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Spellbinding His Ranger: A Sci-Fi Gamer Friends-to-Lovers Romance (Looking For Group Book 1)

Page 27

by Shannon Pemrick

  Eating a fresh mozzarella ball, she looked at him. “Do you have any idea what’s going on with your phone?”

  “Not yet, but my father is working hard on his analysis.”

  Mercedes’ brow twisted as she lifted her glass of wine. “Analysis?”

  Takashi looked at her, confused. “Did I ever tell you my father runs a security firm?”

  She stared at him, her lips pursed and brow furrowed. “No, you seemed to have forgotten to mention that. Last I knew, he worked in the game industry.”

  He ducked his head and retrieved his wine glass. “Oops. Well, yeah, that’s what he does now. He’s been hired out to check security for large companies, software, and even games. If we’re having issues like this, he’d be the one to find it.”

  Mercedes tipped her glass toward him. “Well, here’s to him finding out the answers.”

  Takashi smiled and lifted his glass toward her. “And to us overcoming it without them yet.”

  A smile spread across her lips and she clinked her glass with his. The two sipped their drinks and then looked out at the bay, the Golden Gate Bridge stretching across it.

  “It’s interesting to think how old that bridge is,” Takashi said. “That we humans get attached to things like landmarks, and do our best to preserve them. And yeah, that bridge is important for transportation, but it’s still a huge tourist attraction.” He looked at Mercedes. “Does that make any sense at all? I might just be rambling out loud for no reason.”

  Mercedes giggled and ate a piece of shrimp. “My mom loved to travel. She had gone to every state and several countries before I was even born. And even then after, she’d take me to so many places, even if my dad couldn’t go. One state she loved was New Hampshire. You could go from bustling city to pristine forest in less than thirty minutes. But one thing about them she admired was their love for a lost landmark.”

  Mercedes took another sip of her wine. “The Man on the Mountain, they called it. It was a face of a man on the side of the White Mountains. The most amazing part about it, it wasn’t man made. It attracted people of all types just so they could see this strange natural wonder. But per the laws of nature, the weather took its toll. They tried for years to preserve it, hold it up there, mixing man’s creative ingenuity and nature’s random gifts. But ultimately the landmark crumbled under the weight of time. These people loved their landmark so much, that even to this day, their license plates depict it.”

  She smiled. “I don’t know if my answer makes sense or if I’m just rambling out words.”

  Takashi chuckled, and then she did as well. She was glad he appreciated her little joke.

  The waiter returned with their meals, ricetta pansotti alla Genovese for Mercedes, and Ciceri e Tria for Takashi. The pair thanked him and dug into their meals.

  “You know, after all these years of knowing you, I never found out what got you into gaming.” Takashi laughed. “I do remember how you chewed us out the first time you played Lusara and we treated you like you’d never played a game before. But after that, I just accepted your nerdy side and never thought to ask what got you into it all.”

  Mercedes laughed at the memory. She’d been annoyed, but it was Shira who had torn into them. “My mom got me into it. As you could guess, my dad is all about cars. But it was my mom who loved both, so when they had me, she insisted on raising a wheel-loving, retro-button smashing, cosplaying nerd. I didn’t get into the cosplay in the end, but the rest happened.”

  Her eyes squinted as she laughed. “But my mom was resourceful and just continued to force my dad to cosplay with her. That was always a riot to me.”

  Takashi chuckled. “I do remember her a bit. She was an… interesting woman.”

  “That’s one way to put it.” Mercedes took another bite of her meal. “You got into games because of your parents, right?”

  He nodded. “My mother enjoyed gaming as a hobby, and my father tried to make his love for it into a job in the same way I do now. That’s what brought them together. Even though they ended up going into vastly different careers in the end, I was still brought up with that same gaming passion.”

  Mercedes smiled. “That’s cool.”

