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Intellectual: A Young Adult Romance

Page 10

by Katie Wright

  It occurred to me I must look like a fat pig in comparison to all the girls on the beach. I had been sitting in a room for the past month or so and hadn't a bit of exercise. And now I had eaten possibly the worst thing for my figure.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Oh nothing," I lied.

  "Doesn't look it."

  "I just shouldn't have eaten it."

  "Oh no you're one of those girls that are worried about the way they look aren't you?"

  "Well," I began but Casey cut me off.

  "There's nothing wrong with you. You have good body; please just don't say anything about it. You're what most girls should look like unlike those clothes hangers that walk on the runways."

  I was speechless, Casey Turner had just given me a compliment, and a damn good one. I wanted to squeal. It wasn't as though I had never had compliments but all of my former boyfriends or guys I dated only ever said I was cute.

  "Thank you?" I didn't know what else possibly to say.

  He sat up and grabbed both our bowls, "Not a problem." He placed them in the sink and filled them up with water. "I don't feel like cleaning them."

  "Don't worry about it," I said getting up form the table. "Aunt Carrie gets up at the butt crack of dawn, she'll do it."

  We walked up the stairs together. I was in front of Casey and very conscious of the fact that he was there. It was at the point where we were nearing the top that I felt a slap on my ass. I turned around wide eyed at Casey.

  My mouth opened to an 'o' shape but Casey shrugged it off. He smiled innocently and made a move to go around me up the stairs. I followed him up quickly and slapped his arm.

  "Ow!" He rubbed his arm. "What the heck!"

  "Why'd you slap my ass?" I hissed at him. He had caught me off guard, twice that night.

  "I'm sorry it was just there it was asking to be slapped." Of all the things to say.

  The look on my face said it all and Casey recognized it. He sprinted to his room and attempted to close the door in my face but his momentum had slowed down and I was able to push myself inside his room.

  He ran over to his bed where he fell and pick up a pillow. I grabbed one from one of the other beds. Neither of us had turned the lights on so we were both having trouble calculating each other's movements.

  Casey struck first hitting me in the arm and then the face. I wailed back at him hitting him repeatedly. He finally grabbed my pillow but I refused to let go. He swung the pillow and me onto his bed. Dropping his own pillow he attempted to release mine.

  He straddled me but at the time I thought nothing of it. I was too concerned with keeping the pillow from him. It didn't make much sense but I felt like I was having real fun.

  Casey grabbed my wrists with one hand and then tried pulling with the other. My grip was very strong but I just couldn't hold on any longer. He took it from me and threw it on the floor. I struggled to break free of his hands but he kept me in place.

  "Get off Casey!" I was squealing and squirming underneath him. He just continued to laugh at me struggling against him.

  "You're definitely not getting out of this." He laughed and laughed until I couldn't take it anymore. I brought my leg up and tried to kick him.

  From what I could tell he was shocked, "I can't believe you just tried to hit me in my balls?"

  "Well that's what you get for smacking my ass."

  "Not the same. If you groped my ass then we would be even."

  I smiled, "I am not going to grope your ass."

  "Well that's your fault but now I have to get you back for almost kicking lil C."

  "What?" I laughed but I was nervous. How was he planning on getting me back? "I didn't actually touch you!"

  "You just about did," his free hand took a slow trail down the side of my body. I wriggled underneath him. He was unaware that he was tickling me but then I gave it away.

  "Oh someone is ticklish."

  I shook my head but didn't know if he could see me, "No…"

  And then he started and not two seconds into it did the lights go on. I felt myself being propelled off the bed and onto the floor.

  That hurt, a lot.

  "Shit, what's going on?" That was Brian's voice.

  Then I saw two feet standing at my head. I looked up and noticed Mickey with a very peculiar smirk. "Hello, Heather."

  I pulled myself up, "We were fighting."

  Casey was standing on the other side away from me. I couldn't see his face but I could see Brian's. He seemed angry and was staring Casey down.

  Then he looked over at me, "Go to bed Heather."

  Normally I would have argued but I didn't feel like it. I obeyed and left to my bedroom across the hall. I wasn't quite sure but when I closed the door and settled into bed I was almost positive I heard the distinct sound of laughing. I pulled the sheets over my head and tried not to dwell on it; Jane must have left the window open.

  Chapter 11: Labor Day Weekend Day Two

  Inevitably the next day came upon me and in my face. Yes the beach house faced east and I forgot to close the shades last night. Being that I was too hiding myself from the embarrassment that had befallen me the night before.

  Then the faint smell of blueberry pancakes wafted into my nostrils and I couldn't resist. I pulled myself out of bed and made a quick retreat downstairs. Not to my surprise I was the last one up. I was shocked to see Brian and Mickey there too but I guess their night didn't go as exciting as I supposed. I didn't see any girls with them last night that was for sure.

