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Boy Scouts on the Trail

Page 14

by John Henry Goldfrap



  "Keep back!" called Greene sharply to Frank.

  His revolver still in his hand, he flashed the powerful light Frank hadused in the monoplane into the faces of the two Germans. They laygroaning within a foot or two of one another.

  "No tricks!" said Greene, sharply. "I don't want to finish you, but I'llshoot again if you make a move, except you can throw away yourrevolvers."

  He spoke in German, and both of the wounded men obeyed. Frank wasimmensely relieved. He had been afraid that they had been killed, andthe thought had sickened him. He realized fully that it would have beenin accordance with the idea of war had Greene killed them both; that itwould have been no more than his duty. And yet he was more than gladthat they were alive and, so far as he could judge at that moment, notbadly hurt or not dangerously wounded, at least.

  "Fill that tank with the petrol," said Greene to Frank, "but leave alittle in the can."

  Frank obeyed, wondering why the order was given. Then Greene pushed themonoplane along the ground for some distance until it was in a favorableposition to take the air.

  "All right! Get in!" he said. "Strap yourself in. Know how the strapsgo? Right! I'm going to make a bonfire. It'll bring someone to helpthose poor chaps. I don't want them to have to lie here all night unlessthey have to."

  He took the can which Frank had almost emptied and poured what gasolineremained on the ground that had been protected from the rain by one wingof the monoplane. Then he flung a match into the now highly inflammablestubble, and a flame leaped up at once, lighting the monoplane and thetwo wounded Germans. In a moment more he was in his place and themonoplane was plunging along the ground. Then it took the air and roseswiftly to a safe height. And then for the first time there was achance for explanations.

  "By Jove, how did you come to think of flashing that message to me?"cried Greene. "That was an idea! I almost gave it all away by answeringbefore I realized what you were telling me. What was that fire I saw?Looked to me like the very place you said you were going to."

  So Frank explained.

  "Oh, splendid--my word, splendid!" cried Greene. "I fancy we'll findthey've started this way already. Hullo--yes, by Jove, there come someof our fellows now! See, over there to the right? Aeroplanes--gone tospot those Johnnies. They didn't wait for us to come back!"

  He dropped to a bare hundred feet of elevation now and in a moment Frankcould see why. Below them a mass of cavalry was in motion.

  "There they go!" cried Greene. "Your beacon gave them the line. Thegeneral must have decided that was confirmation enough."

  Now came a shouting from below, and Greene answered it by swooping downto a landing in the field. An officer put his horse to the wall and rodeup beside them.

  "Captain Greene, by any chance?" he called, peering at them.

  "Yes, colonel," said Greene, saluting. "The Germans are in a clump ofwoods on the Amiens road. In an angle of that road and the one fromLaFere, rather. I don't know the exact strength, but have reason tobelieve about five thousand."

  "There's no doubt about their being there, though?"

  "None at all, sir. They shot a hole in my tank, and I had to wait to getenough essence to come back. All mine leaked before I could make alanding to plug the bullet hole. Did you start on the sight of thatburning house?"

  "Yes. The staff couldn't see why a house should be burning unless therewere Germans about. Very well. Report back to headquarters, captain.They're waiting for you."

  "Very well, sir."

  "I thought so," he said to Frank, when they were in the air again."You'll hear more of this night's work before you've done, my boy.There's a deal of gratitude due you. But I'd like to know what thoseDutchmen were up to!"

  Five minutes more saw them landed safely at headquarters, and it wasonly a few moments before they were in the presence of GeneralSmith-Derrien. He listened to Greene's brief report in silence.

  "There is more to be told of what my passenger and observer did, sir,"he added, when he had sketched the essential facts. "I will make awritten report of that direct to you."

  "Do so," said the general. "You have done very well. Had it not been forthe information we have obtained in this way, the whole headquartersstaff might have been captured. The Germans evidently learned, throughspies, of the orders that had been issued for continuing the retirement,and had slipped this force through to intercept the staff. I have beenable to turn the tables on them, however. They will have trouble, Ithink, in escaping the forces sent against them."

  For some time heavy firing had been heard in the direction of the woodswhere the Germans had lain. Now this died away. General Smith-Derrienglanced significantly at a colonel of his staff and permitted himselfthe luxury of a smile, a rare one for him in those days of the retreat.

  Just then the telephone on his table rang. The nearest officer answered,listening attentively for a moment.

  "Colonel Mewbray using the field telephone, sir," he said to thegeneral. "It's been connected with our wires here. He reports that thehorse artillery completely surrounded the wood in which the Germans werequartered, and shelled the woods for ten minutes. After that the Germansceased firing, and when we played searchlights a dozen white flags wereshown. The German commander, General von Garnst, surrendered to avoid afurther useless sacrifice of lives."

  The general nodded.

  "My compliments to Colonel Mewbray," he said. "Ask him to convey mythanks to Brigadier-General Lannin. The German prisoners will be placedon trains at once and sent to Paris, through Amiens. The staff willprepare at once to take the new position as indicated in the order ofto-night. Orderly!"

  "Yes, sir!" said a private, stepping forward.

  "My motor is to be ready in five minutes."

  "Yes, sir."

  The orderly went to transmit the order. Then the general turned to Frankand held out his hand.

  "I shall see to it that you and your companion Boy Scout are mentionedin dispatches," he said. "I shall also see to it that your scoutmasteris informed of your excellent work, and shall request him to give youthe highest possible promotion for distinguished services!"


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