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The Case Of Black Magic Murders In Mumbai

Page 9

by Shilpa Jain

  Abram makes some phone calls.

  “Tanvi, the news is not very encouraging. There are at least 15 shrines in Sanjay Gandhi national park and 35 in the two parts of Tungareshwar forests.”

  “Two parts?”

  “Yes, there is an eastern and western part.”

  “Oh! How can we track them?”

  “There has to be a way.”

  Tanvi’s phone rings, “Yes Patil.”

  “Ma’am, we have news that a girl has been abducted by the aghoris from Goregaon Mhada colony near film city.”

  “Oh! How long back?”

  “Three hours ago.”

  “They have become bold. Two in one day. That too in broad daylight? Dispatch a local police team to the nearest temples and shrines of goddesses immediately. I’ll reach the spot ASAP.”

  Abram looks at her, “They are still in the area of Sanjay Gandhi national park. Who is the next Mahavidya goddess?”

  “The fourth goddess, Bhuvaneshwari, the colour is red.”

  Tanvi turns pale while mentioning the colour.

  “We can’t do this alone anymore. We have to confide in Pai,” says Tanvi.

  “Call him. You have my word that D’Souza will transfer the case back immediately.”

  “How come?”

  “Because I have something on him.”

  “Why do I even bother to ask?”

  “You are damn right.”

  “This case involves different locations under different jurisdictions. It will be best if a single team handles it, or else the information will get scattered. Unfortunately, since different police stations are involved, the news is bound to leak to the media.”

  “In a way, that will be good. People will be warned,” says Abram.

  “True. This is the fourth case in five days. And I am not counting Soniya’s murder.”

  “Wonder, what’s the hurry? Maybe, they have a… a deadline,” Abram’s voice trails.

  Tanvi and Abram reach the crime scene in about an hour.

  Tanvi speaks to the lead investigating officer, “Did you dispatch your team to the local shrines of goddesses.”

  “No ma’am.”

  Tanvi stares at the officer in horror and screams, “Why not?”

  “Because I take orders from my senior, not from a CID officer who is on leave and removed from the case.”

  “Officer, this is not the time for such petty issues. A girl’s life is in danger.”

  “Sorry ma’am. You are obstructing our investigation.”

  “Damn you.”

  Tanvi walks towards Abram, who is busy on his cell phone.

  He assures her, “The transfer is in process. Let’s go to the local shrines and see if we can find the girl.”

  “Ok. According to your source, there are two shrines at a distance of two km from here and one shrine at four km. Let us separate and go to the nearer shrines. If we don’t find her, we will meet at the last shrine.”

  “Got it. Be careful,” warns Abram.

  “You be careful. Here, take my glock.” She thrusts her glock in his hand.

  He repulses and pulls his hand back. “Hey! No guns please. I’ll manage.”

  “If you find anything suspicious, let me know. I’ll reach there as soon as I can.”

  Tanvi and Abram part ways. Both go into Sanjay Gandhi national park in opposite directions on foot.

  As Tanvi moves ahead, she realises that her cell phone has no network. She proceeds carefully, wondering if going together would have been safer.

  In about 20 minutes, she reaches the designated area. There is an orange shrine under a tree. While tiptoeing closer, she hears rustling of leaves behind her and feels that someone is following her. She instantly turns around. There is nobody.

  She goes closer to the shrine and is taken aback.

  Damn Abram’s source. This is a shrine of Lord Hanuman.

  There is some commotion behind her. She aims her glock in the direction. A deer is runs swiftly across her and a leopard chases it. Scared, she decides to get out of this place to help Abram.

  Her cell phone has no network. Worried about Abram, she races fast towards the shrine that Abram was going to visit. She anticipates that she will reach the site in about 30 minutes.

  Meanwhile, Abram is cautiously moving towards his designated shrine. He is not trained in field work. As he moves ahead looking around and adjusting his rimless spectacles several times, he hears soft humming. He listens carefully. It sounds like some mantra. A little further, he is able to hear the mantra clearly.

