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The Agency: Volume 1: (Group Situation, Dominance and Submission, Medical, Law Enforcement, 3-Book Bundle)

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by Raven Dark

  The Agency Copyright © 2016 Raven Dark

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, corporations, institutions, organizations, events or locales in this novel are either the product of the author's imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

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  Cover image courtesy of 123RF

  The Agency

  Written by Raven Dark

  This ebook contains sexually explicit material and is intended for mature audiences. All characters are 18 years or older and all sex in the story is consensual. There are light BDSM themes, including bondage. Reader discretion advised.

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  Fiona and the Forty Thieves

  Fiona sat up sharply in her bed and blinked into the semi-darkness. Something had woken her. Her heart rate picked up, blood rushing in her veins. Was there someone outside the house?

  She peeled the blankets back and climbed out of her monstrous king-sized bed, crossing to the window that took up most of one wall. Night blanketed the city, swathing the sprawling gardens and drive out front of her four-thousand square foot mansion. Nothing moved, and quietness reined. She shook off the nagging feeling in the back of her mind. The feeling that something would inevitably go wrong with tonight’s plan. No. The whole scenario had been laid out in detail. Nothing would go wrong.

  Running a hand through her waves of dark hair, she returned to bed and crawled in. Nothing would go wrong, but she couldn’t help listening for the sound of someone prowling the grounds.

  * * *

  “Is this woman insane?”

  Rick ignored the whisper from one of his men beside him, lifted up the cloth mask that covered his face, and bent over the complicated security lock keeping the doors closed. He and the group of men gathered behind him all wore the same clothing, all black and tight fitting, with black ski masks. Standard burglary uniforms, he supposed, but how could anyone see in these damn masks? The eyeholes were too small, fucking with his peripheral. Well, it was just a job; he wasn’t going to question the small things if success put the amount of zeroes in his bank account the job promised.

  “Hurry up, Rick. Two minutes until you trip the other alarm.”

  “Shut up, will you? I got this.” He jiggled the picker in the lock, muting his frustration. They’d shut off the alarm on the door, but the house was wired so that if the door was being played with for too long, a proximity alarm would interpret that it was being tampered with and sound off, alerting the police. He and the others needed to be inside the house, with the doors closed and relocked in two minutes, or they’d fail.

  Another wiggle with the lock pick and the lock came free with a click.


  Rick nodded to his partner, Chad, who’d been whispering to him. He put a finger to the lip area of his mask and opened the door, holding it so the others could follow him in. In the darkness, he could make out the forms of other men, some well built, some meatier, but all strong and powerful looking. All to specification. The crew was huge, and this was only half of them. Damn. Who ordered this many men for a job like this? Chad was right, this client was crazy.

  He waved four of the men in to start, giving the signal for the others to wait. They murmured and nodded. They’d wait until they were told to follow.

  “Who wants to handle the security?” He smirked at Chad, referring to the man they’d seen making rounds outside before they’d pulled up in their vans.

  One of the men raised his hand and disappeared down the hall toward an office.


  One of the other men, with huge arms and a six pack visible under his shirt looked toward the spiral stairs behind them that lead to the woman’s bedroom. “Am I the only one that’s been hard as a rock all the way over here? I saw the…lady of the house’s picture. She’s gorgeous.”

  Rick signaled for quiet, giving a slight nod to show his agreement. The outfits were padded in the front enough to hide his goods, but his dick pressed against the leather padding as if it meant to burst free. No, he wasn’t the only one.

  Behind him, there was a low growl and he spun. A huge bear of a dog bared a mouth full of teeth at him. A German Sheppard that reminded him of those dogs police guys used in drug busts, but with more teeth.

  “Shit.” He stiffened. He hated dogs.

  “Damn.” Chad touched his arm. “No one said anything about a dog. Fuck.”

  “Well, the boss did say to be prepared for surprises. Her ladyship wouldn’t make it easy on us.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” A shorter man stepped slowly forward and nodded for Rick and the others to go on. They inched past to the stairs. At the top of the staircase, Rick paused and turned. Across the front foyer, the pooch had rolled over, tongue lulling out while his man rubbed the dog’s tummy. Neutralized. He grinned behind his mask at that man’s skills. Four complicated, coded locks, getting the gate open, and then scaling the outer wall around the mansion… He just hoped the woman was worth all the trouble she’d caused them.

  At the top of the stairs, he signaled for the other men to wait and spoke with his voice at a rasp.

  “Boss said to start with only one of us. Go easy on her.” The others chuckled, but nodded. “Wait two minutes.”

  They murmured in agreement and stepped back a pace. Rick turned and went to the end of the hall to a set of double doors, where his boss had indicated the woman would be sleeping. The lady of the house. Their prize.

  He smiled behind his mask again, his cock twitching. Then he pushed open the doors and slid into the darkened bedroom beyond.

  * * *

  Fiona twisted awake for the second time that night. Something had definitely woken her this time. She blinked in the blackness, broken only by slivers of moonlight. A man stood over her bed. She startled, adrenaline fueling her blood. Before she could scream, a leather-gloved hand slammed over her mouth.

