, unzip and pull them down.” She continued.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He said, as he obliged. “What else?”

  “Your shirt. Unbutton it…slowly, and then drop it to the floor.” She told

  He did exactly as she told him. After he dropped his shirt to the floor in a heap, he looked at her. Waiting to be told what to do next.

  “Come to me.” She demanded.

  He went to stand in front of her near the bed. She reached out and touched the waistband of his boxers and then stopped. She sat up and turned to face him, her feet on the floor, her legs slightly apart. She reached up and nudged him on the shoulders so that he would know to kneel down on the floor in front of her. Once he was on the floor, she kissed him hard on the mouth and reached one hand down inside his boxers. She found that he had become instantly hard by her touch. She smiled. She took one of his hands in hers and showed him where to put it. She placed it between her legs. He knew what to do. He began by rubbing the hair down there and slowly circling around and around. She lay back and pulled her feet up onto the bed so that her legs were spread wide. He took both hands and began to touch her all over. One hand went to her breasts and the other was still on her private place. She raised and lowered her hips and then he leaned down and kissed her right on her sweetest, juiciest spot. He ran his tongue up and down and all around. It was sending her into orbit. It felt so good that she wanted more.

  She pulled and pawed at him until he came up for air. Then she pulled him up on the bed with her. He lay on top of her then she rolled over and was on top. Which is how she liked it! She lowered herself onto his hard waiting cock and they went to town. After another exciting sexual encounter they both got off together. He held her for a bit after they were finished. And she dozed off fast asleep.

  When Julie awoke, she was alone. “What?” She thought, “Was it all a dream? But it couldn’t have been.” She rolled over and looked at the clock, it was almost eleven a.m.! How could she have slept that long? There was no sign of Shane. He didn’t even wake her to tell her that he was leaving. For the first time ever, Julie had felt used. It didn’t feel very good. She lay in bed for a little while trying to remember the previous night without any prevail. She quickly decided that she must have been really drunk. She didn’t even remember how she got home. All she knew right now was that she was naked and in bed alone.

  She finally got out of bed, but only because she had to go to the bathroom. When she walked into the bathroom she saw a piece of paper taped to the bathroom mirror. It was a note from Shane. The note read:


  Hi hon. I hope you slept well.

  I didn’t want to wake you to tell

  you I was leaving. You looked

  so peaceful lying there all curled

  up, I just couldn’t disturb that.

  I hope to talk to you real soon.

  give me a call later if you’re not

  too busy. Have a great day!

  Talk to you soon.

  P.S. Thank you again!



  How sweet thought Julie, but this confirms that what she thought happened really did happen and it wasn’t a dream!

  She was an awful person, that's all there was to it. She was so angry with Matt because he slept with Kelly and now she slept with Shane, not once…but twice! Would Matt ever be able to forgive her? She doubted. “I have to stop seeing Shane alone. That’s the only thing to do. No matter how much it hurts me and matter how much it breaks Shane’s heart. If I want to get back with Matt that’s what has to be done.” She thought aloud.

  She picked up the phone and called Matt.

  “Hey,” She said smiling into the receiver. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. Just watching some TV. Why, what are you doing?” He asked.

  “I thought that maybe we could spend the day together…or just a few hours. That is if you’re not busy.” She added that last part just for sympathy.

  “No, I’m not doing anything. What did you want to do?”

  “Maybe we could just hang out at your place…” She paused and then punished, “Or maybe you should come here…I don’t know if I can come to your place yet.”

  “OK, that’s fair.” He said. “When do you want me to come over?”

  “Can you give me and hour to get ready?” She asked.

  “Yeah, but what do you need to get ready for?”

  “Well, I can’t let you see me in such a mess.” She laughed.

  “Honey, I’ve seen far worse than you could ever do.” He laughed too.

  “Well, just the same…can you wait an hour?” She asked.

  “Yes, I can wait that long.”

  “OK, see you in a bit.” She said.

  “OK, later.” He said and then they both hung up.

  Julie went to get a shower and get herself looking presentable. Why was she so worried about seeing Matt? He has seen her at her worst. He even stuck by her when she had the measles! Nonetheless, she wanted to at least look like herself and not some hung over slob!

