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No Limits: A Dark Romance

Page 8

by Lauren Landish

  “No, not that,” I quickly clarify, just to be on the safe side. “The drink. Maybe it's a little boy thing, but there's a drink that the kids call a suicide. You know, a little bit of everything that's at the fountain? Each time is a little different, but you get some Coke, some Pepsi, some root beer, a little cherry something or the other—”

  “And a lot of orange because nobody uses it otherwise,” Shawnie finishes, relaxing. “Okay, I know what you're talking about. When I was a little girl, I played youth soccer. The snack shack let us do that. We called it the swirl in the town I lived in. But what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Nicer name. Anyway, that's me, a little bit of everything. The Census bureau has no clue what to make of me.”

  “What do you mean?” Shawnie asks, looking at me with those intelligent, perceptive eyes. “I mean, you don’t look abnormal. Well, except for the good looks. Those are far beyond normal.”

  “It’s true though. You can probably find a little of just about everything in my gene pool if you dig enough.”

  Shawnie laughs and shrugs. “Honey, I'm from South Carolina. There's so much mixed up in my background I'm not even sure where to begin.”

  “And the results are amazing,” I tell her, seizing the opportunity to give her an honest compliment on her looks.

  “I'm nothing special,” Shawnie says, shaking her head. “I'm not beautiful at all.”

  “You are,” I say, taking her other hand. “I've seen those scars on your arms, remember? I know you're self-conscious about them, and in your mind, they’re probably three times the size of what they really are. In fact . . . do you want to see my place?”

  Shawnie blinks, then nods, chewing her lip. She knows I'm not just asking her back to my place to enjoy a glass of wine and maybe some Miles Davis. “Are you sure, Rafe?”

  I nod, pulling her in close. “I’m sure. But I have just one thing I need to confess.”

  “What's that?” Shawnie asks, and I stroke her face, brushing the ringlets out of her eyes that the wind is kicking up. “Rafe?”

  “I'm a man of strong desires. If you come with me, you can say no and I'll respect it . . . but I might demand a lot. I need to know, Shawnie, and you don't have to answer this now . . . will you serve me? Will you obey?”

  Shawnie shivers, and I can tell it's not from the cold wind. She nods and pulls herself closer. “Let's find out . . . sir.”

  Chapter 11


  I've had Rafe's home address since the time I was his TA. He gave it to me supposedly because he wanted to make sure that I could reach him if there was ever an emergency or I needed to bring something by. It's pretty far from campus so I've never been out here before. It takes us nearly a half hour to drive there, a nice little subdivision of Palo Alto that is as far from my neighborhood as you can get without going to San Fran or Oakland. It's quiet, and each of the houses has a little grass in the yard with most of the homes being that sort of cookie cutter two-story style that allowed the builders to cram as many houses with fifteen hundred square feet of floor space into as little land as possible.

  I'm actually a little surprised at the normalcy of it all. After the Jag and his fashions, I figured Rafe would be living in some high-rise or maybe in some swanky apartment with a view, but this quiet looking little house is also reassuring in its own way. Still, I have to wonder. “Did you blow your entire budget on the Jag?”

  Rafe laughs quietly and looks over at me, shaking his head. “What? I like this neighborhood. And I own the house outright.”

  I gawp, looking around. Sure, it's a cookie cutter neighborhood, but this is California, and Palo Alto isn't cheap. “Uhm . . . sorry? I wasn't trying to throw shade.”

  Rafe reaches over, taking my hand again. We've been doing that a lot this evening, and I like it. A lot. “It's okay. It’s nice and quiet, that’s all.”

  He gets out and opens my door for me, escorting me to the door and unlocking it. At the entrance, I freeze, both sides of me unsure, but for different ways. My demon maybe wants this, but isn't sure because Rafe's being strong but respectful. It doesn't want me respected. It wants me degraded and humiliated. On the other hand, the normal side of me worries that perhaps I'm doing the wrong thing by crossing the line. I don't want to earn my degree and my place on the team on my back. And I definitely don’t want to do anything to jeopardize either of those. They’re about the only things keeping me sane.

  Somehow, Rafe notices. “Shawnie . . . at any point tonight, just say the word and I'll take you home.”

