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Rumor's Fury (The Chosen One's Book 2)

Page 17

by Harlow Brown

  He went around the table and got head nods and yeas from everyone.

  "Good, that is solved. With Chief being gone, that put Fury as acting pres. We need to vote on that and a VP."

  "I vote Fury for president and Whiskey for VP," Magnum was the first to speak.

  I looked at him inquisitively. He could have been in the running for it.

  "Dude, Whiskey is better suited for the position than I am. You know it and I know it." Mag said as he read the confusion on my face.

  Once again yeas all the way around. Briar was named secretary. Shooter was deemed sargeant at arms. Magnum was appointed treasurer.

  "I told the cops we were coming here to do club business. When questioned, I told him it wasn't his business, but, with the way shit went down, I didn’t want anymore attention our way. I told him we were talking about opening up a restaurant."

  Quiet consumed the shed. A room of eyes stared at me. Without words, I knew they were asking what the hell was wrong with me and expected an explanation.

  "I was put on the spot. I thought about it on the ride to Rudy. What if we opened a resturant and moved our shine that way? We would be able to run a catering business and distribute the shine. It would work as a cover and a legit business, too."

  "Yea," Shooter piped up.

  Slowly but surely the remaining guys said yea too.

  "That is the least of our worries. We need to discuss retaliation. Sully and Jay will pay. However, Sax has agreed to help us, but Jay dies at his hands. That understood?"

  Heads nodded all the way around. "Shooter, go get Sax." I ordered.

  Once Sax had taken his seat at the makeshift table, I asked him how he wanted to go about this.

  "I don't care how it happens, as long as I am the one that puts him out. You guys can handle Sully, but Jay is mine. We can go back and take care of business there."

  "That will give me a chance to pick up Chief's ashes, too."

  "I am not leaving our girls alone. Who goes and who stays?"

  "Riddick can stay." Mag stated.

  "No. He made moves on Rumor, and she doesn’t like or trust him. I’ll kill him if he fucks up like that again."

  Whiskey reminded the group that Briar was from the area, and would be perfect for the job.

  "Look, I know how protective he is of his girls. You guys didn’t see the shit I went through when Charlie and I first started talking. Dude, tell them."

  "I’ll stay here and keep Riddick in check, too. Nothing will happen to our girls while I am on guard. If the dumbshit shows up here, then I will kill him. I made no bones about putting Whiskey in his place and I like him. It won’t be any problem for me to put Jay in the dirt, if he shows his face. Your women are safe with me," Briar reinforced what Whiskey said.

  "Fine. It’s settled. Briar and Riddick stay at Acres while the rest of us are on stand-by. We will wait to ride out to PCB, as soon as I get word from officer Canon that Chief is ready for pick up." I shook my head in disbelief. A somber mood blanketed the room.

  "Fury? We will get him brother," Magnum promised.

  "I never thought I would be bringing Chief to bumfucked nowhere, especially in an urn via my saddle bags. He is supposed to be here damn it."

  No one spoke, they just nodded in agreement. No one said anything as we all let the somber thought sink in.

  "Who knows a good architect? We need to get some plans drawn up for back up. We can decide who will run the resturant when and if we go through with this." I tried to change the subject.

  "I’ll ask Charlie if she knows anyone. Her dad was friends with some pretty big people from around here." Briar stated.

  "Seriously, is there anything she can't do or help us do? Dear God, she is perfect." Whiskey gloated.

  I rolled my eyes at the love stricken fool, "If there’s nothing else, you are free to go. Just stay close. We ride out as soon as I hear from Canon."

  Everyone filed out and headed back to the house. Briar and Whiskey stayed back.

  "You realize shit is about to get heavy, right? You are new to the position and I want you to know that whatever you need, I’m here for you." Briar slapped my shoulder.

  "Thanks brother. It’s going to be tough. Honestly, it’s going to take all I have to not shoot Jay as soon as I see him. I know Sax gets him, but fuck he needs to at least feel just an ounce of the rage that I have inside of me. If he knew what I had…", I stopped myself.