  When I completely entered the kitchen my mother noticed me first, "Good morning honey."

  Damn, now everyone's heads were turned towards me including Casey's.

  "Good morning," I said with a slight wave.

  I grabbed a couple of pancakes from a plate on the counter and went back to the table. Situating myself between Sarah and Jane I started drizzling syrup all over my pancakes. Everyone was talking amongst each other when I felt Jane nudge me.

  I looked over at her from the corner of my eye, "Yeah?"

  She leaned over and whispered, "What was going on last night? I heard screaming and laughing from the other room and then you coming in. You slammed the door by the way."

  I blushed remembering what she had heard, "Yeah I'm sorry and I'll tell you about it later."

  "So what are your guys' plans for the day?" My dad asked.

  Lucy apparently knew because she spoke first, "We're going to head down to the beach."

  Oh yes the beach. I forgot about the guys we met the night before. For some reason I wasn't looking too forward to it. Knowing my luck I would end up watching all the love birds enjoying themselves in the waves while I sat on the beach and read a book.

  "Well how bout I take you guys," Brian looked at us.

  "Oh, sure," Lucy said somewhat put off. I think it might have been due to the fact that she was nervous about my cousins meeting the guys from last night but I wasn't sure.

  For some reason I just had to make sure it was clear, "Yes Brian that sounds good."

  I could sense a livid stare coming in my direction. When I looked over it was Lucy. I don't know why but since the previous night I didn't like her as much as I did before.

  I just realized why I missed the shore. Lying there on my penguin (how ironic) beach towel and listening to my ipod whilst scoping out all the available men who are not available to me, I just didn't want to leave.

  This wasn't of course like the last time when Casey threw my top out into the ocean, no this was much better. For one thing everyone seemed to be playing beach volleyball and ignoring me. I didn't mind only because that meant I wasn't being tormented.

  After about an hour the guys from the night before showed up. Brian, Mickey, and Casey welcomed them to a game of beach v-ball. It seems to be the only game we can play in our family.

  Lucy was not only gushing over the short brunette, whose name as I recalled was Terrance, she was also drooling over Casey. Yes even I could say the boy ha
d an appeal to girls I could not deny. He was lean-muscled and tan. Not to mention very, very hot. But I didn't want Lucy knowing that.


  She went down again and again missing the balls over the net. She was terrible but I wondered if it was more of a show than anything else. If she indeed was that bad I pitied her.

  "Hey Heath!" Brian yelled at me.

  I placed a hand on my forehead to shadow my eyes, "What?" I called out.

  "We need you to take Lucy's spot she twisted her ankle."

  Yeah, of course and right now it seemed Mr. Terrance was supplying the comfort for her.

  Did I see her grin when I had passed? Yes I did, what a stinker, oh well as long as it wasn't Casey. Shit, what was I thinking?

  I did end up playing the rest of the game beating Casey's team. Brian gave me a high five and Mickey barked that it wasn't fair since I came in late. It didn't matter no one was going to redo the whole game because they were hungry.

  After lunch which included two boxes of pizza and cokes all around we headed back to the shore. I was more than a little full and decided to not yet go into the water.

  I felt sand hit my face and sting my eyes. I looked up to see Casey grinning at me, it irritated me, "What'd you do that for?"

  "Aren't you coming in? You haven't gone in all day."

  "Why do you care?" I knew I shouldn't have said that but I didn't appreciate sand in my face either.

  His face turned grim, "Fine, sorry I asked," and he walked out into the ocean with everyone else.

  After a few minutes of contemplation I decided to go in the water. I walked up and dipped my right foot in. The water was warmer than earlier in the summer. The sun had time to heat it after a few months. I jumped in head first and when I returned to the surface I noticed a wave headed my way.

  It wasn't the wave that bothered me but the young boy riding the boogey board that was heading towards me. I didn't have enough time and he didn't see me. In a flash I felt my head being pushed into the water. The boogey board pounded not once but twice on me. I felt a throbbing pain on the side of my head. I was scared I had swallowed copious amounts of water which was causing me to cough.

  The waves returned pummeling while I tried to catch my breath and protect my head. It didn't let up and it wasn't until a hand pulled me out of the water and onto the beach did I feel a slight sense of relief.

  The hand brushed the hair away from my face, "Jesus, are you okay Heath?"

  Casey's bright blue eyes stared at me and looked over every part of me to see if I was okay. I was blushing under his gaze. I coughed some more and he rubbed my back. I nodded and he took my arms and pulled me back to our towels.