  The casual conversation continued; their phones lay out on the table untouched. They would buzz a few times, but neither paid them any mind. Over an hour passed, the pair losing track of time, even after ordering dessert. Mercedes chose the tartufo and Takashi selected the budino on the menu.

  When they realized they couldn’t continue to stay, Takashi paid for the meal, unwilling to allow Mercedes to cover anything, much to her annoyance, and they left. The drive home continued to consist of casual chatter, and a little of her complaining she could have handled at least the tip.

  Takashi’s strong hand laced into hers and he held her gaze. His eyes were soft and warm. “So, is there still an us?”

  Hearing the question made her heart swell. A demure smile spread across her lips. “Yes.”

  The car pulled into her driveway and the pair remained there, looking at each other. Several questions played across her mind. Was he expecting her to say something? Should she ask him inside? Would that be too fast and desperate after clearing things up between us?

  Takashi smiled, letting go of her hand, and slipped out of the car. She couldn’t hide the prick of disappointment that she didn’t get the chance to sort out her thoughts.

  He walked around the car and opened her door, extending his hand. She accepted his offer and slipped out of the vehicle. Takashi tucked her hand into his arm and led her up the front walk. Once under the overhang of the front entrance, Mercedes turned to place her back to the door and gazed up at him. Her focus found his dark eyes, but soon wandered to his strong jaw, recently shaven for the date, his tempting lips, and strong neck and shoulders. What was I just thinking about?

  Takashi smiled at her, her heart skipping. “Thank you—for accepting my dinner invitation.”

  “Well, I wasn’t given much of a chance to say no.” She hoped he caught the teasing tone to her words.

  He reached out and brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers. “You sound so miserable. I’m sure all the laughter during dinner was a clear sign to others how tortured you were.”

  She leaned into his touch. “Well, thanks to the kind man who rescued me, I made it home safe.”

  A half-smile spread across his face. Desire for those lips to touch her skin burned deep in her. “Yes, I saved you from my evil twin. I’m so glad to see you safe, M’lady.”

  Mercedes leaned closer, fanning her fingers across his muscular chest. This little play excited her more than she thought it would when she ran with the idea. “Is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?” She bit her lips and looked up at him. He visibly swallowed. “Anything at all?”

  Takashi’s hand cupped her face, and before she had a moment to think, his lips crashed into hers. She inhaled deeply, and desired gripped her. Mercedes leaned in, her body meeting his, and felt his free arms snake around her.

  But all too soon, he pulled away. Mercedes’ eyes fluttered open, her focus lazily trailing up from his jawline until her eyes met his; the darkness of his eyes snaring her.

  A grin spread across his handsome face. “I believe that will be compensation enough.” He took a step back, turning away. “Have a good night, Mercy. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  She frowned. This wasn’t how she wanted tonight to end. Takashi acted too much of a gentleman for his own good sometimes. She knew he wouldn’t do anything that could possibly jeopardize their recently mended relationship. He’s dumb if he thinks this would.

  Mercedes reached out and grabbed his tie, being sure not to snag his necklace, forcing him to face her. “Don’t go.”

  Takashi’s eyes darkened and he came closer, forcing her back into the door. He pla
ced both hands on either side of her, and looked deep into her eyes. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”

  Her hand continued to grip his tie, all those dirty things she wanted to use it for pushing to the front of her mind. “How long do you want to stay?”


  “Me too.” She claimed his lips with hers, and her insides melted as he let go of the door and pulled her close to him.

  She dug her fingers into his chest. His taste and intoxicating smell—his real taste and smell—drove her crazy. The game had done well replicating it, but nothing compared to the real thing.

  Need built inside her as her stomach pressed against his very prominent erection. Takashi’s hand slid down her back, to her rear, and squeezed once before finding the slit in her dress. He slipped his hand under the material and growled when he found out she was in fact wearing something underneath, though it was rather lacking in material.

  Takashi broke the kiss. “I’m glad you didn’t tease me with this or anything.”

