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Alien Mate Experiment

Page 5

by Zenobia Renquist

  Semeera rolled her eyes and shook her head. Of course. Hopefully they would be happy with performing just a urinalysis and wait patiently for the other rather than resorting to an anal probe to get it. At least she now had confirmation that room was indeed the restroom or a specimen collection room. Either way, she was headed there the next time she had to relieve herself.

  She looked from Gyan to Kader and back. “Now what?”

  They guided her back to the bed and Kader lifted her up. Once she was situated, Gyan held out his hand with her glasses sitting on his palm.

  “My glasses!” She snatched them up and put them on. “I can see.” She smiled as she looked around.

  Six other people occupied the room besides her, Gyan, and Kader. They’d been lizardman-shaped blobs of color until now. Two wore clothing similar to Gyan—loose trousers and tight, long-sleeved shirts. They were both cream-colored like him, though one male was reddish cream while the other was kind of grayish cream. There were symbols on their sleeves, but they varied from one another. The other four were gray like Kader and wore matching uniforms. They seemed tense and constantly watched her.

  Guards. Had to be. They still must think she could do something to hurt them. Unless they were deathly allergic to her blood, she doubted she was much of a threat.

  Gyan waved his metal rod over her again, looked at his tablet, and then held out his hand. The words he spoke sounded like a request.

  She took off her glasses and handed them back, hoping nothing he did broke them.

  He waved the rod over them, looked at his tablet, waved the rod over her, looked at his tablet, and then returned her glasses while saying something to Kader, who nodded while staring at her.

  Maybe their people didn’t have bad eyesight and her glasses were weird to them. Whatever. At least they were letting her keep them. She took them off again and cleaned the lenses on her shirt before putting them back on. That act garnered more interest than it should have.

  It would seem everything she did interested these guys. Was she their first human? Great if she was. That may mean they wouldn’t kill her right away… or at all. Not that she knew if they planned to kill her. They didn’t act as if they would.

  One of the other doctors—she would assume he was a doctor too since his clothing resembled Gyan’s—came forward and spoke to Gyan before offering her… Her phone!

  She snatched it up, turned it over quickly, and then pressed the power button.


  “Come on.” She pressed it again.

  Still nothing.

  Blowing out an annoyed breath, she peeled off the protective rubber cover before tackling the hard plastic shell beneath, which was slightly warped on the back. That couldn’t be good, but she held out hope while struggling with the shell. The two-part case was great at protecting her phone from drops and water, but it sucked when it came to taking the damn thing off. Her struggles led to her bending a fingernail. “Ow! Dammit!”

  She shook her hand and then rubbed her finger quickly before trying again. Finally she got the case open, turned the phone out, and then groaned. “Crap.”

  The back of her silver iPhone was charred black with a hole burned into the casing. The lightning must have fried the battery.

  With a sigh, she tossed the phone onto the bed. “So much for that.”

  Gyan said something while nudging it back toward her.

  She shook her head. “It’s dead. Doesn’t work.” When he persisted, she picked it up along with the discarded case and held it out to him. “Here. A present from me to you. Have fun.”

  The doctor who had given it to her held out his hands to receive it. After conferring with Gyan, he carried it away.

  Gyan pointed to her finger.

  She looked down at it. “Nuts. I broke a nail.” Putting her finger in her mouth, she bit it off as cleanly as she could since she didn’t have an emery board to smooth out any rough edges.

  When she pulled the severed piece of nail out of her mouth, another doctor was right there with a flat clear dish, holding it out to her. She put the nail on it, resigning herself to the fact that anything that came off her body would probably be examined. She could only hope they continued to wait for it to come off naturally rather than cut it off.

  Kader grasped her hand gently in his and bent over it, peering at the nail she’d bitten off. He said something that Gyan replied to then tapped the top of her nail with a claw.

  Since he was studying her, she returned the favor and tapped on his claw. It was hard, resembled a talon, and the tip was sharp enough to nick her skin when she pressed against it. But she pulled back before it drew blood. “Yeesh, how do you function with these things without cutting yourself? I would be a mass of scratches with nails like yours. Then again, I don’t have scales.”

  She lifted her head to see what he thought of her touching him. Her nose was really close to his. They stared into each other’s eyes. His pupils were thin slits and his eyeball—the whole thing—was an amazing shade of bright green with little flecks of brown. “You have gorgeous eyes… for a giant lizard alien.”

  Her stomach chose that moment to growl, and Kader’s pupils grew into big ovals as he pulled back, straightening to his full height.

  Semeera clutched her stomach with a nervous laugh. “Sorry about that. I haven’t eaten actual food since lunch the day you guys snatched me. However long ago that was.”

  While her stomach may want food, Kader’s reaction to her tummy rumbles concerned her more. He appeared… spooked? Stunned, maybe? She guessed his people didn’t growl when they were hungry. Hopefully he didn’t see it as a threat.

  A mating sound. Kader stared at the little brown alien in surprised shock. She’d let out a mating sound while staring at his eyes.

  “She’s hungry,” Gyan said in a flat tone.

  Kader snapped his gaze to the doctor. “What?”

  “The sound she made was her stomach.” He waved the examination probe near Semeera’s stomach. “She’s hungry.”

  “You’re sure?” Kader flicked out his tongue, tasting the air to ascertain for himself if the small alien was seeking pleasure or not.

  He scented nothing that would indicate she was. Not that he knew how this alien would smell if she were. But that sound…

  His body had reacted to it, stiffening his rod in its sheath and making his heart beat faster. He’d heard the growls of many females propositioning him for sex, but had never had one such sound excite him so quickly.

