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Spellbinding His Ranger: A Sci-Fi Gamer Friends-to-Lovers Romance (Looking For Group Book 1)

Page 30

by Shannon Pemrick

  “We’re not doing it.” He ate some food, not acknowledging Zach anymore.

  I wonder what that’s all about. She knew Shira hadn’t told them about her accident. Zach would have known not to offer that location if he knew. So why didn’t Jasper want to go there specifically?

  “Why not the one in L.A. in six months?” Ajax suggested. “That’s a big one with a number of different tournaments, right, Darius?”

  He stopped wrestling with Kiara. “Well, yeah. It’s Gamer Nine. Everyone knows that’s the biggest one these days. Your company even does their big reveals, because with big games come big tech changes.”

  “We couldn’t get our sponsahs to jump on that train,” Jasper said. “Hahd for us to risk money on those competitions without the backup of the sponsahs.”

  “You have one now,” Ajax said.

  Both Jasper and Zach leaned in. “Say what?”

  “GameTech is now your sponsor for it. I’ll forward you the contract later.”

  The two boys gave each other a high-five and Serenity cheered, though it was obvious she wasn’t exactly sure why the two were excited.

  Jasper then focused on Shira. “What do you say? Threes matches happen theah, too.”

  “I’m not going. I will never go. Stop asking.”

  Jasper’s excitement dropped, and he frowned. Zach looked disappointed, but Jasper’s reaction was a bit deeper than that. Mercedes didn’t like it. Shira needed to overcome this. But this isn’t the time to push it.

  Mercedes clapped her hands together. “We’re changing the subject. This is too tense and that’s not why we’re here.”

  “Yeah, everybody be wicked happy!” Serenity cheered, holding up the new juice box her father had gotten her.

  The chatter continued, going to better topics. Shira’s mood improved with the attention off her, sending relief through Mercedes.

  Takashi leaned over and whispered in her ear. “We’ll work on her.”

  Mercedes kept her voice low. “I have a feeling they’ll wear her down eventually.”

  “I’m pretty sure it’ll be Serenity who gets her. Shira doesn’t seem to be able to resist her.”

  She looked up at him through her lashes. “Can you blame her?”

  He grinned. “Not at all.” He lowered his voice more. “If we have one, she’ll be just as adorable.”

  Her heart thumped hard in her chest. He had thought the same…

  Mercedes’ father’s eyes narrowed. “What are you two whispering about?”

  “Daddy, stop.” Mercedes poured him more sake. “I’m allowed to date.”

  “Wait, you two are finally official?” Ajax asked. “About damn time!”

  Her friends toasted the two, making her shrink back. She hadn’t thought it was such a big deal. Takashi found it amusing, as did Goro, who also toasted them and then winked. Her father looked unamused, but that was to be expected. Ever since she was little, he told her she was going to be shipped off to a convent so she couldn’t see any boys.

  The party continued, more shenanigans ensuing. Goro slipped away a few times to handle the business, but he allowed them to stay as long as they wished. Mercedes worried about the tab, but Takashi insisted it wouldn’t be an issue. They were here to enjoy themselves in her mother’s memory, and that’s what they’d do. No matter how long that’d take, or inebriated people would get.


  The motorcycle engine cut and Takashi climbed off, pulling off his helmet and hanging it on the handlebar. He checked his backpack to make sure the dinner he’d brought for Mercedes hadn’t gotten ruined on the ride over and then headed for the shop door. She was working late tonight, trying to get payroll all situated—something about an issue with the computer earlier in the day delaying her. Takashi offered to bring her dinner. He had an update for her on their phone issue, making it a win-win for him.

  No lights were on in the main part of the shop, but the office indicated Mercedes’ location. Takashi entered, finding her toiling away on the computer. Placing the backpack on the floor as quietly as he could, he tiptoed up behind her.

  “I know you’re there,” she said, not looking up from her work. “The shop echoes.”

  He hung his head. “Damn.”

  She chuckled and continued working. “What did you bring me?”

  “Soup and sandwiches. Mother made the soup.”

  She finally turned away from her work, licking those tempting lips of her. “Sounds delicious.”

  Takashi handed over her dinner and then pulled up a chair. She took several ravenous bites before talking to him. “How was your day?”

  “Eventful. My father made a discovery with the phones.”

  She stopped eating. “Yeah? I hope he’s not going too crazy on this. I don’t want to inconvenience him.”

  Takashi waved her off. “Trust me, he likes it. Plus it’s given him a nice challenge for his latest interns. With what they found out, a few have just about secured jobs at his firm.”

  Mercedes’ brow rose. “What did they find that could do that for them?”

  “Someone tampered with our phones remotely.” She put down her sandwich to hear him out. “He’s not sure how exactly at the moment, as they covered their tracks well, but the traces indicate short-range connections.”

  Her brow knitted. “So, we met this person?”

  “If we didn’t meet them, came in range of them.” Takashi pinched his nose. “Of course I can’t figure out who would want to do this to us. It’d be one thing if I’d been blocked from anyone on my contact list, then I could see it as some sort of prank. But due to the specifics of the targeting, someone had an end game.”