  “You said you wanted to be obeyed, though,” I ask, turning to him. “What if I don't want to obey?”

  He reaches up, cupping my cheek, and I feel desire flare within me. It's a clean passion, I think. It's been so long since I've felt this that I'm not totally sure. I just know that looking into Rafe's eyes, I want him tonight. “You obey by your own choice. So . . . how about some coffee and ice cream?”

  “No, I want something stronger,” I reply, making my choice. I step in and push him against the wall that makes up the other side of his entrance hallway. It's short. I can tell it's one of those that's mostly meant to provide privacy to the people in the living room, but it's enough for me to close the door behind me and grab Rafe's shirt, pulling him to me and kissing him hard. He's stiff for a moment in surprise, but then his hands come up, pulling me against his body, and his lips soften, the same amazing feeling that they were in the lab. I trace his lips with my tongue and he responds, opening to me and letting me taste him. “Rafe . . .”

  “Slowly,” Rafe commands, chuckling and giving me enough room to step back. “Come with me. Let me show you my home. Just a little patience, then I can show you the light you want so badly.”

  He takes me by the hand, leading me past the frosted glass bricks and plaster of his tiny entrance area and into his living room, which is lower than his entrance and richly carpeted, with a beautiful living room set in the center with a big TV. He looks at me, like he's waiting for a comment. “I like it. Very modern.”

  “I don't use it often. The Internet is faster for learning the news and about the world, but I do watch a movie from time to time,” Rafe replies. “Netflix and chill once in a while?”

  I laugh and step closer, putting my arms around his neck and kissing him again. “Sounds like fun,” I murmur between pecks on his lips. “Maybe next time?”

  I'm surprised that I'm already talking to him about a next date, but it just makes sense. I want him, or at least parts of me do, and it’s the side of me that I’ve sorely missed. We continue our tour through the sparse but ultra-clean kitchen and dining area to the first bedroom, which Rafe outfitted as a personal study. “I've never had a reason to have this outfitted as a real bedroom.”

  “You still don't,” I say, squeezing his hand. “Unless you sleep in a twin-sized bed.”

  We turn left and reach a laundry room area and steps leading to what I guess is the garage. “What's in there?” I ask, reaching for the door. Rafe reaches out and takes my hand, freezing me. “What?”

  “Shawnie, the garage is . . . well, it's outfitted for play,” he says quietly, his meaning of play immediately clear. “I'm not saying that you and I can't play there, but tonight, I don’t want that. Can we save the garage for another time?”

  I stop, shocked. So this is what's drawn me to him, the inherent knowledge that Rafe, deep down inside, also likes dominance and submission. And there's no way he's a submissive like me. “And you're a dom.”

  “I am,” Rafe says, his eyes radiating power. Magnetic? The pull from his aura is so strong it could change the course of planets. “And if you choose to submit, I’ll push you hard. I think you should already know that about me. But that isn't on the table tonight.”

  I nod, taking my hand off the knob. “Of course, sir. I was just curious why your cherry Jag is parked in the driveway instead of inside. And as for playing . . .”

  Knowing that he deserves
the title of sir thrills me, and I can see in his eyes that he understands it. He nods, also understanding my silence, my nervousness because of how dangerous BDSM can be. Although he doesn’t know how dangerous it is for someone like me, a girl who’s been through what I’ve been through. He cups my cheek and strokes my hair reassuringly, sending a fresh wave of comfort and desire through me with the way he looks at me. “If . . . no, when we go in there, it will be different. But no matter what, it’ll be respectful and you will have a safe word . . . when the time is right.”

  His words strike a chord deep inside me and I step closer to kiss him again, our tongues caressing each other. “I don't want a drink, or coffee, or ice cream or whatever else. Take me to your bed please, sir. Unless you want me in the shower. I can do the shower too.”

  Rafe surprises me by picking me up, carrying me like I'm a feather through the house and to his bedroom, laying me gently on the black silk sheets. I look around and see that it's huge, a California King sized mattress and the most luxurious bed I've ever lain in. “I don't worry about the outer trappings,” Rafe explains, looking around at the walls of his house. “I don't need four thousand square feet or ten acres of land. My tastes are very different from that. What I need . . . is you.”

