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Reclaiming Reagan (Unsaintly Kings MC Book 2)

Page 18

by A. Lynn


  “Dang, girl! You sure sprouted since the last time I saw you,” Wendy says when she comes into the exam room.

  “You’re telling me. One day it wasn’t there and the next it was,” I chuckle.

  “Your man-candy not joining us?”

  “Not today. He had some stuff come up that he couldn’t get away from.”

  “Eh, it happens. How is Jordan doing?” She asks as she pushes up my shirt to measure the growth. Then she is putting the heartbeat doppler on my stomach, filling the room with that beautiful whoosh-whooshing.

  “He’s good. On his way to being a biker, it seems,” I chuckle.

  “I don’t know that anything else is possible with his daddy being one.” She shrugs. “Is he excited for the baby?” She asks moving the doppler into different positions on my stomach.

  “Oh, my God! He threatened the bump. Told it that it better be a boy!” I laugh, but Wendy seems to not have heard me. She is focused on my stomach intently, but I hear the whooshing coming from the doppler so I’m not sure what’s going on. “Wendy? Is everything okay?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah!”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I want to get an ultrasound today, Reagan.”

  “What? Why? I thought you just said that everything was alright?” I demand as tears spring to my eyes.

  She lays her hand on top of mine. “It is, Reagan. I just want to get a look at Peanut.”

  “Okay,” I draw out not believing her completely. Too much shit happens to me to take her word at face value.

  “Reagan, calm down. I think I heard a second heartbeat is all.” A second heartbeat? As in two? As in there might be two babies in there? “That was meant to reassure you, Reagan, not make you panic more. Let’s get the ultrasound and go from there, okay?” I nod because words escape me.

  I am still freaking out but I feel the cold fear begin to disappear as an overwhelming feeling of rightness takes over. “I bet Kane is going to lose his shit,” I say to the empty room with a chuckle. I need to text Sky and see if she can get Jordan from school since my appointment is going to run longer than it was supposed to.

  Me: Can you pick J up from school and take him to the clubhouse for me? My appointment is running behind.

  Skylar: Sure.

  Me: Thanks!

  Skylar: *winking emoji*

  Just then the door opens again and Wendy backs into the exam room with the ultrasound cart. She has a soft smile on her face as her eyes meet mine. “You ready, Rea?” she asks as she resumes her post on the roller stool beside the exam table.


  She raises my shirt up again and squirts that freezing, blue jelly on my stomach, and presses the paddle down on my stomach swirling the goo around. My eyes shoot to the screen excited to see Peanut, but when she rolls the paddle over the other side of my belly I see another little heart beating there. My heart is soaring and my eyes are leaking when Wendy interrupts my reverie and the whooshing of their heartbeats, “That’s what I thought, two babies,” she says as more tears fall down my cheeks.

  “That’s awesome,” I say through the lump in my throat. “Does everything look good though?”

  “It looks great, Rea.” She smiles and turns to the monitor once again. “We’re you wanting to know the sex of the babies?”

  “Yes!” I say eagerly.

  She presses a couple of buttons on the keyboard and says, “Looks like twin one is a girl.”

  “A girl,” I cry.

  “And twin two is a boy.”

  Tears are running down my cheeks in torrents. “That will make J happy. Can you put the pictures in an envelope for Crow?”

  “Definitely. I will take it to the nurse's station while you get dressed. I’ll see you in a month.”

  “Thanks, Wendy,” I say as she steps out. “We are going to have two babies.”

  Chapter 16


  “Shit!” I cry out loud to my empty car. I was in such a hurry to get to J that I forgot to let Axle—or any brother—know that I was leaving and now I am out without a shadow. Axle is going to be so pissed when he realizes; I might actually get that spanking he is always threatening to give me. I doubt it, but a girl can hope.

  He has always been a little reserved with me because ‘I’m a brother’s sister’ but I see the way he looks at me when he doesn’t think I see it. The way he always manages to give me little touches when he’s close enough. I don’t know what the big deal is; so what if I’m Crow’s sister? Crow knows how I feel—how I have always felt—about Axle.