  Om shreem hreem shreem

  Om Bhuvaneshwarai swaaha

  Three tantrics with painted faces are moving around a helpless girl who is swaying in the centre.

  Only three tantrics! I thought they were four of them.

  He moves closer to get a clearer view. The girl seems drugged. The tantrics have pink lotus flowers in one hand and a shining metal object in the other. He looks carefully.

  Good lord! They are holding scalpels. What do they have in mind? The poor girl! I have to save her.

  Abram knows he is no match for them. He removes his cell phone to call up Tanvi. At that instant, the fourth tantric who had been hiding behind Abram gives a blow to his head with a heavy object. Abram collapses. The tantric drags Abram behind a thicket.

  Abram is wincing with pain. He sees the tantrics discussing something at a distance

  They are probably deciding how to kill me. Come on Tanvi! Where are you?

  Fortunately, they decide to finish their ritual first and take care of Abram after that. The three tantrics continue with the ritual and the fourth one watches over Abram.

  However, in a few minutes, the tantrics sense someone coming. They stop chanting. One of them moves ahead and comes back running with some information. Abram hears them whisper. He is worried.

  I hope they don’t attack Tanvi. I have to warn her.

  But before he can plan, he receives another blow and the tantrics carry the girl and flee.

  Tanvi reaches the place. She inspects the area around the shrine. She sees blood drops on the grass. She is distraught.

  Abram! I wish I had forced you to take my glock.

  She follows the blood trail cautiously towards the orange shrine covered with a red cloth. The trail goes behind the tree and a little farther. On hearing some groans, she rushes towards the sounds.

  Abram is lying injured. His forehead is covered with blood. His spectacles are lying beside him. She falls on her knees beside him and starts inspecting his wound.

  “Abram! What happened? Are you ok?”

  Abram continues groaning with pain.

  “Abram speak to me… please. I should have never let you go alone,” she breaks down.

  She weeps bitterly. Abram makes some movement.

  “Aah… Tanvi… save the girl.”

  “The girl? Was she here?”

  “Yes… the tantrics have taken her away. She is alive. Save her Tanvi.”

  Tanvi is hesitant to leave Abram alone and wounded. He nods and asks her to leave.

  When she is about to leave, the local police team arrives. Tanvi is relieved. Some of the officers carry Abram to a hospital outside the forest. The lead officer is filled with guilt for refusing to send his team to the nearby shrines to look for the girl. He agrees to accompany Tanvi to the shrine that is four km away.

  “Madam, we will have to hurry. It’s going to be dark soon. I am not sure if we will find the girl, but the wild life will feast on us.”

  “Let’s get moving.”

  They run in the direction of the shrine. In half an hour, they reach the place. They see a small temple with a small clay lamp lighted within.

  “You cover the back, I’ll take the front.”

  “No madam, we go together. They are four of them.”

  “Ok, follow me.”

  They move slowly taking cover behind trees. Tanvi stops behind a tree from where she has a clear view of the templ
e. There is no one inside. She moves swiftly into the temple.

  She shrieks on seeing the ghastly sight inside. The abducted girl is dead with tape over her mouth. She has been de-skinned all over her body. Her clothes are lying beside her. The four demons had de-skinned her like an animal. They had finished the deed in barely half-an-hour!

  “Red,” mutters a shaken Tanvi.

  “What?” asks the police officer.

  “Her colour is red. They have got to be nearby. Let’s get the bastards.”

  The officer stares vaguely at Tanvi.

  “Ma’am, it is too dangerous. The four of them are cold-blooded killers. We need backup.”

  “I don’t care. I am going alone.”

  “Ma’am, the deed has been done. My team will process the crime scene. Besides, we have to see that Dr Sheriff has received medical attention.”

  The mention of Abram’s name calms her agitation a bit. The officer leads her out of the forest to safety. She takes a while to recover from the shocking incident.

