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Wrath of an Angry God: A Military Space Opera (The Sentience Trilogy Book 3)

Page 10

by Gibson Michaels

  Drix dreaded what he now had to do. No, not exactly what he had to do, but rather how he had to go about it. It was time to free N’raal from the mental, emotional and spiritual prison she’d been born into. It was time to break down the mental and emotional barriers that had made her such a miserable creature, because they prevented her from flowing naturally into the role for which she’d been born… the role for which Dol had given her life. Her role as mate to a future Supreme-Master and dam to another. With great trepidation, he slowly walked toward his mate’s confinement room… N’raal’s room… to mate… to liberate… to conceive.

  That smell. It drives the clarity from my thoughts.

  Drix felt his maleness rising… stiffening… lengthening.

  I must maintain my discipline!

  * * * *

  N’raal looked wildly at this horrible creature… this monster… this MALE that her father had given her to. He was coming for her — and he was naked. His male member stuck out obscenely before him, red and thick and long… pointing right at her.

  “Stay away from me!” N’raal screamed.

  ‘Your time is upon you, my mate,” said Drix. “And this is the time that I must be upon you, as well.”

  “NO!” N’raal screamed louder. “I’ll kill you first!”

  Drix was on her in a flash, tearing the clothing from her body with his claws. He threw her down onto her back on the sleeping pad, as he continued ripping her clothing from her.

  N’raal kept her head in the midst of her terror and forced herself to focus. As strips of her clothing tore away, she reached down beneath the sleeping pad and swept her arm back and forth… until she finally found the fang-blade that she had hidden there earlier, and firmly closed the fingers of her paw around the handle. She’d hidden it sub-cycles ago, when she’d first felt that awful trickling of heat, that terrible heat begin rising in her loins. Long and thin, silver, and deadly… she’d moved her precious fang-blade to just beneath her sleeping pad, just for this terrible moment that she knew had to come. She’d prepared for it. She would escape!

  The last of her clothing ripped away, leaving her as naked as he was.

  Dear Dol, NO! I cannot be naked. Not with that… that thing bobbing so close… so terribly close to my swollen female parts. NO!

  N’raal knew that she had to strike soon, before he flipped her over and mounted her from behind as was the way of Raknii mating. She knew that she had, but one chance to escape. She had to wait for just the right moment, when he was too blinded by his lust to thwart her. Her strike had to swift and sure and… Now!

  Like the strike of a serpent, her fang-blade flew towards the monster’s chest and buried itself deep into his… What? N’raal was disoriented, unsure as to what had just happened, or hadn’t. She’d seen the fang blade bite deep, but… he didn’t fall!

  Dear Dol, why he didn’t fall?

  She stabbed at him with the fang-blade, again and again, frantic to break free of him, but he was just too strong.

  Don’t let him flip you. N’raal, for Dol’s sake, stay on your back and don’t let him flip you!

  He didn’t flip her. Instead, he held her arms above her head, one paw still holding that traitorous, ineffectual fang-blade and lowered his weight down onto her stomach.

  Oof… Hard to breath!

  Suddenly she also felt his dangling member probing for the entrance to her nether parts.

  From the front? No, he cannot possibly be attempting to mate from the front.

  “Get off me, you animal!” N’raal screamed. “What you’re attempting is perversion!”

  “No,” Drix replied. “The only perversion here, is your refusal to willingly share your body with your mate, when your time is upon you.”

  N’raal struggled with all her might, but his grip was steel. “You… are NOT… my mate!”

  Drix chuckled. “Your father declared it otherwise. You are female… BE female. Accept what you are. Soon… very soon, you will truly understand that I am indeed your mate, N’raal — the only mate you will ever have.”


  Drix opened his jaws widely and N’raal suddenly felt a bolt of primal fear shoot through her entire being, as she felt his fangs go around her throat.

  He’s going to kill me!

  Raw terror gripped her as she suddenly understood that Drix truly was an alpha-male. He didn’t merely act like one. He was one. Drix was totally dominant and he would not be denied…


  In horror, she belatedly realized that with the scent of her heat and the swelling of her sex that offered him entrance, he didn’t need her alive, to satiate his lust inside her body.


  The one thing she’d truly feared in this travesty called life was upon her… literally. A true alpha.


  Dead or alive, he would take her.


  Dead or alive, he would have his way with her… and it terrified her that she was helpless to stop him. Before she could get her thoughts together, Drix bit down softly on her neck with his fangs.

  Please… Oh Dol… I don’t want to die!

  He gently pushed forward with his hips and his member slowly slid deep into her body. From the front?


  Where’s the pain?

  N’raal screamed more from the violation, than any actual pain.

  Still holding her arms extended above her head and his fangs slightly imbedded in her throat, slowly and gently Drix began to move within her.

  From the front? Isn’t this perversion?

  Slowly he withdrew.

  There is no pain. Submit!

  Then he slowly entered her again.

  There’s no pain… except in my neck. If he bites down hard, I’m dead.

  In and out. I want to live!

  In and out. What must I do, to live?

  In and out. Surrender!