  I pull into the parking lot of Apple Core Learning center and park next to Killy’s bike, a few minutes shy of three o’clock, and hop out of the car and rush to the entrance. Killy opens the door with a slight frown on his face.

  “Where’s your protection?”

  “Relax, Killy, I forgot to let anyone know I was leaving. Besides, I have you to protect me now.”

  “Fuck, Lucky was on the gate, wasn’t he?”

  I frown. “Yeah… why does that matter?”

  “Because he shouldn’t have let you out without one. We have had everyone’s protection drilled into our heads. I’m on Jordan, Motherfucker is with Reagan at the doctor, and Dub is at work. Lucky had one job. Axle is going to have his ass for this one.”

  “I’m sure he will be fine.”

  “Lucky has been on Axle’s shit list for a while now.”

  “Hey, Kill—sorry, I didn’t realize anyone came in,” a feminine voice calls over my shoulder. “I’m Ashley, how can I help you?”

  “Hey, I’m Skylar Greene. I’m here to pick up Jordan Marks.”

  “Okay,” she smiles kindly, walking to her desk. “Are you on his list for pick up?”

  “I should be, but you will have to check and see. Reagan never said one way or the other but she got hung up at the doctor and called me. If not, I can get her on the phone.”

  “That won’t be necessary, your name is right here. Let me get him for you.”

  “Thanks,” I say returning her smile. I turn back to Killy and the look on his face has me laughing out loud. “See something you like?”

  He shakes his head to clear it before his eyes shoot to mine. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he denies.

  “Sure you don’t,” I choke through my giggles.

  His cheeks redden a touch and he clears his throat. “Shut it, Skylar,” he orders, making the giggles intensify. “We had a drink together, it was nothing, now let it go before she comes back.”

  My laughter fades when I realize what he just said. “You like her?”

  “It’s too soon to tell.”

  “Aun’ Skywa! Whas you’s doing hew?”

  “I was wanting to get some ice cream and had nobody to go with me!”

  “I’s wanna goes!”

  “I was hoping you would go with me!”

  “Can’s Wavey goes?”

  “Not this time, J. Next time, okay.”

  “Otay,” he says a little less enthused.

  “Killy’s going to come with us though,” I say trying to bring his smile back. He is too damn cute to not be smiling at all times.

  “You’s is?”

  “Of course, dude,” Killy reassures him. “What do you say we get out of here?”

  “Otay. Wace Kiwee?” Jordan asks starting for the door.

  “Nuh-uh, dude, I’m not falling for that again.”

  “Aw, man, you’s no’s fun.”

  “We can race when we get back to the clubhouse, okay?” Killy informs him.

  “Yes! You’s goin’s down!”

  “Say bye to Ashley, J,” I say.

  “Bye’s, Asswe.”

  “Bye, Jordan! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Otay,” he says with a wave.

  “Bye, Killian,” Ashley says a little lower, making me smile.

  “See you tomorrow,” he throws over his shoulder with a wink and—what I’m sure
to some is—a sexy smirk. Ew.

  “Come on, J, let’s get you strapped in your seat,” I say as I walk out of the door behind them.

  “Where are we headed, Skylar?”

  “Dips ‘n’ Scoops is a couple blocks up.”

  “Okay, I’ll follow you,” he says after I close the door after buckling Jordan in. I just nod and open the driver’s side door and climb in.

  “Whas you’s gonna get’s, Aun’ Skywa?” J asks as I start the car and pull out of the parking lot with Killy following close behind.

  “I think I’m going to get banana. What are you going to get?”

  “’Anana is yummy, but I’s get’s stwawbewy,” he says instantly. “No’s, I’s get’s choc-it.”

  “That sounds good, too.”

  “Aun’ Skywa?” Jordan asks after a few minutes, with a serious voice.

  “Yeah?” I reply as I look back at him in the rearview mirror.

  “You’s let me’s has some of you’s?”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, J, I’ll share with you.”

  He throws both of his arms up, fist-pumping. “Yes!”