  A high voltage jolt of excitement shocked through her, mixed with a bolt of fear, and something else. Pride. The man covering her mouth, he and his crew had passed her tests, breeching her house and reaching her. So far he’d followed the plan, staging his attack in the darkness. Yet the reality was, she didn’t know him beyond his profile, and she couldn’t help feeling a measure of apprehension. There was no mistaking what he could do to her if he chose to change the game on her.

  “Say anything, and you’ll pay for it. Understand?”

  Fiona shivered. He sounded so real. His low, growled voice was a perfect mix of danger and hot. But where were the others? She scanned what she could see of the room behind him. No one else but him. Would they come in later?

  “Answer me, lady. You gonna make this easy on yourself?”

  Fat chance she’d make it that easy on him. Fiona balled her fist and swung it at his face. It didn’t connect. Instead, he caught her fist and thrust her
hand into the pillow beside her head. He grabbed the other before she could use it. Fiona threw back her head and screamed.

  Footsteps filled the room. Someone flicked on the bedroom light. Three more men, dressed in the same black suits and masks, surrounded her bed. A fresh wave of adrenaline filled her. It took a lot to keep from smiling and maintain the role.

  “Say another word, and you’ll have a real problem.” One of the men climbed on the bed on the opposite side of the first man who’d entered, the one she knew as Rick. It had to be him. She doubted another men had those same intense blue eyes, like looking into a bottomless sea.

  God, four of them. Just like I asked for. This is going to be so much fun. The idea of one man “taking her against her will” filled her with a rush like no other, but four of them? Her pussy ached.

  “You guys won’t get away with this.”

  “Wanna make a bet, princess?” Rick grabbed her chin, holding her head still, while the second man on the bed with her took out a handkerchief and pushed it into her mouth. Hands grabbing her wrists made her swing her head to one side, then the other. The other two men in the room were tying her wrists to her bed posts.

  Fiona thrashed her head and kicked until the two who had tied her wrists moved to her legs and tied them to the posts at the foot end with rope. Spreading her out across the bed and rendering her utterly powerless to them.

  Rick took off his mask. Thick chestnut curls fell haphazardly about his head, giving the harsh angles of his face a charming look she hoped was deceptive. He was gorgeous, but was he as bad as he pretended so far?

  The other men took off their masks. The one kneeling on the bed beside her had a short cropped beard, dark with flecks of red. The one by her right foot had huge arms and a piercing in one brow, while the one on the opposite side had the most fascinating dragon tattoos in vivid gold and green on his strong forearms.

  Perfect selections, these bad men.

  Unable to speak, she settled for a glare and a growl in the back of her throat.

  “Yeah, yeah, we know you want it. Come here.” Rick grabbed the front of her silky red camisole.

  Fiona drew a shaky breath. He stopped, running one leather-clad hand down the exposed front of her chest, over the silk between her breasts. Even through the silk, her skin burned and she had to make a conscious effort not to put her head back for him, instead twisting away.

  “Ohh, she’s a handful. Better calm her down.” The one with the dragons on his arms chuckled.

  Rick grabbed the front of her clothes again. With one movement, he ripped the front open from the breast to the bottom, where it rode just above her thighs.

  “Gorgeous.” His gaze roved over her exposed form, the handful-sized breasts, the slender flange of her waist, the dip of her stomach, the feminine swell of her hips.

  Fiona made an angry noise in the back of her throat, not entirely fake. That was one of her favorite camisoles. She hadn’t expected him to destroy it.

  “You liked that one, I take it.” He laughed. “Lesson one, beautiful. Never wear nice clothes around bad men.”

  For an instant, the role slipped and she shook her head at him. She meant it as a scolding, but his eyes sparkled as if she’d given him a compliment. A woman with her money, men rarely challenged her. It was nice to see ones who weren’t afraid of displeasing her or to use their imaginations.

  “Chad, cut that thing off.” He nodded to what was left of the camisole and the man on the bed pulled out a knife from the utility belt he wore at his waist. “Dan, send in the others.”

  Fiona scrunched her brows when he looked at her again. She made a confused noise. Others? What others? There were only supposed to be four.

  Dan, the one with the piercing in his brow, disappeared while Chad used the knife to slice the straps of her camisole. When Dan returned, the doors opened further. Fiona’s eyes grew large as first two men, then another two, then yet another two strode into her large bedroom. Her bedroom quickly filled until there were so many faces she lost count. She made a small, helpless noise and shook her head, bound fists tightening as panic began to set in.

  What the hell? There’s only supposed to be four! Four! Her heartbeat thudded in the back of her throat, and she couldn’t tell if it was fear or excitement that filled her veins. She looked over the crowd of men, all staring hungrily at her nakedness. How, she had no idea, but she was bound, naked and gagged, and something had gone horribly wrong with her plan.