  "We get it, Fury. We get it. Just know that we are here for whatever you need. Once in, Always First." Whiskey piped up.

  I lit a cigarette and asked if this was going to be our new place for club business. Whiskey said he would talk to Charlie girl and see what she thought. He didn’t expect it to be an issue, and neither did I. The space only housed a folding table and folding chairs, a weed-eater, and an empty gas can. I figured she doesn’t have much need for the space, at least until we could have a shop built.

  "Guys, I have a thought. Say we did build a resturant. We can have our ladies work and manage it. The profit off it and the shine could be astronomical. We need to seriously discuss this with them before we bring this into the club. We need to have all our ducks in a row. I'll get estimates together for constructing the building, getting permits, and all that legal bullshit. We can discuss this with our ladies to see if they would be willing to manage it.” Whiskey stated.

  “Charlie already knows we run shine, Jazz ain't stupid, so between the two of them they could keep it on the hush hush. They could run the catering vans," Briar thought out loud.

  "That sounds good. Later on, the three of us, with our girls, can nail this down, then take it to the club," I ordered. "For now let’s get in there with the rest of them and figure out our plan for the day. What is there to do here anyway?" I asked.

  Laughter rang out from both of them.

  "Dude, Rudy is so small that there are a few churches, a ball field, one gas station, and a creek. That's it. This is part of the reason I really think that we could do good here. We would be the only resturant in town, and we’d have a place to store our shine. We need to figure out what we are going to serve. We are for sure getting our private club license so we can serve booze. No one in town does. We will strike gold right there."

  Mid-morning turned to early afternoon. Some of us decided to go to the creek and swim and wet a line. Charlie loaded up her 4Runner with poles, tackle, ice chests of beer and water, and tanning lotion. Whiskey, Briar, myself, and our ladies headed for a quiet spot on the creek. The country side here was beautiful with the hills and mountains. It was very different from the beaches of Panama City.

  We pulled up to a side road that was blocked by a gate. It reminded me of the ones back home in Austin. I hadn’t seen dirt roads since I left Texas. Whiskey got out and unlocked it and held it open as Charlie pulled through. Whiskey pulled the gate to again, and Briar looked back to Jazz and asked if she was okay being in the back with the stuff. We had stuffed her back in the third row seat so we could haul the poles and ice chests. Charlie had her back window down so that the poles had room and didn’t break.

  “Oh honey, you act like this is the first time I have done this,” She grinned at him.

  Whiskey got in and we preceded to the Honey Hole, as Charlie called it.

  “How do you have a key to a place like this, Charlie girl?” I asked curiously.

  “I was kind of wondering the same thing, babes.”

  Charlie looked to the very back where Jazz sat and glanced back at the road. Jazz nudged Briar and he finally said, “Charlie’s family owned it. It was left to her when her parents died.”

  Whiskey put his hand lovingly on her thigh and squeezed, “Thank you for sharing it with us.”

  “It’s yours now, too.” She held up her finger that had her ring on it.

  “It isn’t legal yet. We still have to get a marriage license.”

  “I know, but all that is keeping it from being legal is a piece of paper. What really matters is that I
know it. I don’t really care about the legal bullshit, you know that.”

  “Well, I want you to have my last name…on paper.” He replied.

  “Here we are.” She said as she pulled to a stop.

  I looked around and took in the most serene place I have seen in a long time. It was clear water with a rock bar that seemed to go on for miles. The water so clear I could see the bottom, even out in the deepest parts. The trees were so big and green, and provided shade to most places. Charlie, Jazz, and Briar started taking the stuff to the dock.

  Whiskey, Rumor, and I looked around and tried to take everything in.

  “Charlie, how did I not know of this place?” Rumor asked in awe.

  “I don’t bring many people here. I am the only one with a key to that gate.”