  “You’re too much, J,” I saw with a laugh as I pull up to the curb in front of a barbershop because the ice cream shop is packed this time of day.

  “Yeah,” he agrees.

  I climb out of the car to open his door before I have the thought to wait for Killy to get there and extend my arm to help him out of the car. “Come on, we’ll wait for Killy inside.”

  He grabs my hand and jumps from the bench seat. “Otay!”

  “Hold my hand,” I tell him as we start to walk down the sidewalk.

  “Well, isn’t this sweet?” A deep voice says, making my eyes clench shut and my stomach bottom out. This cannot be happening right now. I reluctantly raise my eyes from Jordan and focus on my brother standing before me.

  “Dec,” I say with a bravado that I don’t feel.

  “You don’t look happy to see me, Sky.”

  “Who’s you’s?” Jordan asks.

  “I’m—” Dec starts but I interrupt him.

  “Leave him alone, Dec.”

  “You see, Sis, I can’t do that. He’s the one I came for,” he says with a smirk, and I shove Jordan behind me, shielding him.

  “That’s not going to happen,” I state.

  “I’s don’ wanna goes with you’s, we’s gettin’ ice cweam.”

  “Not today, you’re not,” he snaps at Jordan. “Now hand him over.”

  “You’re not getting him, Dec. Just go, and I won’t tell Crow about this,” I try to reason with him. He pulls a gun from inside his cut and aims it at me. “What the hell is wrong with you, Dec?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Skylar, but I will. Hand him the fuck over!”

  I draw J closer into my backside and feel his little body start trembling. “I’s scaweded, Aun’ Skywa.”

  “It’s okay, J, I got you,” I say, trying to reassure him.

  “Do you? It doesn’t look too good for you right now,” he threatens, looking over my shoulder. I follow his gaze and see another man in a cut coming up behind me. “Where are my manners? Sis, this Chains; Chains, this is my sister Skylar.”

  “How’s it going, Sexy? She’s a lot prettier than you said she was.”

  “Did I tell you she’s a virgin? Holding out for someone who will never have her,” he laughs.

  “Fuck you, Dec.” I turn and pull Jordan into my arms and give the barbershop my back so I can keep both men in sight. Where the hell is Killy?!

  “You did not tell me that, Dec,” he accuses.

  “Ace would love her,” Chains states. “Should we give her to him or should I keep her for myself? Ace is pretty busy with that Harley bitch.”

  “You can have her if you want,” he tells his friend.

  “I don’t think so,” Killy says stepping out from behind a truck parked at the curb.

  “About time you got here,” Dec taunts. “The brothers aren’t going to like you leaving her alone.”

  “You ran me off the road, asshole,” Killy fires back.

  Dec just laughs as Chains asks, “But did you die?”

  “Fuck you,” Killy snaps. “Get the fuck out of here, Dec, you’re just making things worse.”

  “Yeah, Chains, let’s get out of here,” Dec says sarcasticly as he shifts the gun’s path and firing a round off, hitting Killy in the stomach.

  “Killy!” I scream as he slowly drops to the ground. Jordan’s arms lock around my neck and he starts to cry.

  Once again the gun is pointed at me. “Either you walk your ass to the truck or I will put a bullet in your fucking head right now.”

  “You really going to shoot me, Dec? I’m your fucking sister.”

  “It’s funny you think I give a shit about that,” he rolls his eyes.

  “Don’t do this, Dec, I’m begging you. Please just leave us alone.”

  “You going to give him to me or not?”

  “Over my dead body,” I seethe at him.

  “That will be arranged,” Dec says just before he draws back the hand holding the gun and releases, the butt of the gun smacking me in the temple. Then there is nothing but darkness.

  Chapter 17


  I busted my ass to get home in enough time to make it to Reagan’s appointment, so imagine my disappointment when I find myself riding behind her on the way back to the clubhouse. I speed up a little to follow close enough behind her to let Motherfucker know that we are flanking them. The gate is already open when we pull up and I don’t see Lucky’s ass around anywhere. I’m going to have his ass.

