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Whiskers, Mane, and a Biter [Unmated at Midnight] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 11

by Joyee Flynn

  “They’re teasing you as payment for doubting they would forgive you for something that wasn’t your fault,” Davis said as he pulled his brother into a hug. “It’s good to see you, brother.”

  “Thank you, Reginald. I never doubted for a second you’d know something was up and do whatever it took to help.”

  “As you would for me,” he chuckled. “These men did everything in their power to find you, fought for you, and spilled tears at what you must have been going through. If you don’t love them and mate them as soon as you can, I will.”

  “I do love them and want to mate them. I’m not stupid enough to look a gift horse in the mouth. If they won’t blame me for what happened or hold those messages against me then I won’t try and talk them into it.”

  “I knew you were smart.” Davis gave him a last pat on the back before releasing him.

  “Fine, we’re not mating you just for your cool pad or neat stuff,” Brad admitted as he rolled his eyes. I opened the front passenger’s door for the little mouse. He stepped up and grabbed the handle, glancing over his shoulder. “It’s because you’re a hot mother fucker who’s got the most talented tongue in probably the whole world.”

  And with that he plopped down on the seat and closed the door.

  “I like this side of him,” I chuckled, knowing full well Brad could hear me.

  “Yeah, it’s hot. I want to bend him over and ravage him all night long,” Ramses agreed.

  “I expect it after all the laws I broke to help,” Brad yelled through the window. Then he pressed his lips against the glass and gave us a wink. “Let’s go. I’m hungry and I want lots of reunion sex after we lock that bitch up.”

  We weren’t stupid. We listened.

  I drove much slower on the way back, making sure to follow the speed limit so not to upset or scare Brad. We brought Ramses up to speed on everything that happened and then he filled us in on what we hadn’t pieced together. By the time I pulled into his house, I had a whole new hate level for Hilary.

  “I need to go for a run,” I said as I tossed Ramses the keys. Then I whipped off my sweater and laid it on the hood of my Hummer. Just as I started to undo my jeans and toe off my shoes, Brad moved in front of me so I had to look at him.

  “James?” he asked quietly.

  “My lion wants to kill her. She threatened you, me, Ramses, our happiness, and is a threat to this pride and all around an evil person. A lion doesn’t care that she’s pregnant. All a lion sees is that her offspring could be a threat to us as well. That’s the way of the wild and what my lion knows. The human side is having problems as well.

  “I need to run this off or I will walk in that house and go straight for her and not stop until she’s dead. And I won’t be the man you love if I kill a pregnant woman, no matter how evil she is. So just let me go for a run.”

  “But you’re coming back, right?” Ramses checked as he stared me over.

  “Yeah. I’ll be back.” I would. I loved them but if I didn’t blow off some steam and handle this aggression in a nonviolent way, I’d do something I’d regret.

  “I could use a run as well,” Gavin said as he yanked off his jacket. “Ant, I don’t want you anywhere near that woman, you feel me?”

  “I read you loud and clear,” Ant answered with a nod. “We’re not on her radar and you don’t want me there after she’s proved that she’s not living in sane-land.”

  “Pretty much.” I didn’t blame my friend. If I could get Brad off her radar, I would. But I couldn’t. I could go for a run and that’s what I’d do.

  I stripped off the rest of my clothes and shifted, stretching my paws in the dirt and adjusting my neck. When Gavin changed forms and he did the same, we took off towards the back of the property. I knew he understood. We might all be paranormals, but not all of us were the same type.

  Being a lion shifter meant basically I shared my body with a real lion. Yes, I was sentient when I was in animal form, but the lion’s instincts were all at the forefront of my mind. Everything was simpler in that form, because things were more black and white. We were our animals in more ways than I could ever explain.

  That’s why Gavin got it. He saw Hilary as the same threat as I did and his lion was probably crawling inside of him as well. If we killed the threat it wouldn’t be there. No chance of her trying for us again, or getting free from whatever the vampires were going to do, if she was dead. Or hell, she was from a good family and who knew how vampire politics worked. She might get a slap on her wrist and live her life for all we knew.