  A hearty chuckle came from Mercedes. “I was smart enough to tease you with something even stronger instead.”

  “And had you kept going, dinner would have never happened.”

  “I wouldn’t have been heartbroken in the least. Tasha, please unlock the door. I don’t remember where I hid my key.”

  “Already done, Miss Mercedes,” Tasha said from her phone. “Please do be safe with your actions tonight, you two.”

  The pair chuckled and Mercedes opened the door, pulling Takashi inside by his tie. By the end of tonight, it was the only thing he’d be allowed to wear.

  The moment the door shut, his lips found hers again and he tried to pull her back to him by her hips, but she was determined to get him a little farther into the house. Mercedes tugged a little more, and he complied. The pair continued their slow, lust-driven pace into her home. How big is my living room again?

  She found out a moment later when she bumped into the back of her couch. With nowhere left to go, Takashi pressed against her and his kiss became more demanding, stealing her breath. Her pulse pounded in her ears as his strong presence enveloped her.

  Mercedes dug her fingers into his suit jacket and then dragged them across his chest. This needed to go. Her fingers found the buttons and she nearly ripped them off in her haste. She slipped the jacket over his shoulders, forcing him to let her go for a moment, and it fell to the floor. Takashi cared little, and his hands pulled her hips against his.

  Mercedes raked her fingers against his chest again, feeling his muscles flex and ripple under her touch this time. Takashi growled and his teeth nipped her bottom lip, one of his hands slipping through the slit in her dress and finding purchase on her ass. A quiet whimper escaped her lips and she pressed harder against him.

  Takashi nibbled and sucked on her lower lip, kissing her intermittently, his hands gliding across her lithe form. She needed more. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt. With each success, Takashi made it more difficult for her. One of his hands migrated up the back of her neck and grabbed a fistful of hair, pulling her head back and exposing her neck to him. Mercedes gasped and then moaned and he trailed kisses down her neck, nipping her skin now and then.

  His free hand tugged on her dress by her shoulder, pulling it down a bit. She groaned and went back to fumbling with his shirt. Takashi continued his kissing, pulling her dress lower and lower, until her breast threatened to spill out. Takashi’s teeth grazed her collarbone, his hand in her hair letting her go, and then nipped the top of her exposed breast, drawing out a satisfactory hiss from her. He grinned against her skin and then, with both hands, and pulled her dress down, her breast spilling out.

  His eyes glanced down at them, noticing the pale silicone discs covering her nipples, and then he looked up at her with a raised brow. “Pasties?”

  She grinned. “I’d say it’s for a kink factor, but I’d be lying. Bra lines are unsightly in a dress like this, and nipples poking through during dinner is deemed unlady-like.”

  Takashi slipped his fingers under the silicone. “Well, we’re not at dinner now, are we, M’lady?”

  The pasties popped off with little effort, exposing her taut nipples. Mercedes had made sure to use a pair that didn’t have much adhesive life to them left. She wasn’t positive this would happen, but she didn’t want a new pair to be problematic if it were the end result.

  Takashi grinned, making her breath catch, and he kissed her, cupping her supple breasts with his hands and rolling her sensitive buds between his thumbs and index fingers. She groaned as pleasure crept over her. Desire throbbed between her legs, but it wasn’t time to give into that. Not yet.

  The kissing ended as Takashi dipped his head and slipped one of her taut nipples between his lips. Mercedes gasped and then groaned as he sucked them, lightly nipping them on occasions. The need and desire in her core grew as she laced her fingers into his hair, ensuring he didn’t pull away before she wanted him to be done.

  Takashi’s now free hand traced her skin, heading up, until it reached her sleeve, still halfway pulled off her arm. With gentle tugs, and switching from one breast to another with his mouth, he distracted her enough to let go of him and he removed the sleeve. His hands glided over her skin again, and slipped between her and her dress, tugging just a bit. At the same time he sucked on her aching bud a little harder, eliciting a moan from her. She couldn’t handle it anymore. She needed more.