  Rick, evidently picking up on distress he thought was part of the act, leaned over her, a wicked grin spreading across his brutally handsome face. “You better strap in for a long night, lady. There’s a lot of us here. Forty men, all looking to fuck you, and you’re going to take them. All of them.”

  Forty men! A stricken whimper escaped her. At twenty seven and having made her first million two years ago from her software company, Fiona had always considered herself adventurous. She’d made up her mind never to let a man into her life for more than a night after several of them turned out to be con artists and worse, out for her fortune. Once a month, she paid to have a professional satisfy the loneliness that occasionally hit her. But she’d pushed her own limits, fulfilling a fantasy of four men, who were supposed to pretend to break in and ravish her. It had been a spontaneous decision. Calling the agency, she’d distinctly requested four men. How could someone make this kind of mistake?

  Real nervousness coursed in her veins, and yet an unexpected thrill riveted her. The idea of being forced to accept so much fucking, enduring who knew what kinds of acts from so many different men…dizziness washed over her in a wave.

  Rick glanced behind him and then looked at her again. “Well?” His voice dropped to a low rumble. “You ready for the night of your life?”

  She knew what he was doing. He was giving her a chance to back out without slipping out of the role. Forty was a fuck ton of men. Fiona gave her go-ahead signal, a blinking four times. Then she shook her head giving her best frightened whimper.

  Behind Rick, some of the men smiled, excitement lighting in their eyes. Along with surprise and respect.

  “Then let’s get started, boys.” Slowly, Rick climbed on the side of the bed opposite Chad, then straddled her waist. He tested her wrist binds. Then he ran his hands down her arms, fingers stroking all the way to her breasts, where he cupped them, massaging with just the right pressure. The warm leather on his palms both chafed and soothed, and as it passed over her nipples, they hardened, growing more ridged with every point of contact. Fiona arched her back, pushing into his touch without thinking.

  A twist of a smile curved his lips, making her heart skip. “You like that, don’t you?” A soft whisper.

  She made herself shake her head and twist under his touch.

  “I think she does, Rick.” Dragon Tattoos moved to stand beside her head and leaned on the bed with his fists.

  “I think so, too.” Rick ran his hands down her sides, massaging her stomach, her waist, sending ripples of warm pleasure through her in a way only a professional lover could. When he stopped, she looked down. He undid his utility belt, handing it to Chad, who tossed it aside, then he undid his pants. How he managed to make that single act look so predatory, she didn’t know, but every ounce of her blood heated. She twisted her wrists, but the ropes didn’t give. The helplessness of it sent an ache straight through her exposed pussy.

  As though he were somehow aware of it, he reached behind him and his fingers slid slowly through her already slicked sex.

  “Jesus, guys, she’s fucking wet. Look at this.” Several men moved closer, bending over. With Rick sitting on her, she couldn’t see them looking, but she knew they were inspecting her pussy while his fingers played, stroking her slit, swirling her aching clit.

  Exposed for so many men to see and being inspected like a piece of meat would have pissed most women off, but instead, her pussy tightened and the ache stimulated by Rick’s fingers mounted to a painful throb.

p; “See?” Chad leaned over her. “We knew you wanted it.”

  “Someone want to eat that luscious cunt?” She didn’t see who asked, but feet shuffled on the floor and the bed dipped at the foot end.

  Fingers leaving her clit, Rick pushed his pants and underwear to his hips, just far enough to let his cock spring free. Fiona stared at the monster that pointed at her. Long and thick, it looked hard as a steel spike. Her mouth watered. Someone moved between her legs. Fingers parted her pussy lips. Then a hot, wet tongue flicked over her clit.

  Fiona gasped around the gag and bucked her hips off the bed without thinking. Whoever it was between her legs lapped at her, swirling her clit with his tongue, alternating between licking and sucking.

  “I’m going to take your gag out.” Rick took her chin, distracting her from the pleasure mounting between her legs, gripping just firmly enough that his fingers offered a hint of force. “You’re going to suck me off. You scream, you get hurt. Got it?”

  Fiona wanted to nod, to tell him she wanted to taste him. Instead, she shook her head. He ignored her “protest” and moved up, putting his knees on either side of her shoulders, then slipped the handkerchief out of her mouth.

  Unable to help herself, she opened her mouth, preparing to unleash a yell.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Rick grabbed his cock and pushed it past her lips. Without slowing down, he thrust his considerable length inside, a hand at the base all that kept her from taking too much.

  Pre-cum coated her tongue, rich and a little salty, and she licked his length, sucking him back before she realized she’d slipped out of her role. Beside him, Chad’s eyes twinkled. Fiona moved her head a little in an impression of escape and Chad’s meaty hand seized her hair, holding it in place.

  “Be a good girl and suck it.” Rick’s dark eyes blazed with carnal hunger.

  At some point, the man between her legs had stopped licking her pussy, perhaps to watch while Rick and Chad made her suck Rick off. Now, the tongue was back, flicking, swirling, carrying her need ever higher and making Chad’s grip on her head, Rick’s thrusts in her mouth, all the more erotic. She groaned around Rick’s cock, and he twitched in her mouth.


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