  The idea made me see red as I picked up the pace. The pun of course being that cats were colorblind. But the emotion was still the same. I was full of rage and my lion wanted his pound of flesh.

  The problem was I didn’t think I would get it.

  We ran for about twenty minutes at full speed, burning off the extra adrenaline and emotions. By then we’d done all we could to ease the pressure inside and now were just tiring ourselves out when we would need the strength. Gavin led the way back to the front of the house and we shifted to human form again.

  We shared a look that said it all. We each knew what the other was feeling and we were on the same page. We would handle this threat, maybe not now while she was pregnant, but if the vampires didn’t do this right, we’d do it when she wasn’t. Just because she had a child didn’t give her a free pass forever.

  Her being a mother didn’t make her a saint. Everyone was someone’s mother, or daughter, or sister, or brother, father, or son. It didn’t excuse people from being horrible. And we weren’t going to risk our family, our pride, because she had one.

  “We’ll give them a chance to do what is right, but if they don’t,” Gavin hedged.

  “We take her and her whole family out. You don’t have to talk me into it.”

  We headed into the house with a purpose and a plan.

  Chapter 10


  It was hard for me to let James go off with Gavin, but he needed the time. And if I’d learned nothing else in life it was that letting people walk away when they had something they needed to work out was much better than what they might do if they didn’t. I didn’t want James to risk doing something he might regret given the anger he was feeling.

  “Tell me,” Ellison said as soon as he saw me. I sat down and filled him in on everything, as the Sweeneys were both there staring at me in horror at what was coming out of my mouth. The guy who’d been forced into this, Darius, chipped in what he could.

  “We had no idea,” Mrs. Sweeney whispered when we were done. “We thought Ramses just had cold feet and was sowing some wild, though gay, oats. Then he’d get his shit together and do the right thing. Whoever the father is, we will recognize his paternal rights after Hilary’s sentencing. I hope you will tell him we cooperated and would very much like to have contact with our grandchild.”

  “We won’t hold a grudge against anyone for punishing her,” Mr. Sweeney grumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’re going to need to move to a new coven. Uproot our whole lives and sell everything here. We’ll never be able to show our faces here again.”

  Yes, that’s the important thing to focus on. Whatever, if it got them out of this coven and away from all of us, it worked for me.

  “Leader Davis and I will discuss Hilary’s punishment but I agree that given what has transpired, your finding another coven quickly is best,” Ellison bit out.

  “We need to wait for Alpha Ashby,” my brother said firmly.

  “I’m grateful to the lions, but this is vampire business,” Ellison argued.

  “Would you say it was only their business if the situation was reversed?”

  “Fair enough.” We all sat down at the kitchen table to wait, not really sure what to do with ourselves.

  “So while we wait, I’d like to ask permission to mate Brad and James,” I said when the silence dragged on.

  “Granted,” Ellison said with a smile and a nod. “I’ll
send an e-mail to the elder as soon as you let me know your mating has been consummated and I get the word from all parties involved that they want it as well.”

  “I want it,” Brad giggled as he brought me over a bottle of water and a sandwich. “He’s mine and I can’t wait to have the mating seal on my body.”

  “Then I’ll just confirm with James and I will grant it immediately.”

  I sighed as I tried to relax now that I had something good to hold on to after all the issues of the day. Brad smiled as I snarfed down the food he made me, probably worried about me still and nervous as to what was going to happen next.

  Our answer came ten minutes later when a very determined Alpha and James walked through the front door.

  “We were waiting for you to pass sentencing, Alpha,” my brother said formally, always good at gauging any situation. “I would like to state the Sweeneys have agreed not to fight or stand in the way of sentencing Hilary. They’ve also agreed to move to a new coven and recognize the father’s rights to the baby once Hilary gives birth.”

  “I think their hassle of moving and the shame this will bring them is enough for the Sweeneys. They did nothing illegal, just immoral really,” Gavin said after a moment. “And what are your thoughts on Hilary? I need to impress the importance of the threat she poses against the lions as well. James is a member of this pride after all.”