  “You have me,” I reply, sitting up and taking off my t-shirt at the same time Rafe pulls off his. I'm amazed at what I see. I've never seen him without his shirt on before. Always around the office, he wore at least a regular t-shirt that hinted, but never showed everything he has.

  Now, though, I can see him in all his glory, with lean, round, beautiful muscles that flow like a work of art through his torso, each one outlined against his skin which seems to glow with an inner light. There's a light bit of hair on his stomach, but the rest of him is hairless, and it looks naturally so. On his chest, above his heart, is a tattooed logo, one that I have never seen before. It looks like a key with wings, but very stylized. I get on my knees and crawl forward, reaching out.

  “What is that?” I ask, and Rafe looks down, taking my hand and putting it on his warm, smooth skin. My God, he feels good, even smoother and tauter than I'd ever thought possible. Mr. Perfect? He's more than that, he's like the epitome of what a man is supposed to be. If he didn't exist, only God alone could make him.

  “Don't worry about that. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it later. Tonight’s about you.”

  I nod, climbing off the bed to reach up and kiss the tattoo, sighing as I feel his heart beat beneath my lips. I kiss higher until I find Rafe's lips again, and we slowly explore each other, my hands running over his chest and back, marveling at the feeling of his strong body and slowly roughening caress on my back as his desire builds and he starts to take control.

  I can feel the fire building inside both of us as he pulls me tighter, claiming me. He nibbles down my neck, the little nips both painful and ecstatic. “Mmm . . . you're leaving marks.”

  “That's because you're mine now,” Rafe murmurs against my neck as his hands leave my back to explore me. He moves around my body, pressing himself against my back as he cups my breasts through my bra, pushing me against the wall and pressing me, his power undeniable, possessing me, and inside, both sides of me flare in desire. “You will obey?”

  “Yes sir,” I whisper, rewarded with an electric tweak of my nipples that nearly buckles my knees it feels so good. My pussy is throbbing, and I don't even have my pants off yet. I just want him so badly already.

  Rafe's fingers are sensitive, the touch of a virtuoso as he continues to stroke and explore my curves, and when he undoes my bra, I hum, shrugging my shoulders forward to let the cups free. I can see my scars, but for once, I'm not ashamed at all as I pose in front of him, my hands covering my nipples.

  “You’re the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life,” Rafe says, reaching forward and brushing a lock of my hair out of my face. He steps back and undoes the button on his jeans, then stops, looking up at me. “Well?”

  “Yes, sir,” I happily answer, kneeling down to unzip his jeans and push them down his legs. I'm shocked at the size of the bulge in his underpants and I’m excited as I hook the waistband and ease them down his muscular thighs. His cock springs out, nearly smacking me in the face it's so long and thick. He's even bigger than I thought he'd be, with only a light dusting of hair around the base. My mouth goes dry. I'm struck by his absolute perfection. Finally, I look up into his teasing but reassuring eyes and clear my throat. “Perfect.”

  Rafe smiles and holds his hand down, pulling me to my feet and taking me in his arms, kissing me deeply. My hands thrill at exploring the textures and muscles of his skin, sliding over the muscles and feeling his immense cock pressed against my stomach. I reach down to take him in my hand, but he stops me. “Not yet. You're still wearing pants.”

  I look down, forgetting I still have jeans on, and reach for the button at the waistband, but Rafe stops me. “My turn.”

  He picks me up again like I'm little more than a feather to lightly toss me the short distance to the bed, a surprised yelp coming from me as I land, bouncing on the soft surface.

  Rafe stalks toward the bed like a panther on two legs, crawling up from the foot to hover over my stomach. “Shawnie . . .”

  “Rafe . . . may I ask?” I start, and he nods. “No protection, please. I promise, I'm clean.”

  “For you . . . I'll make an exception,” Rafe says, unbuttoning my jeans and easing them down my hips. He takes me in as he gets them off, his eyes admiring my legs. He spreads them wide, taking in my panties, which are a much sexier style than my bra, and he kisses my belly button, making me giggle before pushing lower.

  Anticipation and desire fill my body with every kiss that he gives me, moving lower and lower as he pulls my panties down until my pussy is exposed to him. He looks at the glistening wetness in the light of the bedroom. “Looks like you’re good and ready.”