  Letting his hair go, she slipped her fingers into her dress and tugged it down, forcing Takashi to pull away. He tried to stop her. “You’re not allowed to rush this.”

  She nipped his chin. “Who said helping you was rushing?”

  He dragged a light touch against the back of her cybernetic arm and she gasped, new sensations rushing to her brain. It felt near identical to her real arm.

  Takashi’s brow rose. “You felt that?”

  She bit her lip. “Forgot to mention, I have a fully functioning one now. It works”—she hissed when he repeated the touch— “beautifully.”

  Takashi chuckled and snapped his teeth near her cheek. “You’ve just added a whole new level of fun for me—and you.”

  Her heart raced and her breath hitched at the promise. She’d always liked subtlety, but she was now seeing why Narissa and Shira found forwardness appealing. At this rate, he’d get her to pass out from anticipation. She needed to have her own fun to ensure that didn’t happen.

  Mercedes hooked her thumbs into her dress that now sat at her hips, making sure to loop them into her thong. Now was as good a time as any to try it herself. “If you get to add to this game, then so do I. And I say clothes make this dreadfully boring.”

  In one swift motion, her clothes fell to the floor. She stepped out of the pile and used one foot to toss her clothes aside. Takashi stared, taking in every exposed inch of her. Mercedes crossed her legs as she sat on the back of the couch and realized she still had her shoes on. She decided they could stay. “Well?”

  He licked his lips. “I wish you’d come out dressed like this when I arrived.”

  She grinned. “Maybe one of these days I will.” She pushed off from the furniture and latched onto his shirt, fussing with his buttons again. “Now, this needs to go.”

  Takashi looped his finger into his tie. “Just the shirt?”

  “Tie stays.”

  His brow rose but he let the tie go and chose to use the opportunity to push her back up against the couch. He came with her, so as to not hinder her task, but the action intrigued her.

  The last button dealt with, she slowly slid his shirt over his shoulders, her hands gliding over his skin. His muscles flexed with each touch and his eyes closed a bit, his lips parting just so slightly, giving away his enjoyment of the touch.

  When his shirt hit the floor she grinned. “Better.”
  Takashi chuckled. “Good. Now I can get back to what I was doing.”

  His reached out, grasping the back of her head, and crashed his lips into hers, devouring her. Her heart pounded in her chest and she attempted to press herself against him, craving the feel of his flesh against hers, but he kept them separate. His free hand roamed her body—her sides—her breasts—her hip—nowhere was safe. She whimpered, pleading for more than just a tease.

  Takashi pulled her head back, exposing her neck and kissed her skin. The kisses migrated down—to her collarbone, to her breasts, over each aching bud. His hand continued to tease her with its trailing, and she let out a soft moan. “Takashi…”

  He chuckled, his hot breath on her exposed skin sending goosebumps all across her skin. “Patience.”

  When his trailing stopped at her thigh, she whimpered. She needed some relief, just a little. “Please…”

  He grinned and slipped his fingers between her thighs. She gasped, her back arching as pleasure coursed through her, and placed both her hands on the couch for leverage. Takashi continued to pleasure her at those two locations, flooding her with so much desire she thought she may explode.

  Then, his lip action shifted, trailing down her stomach, his knees bending and sinking him lower. Her breathing labored, knowing his intent. On his knees now, Takashi’s tongue darted into her slick heat, enticing a moan from her. He continued, his action building to a full licking and sucking of her desire. Mercedes threw her head back, letting out a deep moan, and laced her cybernetic hand into his hair.

  “Takashi…” she moaned. “Taka…shi…”

  Takashi spread her farther apart and plunged his fingers inside her. She moaned more, her words catching in her throat. Her legs wobbled, the desire building in her core becoming too much for her, and she let go of him to grab hold of the couch. Takashi never faltered, continuing his intense pleasuring, setting her whole body on fire.


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