  “We recognize that and the damage she’s done to your pride. I appreciate you not holding that against our entire coven,” Ellison replied with a grateful nod.

  The three leaders discussed Hilary’s sentencing for about twenty minutes as Brad, the Sweeneys, and I watched as if it was a tennis match. In the end, Hilary was sentenced to twenty years in a paranormal prison. When she was told about it, I swear my ears hurt from the amount of profanity and threats she spurted out.

  I even learned a few new combinations.

  “Oh, before we leave I need to confirm James wants to mate you both before I submit the request to our elder,” Ellison said with a smile as we walked everyone to the door.

  “Yes, I want to mate Brad Hercules and Ramses Davis, Leader,” James agreed with a smile. We said our good-byes and I gave my brother one last hug before he left with his guards who had secured Hilary.

  When we were alone I glanced from Brad to James who were waiting for me since I’d been the one to have the crazy day. “I’d be honored if you both would move in and claim me.”

  “Let’s do it,” Brad giggled excitedly as he grabbed my hand. Then he did the same to James and tried to race to the stairs. Except we were both much larger than him and didn’t budge since we hadn’t been ready for it.

  “Sorry, little mouse,” James chuckled when Brad bounced right back into him. He picked Brad up and threw him over his shoulder. “Let’s go mate.”

  “I’m all for that.” I smiled and headed for my room, James right on my heels. We stripped in record time and I watched as James shifted into his lion, stalking both of us as prey. I smiled when he moved over me and roared before nipping my ear. Then he did the same to Brad. We were now both his.

  Next we licked Brad’s whiskers once James was back in human form. He was ours forever as well. And last was my claiming them. First I bit James’s wrist, and then mine, and rubbed my blood in the wound. He blew like a geyser, his hips thrusting in the air.

  “I’m all claimed,” he sighed as he slumped to the bed. I repeated the process with Brad, smiling when I got the same results. While they were basking in their afterglow, I stretched them both out for consummating the mating. “You’re taking me?”

  “Oh yeah. I need some hot lion ass while our sexy mouse rides you,” I purred.

  “Sounds perfect to me.” He smiled and moved his feet next to his hips.

  “I’m game.” I lifted Brad and moved him onto James’s slicked-up and hard cock. “Impatient much?”

  “Yes,” I hissed as I leaned over and ran my fangs over his neck. “And hungry. Would you deny your mate?”

  “I would deny you nothing ever,” he moaned as he wiggled on James’s lap.

  “Take me, Ramses. I want to feel you inside of me.”

  “Music to my ears,” I replied, giving James a wink over Brad’s shoulder. I pushed into his tight, warm hole, sighing in bliss that we were officially mates now. Sure we’d get the seal later this week but we’d all claimed each other and consummated the mating. It was done.

  Now to enjoy it.

  I slammed into James over and over again as I moved Brad with me so we were taking James to heaven. We started slow but forceful, but as I got closer to my orgasm, I picked up the pace until my hips took on a mind of their own.

  “Drink!” Brad screamed as he stroked his cock. “I’m going to come.”

  I didn’t hesitate, sinking my fangs in the side of his neck. My mate cried out in pleasure and came all over my other mate. It set James off because his ass clamped down on me and I followed them right over. I moaned around Brad’s flesh, drinking his sweet blood down.

  As the last wave of my climax hit me, I pulled my teeth out of his neck and licked his bite closed. Then I flopped on the bed next to James, taking Brad down with me so he was in the middle.

  “I’m loved, mated, happy, and sated. Life doesn’t get any better than this,” Brad said with a yawn.

  “I couldn’t agree with you more, little mouse,” James agreed sleepily as he pulled the covers up over us.

  “I’m adding that I’m full to the list. I can’t think of anything that could make this moment better. I have perfect mates after the greatest claiming in history.”

  “Well, maybe cheese. Cheese makes everything better.” Brad squeaked and then gave each of us a kiss. James and I stared at each other a moment before bursting out laughing. Life would never be boring with them and I’d look forward to every day if it meant I had them by my side.







  Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books; vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military . . . It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

  For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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