  She went and got in the shower, at least if Matt came early she would be clean. And clean is definitely a good thing. She showered and powdered, then after some careful consideration she decided to just throw on some sweats. She was still mad at Matt, and if she got all gussied up then he might jump to conclusions. And she didn’t need to deal with his sexual advances right now.

  She put on another pot of coffee, and curled up on the couch to wait for Matt.

  He arrived right on time, which was very unusual. He was usually late. But then again, he’d never had to meet her when he was sober.

  Julie answered the door, “Hi. Come in.” she said.

  “Hi, thanks for inviting me over.” Matt said and walked into the living room to sit on the couch.

  Julie followed. She was getting that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she tried to brush it off as a hang over, but she knew that she was worried about being alone with Matt, and what if Shane called? She was a big ball of nerves. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  “How are you feeling today?” Matt asked her as she poured another cup of coffee.

  “Well, to be truthful, I think I am a bit hung over.” She tried to laugh.

  “Do you remember anything about last night?” He asked.

  “If you are trying to insinuate that I might have done something to make you angry then you don’t know me at all, do you?” She said a little nastier than she was trying too.

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I meant do you remember me coming over last night?”

  “You came over last night?” When?” She started and then she thought maybe it was Matt she slept with and not Shane. “Did we…um, you know? Did we sleep together last night?” She asked cautiously.

  “No, we didn’t sleep together. I came over to see if you were OK after Jen called me to say that you were drunk and insisted on driving yourself.” He started.

  “Oh. No, I don’t remember that.”

  “That isn’t the worst part.”

  “You mean there’s more?” She asked.

  “Oh yeah, there is lots more.” He looked at Julie and frowned. “I got here and you weren’t here yet. So while I was waiting on the porch for you to get home, I fell asleep. But a little later I was awakened by the sound of you and Shane staggering up to the porch!” He half yelled.

  “What happened?” She asked.

  “There were words said between me and him and we got into a fight. We were rolling around on the ground until you said that you never wanted to see either of us again.” He looked at her and knew that she didn’t remember any of it. “Then you let me in to wash up and then made me leave so that Shane could come in and clean himself up too.”

  “Were you hurt badly?” She asked him.

  “No, I have a few scrapes besides the obvious black eye.” He stated.

  “OK, well, did you hurt Shane badly?” She asked.

  He knew that she was concerned for her friend and he tried not to get mad. “No, he wasn’t hurt bad. A few bruises probably, maybe a black eye. Nothing bad though.” He told her.

  “Oh, OK. I’m sorry I don’t recall anyt
hing from last night. I was really very upset at you, and I guess I had a little too much to drink. And I still am very mad at you.”

  He started to protest and she cut him off. “What were you thinking anyway? You obviously weren’t thinking about me. So what do we do now?” She asked.

  “Jules, I still love you. I can’t tell you what you want to do, but I would like so much if we could give it another try. We are supposed to be getting married in like a year. And I still want to.” He looked at her and could see that hurt on her face and his heart was breaking all over again.

  “Matt, I would like to believe you. I can assure you that it won’t happen ever again. I promise.”

  “Matt, you can’t make that promise. I wish that you could, but it simply isn’t possible. You already promised to love only me and to never hurt me. And you have hurt me than I ever thought imaginable. I wanted to die when I saw Chelsea riding you. You were supposed to be mine. You were going to be my husband. And now I just want to call you a cheater.” Tears were welling up in her eyes, but she continued. “I loved you with all my heart, and when I saw you making love with someone I used to be friends with, I wanted to kill you and her and then I wanted to die. It would have hurt less to get stabbed in the back.” She said now crying.

  “Jules, I am so sorry for hurting you. I never wanted to hurt you.” He said, and as she looked at him she could see that tears were filling his eyes too.

  “Didn’t you think that I would find out? Or what? How did she ever end up with you? I dropped you off and went home. Then there were several messages from you on my machine. Then the next morning you called me at 10am and left a message apologizing for being a jerk the night before. Then I talked to you as I was getting out of the shower.” She paused, then the most frightening of realizations came to her. “Was she there when I talked to you?” She asked.

  He just looked at her for a second and before he could say anything, she continued. “I just want you to tell me the truth. I don’t care how bad it is, this is something I need to know. Do you understand?” She asked hoping that he would tell her everything she wanted to know, but still in the back of her mind knowing that he wouldn’t ever tell her everything.


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