  Mercedes nodded. “It is weird… I wonder if this is somehow related to your hacking issue.”

  His brow rose. “That’s an interesting theory. It has some merit, but, then again, the hacking started first not second. If they were related, the person doing the hacking would also be stalking. And if they’re doing that, why only game and phone hacking?”

  Mercedes’ lips twisted. “Good point. I guess we’ll just have to wait on your dad and his interns for more clues. I trust it won’t take much longer to get the answers we need.”

  Takashi leaned closer to her. “True. Though the efficiency of these interns is making me think I need one; one that can work their way up to full business partner.”

  Mercedes ate some more of the soup, her eyes twinkling. “Oh really? Would there be a no-fraternizing policy with the boss?”

  Takashi grinned, leaning in a little more. “Depends on who I pick.”

  “I might have to dust off my resume.”

  He traced a finger along her jaw. “Something tells me you’d be plenty qualified.”

  “Is that so?” Mercedes grinned, poked him in the nose, and then went back to working on payroll. “I’ll have to think about it after I get this done.”

  Takashi couldn’t help but sigh, his body rather disappointed. “Tease.”

  She chuckled. “You can wait another ten minutes.”

  He moved closer to her and kissed her neck. “You sure about that?”

  “You’ll have to be or you’ll be sent home for gross misconduct.” She winked at him and he sighed, sitting back in his seat. Tease.

  It wasn’t like he hated it, but she got a little too much enjoyment out of teasing him like this. Of course, he knew better. She was serious about her work, but that didn’t stop him from trying to distract her.

  He let her work for about three minutes before resting his chin on her shoulder. “Are you done yet?”

  Mercedes chuckled. “No.”

  He fake grumbled, but remained where he was. Another minute passed and he slid his hand across her thigh. Her muscles tensed but that remai
ned her only reaction. He continued, gliding his hand along her inner thigh.

  “Takashi,” she warned. “Need I remind you there’s a security camera in this office, and my dad would not be too pleased to see any funny business on the recordings.”

  He continued to tease her inner thigh. “Well, I don’t expect him to like me.”

  She gave him a sidelong glance. “He’s actually starting to like you, you know.”

  Takashi pulled his head back, his brow furrowed. “Come again?”

  She nodded and went back to payroll. “With you coming around all the time this past week, and how well you’ve treated me, he’s begrudgingly starting to like you. It also helps you haven’t tried to persuade me to move away yet.”

  “Hmm.” He pressed his face against her neck, squeezing her thigh with a firm hand. “That does put me in quite the precarious situation, doesn’t it?”

  She turned her head and stared deep into his eyes. His heart thumped in his chest and desire crawled through him when she pulled him in for a rough kiss. Unfortunately it didn’t last long.

  Mercedes pulled away and went back to work on her employees’ payroll. “It’s all you get until I’m done. Continue to misbehave and I won’t even give you that.”

  He groaned, this time frustrated by the teasing, but forced himself to sit back in his chair. Her tone had a slight edge to it that screamed, “Don’t push your luck, seriously.”

  The pair froze when something loud crashed outside the shop. They listened, but no more similar sounds came.

  “Cat knocking over a trashcan?” Takashi asked.

  Brow furrowed, Mercedes went to check the security cameras. “Maybe, but best to check.”

  Takashi followed her and they looked at the split camera screens on the TV set up for monitoring. Just barely in view was one of the shop trashcans laying on its side. Movement on another camera caught their attention. Mercedes grabbed his hand when someone in dark clothes snuck around the building. “Takashi…”

  “I got it.” He ran out of the office before she could stop him.

  Mercedes’ pulse raced and her chest tightened. There was no mistaking this person was planning something devious. Why else sneak around in dark clothes? But Takashi springing into action scared her more. For all they knew this guy had a weapon. “Tasha—”

  “I’ve already contacted the police, Miss Mercedes,” Tasha said. “Please get Mr. Takashi to cease his pursuit in engaging this individual. He could be dangerous.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice. She bolted after him, catching up quick, and grabbed his arm. “Takashi, wait.”

  He gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m just going to scare him off.”

  “What if he has a gun or something?”

  “Don’t worry, I got this.”

  But before he could convince her, something smashed through one of the garage door windows, setting off the alarm. She couldn’t stop the scream. The figure came in sight, looking right at the pair, and then threw something bright into the building before bolting.

  Mercedes gasped at the sound of a breaking bottle and watched in terror as fire roared up from where the bottle impacted.

  “Miss Mercedes,” Tasha called. “I sense a fire. You must get out of here.”

  “No.” Mercedes steeled herself and yanked off one of the nearby fire extinguishers. No one was taking this business from her.

  She smothered the fire in dry chemical powder, as well as the area around it to reduce any extra combustible risks. Mercedes let out a deep sigh of relief when she got it all under control. That could have been bad.

  She looked around to find Takashi gone. Shit! He had to have run after the perpetrator.

  “Miss Mercedes,” Tasha said. “I’ve received a transmission from Ochi, Mr. Takashi has apprehended the mysterious man. I’ve relayed the fire and the capture to the police. I have also notified your father of the incident. He will be here as soon as possible.”

