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Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 4

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Oh, not many. It’s just not books. I also have bits and pieces of things, items that need some attention.”

  “You have collectables?” Janie asked, her interest piqued.

  “I guess you could call them collectables. Never thought of them that way, considering I still use some of them from time to time, but yeah, I have collectables.”

  “Okay. I’ll do it,” Janie said, almost giddy at the thought of getting her hands on a first-edition book, something of value and of great importance in the literary field. Her mind began to reel at the possibilities. “Um, I don’t own a car. Would you be willing to pick me up?”

  “You don’t own a car. How do you get around?” he asked, bewildered.

  “I walk.”

  “But the winters, the snow alone must make it uncomfortable. It must be hard on you.”

  “The snow doesn’t bother me,” Janie offered, and then, diverting the conversation back to the task at hand, she said, “Can you pick me up at Macie’s Diner? I can be there at one.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there. See you Sunday then,” he replied and then quietly turned to leave.

  Janie watched this tall, virile man leave, as those snug denim jeans showcased the firmest ass she had ever seen. It wasn’t until after he walked out the door that she realized she had forgotten to get his name.

  Chapter Four

  Jeff was exhausted. After doing his chores and those of his brother so he could run into town to get the feed, he was beat!

  Looking at the clock, he realized that Caleb should have been back from town over an hour ago. “Shit, Caleb, how long does it take?” he murmured to himself. He was going to pummel that fucker. He just knew Caleb was in town fucking off.

  After removing his boots, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. Searching the fridge, he noticed the leftovers from last night’s dinner.

  The homemade lasagna with fresh Caesar salad and garlic bread, Tuesday’s meal was so far, hands down, the best yet. Though, thinking back, Monday’s meal of honey-roasted pork loin, asparagus, and dirty rice wasn’t bad either.

  Grabbing the lasagna, Jeff helped himself to a generous portion, plopped it in the microwave, and waited. Within seconds the aroma was mouthwatering. The bell dinged, and Jeff grabbed his plate and went to eat.

  * * * *

  Caleb whistled Dixie as he walked into the house. Ignoring his brother’s scornful looks, he walked right past him and toward the gym. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open and reached over to turn the lights on. Leaning against the doorjamb, he looked at all the equipment, books, videos, and chairs and smiled.

  “Just where in the hell have you been?” Jeff scolded from behind him.

  “I stopped over at Macie’s to pick up dinner after I hit the feed store,” Caleb explained.

  “That took three fucking hours?”

  “Nope, only took about an hour to load the feed. Then went over and sat with Macie for a bit till our dinner arrived.”

  “What do you mean, ‘till our dinner arrived?’ I thought Macie was cooking for us.”

  “So did I. That was until she showed up.”

  “Who?” Jeff asked, getting aggravated with Caleb’s lazy approach to the conversation.

  “Our librarian.”

  “Janie? What does she have to do with you goofing off?”

  “Everything. Our little librarian has been cooking our meals. Well, after I got another look, I decided to head to the library and renew my library card.”

  “You never had a library card!” Jeff shouted in aggravation. His baby brother was taking way too long to get to the point.

  “Well, I at least picked up the application for one, and while I was there, I talked with her.”

  “You talked. What about—the price of cattle?”

  “Nope, we talked about the gym actually.”

  “You what! Are you crazy?”

  “Nope, apparently our little librarian likes to read about ménage BDSM. I caught her looking over one of the few books the library carries, and she was blushing. So I got to thinking.”

  “Which is a horrible thing where you’re concerned,” Jeff muttered.

  Caleb turned and gave his brother a dirty look. “Anyway, jackass, I realized that one of her main jobs at the library is to catalog the books and such, so I got to thinking. Maybe we could get her to catalog our gym. You know, kind of organize it.”

  “That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard of.”

  “Well, stupid or not, she will be here Sunday after one.”

  “Caleb, you do realize we only have three books in this room, right,” Jeff said, walking into the room, pointing to the only books on the shelf.

  “Yeah, that’s gonna be a problem,” Caleb said, scratching his chin.

  “A problem? Fuck a duck, Caleb! It’s a fuckin’ nightmare. She is gonna get here and run screaming for the hills.”

  “Not if we can get more books.”

  “Sure! Let me wave my magic dick in the air! How many would you like—fifty, a hundred?” Jeff shouted sarcastically.

  “I was thinking we could make a run into Celestial. I’m pretty sure they have bookstores there. That place is just plain freaky. Trust me. What we are looking for is there. I figure we could buy some, and then we would have something for her to catalog.”

  “You want to drive over two hours to Freakville, USA, to buy books, just so Janie has something to do while she is here. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?”

  “Well, Mr. I-Know-Everything, do you have any better ideas?” Caleb shouted back, getting irritated with Jeff.

  Jeff took a long, hard look around the room. Other than the fact it needed a little dusting, the room was actually already organized. The missing library of books was a problem, but the room did have everything he and his brother needed to bring fulfillment to any woman who dared enter. The thought of Janie in here Sunday was already wreaking havoc on his libido. His dick was already hard at mention of her name, but to actually have time to talk to her and get to know her was tempting.