  We got to the wooden dock built over part of the creek. After our lines were baited and our drinks were cracked open, Whiskey threw in the first line.

  We all followed suit shortly thereafter.

  “Rumor, did you want me to do that for you?” I asked her as I watched her try, then successfully bait her hook.

  “No. I got it.” She went and got a towel from the bag. She looked to me and said, “I just don’t like to leave the worm slime on my hands.”

  She and Charlie giggled because Charlie was doing the same thing. Briar had baited Jazz’s for her.

  After a few casts and a couple of beers in, Briar said to Charlie, “Charlie girl, you and the other two women come here a sec.”

  “What about our poles? I was just starting to get bites?”

  “It can wait. This is important.” Whiskey said to her.

  I saw Rumor reeling in her line, so I went over and helped her.

  “Thank you, but I really do know how to fish. My step-dad taught me years ago.”

  “Come on, this involves you, too.” I put my hand on the small of her back and ushered her to the group.

  “Girls, we have an idea, a pretty lucrative one. It can only happen if you are on board.”

  “Go on,” Jazz urged.

  “We’re wanting to open a restaurant and catering service. We could sell liquor if granted the license and have a good business that the club could have ownership of.”

  “How would you make your…” Charlie started.

  “We will see how it goes,” Briar cut her off.

  “Oh Jesus, I ain’t stupid, and Rumor is going to find out anyhow. Rumor, the boys make moonshine and sell it.” Jazz said as she rolled her eyes.

  All eyes focused on Rumor. Everyone expected her to ask questions, but when she didn’t, I simply said, “Since the other two are privy to the operation, I was hoping you would be okay to help us, too.”

  “Go on, I’m listening.”

  “In a nutshell, we were hoping the three of you would manage the place. Rumor since you are an experienced waitress, you could be a huge asset to us,” Briar pointed out.

  “What if I don’t want to leave my job now?”

  “What if I told you the pay would definitely be worth your time?” I asked.

  “I’m interested, but I need more details first.”

  “Well, Charlie and I are in. Does that help you make up your mind?”

  She sat there quietly and listened as we continued the conversation and discussed all the possiblities. We talked about what we would serve, possible décor options, and locations available.

  “So, are you on board yet, Rumor?” Charlie asked with a wink.

  “I suppose. I’ve been at my job for so long. It’s secure, you know. I suppose it will be nice to not drive thirty minutes to get to work.

  “Rumor, I promise, you have nothing to worry about. I won’t let you fail,” Whiskey reassured her.

  “You know, we are taking a risk, too. The likelihood of us failing isn’t likely. We don’t fail,” Briar proudly stated.

  I should have been the one to reassure her, but honestly, how was I supposed to do that? I only know moonshine. I know nothing about running a legit business.

  “Rumor, we wouldn’t ask you if we thought this was a potential failure. We will get all the details worked out and let y’all know when to report to work.”

  Jazz stopped him before he continued, “I know you don’t discuss club business with anyone outside the club. I get that and respect that. I wouldn’t ask anything about your shine business, but this is different. This puts us in the middle of it, and if you want us to manage things for you then we should get a say in business side of things.”

  “What exactly are you referring to Jazz?” I barked at her.

  “Look, you ain’t got to be a horse’s ass to me because I asked questions and voiced my opinion.”

  “Baby, just let it go.” Briar pleaded.

  “No, I won’t. He can talk to you like that but he isn’t going to talk like that to me. I ain’t his bitch. I’ll not be talked to like one.”

  I glared at her and Rumor butted in, “You were kind of a douche just then.” She said as she slid a little closer to me.

  “Fine, sorry. Are you happy?”

  “Well, it’s a start. I was referring to the theme, décor, menu, and name. Things like that. Things that you guys probably don’t really give two shits about. Those very things are likely to be what keeps customers coming back.”

  I looked at Briar and Whiskey and they both nodded in agreement.