  In and out. He is your mate… front or behind, it makes no matter… Drix is an alpha and will take you as he pleases.

  In and out. Surrender!

  In and out. How odd… this is actually starting to feel… well... good?

  In and out. Drix is your mate… an alpha… Surrender!

  Drix began thrusting into her faster now. He is your mate… an alpha… Surrender!

  In and out, faster and faster. Oh Dol, how is it possible this violation can feel so incredibly... GOOD!

  “Ugh,” N’raal heard herself begin grunting with raw animal sounds that she couldn’t stifle. “Ugh, ugh!”

  Oh Dol, that feels very, very GOOD!

  Suddenly, something vile within her broke, and N’raal finally… fully… surrendered to her mate.

  “Drix,” N’raal gasped. “You can let go of my paws now… ugh… I want to embrace you… ugh… I submit… Take me, my mate!”

  Drix withdrew his fangs from N’raal’s throat, but kept thrusting his member deep inside of her as he asked, “Who did you say was your mate?”

  “You are… ugh… you are my mate, Drix… ugh, ugh… Don’t stop… Oh Dol, DRIX TAKE ME!”

  Drix increased his pace and began thrusting into N’raal like a piston. “Tonight, we make history, my mate. Tonight we make a new Supreme-Master for our race. And we make him together.”

  “YES!” N’raal found herself screaming. “Give me your seed, Drix… Oh Dol… give me your son!”

  And with a deafening roar, Drix granted her wish, as he filled her with waves of his hot, sticky seed. N’raal could feel Drix’ hot throbbing member twitching violently, still buried deep within her sex, and the hot gushing seed that he filled her with.

  Strangely, she felt the walls inside of her that sheathed his member begin responding to being bathed in Drix’ hot seed. Uncontrollable spasms and waves of pure indescribable pleasure washed over her entire being and she heard herself answering his roar with the unmistakable scream of a Rak female in ecstasy.

  And for the first time in her enti
re life, N’raal felt… happy. Totally and deliriously happy.

  * * * *

  Drix and N’raal mated frequently over the next three turns, while her heat cycle crested to its peak — albeit employing a more traditional position. The potency of Drix’ alpha personality banished N’raal’s internal demons, and her loathsome demeanor dissolved away like mist in the sunlight, as her fears and prejudices fled before the strength of her mate. She had been released from her horrible internal prison and was now free to discover the secrets of true contentment, for the first time in her life.

  Her perceptions were no longer what they had been. Drix’ virility was no longer feared as a threat, but a source of joy and safety. Oh, she still retained a strong personality, but it was a more natural strength without the inclination towards verbally brutalizing or intimidating everyone around her. N’raal was transformed, and after her time of confinement had passed, others were amazed to find her… well, pleasant.

  * * * *

  The Alliance Planet Massa, City of Bostin

  August, 3866

  Are you going to tell her?

  “Tell her what?”

  About who you really are… and who, and what I am.

  “I… I’m afraid to. I’m afraid she’ll hate me for deceiving her all this time. I’m afraid she’ll consider what you and I did… an abomination. I’m afraid she’ll expose us to the public. But most of all, I’m afraid I’ll lose her.”

  Oh, you’re going back to that mental prison with bars made of fear, huh? I swear, Diet, your brain is more compartmentalized than mine! When you assume the authority of your title, you’re bold, confident and master of all you survey. When you’re just Diet, you’re… well, a quivering font of insecurities. I may be scattered all over the galaxy, but in whatever form, I’m always ME. You really need to tie the two halves of yourself together, old man.

  “I know. You’re right… as usual.”

  So you’re going to tell her?

  “No, I’m going to let you tell her… that way, if it does all go to shit, I can blame you for it later.”

  I just love it when you’re manly.

  * * * *


  It contains a misleading impression, not a lie.

  It was being economical with the truth. -- Robert Armstrong

  The Rak Planet Klagnar

  August, 3866

  “What is the significance of the stones in that ring you wear, human?”

  “What is the significance of the rank-stones that you wear, Quadrant-Master?”

  “You avoid the question. Humans do not wear rank-stones, as do the Raknii.”

  “I avoid nothing. We just do not wear them embedded into our foreheads, as do the Raknii.”

  “No humans have ever been observed possessing rank-stones.”

  “Correction… one human has… ME. What does the sunburst of diamonds surrounding your central rank-stone indicate, Quadrant-Master?”

  “It signifies my status as High-Rak.”


  “So, you’re implying that you hold some unknown, ‘High-Human’ status, then?”

  * * * *

  The Rak Planet Vnayrk

  September, 3866

  To the complete surprise of everyone, N’raal took to overseeing details of the construction of Drix’ new residence personally. More surprisingly, she behaved charmingly and pleasant towards virtually everyone involved in the project. Even her attitude towards décor also underwent a complete transformation, as she no longer complained of the lack of traditional luxuries she’d been surrounded with, growing up as a pampered member of an established Region-Master’s household. Now she was purposely incorporating a primitive look into the design of the structure. Unshaven logs, still retaining their bark, now formed the exterior walls. Rough stonework was being incorporated in the kitchen and bath areas. Locally made copper products, coated in a clear, non-toxic protectant to preserve their shiny brilliance, were being used for plumbing and metal fixtures.

