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Reclaiming Reagan (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 2)

Page 4

by A. Lynn

  “Are those the only choices that I have? Stripping my colors or be a prospect again?”

  “Were you expecting anything less, Brother?” I question.

  “Bet this really makes you happy, huh, Crow?”

  “Why would this make me happy, Dec?” I ask. “Do you think I don’t want you here? You’re my fucking blood, dumb-ass. You and I—together—in this club is the only thing I ever wanted.”

  “Sure it is,” Dec mocks.

  “Whatever, Dec. Believe whatever you want.”

  “What do you choose, Dec?”

  “I guess I’m out. There is no fucking way I will be a prospect again,” he says shedding his cut, letting it hit the floor. The blatant disrespect has my teeth grinding. “You coming with me Moose? Cash?”

  “I got your back, Dec,” Cash says, dropping his own cut to the floor.

  “Moose?” Dec questions. “You coming with us?”

  He looks so torn. Torn between a brotherhood that means everything to him and walking away from the two people who have had his back since grade school. He sighs heavily as if trying to alleviate the sting coming from the fissure that has just split him in two.

  “I’m sorry, Dec, but I can’t. Being a King is what I wanted most in this world.”

  “You’re a fucking traitor, Moose,” Cash sneers. “What happened to it being us against the world?”

  “Do you think I want this?! I love you both, but I will not walk away from the Kings because best friends are.”

  “Coward,” Dec seethes.

  “How am I a coward? I chose this life for me. Not you, not Cash. For me! My dream isn’t going to change just because yours did.”

  “You know this means we are done, right?”

  “Yeah, Dec, I do. I don’t like it, but it is what it is.”

  “Anyone else want to go with him?” Axle questions the room.

  The silence after that question is so loud that I can feel it—as if it is a separate entity.

  “No?” Gunner asks. “Good. Dec, you and Cash have one hour to get your shit and get the fuck out of here. You aren’t Kings anymore; you are not welcome here. So when you walk out that door, don’t try to walk back through it.”

  “Fuck you all,” Dec says, storming out of the chapel with Cash hot on his heels.

  I exhale a deep breath and drop my head into my hands. I knew that this was the option he would choose, but it doesn’t make the outcome any easier to swallow. A loss of a brother is still a loss of a brother, except this time, it feels more severe.

  “I expect you at the house tonight,” Pop says. “So you can explain this shit-show to your mother.”

  “Sure, Pop, because I’m the reason this shit happened.”

  “I didn’t say you did, but you sure as fuck didn’t help him.”

  “Whatever you say, Pop. I’ll be by later,” I say over my shoulder as I leave the chapel.


  A few hours later, I am pulling in Ma’s driveway to deliver news that will be heartbreaking for her. I am just getting off the bike when Skylar pulls in behind me. When she is out of the car and beside me, I ask, “What are you doing here?”

  “Pop said there was a family meeting,” she shrugs.

  “Of course he did. Let’s get this over with then,” I say and sling my arm over her shoulder, just as the front door opens to reveal a pissed-off looking, Pop.

  “Hi, Daddy,” Skylar says, walking into his waiting arms.

  “Hi, angel,” he smiles, giving her a squeeze. “Thanks for coming.”

  “What’s going on, Daddy?” Skylar asks as we head to the kitchen.

  “I have been keeping your mother in the dark about some things,” he states. “And Crow has something to share, don’t you, Crow?”


  “Either you tell her or I will,” he threatens.


  “So help me fucking God, Crow—”

  “ALRIGHT!” I yell. “Ma, it was Dec.”

  “What was Dec?”

  “Who helped Cleo drug me.”

  “What?” Ma and Skylar say at the same time.

  “Cleo told us about it the day that Reagan was attacked.”

  “And I am supposed to take her word for it? She is a fucking liar, Crow. Don’t be so naive. He’s your brother, what possible reason could he have for helping her?”

  “I don’t know what his reasons are, Ma,—” I start, but Ma cuts me off.

