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Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 15

by Rebecca Joyce


  “Why? Why won’t you let me?” Janie asked as tears began to fall down her cheeks. She didn’t want to do this anymore. She loved them, but this was too much. Her body was humming wildly. She needed release.

  Then it hit her.

  She knew what they were waiting for.

  Looking up, she saw that Jeff was staring at her intently, still slowly thrusting his cock into her. “I love you,” she whispered as Caleb shoved his pole into her and began thrusting hard into her ass. Jeff sped up, pounding her pussy as he licked her nipples.

  Their loving became furious as they continued hammering into her.

  She was so close. Her nerves were shot. Her body was flying. Her pussy tightened, and she was there once again on the cusp.

  “Now, my love, come now!” Jeff shouted as he thrust one more time, shooting his seed deep into her cunt. Janie let go, screaming out her release as her body shook with such a force, Jeff had to hold tighter to her hips. She felt Caleb sink deeper into her ass, eliciting another orgasm from her as he, too, shot his load deep within her.

  Janie let her head fall back against Caleb’s shoulder as the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm continued, until she passed out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jeff leaned against the doorjamb and looked on as Janie and Caleb slept peacefully snuggling into each other. Everything in his world felt right.

  For his whole life, Jeff had taken care of Caleb. He loved his brother, but sometimes Caleb could get himself into some pretty risqué circumstances. Caleb wasn’t book smart like Jeff. Hell, getting Caleb through high school took some doing. Even when the dumbass went and followed him into the Navy, Jeff did everything he could to keep his baby brother out of trouble. But no matter what Jeff did, trouble followed Caleb. So when Caleb opted to get of the Navy and return to the ranch, Jeff couldn’t have been happier. That was until a year later, when Jeff got a call from Braxton telling him he needed to get his ass home pronto before he put Caleb’s ass in jail.

  Giving up a naval career, he resigned his commission and rescued his brother from a lengthy jail sentence. Jeff figured what Caleb needed was an outlet to channel his extreme tendency to wreak havoc. Begging Gabriel to take on Caleb wasn’t that bad, but when Caleb started pillaging submissives without their dominant’s permission, Jeff wanted to give up on him.

  Thank God for Janie!

  It was about that time she moved to Treasure Cove, and everything changed. Jeff knew immediately that she was the woman for them, but it took longer for Caleb to feel that way. Jeff figured Caleb was still reeling from their last submissive, who, like the others, had taken more than she had given. Jeff had tried unsuccessfully to get Caleb to slow down when it came to giving his heart away, but his headstrong brother never listened. It took Caleb five seconds to fall in love with Margot, Sarah, Candice, and their latest fiasco, Brittany.

  God, the thought of that hell-bitch still rankled Jeff. He knew eventually he was going to have to do something about her. He just hoped she had more sense than stupidity. Guess he was wrong.

  Janie was his top priority, and with Caleb now focused on being a good husband, Jeff could finally relax and enjoy life.

  A soft knock at the door had Jeff closing the bedroom door on the sleeping couple as he went to see who was invading his serenity at three in the morning.

  Jeff was surprised to see Braxton and his deputy waiting on the front porch. Quietly shutting the door behind him, Jeff stepped out into the chilly morning air.

  “Little early for a social call, don’t you think?”

  Braxton sighed. “Sorry, Jeff. This couldn’t wait. Tell him, Brannon.”

  Jeff looked at the deputy sheriff and saw that Brannon looked worried. Something told him that his five minutes of relaxation were over.

  “I think someone is trying to kill Janie,” Brannon blurted out.

  “Excuse me?” Jeff asked, stunned.

  “Boy, we have to work on your delivery,” Braxton chastised, punching his deputy in the shoulder.

  Brannon grinned. “What? I told him, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, but you left out the middle!” Braxton shouted.

  “Janie and Caleb are sleeping. I would like to keep them that way, so lower your voices and tell me what the fuck is going on,” Jeff demanded.