  A wave of mixed emotions fell over her. “That… okay…”

  “I’ve received another transmission. Takashi requests rope to keep this guy still.”

  Mercedes put down the extinguisher and searched for something to help him. She didn’t find rope but did find two tie down straps, and a little bit of duct tape. I’ll just MacGyver this.

  She left the building, grabbing a wrench in case he needed a good thump on the head to make him behave, and searched out this vandal and Takashi. Mercedes found them both by the trashcans the unknown man had knocked down earlier. Takashi looked to be struggling to keep this guy down, so she went to work.

  “Nice work,” Takashi said when she finished. The man struggled against her improvised restraint, but wasn’t able to get out of it. “Creative, too.”

  Mercedes placed her hands on her hip. “Thanks. I just hope it holds up until the police get here.”

  The man looked up at her. “Please, let me go. I can’t be taken in. It’ll hurt my family even more.”

  Mercedes’ eyes hardened. “Well, you should have thought about that before you tried to burn down my business.”

  “I didn’t have a choice! My wife is sick and unable to work. He would have taken my job from me and made sure I could never work in my field again.”

  “He? Who is he?” Takashi asked.

  Before he managed to answer, the blaring sounds of police cars echoed down the street. In seconds, red and blue lights flashed against the building walls.

  The man panicked. “Please. Please don’t let them take me.”

  “Who hired you?” Takashi asked again.

  “Jason. Jason Atilon.”

  Mercedes and Takashi looked at each other, Mercedes speaking. “Isn’t that Emi’s boyfriend?”

  The man nodded. “Yes. He forced me to target those who he didn’t want having contact with her. He said something about them being a threat and taking her from him.”

  Takashi looked at Mercedes. “I’m going to call Emi to let her know what’s going on. This guy could be lying, but if he’s not, she needs to know.”

  Mercedes nodded. As much as Mercedes didn’t want to believe this guy, she couldn’t find it in her. Every time she’d met Jason, her skin crawled, and with his controlling actions a few days ago, she could see such crazed, drastic actions. It also explains the connection between the vandalized businesses.

  Three officers in blue rushed around the corner as Takashi stepped aside to make his phone call—two dealing with the captured man, while another approached Mercedes.

  “Are you Mercedes Gail?” he asked.

  Mercedes nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’d like to talk to you about the incident for our investigation and report.”

  The captured man struggled against the two officers as they cuffed him and undid the temporary bindings Mercedes had bound him with. He yelled out various things from apologies to repeating Jason’s involvement.

  “Has he been that loud this whole time?” the officer asked.

  “No, but it’s what he told us just before you arrived.”

  The officer nodded and recorded it in a digital notepad device. “Have you met this man before?”

  “No, but the two of us know Jason, the man he’s accusing of coercing him into this situation. He’s dating a friend of ours.”

  The officer wrote it down. “I was told there was an attempt at arson, but the fire was neutralized. What did he use?”

  “A Molotov,” Mercedes said. “I saw him throw it into the building and I put out the fire when it broke on the ground.”

  “That matches some reports in the past month,” the officer indicated. “A motor oil mix with a kerosene-dipped rag was used in a few other business-related vandal incidents. We’ll be sure to investigate this weapon thoroughly to be sure i
t’s the same method.”

  Mercedes looked over to the man they were now getting into the police car. “I doubt you’ll have a hard time getting anything out of him. He told us a lot as it is.”

  “This is true, but we must do our investigating as well, to be sure.”

  The pair looked to the parking lot when a car came to a screeching halt and her father climbed out. “That’s my father, Jayce Gail. He’s the owner.”

  He tipped his hat to her. “Thank you. I will have to speak with him, but if we need you again I’ll come looking for you.”

  Mercedes nodded. “Okay. I’ll stay here until I’m told to leave.”

  The officer walked away and Takashi approached. “Are you okay, Mercedes?”

  She smiled. “I’ll be fine. Did you get a hold of Emi?”

  He shook his head. “No, similar call situation as when I try to call you. I’m starting to think that guy is telling the truth. I called Rei and she’s going to let Emi know for us. She wanted me to tell you she’s glad you’re not hurt.”

  Mercedes smiled. “I appreciate the thought.”

  “I’m glad the two of you are getting along now. I was afraid it’d never happen.”

  “Same. I look forward to getting to know her more. I like her.”

  Takashi looked around at the officers moving about. “So, what now?”

  “The police are going to keep investigating. I need to finish payroll. Hopefully they’ll let me do that. Then once things are all cleared up, I think going home is a good idea.”

  Takashi tucked her arm into his. “Let’s get the first item on the list checked off.”

  The pair strolled into the building, headed toward the office, but as they passed the storage room, Mercedes stopped. She stared at the room filled with miscellaneous parts, tools, and whatever else her father purchased for this place, the lights of the police car bouncing around in the room in a way that made her see it a bit differently.

  “Everything okay, Mercedes?” Takashi asked.

  She wandered over to the room, turned on a light and looked in. She’d never seen this room empty before. Her mother would complain all the time it needed to be cleaned out so they could make it a waiting room or store front for parts or something, but her father wouldn’t listen. A store front…


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