  I park my bike in the line at the front of the clubhouse and rush to get to Reagan’s door. “Hey, baby,” I greet her as I pull her into my arms and drop a kiss on her lips. “How was your appointment?”

  A smile splits her face. “It went really well! I picked something up for you while I was out,” she tells me before she brings her mouth back to mine.

  “Is that right? Is it of the sexy variety?”

  “I guess you will have to wait and see.”

  “Minx,” I accuse with a smirk.

  “I need to get it from the trunk and put it in a box, so go away.”

  “Where’s little man?” I ask when I notice he isn’t in the backseat.

  “Skylar picked him up for me, my appointment ran late. He should be inside.”

  “I thought you just said that your appointment went fine, why did it run late?”

  “They were backed up,” she says, looking away.

  Did she just lie to me? “How come?”

  “Short a doctor or something,” she shrugs, still not making eye contact.

  “Oh. Well, I need to check in with the brothers. I’ll come find you when I’m done and we will get some food.”

  “Sounds good, honey. We missed you last night.”

  “See you soon, baby.” I place a kiss on her temple before turning for the clubhouse to find Lucky’s ass.

  “Hey, Crow,” Peaches calls when I walk through the door.

  “How you been, Peaches?” I ask as I walk up to the bar.

  “Can’t complain,” she shrugs. “Can I get you something?”

  “I’m good. You seen Lucky?” She doesn’t answer but her eyes bounce from my face to over my shoulder and back a couple of times before I catch on and follow her gaze. It’s then that I see Lucky sitting on the couch with Roxi’s mouth wrapped around his dick. He has his head thrown back and his eyes closed in what looks to be a euphoric rapture—if his slacked jaw is anything to judge by—with his hands fisted in her hair. With my own hands fisted at my sides, I quietly walk to where he is sitting. “Lucky! What the fuck are you doing?!”

  A cry erupts into the air as he violently pushes Roxi off of him and to her back on the floor in haste to get to his feet. “Crow! Shit…”

  “What the fuck are you doing, Prospect?” I demand, reaching a hand to help Roxi to her feet. “There are fucking kids here—m
y kid is here!”

  “Shit! Sorry, Crow.”

  “Sorry? You think that makes you leaving the gate open to get your dick sucked okay? We are on a fucking lockdown, dumb-ass.”

  “Uh…” he mumbles to himself. “I’ll go take care of it now.”

  “Like fucking hell you will. Easy?!”

  “What’s up, Crow?” He asks coming in from the kitchen.

  “Will you close the gate and sit on it? I need to have a word with Gunner and Axle.”


  I nod in his direction but speak to Lucky, “Let’s go dumb-ass.”

  “I’m sorry, Crow… Can’t we keep this between us? I’m already on their shit list.”

  “That sounds like a you problem; and no, we can’t keep this between us. You have just put all of us in danger. That shit is not okay,” I say and push his ass towards the office. The door is slightly ajar when I raise a knuckle to knock. “Gunner?”

  “Come in,” he calls out. I push the door open and shove Lucky inside but Gunner doesn’t take his eyes off the map that he and Axle are plotting on to look at us. “How was the run?”

  “Went off without a hitch… Until we got back.”

  Both their heads snap up at that and make direct eye contact with Lucky. “Why the fuck aren’t you on the gate, Lucky?” Axle demands.

  “I came in to use—” he starts but I cut him off with a hard smack to the back of his head.

  “Don’t you dare fucking lie.”

  “I did come to use the bathroom, but I got sidetracked,” he weakly defends himself.

  “Sidetracked with what? You had one fucking job, Prospect,” Gunner asks getting up from his chair.

  “I know, but Roxi,” is all he gets out before Axle snatches him up by the front of his cut.

  “You left your post to get your dick wet? Is that what you are fucking telling me right now?”

  “That’s not the worst part,” I say drawing three sets of eyes my way. “Tell them.”

  “I left the gate open,” he whispers.

  “You did fucking WHAT?” Gunner demands but Lucky doesn’t get a chance to answer before Axle has him on the floor putting his fist in his face. I have no intention to stop him because what he did was fucked up and they have come after our women more than once now. Stupid fuck.


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