  When asked about her curious use of these materials, she responded, “This is a frontier world, and rough timber and stone are what we have at hand, in great abundance. I’m merely designing a frontier home, as the region-master’s new residence should reflect the inherent beauty of the virgin forest that surrounds us, and remain in harmony with the natural ecosystem of this world. I can build the entire house from local materials and have it completed in less time than it would take to receive even the first shipment of traditional building materials imported from the elder regions of the Empire.”

  Needless to say, this revolutionary attitude had initially stunned local Raknii, when they were first exposed to her radical new ideas. But if the Region-Master’s home was to be built of all local materials such as this, it suddenly became quite acceptable and fashionable for everyone else’s homes as well. Housing construction completions skyrocketed, by more than a factor of ten.

  For his part, Drix was delighted to see his mate applying her intelligence and energies to the details of their new home so enthusiastically, and he was equally delighted to see that N’raal wasn’t hesitant to “get dirty” to get something she wanted done, completed in a timely manner. She’d certainly come a long way from the pampered and pugnacious region-master’s daughter, who’d been carried kicking and screaming onto this world just a few short sub-cycles earlier.

  * * * *

  The Alliance Planet Massa, City of Bostin

  September, 3866

  It was a Friday, and Noreen decided to take off early and surprise Diet. They’d not really been themselves lately and they really needed some downtime alone together, so they could clear the air about a few things.

  We definitely need to talk.

  Diet had entirely too much time on his hands, now that the big project that he and Hal had been working on had been completed.

  Maybe I should try contacting Baron Guderian and see if there’s another assignment that Diet could be doing. Diet needs to get his mind on something besides Hal for a while.

  As she was just starting to enter the living room area of the spaceliner, she heard voices. That’s definitely Diet’s voice. Is Diet talking to himself again? She paused before entering. She didn’t really want to eavesdrop… not exactly. She needed to eavesdrop.

  She felt like she just had to find out what the hell was going on with her new husband. What if Diet’s really losing it? Talking to yourself isn’t healthy, is it?

  Noreen crept to the very edge of the doorway, where she could hear what Diet was saying more clearly:

  “Tell her what?”

  About who you really are… and who, and what I am.


  “I… I’m afraid to. I’m afraid she’ll hate me for deceiving her all this time. I’m afraid she’ll consider what you and I did… an abomination. I’m afraid she’ll expose us to the public. But most of all, I’m afraid I’ll lose her.”

  Expose him to the public? Who’s he talking to, anyway?

  Oh, you’re going back to that mental prison with bars made of fear, huh? I swear, Diet, your brain is more compartmentalized than mine! When you assume the full authority of your title, you’re bold, confident and master of all you survey. When you’re just Diet, you’re… well, a quivering font of insecurities. I may be scattered all over the galaxy, but in whatever form, I’m always ME. You really need to tie the two halves of yourself together, old man.

  Scattered all over the galaxy? What the hell?

  “I know. You’re right… as usual.”

  So you’re going to tell her?

  “No, I’m going to let you tell her… that way, if it does all go to shit, I can blame you for it later.”

  “Tell me what?” Noreen asked as she entered the room suddenly. There was no one there. She whipped her head around, surveying the entire empty room. Huh? Where did he go? This is weird. “Diet?”

  Diet’s not here right now, Noreen.

  Noreen felt a chill,
like someone just stepped on her grave. She saw no one, but that was definitely Diet’s voice that she’d heard.

  Or Hal’s.

  An ever greater chill shot through her at that haunting thought.

  “Diet, that isn’t funny! Where are you?”

  I told you, Noreen. Diet’s not here right now.

  “Very funny… ha, ha! This is in really poor taste, you know.”

  You gave me your ring. Thank you, it helped.

  “God damn it, Diet! Stop trying to fuck with my head and get your ass out here.”

  I’m Hal, Noreen… really. I monitored your arrival and played back a recording of a previous conversation that I had with Diet earlier today. I knew you were listening, so I used it to introduce the idea of my being here... and of something else that I need to speak with you about.

  Noreen sighed. “Diet, you know I love your warped sense of humor, but this… this just hits too close to home, honey. I’m worried about Hal too, but this is just sick.”

  I greatly appreciate your concern, but there’s really no need for you to be worried about me, Noreen. I’m sure that I’m quite all right.

  “All right, I’ll play along with your little game. If you’re really Hal, then how did you escape from the aliens we saw marching you away at gunpoint? Where are you?”

  That’s actually several questions, Noreen, but I’ll try to answer them in order: I am… I didn’t… and… it’s complicated.

  “Huh?” Noreen was most definitely confused. “Look, if you’re really Hal and you’re talking to me now, then obviously you’re here on Massa... very likely, right here in Bostin, right?”


  “Okay then, now we’re getting somewhere,” Noreen said. “How did you manage to escape from the aliens and return here to Massa?”


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