  “What did he say to these accusations?”

  “She’s right, Crow. Cleo has to be lying, there is no way Dec would do something like this. I know you guys haven’t been super close lately, but he is still our brother,” Skylar adds.

  “We hadn’t been able to ask him—”

  “So you’re just taking her at her word, then?” Ma grits out. “She will say anything to save her own ass.”

  “You know he’s been in the wind, babe,” Pop reminds her.

  “I refuse to believe he would do something like this to hurt you.”

  “He admitted it in Church today, Ma.”

  “What did he say?”

  “That it was just a joke. He only gave it to her so she could get in my pants,” I answer.

  “And you don’t believe him?” Skylar asks.

  “Not at all,” I state.

  “If it was Dec, then why was there so much in your system?” Skylar follows up.

  “That’s what we wanted to know.”

  “What happens now?” Ma questions.

  “Tell her, Crow. Tell her what was decided by the officers.”

  “Ma, there had to be repercussions to his actions. The club determined that it was a negative move against an officer by a patched member,” I start.

  “He wouldn’t hurt you, Crow!” Ma contradicts.

  “I don’t want to think so either, Ma, but it’s out of my hands. The officers voted that he would either be reverted back to a prospect,” I pause, “or be stripped of his colors.”

  “WHAT?!” Ma gasps. “Is that really necessary?”

  “It’s what the brothers wanted,” I hedge.

  “What did you vote, Crow?” Ma demands.

  “Tell her, Crow. Tell her how you didn’t fight for your brother,” Pop glares.

  “I voted that he choose his own fate. I didn’t want to vote to throw him out of the club,” I say defensively. “He did this, Pop, not me. You putting this on me is fucked up. I did nothing wrong, he did!”

  “What did he choose?” Ma whispers.

  “Dec and Cash, both, threw their cuts to the floor,” I sigh.

  “What does that mean?” comes from Skylar.

  “It means they’re out,” I answer.

  “Why are you blaming Crow for this, Daddy?”

  “Because he could have stopped this!”

  “He would have walked away, anyway. There is no way he would have prospected again, and you know it. What would you have had me do, Pop? I didn’t vote! I don’t know how much more I could have done. Dec being out is not something I ever wanted!”

  “Then why didn’t you fight for him?!”

  “Because he fucking lied!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He lied, Pop. If you stepped back for a second, you would have caught it.”

  Pop just sits quietly. His eyes are shifting back and forth, no doubt replaying everything he said this morning.

  “What did he lie about?” Skylar asks.

  I don’t answer her, I just shake my head. I don’t break eye contact with Pop either, so when all the blood drains from his face, I know that he just realized the error that Dec made. His eyes snap to mine, and the anguish that I see there almost breaks my heart.

  “What does this mean?”

  “I don’t know what it means, I just don’t know why he would have to lie about it.”

  “Does Gunner know?”

  I nod. “Axle does, too. But Gunner has put a gag order on it until we know what�
�s going on. So you can’t say shit to anyone about it.”

  “I’m about to lose my shit over here,” Ma snaps. “One of you better tell me what’s going on. Right the fuck now.”

  “It’s club business, Stella.”

  “Don’t give me that shit! You brought this to the table, Isaac. If you know what is good for you, you will open your fucking mouth.”

  Pop sighs and gives me a slight nod.

  “The day that Reagan was attacked—”

  “Don’t you fucking dare, Kane,” Ma growls.

  I hold up my hands in surrender. “I wasn’t saying he was involved, I promise, but if you want to know what happened, then you need to sit there and let me talk.”

  If looks could kill.

  “Continue,” she snaps.

  “The day that Reagan was attacked, he said that he was with Skylar when you called her to tell her that she was in the hospital.”

  “I was with your dad when you called me.”

  “I know, Ma, but that’s what he said.”

  “Why would he lie about that though? What could he possibly gain from lying? Especially when there are at least two people—that he knows of—in the room who can disprove it?” Skylar asks.