  Rafe tosses my panties aside, cupping my pussy and making me gasp as he comes back up to kiss my lips, crushing me into the bed with the strength of his desire. His fingers rub my pussy lips as I reach down and cup his heavy, perfect balls. I feel him grow even harder against my forearm, and I can't wait anymore. I take my hand from his balls, shocked when I can barely wrap my fingers around the thick base of his cock. I've never had a real man this thick, and glancing down, I'm shocked at how long he looks from this angle. “Holy fuck.”

  “That's the idea.” Rafe chuckles and kisses down my neck, licking my skin, electricity running from my toes to my fingertips with each sweep of his tongue on me. His fingers slip inside me and my back arches, trying to push my breasts toward his mouth while at the same time, I'm shocked, thrilled by the feeling of the heel of his hand grinding on my clit while his fingers tease against the entrance to my pussy. Rafe buries his head between my breasts before taking my right nipple in his mouth and devouring me hungrily, setting me on fire.

  “Sir . . .” I moan as he sucks my nipple between his lips while at the same time he slips another finger inside me. It feels so good, his finger stroking just inside my pussy, finding my g-spot and rubbing lightly while his lips and tongue melt my breast. It's so immense and powerful and different from what I usually end up doing on weekends. There's no kink needed, no craziness. He's getting me high with arousal just from this. I feel wetness coating his finger and running down the insides of my thighs, amazing and wonderful.

  Rafe's doing something different than any other man I've ever been with as he continues to kiss and suck on my skin, his finger still curling slowly inside me, ripples of pleasure running through me with every sweep against my g-spot. His body is touching me in so many areas, he's almost pressed against me but it's nearly feather light, and as we move, my entire body is lit up with sensation. I've never felt this good before, but I'm nowhere close to coming. It's like he knows what he's doing. He's casting a magic spell that is making me his. He wants me. I can feel his hands trembling with the desire to go faster, to be rough
er, but something is holding him back. While the demon doesn't like it, the rest of me is overjoyed.

  Rafe pulls me over on top of him, and I lean in, kissing him before I lift up, reaching down and taking his cock in my hand. I bring him up, keeping our bodies pressed together while I position him at the entrance to my pussy. He's so big that just settling back down spreads me open without my trying, even though I'm still nowhere near his hips again. “Going slow is going to be so hard.”

  “It'll be worth it,” Rafe reassures. I do my best, lowering myself slowly, using his lips as a guide. When I can't kiss his lips anymore because of the difference in our height, I slide back more, groaning deeply as he fills me fully and completely. Nothing has ever felt this way, totally completing me.

  I keep our bodies still pressed together, my nipples dragging over his skin as I slowly lift and lower myself on his cock while I nuzzle against his neck. Looking up, I can see Rafe looking into my eyes, the startling blue reassuring me while my body is jolted with the electricity from his cock filling me again and again. “Rafe . . . what magic is it you have?”

  “You'll see,” Rafe says, putting his hands on my waist, resting them as I ride him. We go so slowly, it's like something I've never felt before. Lifting and lowering my hips, I open myself to him with more than just my body. There's no pain, no sharpness, none of the things that I've felt for the past year plus. Instead, there’s the amazing warmth that builds inside my pussy and grows and grows, my mind being swept away and a light building inside me. I've never felt this good before, and Rafe notices, encouraging me with slight thrusts of his cock up into me to go faster. “It's okay, Shawnie. Come when you want.”

  I lift up, missing the contact but needing the chance to move the way my body demands so that I can quench this rabid thirst for his cock inside me. I ride him, up and down, faster and faster, every nerve inside me sparking over and over, sending jolts up my spine. I can't believe it. It just keeps getting better, and I throw my head back, moaning thickly as my pussy clenches and squeezes the throbbing, hot cock inside me. Again and again, I lift and plunge myself, amazed and shocked. I haven't come from being 'on top' since Georgia, but Rafe's got me trembling. I just need it with every fiber of my being, the thirst for his body not dying but growing. I try to go faster but I can't. My legs won't move anymore, the muscles can't lift and drop any faster, and I growl in frustration, wanting more. “Sir . . . please . . .”


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