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Amy Lynn, The Lady Of Castle Dunn

Page 6

by Jack July

  Jack hollered at Bogus, “C’mon, let’s get a beer while these boys load the car.”

  Bogus smiled and said, “Yes, I’d like a beer.”

  Bogus and Amy stood in a large crowd of racers and fans drinking beer, laughing and just having a good time. Bogus nudged Amy and pointed to Bill and Joseph’s crew laughing and drinking beer. “Were they not just fighting?”

  “Yeah, but it’s over. Just the way it works.”

  “That’s almost chivalrous,” said Bogus, thinking out loud.

  “Maybe. But really, that’s just redneck.”

  “So are you, ah, redneck?”

  Amy giggled and said, “Probably more than I would like to admit.”

  “How charming.”

  She kissed him and said, “I’m glad you think so.”

  Later they left together, dropped the car at Joseph’s shop, and went to Jack’s house. Jack invited Bogus to stay with him, much to Carla Jo’s delight, and Amy was headed up to her Daddy’s to sleep. Before she left, he gave her one last kiss and said, “You have a wedding to plan.”

  “Yeah, it has to be small, very small.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be spectacular. Do whatever you wish to do.”

  “I need a dress.”

  “You need not worry about that. I’m sending a friend to help you. She designed my sister Cyla’s dress. It was very nice.”

  “Well, okay. But I think my aunt wants to help me with that.”

  “If you don’t like her, you can send her away.”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  “I have to leave tomorrow and go back to Poland. Lots of business to take care of, things I have been neglecting.”

  “I understand. So, um, when do you want to do this?”

  “I was thinking...two weeks?’

  “You move fast, Zielinski.”

  “Well, my plane is very fast. We could chase the sun and get married yesterday.”

  “Two weeks is fine.”

  Bogus laced his fingers through the hair on the side of her head and said, “I love you more than anything I have ever loved in my whole life.”

  Amy pulled him close and they kissed for a very long time. After a little throat clearing behind them, they turned to see Leon, who said, “Amy, reckon it’s time you get to the house.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And you,” he said to Bogus, “we ain’t done talking’.”

  “Oh yes, well, wonderful,” said Bogus. Amy gave him a little smile and wave as she walked to the truck.

  Chapter 13

  The following morning the Braxtons, the Browns, and Bogus sat cramped in Leon’s little kitchen drinking coffee and eating eggs, biscuits and gravy.

  Bogus took another bite, looked at Amy and said, “You made this?”

  Leon nodded and said, “She’s been cooking’ since she could see the top of the stove.”

  Bogus took another bite and said, “This is wonderful. You know, I have a chef.”

  “Well, he’s gonna be bored when I’m home.” said Amy.

  Carla Jo said, “Hey, you can send him by my place.”

  Jack chimed in with a “Yes, please do.”

  Carla Jo backhanded him on the shoulder, and everyone laughed.

  Bogus checked his watch and said, “I need to go. I have to be in Warsaw by this evening.”

  “Okay, I’ll drive you.” Amy looked at her daddy and said, “Can I use your truck?”

  He tossed her the keys. Then Carla Jo begged, “Can I come?”

  Bogus gave her one of his “looks” and said, “My dear, I could not imagine it otherwise.”

  Carla Jo giggled and the others shook their heads.

  Thirty-five minutes later they walked across the tarmac at Rock Creek Regional. Carla Jo gazed in awe at the forty million dollar pearl white G-5 with the big red Z on the tail. A giddy Carla Jo asked Bogus, “Can I see the inside?”

  “Sure.” Bogus looked at the Pilot and called out, “Garrett, please give this lovely young woman a tour.”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Z. Right this way ma’am.”

  Bogus put his arms around Amy’s waist and said, “Let me know when you need me to return. I can be here in less than eight hours.”

  Amy nodded and they kissed. She didn’t want to let him go. Finally they said goodbye, and Bogus turned and walked toward the plane. “Good luck getting her out of there,” Amy said with a laugh.