  Suddenly I realized that he saw everything that happened and immediately I felt humiliated. I covered my face and sat my head between my knees. Then he touched my back again and I sprang up and stared at him.

  "What's wrong?" He seemed more than concerned. "Maybe we should go back. I'll tell everyone you're not feeling good."

  For some reason I agreed and waited for him to return.

  It was an awkward ten minute walk back to the house. When we made it inside Casey took our towels and brought them to the backyard. I assumed he was hanging them up to dry on the deck.

  I waited for him but I didn't know what for. We hadn't spoken the whole way home. Well Casey did ask me if I was alright. He probably just assumed I was too embarrassed to talk, which I was. But he didn't make me feel stupid and just asked worried questions.

  He smiled as he came up to me. I believe it was a nervous smile or an apprehensive one mostly to make me feel better.

  "I guess you're not hungry?" He laughed at his joke and I remembered how much I liked it, throaty and genuine.

  Not helping myself I laughed too, mostly out of nervousness. "No thanks."

  Then it was as if we both knew we were home alone and the silence that had sat between us the whole time settled in, peaceful and comfortable. I didn't know what he was thinking and I was wondering if he was thinking the same thing. Maybe we both were wondering if the other was thinking anything but realized we were both not thinking at all. After confusing myself long enough I cleared my throat.

  Casey must have thought there was something wrong with me because he went for my arms. He ran his fingers up and down them. I could hear the light pieces of sand falling to the ground as he rubbed the grain from my skin.

  I rubbed my neck and Casey pulled it away. He traced my palm with his thumb and looked at it.


  He looked back at me ready to tell me something, a confession? I didn't know but it took long to figure out he didn't want to speak anymore.

  Instead he pulled me towards him and just as I thought he would kiss me he did, on the cheek. Then he whispered, "I'm glad you're okay."

  He pulled away from me and left the room, retreating to the kitchen.

  I decided to change out of my bathing suit and into a comfortable pair of shorts and t-shirt.

  When I came back down I could faintly smell popcorn. I turned towards the family room and saw Casey lying on the couch across from the television. He sat up and looked at me.

  "Good," he said as he got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch.

  "What are you doing," I asked as I noticed he had changed into a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt as well.

  "I decided we'd watch a movie and veg out the rest of the day."

  I nodded, "Good plan."

  The soft pillows were so comfortable I found myself relaxing against them. Casey was a lot easier going then I gave him credit for.

  "What are we watching?"

  "Well it was somewhat difficult trying to find a movie that we'd both like so I just ended up picking Batman."

  I laughed, "Batman?" I couldn't help it I didn't expect him to say that.

  "Yes, Batman, plus they don't have a large collection. We're the only weirdoes staying in while everyone else is at the beach."

  I jolted, "Well it wasn't my fault!"

  "Sure," he said unbelievably.

  I smacked him in the arm.

  "Ow, you're violent. I was just kidding with you."

  "Oh stupid boy."

  I sat back again into the couch and folded my arms over my chest. Casey clicked off the light and the room was completely darkened. I noticed then that he had closed the blinds to give the room a more movie theater effect.

  I wouldn't have minded but the beginning credits hadn't even started and I could hear his breathing next to my ear. The goose bumps were back but luckily he couldn't see them.

  "I haven't seen this movie in awhile," I whispered. We weren't actually in a theater so I didn't really understand why I did and suddenly felt stupid for doing so.

  "Yeah me neither, why are we whispering?" He chuckled softly.

  "The darkness does that."

  I turned to look at him as I said it. He looked back at me and opened his mouth to say something. He seemed to be searching for my face in the dark. Then he opened his mouth again as if to say what he had planned on but the movie started and instead he nodded and turned back to the screen.

  We watched the movie for the most of the time in silence. There was one part in which I grabbed onto Casey's arm. In case you were wondering it was the part where Kim Basinger's part throws water on the Joker's face and he turns around and goes 'Boo.' Yeah I knew it was coming but I couldn't help it, it was an immediate reaction. Thankfully Casey just laughed it off and didn't make fun of me. Although I guess he was laughing at me but whatever.

  The final credits played on the screen and Casey turned the light on blinding us both.

  "Sorry," he mumbled.

  "Tis okay."

  "What time is it?"

  I looked over at the clock on the VCR, "A little after five."

  "Think they went to dinner without us?"

  I shrugged, "Probably." They most likely did but I didn't care.

  "I wonder wher
e your parents are."

  I got up from the couch and stretched out my back, damn those pillows they were a little too soft. "I think my mom said something about fending for ourselves tonight. The neighbors down the street asked them out to dinner minus us kids."

  Casey laughed, "Kids? Okay well then I guess we kids will go fend for ourselves." He wiped his face with both his hands, "How about we get changed and go find somewhere to eat?"


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