  “Well, the Feds found a link between the fire at the Mill, the Treasure Condos, and the town library. They were all done by one person,” Brannon offered.

  “Okay. Great, go get your arsonist. What does this have to do with Janie?” Jeff asked.

  Braxton pushed his deputy aside and began. “What dipshit over here is trying to say is that not only are the fires related, but the arsonist has made it personal. We don’t know how Janie is connected to the Mill, but her condo and the library are connected to her. Someone is after her, Jeff. At Condo, it was Janie’s place where the Feds found her gas line cut. That is what caused the explosion. Did you know that Janie asked for the day off so she could be at the barbeque? She was scheduled to work at the library, according to the town council. And after you boys went home, we found a picture in the rubble of Janie tied up at the Cave with a red X marked on her back.”

  “Fuck!” Jeff growled, running his hands through his hair. He didn’t need this shit. Tonight was the best night of his life, and now thanks to some fucking asshole, he couldn’t enjoy it. He wanted to murder someone.

  “This is all preliminary stuff, Jeff, but it doesn’t look good. You need to keep an eye on Janie,” Brannon offered.

  “I know that, Brannon! I need to take care of Janie. I need to take care of Caleb. I need to take care of this ranch and my wayward sister. Shit man, my whole life is need to! Fuck!” Jeff shouted as he turned and punched the side of the house.

  The instant crack was heard loudly.

  “Fuck! Damn, damn, damnit!” Jeff hollered, holding his hand as the pain shot up his arm.

  Just fucking great!

  “Look, Jeff, you just take care of Janie. Brannon and I will handle the rest,” Braxton said cautiously.

  Nodding, Jeff leaned against the house and watched two of his best friends drive off. He didn’t know what he was going to do. He couldn’t tell Caleb ‘cause his brother would just go off half-cocked and start threatening anyone who looked funny. Jeff didn’t want to worry Janie, because she had been through enough shit already, and he feared this might set her back. He couldn’t just up and leave with them, because the ranch needed work, and add in the barrage of questions Caleb would ask, and it wasn’t worth it.

  Nope. He had to stay put and figure this out. What he needed to do was figure out how he could keep Janie safe and still do what needed to be done on the farm. With branding season right around the corner, he knew his schedule was only going to get worse. He had planned on hiring more hands to help ease the load, but his presence was still going to be needed on site, which took him away from Janie.

  He thought about asking Emma, but that thought was quickly dashed. His cousin had enough on her plate already with her men and Tabitha. There was Macie, but with the diner needing to be rebuilt, and avoiding the Jenkins brothers, Macie was going to be preoccupied with other things.

  Maybe I can ask Gabriel? Oh hell no! Mack would have a field day and God knows what trouble Janie would get into.

  What Jeff needed was someone with nothing better else to do than to sit and make merry with Janie. Someone he knew would who could befriend her easily, and not worry that there was danger around. He needed someone with enough balls to tell everyone to fuck off, and enough gumption to stand their ground if faced with trouble. Someone who was unexpected, someone this town wouldn’t fuck with. Problem was, the only person who fit that description was the last person Jeff would ask. He would rather chew off his own hand than call her.


  * * * *

  Margaret Romanov Hicks was a bitch. That was one of the nicer words to describe his mother. She was outspoken, rude, hate
ful, devious, conniving, adulterous, a thief, and the mother to Jeffery, Caleb, and Antoinette Hicks. And to make matters worse, she was sitting in his living room.

  There was no love lost between them as he stared at his birth mother, but for the life of him, Caleb couldn’t understand why Jeff called the evil witch.

  When he woke this morning, he found himself wrapped around Janie with a very nice morning wood and wanted nothing more than to stick it right into Janie’s waiting pussy. But no, Jeff walked in right as he was pulling the covers off her and said they had a guest.

  Guest my ass. She is the devil incarnate!

  Now he was horny, cranky, and needed to find that voodoo doll Annie had gotten him while she was in Louisiana for Mardi Gras. The thought of stabbing a needle into the doll that looked like his mother almost made up for missing out on morning sex with Janie.