  They meet the police team outside the forest and Tanvi enquires about Abram’s health. Abram has received six stitches on his forehead. He is admitted to a local hospital for observation.

  Tanvi visits him. She looks dejected. Abram knows from her look that the girl is dead. He places his hand on her hand to comfort her.

  “We tried our best,” he consoles her.

  “They just had a lead of about thirty minutes. If I would have hurried, I could have saved her.”

  “The girl was drugged. I saw her. They moved her around like a zombie. They were very nimble on their feet.”

  “I am sorry about your head.”

  “It’s not your fault. I have to train myself better.”

  “You are not a field worker. I pushed you into it.”

  “I volunteered. Anyway, I am coming home with you.”

  “You can’t. You have to rest.”

  “That’s why I am coming with you.”

  “They won’t let you go.”

  “I am not taking their permission.”

  “Abram… you can’t do this.”

  “Watch me, I can.”

  Before she can react, he gets up, pulls out his IV line, secures the IV puncture site and puts on his shirt, “Let’s go.”

  Tanvi watches him with her jaw dropping down. He taps her shoulder and gestures her to follow him. They drive back home. He relaxes on the reclined front passenger seat of the car. Tanvi notices that he is in pain.

  “You have my painkillers. Do you want me to give you one?”

  “No, they gave me a shot. It will take a while to act. But the effect of local anaesthesia is wearing off before that. “

  “How can I help?”

  “I’ll be ok. You take it easy. I know what you are thinking about?”


  “Who is the next goddess?”


  “Does she have a colour?”

  “She is beautiful and dark.”

  “That info is of no help.”

  “I know. Will they cross Sanjay Gandhi national park or stay on this side?” wonders Tanvi, dejectedly.

  “I have no idea.”

  In the lobby of her building, Ravi, Soma and Makrand are waiting for her. They are alarmed to see Abram’s condition. They help him to Tanvi’s apartment. Everyone settles down.

  Tanvi begins, “I believe you are updated with today’s development. These tantrics are bold, swift, and deadly. They have killed four girls brutally. We have to prevent more deaths.”

  Ravi informs, “I heard rumours that we are getting back the case.”

  The doorbell rings. Tanvi looks through the peephole. Sushant Patil is at the door. She opens the door.

  Patil enters with a serious expression on his face, “Hello ma’am.”

  “Patil, have you also applied for leave? DSP will get annoyed.”

  Patil hesitates and swallows hard. DSP Pai enters Tanvi’s apartment and says, “DSP is already annoyed.”

  Everyone is startled.

  Pai looks at everyone, “Makrand! You took leave to attend to your hospitalised mother, right?”

  “I can’t believe you are still using the same excuse,“ mutters Tanvi.

  “I couldn’t think of a better one,” replies Makrand.

  “And Soma Singh, is this the native village you had to visit urgently? Rane, how is your leg? Abram took leave to care for Tanvi and has ended up injured.”

  Everyone is embarrassed. They stare at the floor.

  DSP continues, “I received a call from Criticare Hospital that Dr Abram who was admitted under their care has absconded. I visited his house. He wasn’t there. I called up Patil and asked him to meet me urgently. I didn’t give him a chance to warn you all. I wanted to catch you all red-handed.”

  “Sir, we are sorry. I take responsibility for my team. They were forced into all this by me,” owns up Tanvi.

  “They are not kids. Not one of you thought of confiding in me?”

  “Sir, we were considering that,” defends Tanvi.

  “Well, it’s too late. I have received the transfer documents of the case. We are officially on the case. Work on it and catch the bastards.”

  Everyone is relieved. They thank DSP Pai.

  “Yadav, I don’t think you need any more leaves. Report to work tomorrow. Abram can rest for a few more days.”

  Before leaving, he turns around and tells the team, “Just off the record, if you would have confided, I would have consented to everyone’s leave for as long as necessary. I am a rule stickler, but I have my priorities right. I have an 18-year old daughter and I want her to be safe.”