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”


  “Oh, Crow! It’s beautiful,” Ashley says, turning the gas tank in her hands. “Chaz is going to love it! Thank you so much!”

  “You’re welcome,” I reply, grabbing the box to put it in. “Sorry it took so long, I wanted to make sure the pictures were perfect.”

  “They turned out better than I expected them to,” she gushes excitedly.

  “I’m glad you like them.”

  “How much do I owe you?” She asks pulling her wallet out of her purse.

  “Fifteen hundred,” I say walking back to the register.

  She pulls a stack of hundreds from her wallet and counts out eighteen bills and hands them over, saying, “The rest is for you.”

  “Thanks,” I reply, putting the cash in the register. “If you ever need more work done, or your friends do, I’ll be here.”

  “Thanks, Crow,” She says with a wave, walking out of the shop.

  Thank fuck I’m finally done with that commission. It was good money, but painting photo-realism is a pain in the ass. Needing a fucking break, I turn off the lights and walk to my bike. Church the last two days, dealing with Pop’s anger, and Dec leaving has been a fucking hassle.

  I drop my head when my phone rings before I get there. “What?”

  “Crow? It’s Dub. There is a situation at your girl’s house.”

  “Fuck! I’ll be right there.”

  Not even a minute later, I am flying down the road. It feels like the only time I can breathe these days. It has been more than a month since Reagan and I fought.

  Since I kissed her lips.

  Since I held her in my arms.

  Since I cut my heart out.

  Since I made the biggest mistake of my life.

  Fuck, I’m such an idiot. Why the hell do I let my mouth get the better of me where she is involved?

  The way that I spoke to her was out of line. Even if she was cheating—which she wasn’t because it would have been before we were together—I had no right to talk to her like that. Did it really matter if she was pregnant by someone else—which she isn’t—considering I want Jordan to be mine? Wouldn’t this one have ended up being mine, too? I’m tying myself in knots over a fictitious situation, and I need to stop. What I need to focus on now is getting her back, because being without the three of them, isn’t an option.

  Chapter 3


  I’m sitting at the kitchen table, sorting through wrapping paper and name tags, when there is a knock on the door. As I start to get up from my seat, a flash of trepidation rushes down my spine as I start to get up from my seat, freezing me in place. Asher must have noticed something is amiss because he is suddenly on his feet.

  “You expecting someone? My partner isn’t due to be here until around two.”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “I’ll get it, then.”

  “That’s not necessary. I’m just being paranoid,” I say, pasting a fake smile on my face.

  “Me, too,” he replies before walking to get the door.

  I follow behind him and brace myself for what is on the other side of the door. I exhale a relieved breath the second I hear purred, “My my my, look how delicious you are.”

  “Uh,” Asher mumbles, wide-eyed and mouth gaping like a fish.

  “Leave the man alone, Nicole,” I say as I come around the door.

  “Spoilsport,” she pouts, walking around Asher. “You going to introduce me to my future ex-boyfriend?”

  “Asher, this is Nicole. Nicole, this is Asher, the contractor I was telling you about.”

  “Nice to meet you, Asher,” Nicole smiles, but he doesn’t respond. When I turn to look at him, the look of awe on his face has me chuckling.

  I reach around him to shut the door when I lock eyes with someone I didn’t think I would ever see again. The first reaction I have is confusion, but it is quickly smothered by anger when he smiles like seeing me made his whole fucking day.

  “Excuse me,” I say to Asher and Nicole, stepping onto the porch and shutting the door behind me.

  “As I live and breathe,” he smiles. “Looking good, Rea.”

  “What are you doing here, Nico?” I demand when he steps away from the worker he was speaking to.

  “Good to see you, too, Rea.”

  “Not the exact sentiments I had in mind, but whatever.”

  “Still mad, I see.”

  “I am not mad about you cheating anymore. It’s been years, Nico, get over yourself already.”