  “Caleb Daniel, aren’t you going to say hello?” the bitch asked.

  “I was raised if I don’t have anything nice to say, I best not say anything at all,” he replied, smiling.

  “That never stopped you,” his mother muttered.

  “Why are you here?” he asked.

  “Jeffery called me,” she replied.

  “Figured that much,” Caleb said, looking around for Jeff.

  Where the fuck did he run off to?

  “So, how are things with you, Caleb?” she asked, trying to make small talk.


  “The ranch?”


  “Staying out of trouble?”


  “Anymore run-ins with the law?”


  “Are you going to respond with one word answers?”


  “You’re being a child, Caleb. I raised you better than that,” she chastised.

  “The fuck you did! You ran off with the foreman after Dad died. You left Jeff to raise me and Annie. You never came back. So don’t you sit there and tell me how you raised me. You didn’t do shit but get drunk, whore around, and bleed dad dry!” Caleb shouted in anger.

  “Well, I see you two are getting along better,” Jeff said sarcastically, walking in the room with Janie on his arm.

  Just looking at Janie made him feel better. Caleb walked over to her and kissed her cheek. He needed to be close to her, because if he had to stay in that room one more minute with the evil troll bitch, he was going to strangle her.

  “Margaret, this is Janie, our future wife,” Jeff said determinedly, looking at their mother, challenging her to say something wrong.

  As she rose to her feet, Caleb flinched as the evil troll put on her happy face and oozed nicety as she extended her hand. “Hello, my dear. It is nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Hicks.” Janie smiled kindly.

  “Oh, just Margaret will do. Besides, I have a feeling you and I are going to be good friends soon.” Margaret smiled coolly.

  “Over my dead and decomposing body!” Caleb said angrily, moving Janie behind him. He may have had to be birthed from the evil bitch, but he would be damned if he was going to let her anywhere near Janie.

  Caleb watched as Margaret looked at Jeff. “This isn’t going to work if he won’t let me near her. I thought you said you were going to talk to him.”

  “I’ll take care of Caleb. You just keep your end of the bargain. I mean it, Margaret. You step out of line just once, and you won’t get shit. Are we clear?” Jeff demanded.

  “I understand, Jeffery. I will behave.” She smiled.

  “Good. I’ve had your bags sent over to the foreman’s house. You will be more comfortable there. The only time you’re allowed in this house is if Caleb or I are both gone. We leave for work around five in the morning, and we’re home by six. You will stay here. You will not talk about the past or why you left. You will help Janie and that’s it. If she needs to go into town, you will drive her. You will not stop and chat with old friends. You are here only to help Janie. She is your priority. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Jeffery.”

  “Good, now grab your purse, and I will walk you to the foreman’s house,” Jeff ordered.

  “I know the way. Thank you.” Margaret smiled and grabbed her bag. Turning, she looked directly at Janie. “It was nice meeting you, my dear.” And with that, she walked out.

  “What the fuck is she doing here!” Caleb shouted furiously.

  * * * *

  Janie watched as the tall, graceful, beautiful woman left. She was amazed at the resemblance between her and Jeff. Margaret’s jet-black hair was graying a little, but not much. Her high cheekbones set off her brilliant blue eyes. She was slim but not too skinny. She didn’t look old enough to be their mother, but what worried Janie the most what the sadness she saw in her eyes.

  Oh, she hid it well, smiling and trying desperately to please her sons, but Margaret Hicks was a lonely woman. Janie wondered at what caused the friction between mother and sons. She hoped it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed.

  Growing up without a mother, Janie would have welcomed the opportunity to be close to the boy’s mother, but from their reactions she knew they wanted nothing of the sort.

  She watched as Jeff and Caleb left the room, talking quietly among themselves as the wheels began turning in her mind.