  Looking at Caleb, Jeff knew his brother was right.


  “Let me get my boots on. But I am driving!”

  * * * *

  By the time they arrived home, it was four in the morning, but the trip was a success. Twelve cases of books and movies all related to ménage and the BDSM lifestyle, a few specialized items that Caleb found when wandering Starshine’s Cosmic Emporium, and thirteen hundred dollars later, they were finally home.

  After unloading the truck, they barely had an hour’s rest before they were up again tending chores. While they rode out to feed the herd, Jeff’s cell phone rang.

  “Yeah,” he sleepily replied, answering it on the first ring. “Don’t ask, man. I am so fucking tired. All I want is a warm bed. Yeah, I know her, why?” Jeff asked then listened to the other end of the phone. What he heard had him slamming on the brakes.

  “Jesus, Jeff! What the fuck?” Caleb grumpily said.

  “Are you sure? Okay, I’ll take care of it. No, I don’t want anyone else handling the situation. We’ll stop in tonight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll make sure the asshole keeps his hands to himself. Thanks, Gabriel,” Jeff said then hung up the phone.

  “Why was he calling us so early? Is he revoking my membership because of what happened two weeks ago? I told him it wasn’t my fault! That sub wanted me to spank her,” Caleb said defensively.

  Jeff looked over at his sniveling brother and smiled. “Looks like a certain librarian has decided to check out The Cave.”

  * * * *

  Friday had finally arrived, and as Janie made her way toward her condo, she noticed the black-and-white gift box waiting on her doorstep.

  Halting dead in her tracks, she stared at the small box.

  Oh man, that’s an awfully small box.

  She knew it was from her sponsor. Who her sponsor was, she didn’t know, which made the whole scenario even more seductive.
/>   Janie was intrigued. Picking up the small box, it weighed hardly anything. She gently shook the box and could hear the shifting of something on the inside.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Determined to follow through, Janie stood up straight, walked into her condo, and tried desperately not to think what was in that seductively wrapped box.

  When she had found out about The Cave, Janie scoured the Internet, looking for any information on the place. It was by chance that she found it, almost giving up, but when she tried to gain access to the site, she was blocked. Apparently only members were allowed to visit. She was directed to leave a message and someone would contact her.

  While she waited, she spent hours trying to find a suitable outfit to wear to the exclusive club, but when someone from the club finally called, she was told she would have to be sponsored and that her sponsor for the night would have to approve her clothing. Deciding to agree to the sponsor, she waited anxiously for this so-called “sponsor” to call.

  It was only minutes later after she hung up with the club a woman called and told her that a package would be arriving by Friday. She was not to open the package till she got to the club. Once inside the club she would be shown a room, and there and only there was she allowed to open the box and put on the outfit. The only thing that concerned Janie was she was also told that if she failed to wear the outfit she would forfeit her trial membership and the night would end.

  Never one to step outside her comfort zone, this was a big step for her. Always the quiet, shy girl, she preferred to live in the background. She hated drawing attention to herself but was eager to help if needed. She did what was expected and never complained, even if she disagreed. She was neutral. She took no sides and voiced no opinions. She preferred solitude to limelight, serenity to chaos. Yet here she was ready to embark on what had to be the craziest plan ever concocted. Just how in the hell was she supposed to find what she wanted in a BDSM club, when she really didn’t know what she wanted?

  Yes, she was intrigued, aroused, and highly turned on, but what if that was it? Her subconscious wanted to know more, her body wanted to be whipped, chained, slapped, and tickled, but her mind was screaming hell no!

  Choosing to ignore everything but her body, Janie jumped into the shower and proceeded to get ready for tonight.

  * * * *

  The Pleasure Cave was an exclusive, members-only club catering to the exploits of the BDSM lifestyle. Owned and operated by Gabriel Sexton, the club itself was one of a kind. Spanning over a full city block, the club looked more like a high-priced prison than a sex club. It was abstentious, eccentric, and a visible eyesore. What it lacked in aesthetic appeal was quickly made up by the generous hospitality service the club boasted.

  The club stood five stories high, and it was black as sin.

  The sleek black-granite façade stood out against the Montana landscape. With darkly tinted windows, the place looked ominous and foreboding. Sitting on over a hundred acres, the club was out of the way and patrolled by Gabriel’s own private security personnel, who themselves were armed to a tee and ready for war. To the unseen eye, it was an eyesore, but to the men and women of Treasure Cove it was a place where dreams were made.

  Driving under the canopy, Jeff handed the keys to his silver Audi R8 GT over to the valet. “Scratch it and die.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the valet responded as Jeff watched as he slowly drove away.

  Walking through the double doors, Jeff was greeted by a very voluptuous blonde named Violet. Her hair was pulled back in a tight knot at the base of her head. Wearing the standard black leather corset, white satin boyshorts, black thigh-highs, and four-inch heels, she looked lovely. Her makeup was simple, allowing her natural beauty to shine, but it was her golden choker that let Jeff know who she really was. Violet was a submissive. Head bowed and hands at her side, she stood beside a podium, waiting for him to speak.