  “Have it your way. You girls can design it however you see fit, but try to stick to some kind of reasonable budget. I will get with you girls as soon as I get the bank accounts transferred from Panama City. We should have plenty to get up and running.”

  “Babes, what are you thinking?” Whiskey asked Charlie.

  “I was thinking of serving home cooked meals. Having a set menu and changing it weekly. Like having themes. For instance, nacho week, barbecue week, seafood week, and so on.”

  “This all of the sudden came to you? That’s pretty in depth for an on a whim thought,” I blurted.

  “Fury, I get you are stressed out, but seriously, you’re an ass. If you must know, no it wasn’t just an on a whim thought. Since I was a little girl, I wanted to own a restaurant. I wanted a cool place that I could have as my escape and be something to be proud of. The problem is I suck at cooking.”

  “You never told me you wanted to have a resturant,” Jazz said in shock.

  “Surprise! When I would talk about it with Hensley, he would shoot it down and say how stupid it was because I wasn’t a good cook, so I gave up on it.”

  “Well, that’s all I needed to hear. I’ll make it happen for you, babes.”

  “Rumor, are you good? We could really use you in the kitchen, and to wait tables. Jazz can help you in the kitchen.”

  “I think so. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot. Do we know when this is going to take place? I need to give my current job some notice.”

  “It’ll still be a little bit. I have to transfer funds, and we have to purchase land, an…”

  “No you don’t. I will donate the land.” Charlie said.

  “Is there anything else you want to just throw out there, Charlie? Where might this land be that you are donating?” Briar asked, as if it made a difference. I could tell by the look on her face that she dared him to tell her no.

  “Well, dad, it’s the land that is right beside The Gas Station.”

  “I forgot you owned that, but why don’t you sell it to us?”

  “What the hell am I going to do with it? The profit will benefit me anyhow. My husband’s business effects me too. I would be glad to help, so consider this an investment.”

  “You are sure about this, babes?”

  “Yes, under one condition.”

  “And that would be?” I asked. I was still shocked that she was going to hand over the land for us to put a business on.

  “The name of the restaurant has to be, Wish You Were Beer or Let’s Just Wine About It.”

  Everyone started laughing. I wasn’t amused.

“Seriously? Charlie those are genius.” Briar finally said.

  “Or She Ain’t Here. Or He Ain’t Here.”

  “Oh no. I like Wish You Were Beer.” Jazz said to Charlie, amazed at Charlie’s wit.

  “Fury, Briar, Whiskey, do you all like it?” Charlie asked.

  “Babes, it is perfect. It’s catchy, and says that we will have booze. It’s awesome.”

  “Charlie girl, it’s genius. Just like you.”

  “Well, seems as if everyone has spoken.” I replied dryly.

  As chatter over the restaurant consumed the group, I walked away to smoke. As I inhaled, the burn of the smoke soothed my frazzled nerves.

  “What is the matter, Fury?” I hear from the voice that I have grown very fond of.

  “Everything. This is happening and there isn’t a damn thing I can do to stop it. That fucker, Jay, made that decision for me, for us. Now I am left to start over again in a town I don’t know, and some chick that I don’t know is giving us land that should rightly be bought. I clearly have no say in that either.” I snapped.

  “Sounds like you are just on a power trip.” She hurriedly replied back, hitting me with a truth bomb.

  Her honesty didn’t sit well and instantly pissed me off. I didn’t say anything, just let the anger stew in my head. She doesn’t know what I’ve been through in the last few days. I’d like to think I had control over something.

  “Look, Charlie is just trying to help you. She is right you know, this is going to benefit her, too. She wouldn’t just give over prime land if it didn’t. She isn’t stupid. If she didn’t believe in the cause, she would’ve made you buy it. She clearly believes in the restaurant, and she has the rest of us to help her make her newly realized dream come true..”

  I blew out the white smoke and nodded my head.

  “I know she means well. I appreciate it, but I have to think of how that looks for taxes, with the state board of health, and all the legal shit. I can’t have people snooping around and finding out shit.”


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