  Bogus climbed the stairs into the plane and found Carla Jo with her feet up, drinking a mimosa. “Comfy?” asked Bogus.

  “Yep, let’s go,” said Carla Jo.

  Bogus gave her a quick grin, sat beside her, took her hand and said, “You are everything to Amy, and therefore you are everything to me. I promise we’ll get you and Jack a ride, maybe to Europe to see the sights.”

  “Thank you. I hope I’m not bothering you. I am just um, you know, a fan.”

  “Yes, well, from what I understand, you have also been quite successful.”

  “I got lucky.”

  “As did I, right place, right time.”

  Carla Jo nodded and took another drink. The pilot stepped out of the cockpit and said, “Mr. Z?” then pointed at his watch.

  Bogus twirled his finger, which meant start it up. Moments later the plane vibrated a bit as the turbine blades began to spin. Carla Jo sat up and said, “Well I’d better go.”

  “Yes,” said Bogus, “But before you leave, I have a favor to ask.”

  “Sure, what? Anything.”

  Bogus smiled and nodded and said, “I need you to…”

  Amy drove Carla Jo to her aunt’s house from the airport. In Carla Jo’s kitchen were two easels with paper and markers, a stack of wedding dress magazines and a phone. She smiled at Amy and said, “We have two short weeks, and I’ve been waiting to do this for thirteen years. Let’s get busy.”

  “I’m thinkin’ the guest list is first so we can get out invites,” said Amy.

  “Yep, your Daddy already called Brother Taylor and told him we needed the church. He started in on something about Bogus being a Catholic. Sheriff Carter and your Uncle Jack went to talk to him. So I don’t think it will be a problem.”

  “Please tell me they didn’t threaten Brother Taylor.”

  Carla Jo shook her head and said, “Threaten is such an ugly word.”

  Amy looked to the heavens and under her breath said, “Oh Jesus, I’m sorry,”

  Carla Jo picked up a magazine and said, “Then there’s the best part, the dress.”

  “Bogus is sending the person who helped his sister. She should be here sometime today. I told him I really wanted you to play a part. He said if we don’t like her, we could send her away.”

  “Well, okay. What about music?”

  “The band that played at Daddy’s reception was good. Are they still together?”

  “I believe so, I think they played at Andy’s mom’s wedding.” Amy looked puzzled. Her aunt said, “Andy. You know, your high school boyfriend?” Amy smiled and nodded, so Carla Jo continued, “Did you know she got married?”

  “No, I did not. That’s great; she’s wonderful.”

  “She’s also one of my VP’s. She married a doctor.”

  “Oh wow! Well, she deserves it. I always loved her.”

  “Would you like to invite her?”

  “I would but, um, well... We need to talk about this.”

  “Let me guess, this wedding is a secret.”

  “Yeah. Because of who Bogus is, he doesn’t want my face splashed all over the television and magazines.”

  “Is that because of who Bogus is, or because of who you are?” Amy looked away. “America can’t be outing one of its spies, now can it?” Carla Jo said with a smile.

  Amy gave Carla Jo a har
d look, and for a moment Carla Jo saw Fenian. Her face darkened, jaw set and eyes narrowed as she said, “Don’t ask me about my work. Ever.”

  Carla Jo saw the face that wasn’t Amy, and for the first time she momentarily feared this woman she had raised from a child. Amy saw the fear and immediately backed off. She said in a softer tone, “I love you and I don’t ever want to have to lie to you. Do you understand?”

  Carla Jo nodded and said, “Does he know all about you?”

  Amy smiled and said, “We met at work.”

  Carla Jo sighed and said, “Oh, okay then. Back to the list.”

  The list grew to around forty family and immediate friends. All of them were trusted people, people who themselves had secrets to hide. They were copying down addresses on envelopes when Carla Jo asked, “So what song will you use as your wedding dance?”

  “‘I’ll Still Be Loving You’, by Restless Heart. The first time I heard that I knew it would be the song.”

  “I like it. Okay, I’ll tell the band to have it ready.”