  DSP Pai leaves. Sushant stays back to participate in the planning. Tanvi escorts Abram to her bedroom to rest. He is sleepy because of the effect of the medications.

  She comes out in a couple of minutes and closes the door behind her.

  Sushant curiously enquires, “So, what’s the plan?”

  Tanvi responds instantly, “Dr Sheriff is injured, so that leaves five of us. From the information I have, we have to be well-informed about any abductions of young girls in Mumbai. We have to keep a special track of the areas near Sanjay Gandhi and Tungareshwar national parks. The latter falls out of Mumbai’s jurisdiction, but I will obtain special orders by tomorrow to enable us to cover the area.”

  Makrand interrupts, “Isn’t the area too vast to be covered by only five of us?”

  Sushant responds, “I heard DSP Pai speaking to SP Sinha about conducting a joint operation with the local police. We should have info on it by tomorrow. If it is positive, we will have ample manpower.”

  Soma says, ”Today’s case is going to be extensively covered in media. By tomorrow, the citizens are going to be afraid of anyone who is wearing black.”

  Ravi adds, “Media coverage will alert everyone against the abductors. It is an advantage for us.”

  Tanvi remarks, “I agree. Be responsible in what info you provide the media. Of course, they are known to twist the facts, but let’s take our chances.”

  She continues, “Patil and Singh, you team up with the forest officials and local police team to comb Sanjay Gandhi national park. I will proceed with Rane and Makrand to Tungareshwar. That forest is more extensive with eastern and western parts.”

  Sushant asks, “What time do we start? What are we looking for?”

  Tanvi explains, “We will meet at the headquarters at 5:00 a.m. and start from there. We have to search all the shrines in the forests in daylight. It isn’t safe after that. I will send the maps of the forests and our places of interests on your phones. Now, get a good night sleep and tap all your resources to get all the information we can get. I will give each one of you a long range radio transceiver tomorrow. We cannot rely on our phone networks in the forest.”

  Everyone except Makrand leaves Tanvi’s apartment.

  “You need a special farewell?” she asks him.

  “No ma’am, I jus
t wanted you to know that the burqa murder case will be handed over to Harsh Hegde.”


  “I am close to the trainee constable in that unit. If you need me to…”

  “What made you think I would have anything to do with that case?”

  Makrand is silent for a while.

  He then replies, “Ma’am, my resources are deep. My father has taught me to keep my informers happy. Like I told you earlier, I am grey.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about Mr Grey. Now go back and report on time tomorrow.”

  Makrand is about to say something, when he sees Abram standing at the bedroom door staring angrily at him. He leaves Tanvi’s apartment.

  “Why are you out of bed?”

  “I didn’t want to miss the fun. Soon, I am going to have enough info to blackmail Makrand. He will become my slave to save his ass.”

  “Leave the kid alone. You are overreacting.”

  “Am I? The guy is here only six months and is competing with me? I have been hitting on you for seven years with no progress.”

  “Who said you made no progress?”

  “The fact that you are still a virgin.”

  Tanvi chuckles, “So, this is what’s bothering you? We have more important issues to handle. I have to be in office at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. So let’s get some sleep.”

  “I am coming with you.’

  “No, you are not.”

  She looks at Abram. She knows that he will not give up easily. So, she assures him that he can accompany her only if he goes to sleep right away. Abram falls asleep in a few minutes.

  Tanvi is unable to sleep. She switches on her laptop and begins surfing. She types ‘The Burqa Murderer’. A number of articles pop up. She opens one of them and reads:

  The burqa killer first emerged 17 years ago. (Since burqa is a female attire, I will address the killer using feminine pronouns). Her first victim was a drunk man with a wife and two children. He was a wife- and child-beater. The burqa killer stoned the man to death. This modus operandi of the murder later became her trademark.

  At first, the family members of the drunk man were suspected to be involved, but all of them had many alibis during the time of murder.

  Soon, other murders followed. Most of them were of child abusers let off by our legal system due to lack of evidence. This proved that the burqa killer hated child abusers.


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