  “Then what’s put that sneer on your pretty face?”

  “Maybe the sneer on my pretty face is from you just popping up out of nowhere without warning. So I will ask again… What are you doing here, Nico?”

  “I’m looking for my partner, Asher,” he laughs.

  “You’re his partner?” I ask, feeling my face heat.

  “I am,” he chuckles.

  “I’m sorry!” I turn and open the door, calling, “Asher? There is someone out here for you,” before shutting the door again.

  “You still live here, huh? Ryan, too?”

  “Where else would I live?”

  “I don’t know, you were left a lot of money when your Grams passed. You could have gone anywhere.”

  “This is where Ryan and Jordan were,” I shrug.


  “Yeah. She hid a heroin addiction from me for a while.”

  “Damn, that’s the breaks. Where’s the baby? Tell me she didn’t take him with her.”

  “My adoption of him was approved shortly after you and I broke up, so when I found her overdosing in her bedroom, I tried to keep them apart. She was never motherly, to begin with, but once I knew what she was doing, she was downright mean to him. She pushed him off her bed in the hospital, Nico,” I catch a tear before it falls. Damn hormones! Making me all weepy and shit. “I kicked her out after that. She signed her rights away a month ago and I haven’t seen or heard from her since.”

  “Good riddance,” he says, pulling me into a hug.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” I chuckle. “Thanks, Nico, a hug was just what I needed.”

  “I’m here anytime,” he replies.

  “That won’t be necessary,” is gritted out behind me. “I would advise you get your hands off my woman.”

  “Who are you to tell me I can’t hug a friend of mine?” Nico demands.

  “I’m not telling you that you can’t hug your friends, I’m telling you that you can’t hug my woman.”

  “Your woman? Do you know him, Rea?” Nico asks.

  “Unfortunately. What are you doing here, Crow?”

  “I wanted to see if we could have dinner tonight? We figured out who helped Cle
o and some other shit went down. I thought you might want to know.”

  I hold up a finger and turn my head, “Nico—”

  “Nico, huh? Friend my ass. She’s mine, fucker; her, Jordan, and the one she’s carrying now,” Crow threatens. “You had your chance and blew it.”


  “No, Rea, he’s right. I had my chance and blew it. But I am not trying to take your girl, man, Sarah and I got married last year.”

  “Really? Good for you two!”

  “I’m not usually a cheater, Rea. But once I met Sarah, I was done.”

  “You could have told me, though. I wouldn’t stand in the way of an end-game type of love.”

  “I know you wouldn’t, but you had just lost Grams and I didn’t want to hurt you more. I really am sorry for how it went down, though.”

  “It’s in the past, I forgave you a long time ago. I have my own end-game anyway,” I say glancing at Crow—who has the largest fucking smile on his face. “Go on in and find Asher, I’m sure my friend Nicole is harassing him.”

  “Sure thing.”

  I turn to see Crow swaggering towards me, so I throw up my hand to stop him. “I can’t have dinner with you tonight. I do want to know what’s going on with you, but I already made plans with someone else.”


  “Rea, babe! I can’t have dinner tonight, Asher asked me to get dinner with him.”

  “Bitch! I only left you two alone for fifteen minutes,” I glare. “You remember Crow, right? I was telling him I couldn’t hang out tonight.”

  “Of course I remember him. What the fuck is he doing here?”

  “He has some stuff he wants to talk about with me,” I shrug.

  “Seems convenient.”

  “Convenient for who?” Crow demands. “She just told you she turned me down.”

  “Clearly it isn’t for me,” Nicole sneers. “Seeing as I can’t go out with Asher now.”

  “Aw, how bad is it?” Crow mocks.

  “Alright, children. I will separate you,” I jokingly threaten.

  “She started it,” Crow pouts, making me laugh. “I’ve missed that.”


  “Your laugh.”

  Cue Nicole’s gagging sounds, which only serves to make me laugh harder.


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