  Patsy Cline started barking, and then someone knocked on the front door. An older, classically dressed woman stood outside and, in a friendly South American accent, announced, “Hi, I’m looking for Amy Braxton?”

  Carla Jo, frozen for just a moment, recovered and called out, “Amy, it’s for you.”

  Amy walked out of the kitchen to the front door. She looked at Carla Jo and said, “Well, invite her in.”

  Carla Jo opened the door and stepped aside. The woman walked in, took a hard look at Amy and asked, “Are you the bride?”

  “Hi. Yes, I’m Amy Braxton.”

  “Oh, you are lovely. We are going to have fun. What are you, six feet?”

  “Almost,” said Amy.

  Then she laughed and said, “Pardon my manners, I’m Carolina, Carolina Herrera.”

  “Yes, you are,” said Carla Jo.

  They cleared off the kitchen table and went to work. Two hours of sketches and material samples, measurements and laughs passed quickly. Carolina kept looking at Amy’s left hand, and finally she asked, “May I?”

  Amy said, “Sure,” and held out her hand. Carolina looked closely at it, shook her head then in a whisper of amazement said, “That’s the Hancock Diamond. Unbelievable. He put it in a ring.”

  Amy asked, “Do you know Bogus?”

  “Oh yes, we met at a Paris fashion show. He was chasing super mod—” She stopped. “Oh, I’m very sorry.”

  “That’s alright. I know what he was.”

  Carolina picked up her things and said, “Every woman of style and substance on the planet wanted him. You have him. I really think he loves you.”

  “Thank you, and thanks for coming,” said Amy while trying to shake her hand. Carolina would have none of that and gave Amy and Carla Jo a hug.

  “Your dress will be here this time next week. I’ll be here for the final fitting. We’ll see you then.”

  They watched her walk out to the limousine and drive away.

  “Damn, Carolina Herrera sat at my kitchen table and designed your wedding dress. You do understand that you are playing in a whole new world? Do you get that?”

  “You say that like it’s a good thing.”

  “It’s the fairytale. It’s the dream, and oh my God, you’re living it.”

  “You’d be surprised. For every good thing like that, there is a bad thing that’s sometimes worse. It’s really not what you think it is.”

  “I’d like to give it a shot.”

  “Remember when I was 13 and you taught me about being real?”


  “Everything real in my life is here, on this land, on that hill. That’s what’s real to me. The rest of it, I don’t care, I really don’t.”

  “What about Bogus?”

  “I don’t know how he does it. I have no idea how he stays grounded. The whole world kisses his butt every day and still, he’s normal.”

  “I think that’s all about you.”

  “Oh, I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Really? I just watched one of the richest men in the world grin like an idiot while eating food made to get people through the great depression. He just wants to be with you.”

  “Yeah well, we’ll see.”

  “Okay then, back to work. Flowers…”

  Chapter 14

  Five and three-tenths miles of fire roads ran through the hollows around Amy’s childhood home, and she ran them like the devil was chasing her. Some of the hills felt like they were straight up. On those she tried to accelerate and dig as deep as she could to squeeze as much out of her body as possible. She saw the barn about a quarter mile away and sprinted, lungs burning and side aching. She loved that feeling; it meant she was alive, and it helped to ensure she would stay that way.

  After a brief pause to catch her breath she swung the barn door open, slipped on some padded gloves and went to work on the heavy bag her Uncle Jack had hung up for her eleven years ago. No longer shiny, the worn black leather was cracked and distressed with silver duct tape circling the center. The Everlast label had been beaten and kicked until it was no longer visible. This was her therapist. Most but not all of her hate and rage dripped onto the dirt floor around the bag. Hard as concrete, the formerly red dirt now had a brown hue.

  Sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups and back to the bag; over and over in a circuit until her body begged her to stop. Her mind, however, would not allow it. She was every bit a professional athlete, but unlike most athletes she was not allowed to lose. A loss meant her life or worse, the lives of innocents.