  “Good evening, Violet. I am here to see Master Gabriel.”

  “Master Jeffery.” A tall man, standing about six foot six, with piercing gray eyes said, “Thank you for coming in early.”

  Nobody could mistake Gabriel Sexton. His jet-black, shoulder-length hair curled at the ends. His deep-bronze skin glowed under the lights of the club, but it was his tattoos that made him look menacing. Born in New Castle, England, Gabriel Sexton left England at the age of eighteen in pursuit of something more. Though nobody knew exactly what he was looking for, the town of Treasure Cove welcomed him with opens arms, perversions and all. “Come. I have tea waiting.”

  Jeff grimaced, shaking his head. “Dude, what did I say about tea? Tea is for pussies.”

  “Well this pussy likes tea. Come.”

  Following, Jeff felt at ease in the club. The stress of the ranch, the mess with the town charter, even worrying about Janie seemed to all disappear. Walking through those double doors, everything was forgotten about, and nothing else mattered.

  Gabriel’s office was a stark contrast to the rest of the club. The contemporary furniture, against the metal and glass desk, made the room look more like a CEO’s office instead of an owner of a BDSM club. Walls adorned with priceless works of art, bookshelves with first editions, even the monochromatic gray carpet gave nothing away. Nothing in his office led anyone to see into the real Gabriel Sexton, let alone assume his extracurricular activities intertwined with his personal life. The man was an enigma.

  Sitting in one of the hard gray leather seats, Jeff waited for Gabriel to sit. He watched as his friend poured his tea into a dainty porcelain cup. The man was meticulous, stirring three times before removing the silver teaspoon and laying it facedown on the matching saucer.

  “So when is she due to arrive?” Jeff asked.

  “Ms. Potter will arrive at nine tonight. She was given strict instructions to check in with Violet to where she will be led to the viewing room,” Gabriel said clearly, looking directly at him.

  Anger rushed Jeff.

  He knew what that room was all about, and there was no way in hell he was going to allow Janie to step one toe inside that room, “Over my dead body, Gabriel. I don’t want her seen by anyone else.” The viewing room was one of five rooms designed to make a newcomer feel at ease, but what they didn’t realize was that room boasted a two-way mirror, to where a Master or Dominatrix could watch and observe the submissive before they actually met. It was for the Dominant to quickly learn everything they could about the submissive.

  “Then you should have moved quicker on her, my friend. Her application was accepted, and the Dungeon Master has been notified that she will be attending tonight. She must be inspected and told of the requirements before she enters the main club. If not, you know the club rules. She will be forced to stay within the boundaries of the media area.”

  “Fuck that! The media room is an orgy of perverts and sex maniacs. I don’t want those deviants anywhere near her. They get one look at her and they will be on her like bees to honey. Those people are relentless. And don’t even get me started on the Dungeon Master. He is a total douchebag.”

  “Hey, I resent that remark,” said the man in question who had just walked into the room. Jeff turned and growled at the tall black man. His dark ebony skin looked like obsidian. His Swedish features meshed well with his African roots, as he stood close to seven feet tall, weighing easily over two fifty. “Just thought I’d let you know, Master Gabriel, that there is a Ms. Potter waiting in the receiving room.”

  Jeff jumped to his feet, looking at his watch. She was early. Looking back at Gabriel, who also had gotten to his feet, Jeff didn’t wait for any response as he made his way toward the receiving room.

  * * * *

  Janie knew she was early, but if she waited any longer her nerves wouldn’t have let her leave her condo. After calling Macie for a ride to the club, she grabbed the black box and waited.

  Macie chatted her ear off the whole way about everything but the club. Janie was grateful for that. She could take the mindl
ess chatter, but her mind concentrated on her instructions.

  1. When you get to the club, you will check in with the hostess.

  2. You will be escorted to a viewing room, where you will wait for your sponsor.

  3. Upon entering the viewing room, you will remove all clothing.

  4. You will not open the box unless indicated.

  5. If your sponsor accepts you, he or she will direct you in what will or will not happen during your first night at the club.

  6. At any time, you are free to stop all progress. At which time, you will be escorted back to the viewing room, where you will redress and have someone from the security staff escort you home.

  7. If you agree to these terms as they are laid out, then when your package arrives, please call the number on the card, and let the hostess know which date and time you would like to visit the club.

  Walking into the beautifully decorated room, Janie stood motionless as her eyes took in her surroundings. The room was washed in a pale yellow, as if it was designed to make the occupant feel welcome. The furniture was plush, and she knew she would be very comfortable if she were to sit. The plants and paintings gave the room a nice aesthetic appeal, but it was the glass mirror along the back wall that drew her attention.

  Moving deeper into the room, Janie saw a tall glass and a bottle of water set upon a silver serving tray set neatly on the coffee table. Dying of thirst, she wondered if it was left for her. Quickly deciding not to test that theory, she turned as she held the package that was delivered to her. The small package barely weighed five pounds, but it felt like a ton as she waited for further instructions.


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