  Heading for the coffeepot, Janie couldn’t get the sadness in Margaret’s eyes out of her head. If she didn’t know any better, Janie would bet that whatever had happened, Margaret was remorseful and wanted another chance, and Janie was of mind to help her, not only for Margaret’s sake but for her, because she desperately wanted a relationship with Margaret.

  Filling two cups of coffee, Janie went in search of the lonely woman.

  Janie found Margaret sitting on the couch in the two-bedroom ranch house. It was a small place, but more than enough for the lead foreman, who just happened to be away on a family matter.

  “May I come in?” Janie spoke softly, trying not to startle the woman. When Margaret’s head popped up, Janie saw her swollen red eyes.

  “Yes, please.” Margaret smiled through her tears.

  Carefully holding the cups of coffee, Janie opened the screen door and walked in. She had never been in the foreman’s house. It was modest, but had everything anyone would need to be comfortable.

  “I brought you a cup of coffee. It’s black. I hope you like it that way,” Janie offered, handing Margaret the cup.

  “Thank you, Janie. This is very kind of you,” Margaret replied, taking a sip. “It’s good. Please sit with me. It’s been a long time since someone made me coffee and stayed to drink it with me.”

  Doing as requested, Janie sat down in the small chair across from Margaret. For the next few minutes, they quietly drank their coffee, looking at each other. Janie still couldn’t get over the resemblance. So much of Margaret was in Jeff. Not only looks, but seeing her hold her cup, the way her mouth turned up when she smiled, the twinkle of light in her eye when someone did something nice for her, she was all Jeff.

  They were both content to be quiet and observe. Happy with silence, they were quiet souls, but each longed for something out of reach. The two were more alike than either believed.

  “Does Jeffery know you’re here with me?” she asked, setting down her cup.

  “No. He was arguing with Caleb quite loudly when I left.” Janie grinned.

  Margaret smiled. “Yes, I’m sure they were. Those two never could discuss anything without shouting it out first.”

  “So, can you tell me why you’re here to babysit me?” Janie asked bluntly but kindly.

  She watched as Margaret stiffened and then very quietly set her cup on the coffee table. Taking a deep breath, Margaret whispered, “No.”

  Janie knew she wasn’t going to tell her. Jeff made it perfectly clear what would happen if she did, but Janie tried anyway. Figuring it was best to leave it alone for now, Janie tried another approach.

  “My parents were k
illed in a car accident when I was five,” she began. “My baby sister and I were the only survivors. After our parents’ death, we were immediately put into foster care. We stayed together till I was about seven, then I woke one morning to find Charlie gone. After that I was alone. I never knew what it felt like to grow up with a mother’s love or a father, for that matter.

  “I was shuffled around a lot when I was younger, till I ended up with the Wilcox’s. They were okay, but they never loved me like my parents did. All they wanted was the money they got from the state. I stayed out of their way and they stayed out of mine. There was never any love in that house. No birthdays, no Christmases, no laughter.

  “After high school, I left. I never told them, just left in the middle of the night. I was accepted at the University of Montana and got my degree in literature. Soon after graduating college, Treasure Cove offered me the position at the library, and I accepted. I lived here for almost a year before I met your sons. They are wonderful men, very caring and understanding. They have been patient with me like no other has before. And I want you to know that I love them very much, with all my heart.”

  “Thank you for that, Janie. And I am sorry about your parents.” Margaret smiled.

  “It’s all right. like I said before, I barely knew them.”

  “Where do we go from here?” Margaret asked, looking for some guidance on how to proceed.

  Getting to her feet, Janie smiled warmly. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I have things that need to get done today. But first, I need to run into town, and since I don’t know how to drive, that leaves you, Mrs. Hicks. So, would you mind taking me into town?”

  Margaret grinned. “I would love to.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jeff was going to kill his mother, beat the crap out of Caleb, and whip Janie’s ass red!

  For the last week, those three had done everything in their power to drive him absolutely crazy. They never listened, they did what they wanted, and they disregarded his advice for safety.


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