  “Damn girl, you ’bout done?” her Uncle Jack chided from the doorway. She took a deep breath, a big drink of water, then smiled and nodded. They walked up the hill toward her daddy’s house without saying anything, her arm draped around his shoulders. At almost sixty he was not the legendary Navy SEAL he once had been, as time is the great equalizer. However, there was not a more heroic figure in Amy’s life.

  As they walked across the yard, Amy and Jack could see Carol and Carla Jo sitting on the back porch steps. “Huh, they don’t look real happy,” said Jack.

  “Well, I reckon we should find out why,”

  As Amy approached, Carla Jo stood up. “Honey, we’re sorry but, we have to show you something.”

  “Can it wait till after a shower? I’m kind of filthy,” asked Amy.

  “No,” was Carla Jo’s curt reply. They walked inside to the living room where Carol said, “You may want to sit.”

  “Did somebody die?” asked Amy with a grin.

  “Not yet,” said Carla Jo.

  Carol picked up the remote for the video recorder and said, “I saw this about Bogus. You need to see it too.”

  She hit the button. As the familiar music of a tabloid show played, an airheaded bleached-blond excitedly began to spew about the personal lives of the rich and famous.

  …And last night, spotted outside a Parisian nightclub, multi Billionaire, legendary lover and world’s most eligible bachelor Boguslaw Zielinski is rumored to be off the market. After purchasing the Hancock red diamond for 7.6 million dollars and reportedly having it made into a ring, this video was taken last night with French super-model Colette Pierre as they ducked into a limousine trying to avoid paparazzi. Is the Prince of Poland really going to do the honorable thing? We’ll keep you posted.

  Amy was not a jealous person, but the woman’s hands were on him and just a tinge of unease shot through her body. She shrugged her shoulders, smiled, held up her hand and pointed to the ring. “See, I have it.”

  Carol looked at her. “It’s four days until your wedding and they have him with her on video, Amy. What are you going to do?”

  Amy smiled and said, “Trust him. You can’t believe anything you see on TV, nothing. He’ll be here tomorrow and you’ll see. It’s just o
ne of the hazards of falling in love with a man like him. People are always taking shots at the successful. Don’t worry, it’s fine. I’m going to take a shower.”

  Two hours later she sat at her Aunt Carla Jo’s house going over last minute plans. Amy wasn’t really concerned because she knew her Aunt would handle things. The picture of the woman with Bogus kept bouncing around in her head. She walked out onto the front porch and sat in the swing. Patsy Cline jumped on her lap, and she absentmindedly scratched the little dog’s back as it grunted and arched. Jack sat beside her and asked, “You okay?”

  She nodded and said, “It’s silly. It’s just... that picture of him with, well, her.”

  “Well hon, you were right the first time. You either trust him or you don’t.”

  “Yeah, I suppose.”

  Jack put his arm around her neck and hugged her, “Hey, don’t. It’s natural for a woman to stake her claim and then want to defend it. Just know what it is.”

  She let out a little sigh and said, “Okay, thanks. I’m hungry. Doesn’t anybody around here cook anymore?”

  Jack laughed. “Not really, Everybody is busy. It’s a workday for the rest of the world. Come on, I’ll buy you lunch at the Bluebird.”

  “Mmm, grease,” Amy said with a laugh. “Let’s go.”

  Sam had fallen asleep in Amy’s arms after dinner. She was sitting on the couch at her daddy’s with her feet up watching the news when the phone rang.

  “Yeah, she’s right here,” Carol said with a noticeable edge to her voice.

  Amy took the phone and said, “Hello?”

  “Hello my love,” said Bogus.

  “Right back atcha. What are you up to today?”

  “I have just completed my business responsibilities. Garret is fueling the jet. We will be wheels up in a few hours, and I will see you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait,” said Amy softly, trying not to wake Sam.

  “Just curious, did I detect some anger from your stepmother?”

  “Yes, my family is very protective.”

  “What have I done?”

  “Oh, some tabloid TV show had you getting into a limo yesterday with a French supermodel, Colette something or other.”


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