  “I’m sure, Captain. It surprised me at first too, thinking she was questing for copulation, but the scan indicates hunger of a different kind.” Gyan smirked and said in a wry tone, “More’s the pity. I should like to study her species’ coital techniques. The solo ones at least.”

  Kader didn’t know why hearing that angered him. What did he care if Gyan watched the little alien masturbate? She was nothing to him. And yet, the thought of her showing Gyan such a display had Kader flexing his hands, tempted to bury his claws in the other male. He used a measured tone to avoid revealing his rising annoyance. “You will remember your study of her is to be nonintrusive. I will not have her abused while she resides on my ship.”

  “Of course, Captain. I meant only if she wanted.”

  “Considering her shyness when using the toilet, I doubt she will consent to being watched while about something else so personal. Do not push the issue.”

  “I said I would not.” Gyan narrowed his eyes. “Rather than telling me how to go about conducting my studies, Captain, don’t you have duties of your own to attend?”

  Kader bit back his automatic retort about everything happening on this ship being part of his duties. If Gyan had studied reports about Kader’s past interactions with other scientists, he would know Kader took no interest in the studies and experiments conducted on his ship. But none of those past scientists had studied a living, sentient being before.

  That meant Kader’s sudden change in behavior cou
ld be excused. However, he wouldn’t fight this battle since Gyan was right. He’d stayed all night in the infirmary, sleeping on his feet, due to Semeera holding him. The position hadn’t bothered him, and it wasn’t the first time he’d had to do such. But his reason for remaining at her side had come to an end. He had rounds to make.

  With a quick glance to Semeera, he said, “Feed her and keep me abreast of any changes in her demeanor—good or bad. I shall send my best technician to help in the search for her language. I want to know the moment you’re able to communicate with her.”

  “Thank you, Captain. I appreciate that. You will, of course, be informed immediately.”

  “I will return to check on her at odd, unannounced intervals.”

  “You do not trust me.” It wasn’t a question.

  Kader gave the doctor a lopsided smile. “You’re a scientist. Nothing matters more to you than your studies, no matter the cost. So no, I don’t trust you. And I will stop you if I find you abusing our guest. Remember that she is a guest, Doctor, not a science experiment.”

  “I will remember.”

  Kader snuffed and returned his attention to Semeera, who stared at him. He nodded to her and then left the infirmary, headed to his quarters. He needed a shower to clear his mind and bring his errant thoughts under control.

  How long had he been without a female in his bed that he’d thought the hunger sounds of a tiny alien were a proposition? A proposition he’d responded to. Thankfully his reaction had been subtle. No one, especially Gyan, had noticed. He doubted the doctor would have kept quiet if he had.

  Semeera was cute, and Kader wanted to test the softness of all parts of her body… her naked body. He allowed himself a soft growl as his rod stiffened and threatened to push out of his sheath. Then he shook his head and cursed himself for thinking anything like he imagined could ever happen.

  She barely reached his chest and weighed next to nothing. Sex with her, if it was even possible, would hurt her. And he couldn’t imagine how her small body could satisfy him. Khartarn females had trouble doing it. A warrior’s stamina outlasted them.

  Maybe what Semeera’s race lacked in obvious strength they made up for in stamina. An annoyed hiss left Kader’s lips, causing a few of his crew to scurry out of his way as he passed.

  Semeera was not here for his pleasure. He blamed his current behavior on her round pupils that made her appear aroused and hunger noises that resembled propositioning growls. And her softness. Damn him and his obsession with little soft, cute things. Semeera was all three and that was a distracting combination.

  His words to Gyan echoed back at him in self-admonishment. Semeera was a guest on this ship to be treated as such. Engaging her in sex could not happen.

  But then Gyan’s reply surfaced with a compelling counterargument—only if she wanted.

  Kader entered his suite and rushed to the shower, not bothering to remove his uniform. Semeera’s sweet scent covered it, thus, it needed washing. He rubbed his hand over the spot she’d held all night long. The memory of the warmth of her small hand lingered on his thigh. So warm.

  He needed to find a female willing to sate his lust. His neglected carnal needs were making him desire a female he shouldn’t even find attractive. She was an alien. Nothing about her fit his definition of perfect beauty. When he closed his eyes to picture an ideal female, the image was replaced with Semeera’s smiling face.

  Groaning at his own lack of discipline, he undid his pants and allowed his stiffening erection to push out of his sheath into his open palm. He would grant himself this single moment of weakness. A warrior couldn’t be strong all the time. His instructors had always preached that.

  That philosophy now justified his current self-pleasure. When he left the shower, he would be done with these errant thoughts and focus only on his duty. Until then…

  He stroked his throbbing member faster as he recalled every moment of Semeera in his life, from when she’d appeared on his bridge to the sight of her sitting on a bed in the infirmary as he left. And then he imagined her on his bed. Smiling. With her rounded rump presented for him to mount.

  A rough growl left his mouth as he released.

  Frustrated with himself, he stripped off his uniform and bathed properly. He had a duty to perform. Duty always came first for a warrior. Nothing was more important. Nothing.

  He gripped his unflagging erection again and bowed his head into the spray of warm water. “Once more,” he whispered, already knowing it was a lie.

  What had that alien done to him?

  Chapter 5

  Semeera wanted to chase after Kader to make him stay when she realized he was leaving. Whatever Gyan said to Kader caused the other male to leave, and that made her more than a little annoyed with the doctor. She didn’t know why. Kader was as much a stranger to her as the rest of them.

  Maybe it was the fact he hadn’t seemed to want anything from her. He was just there. A solid support and an impromptu blankie of sorts. She let out a soft, short chuckle over that. She must have felt instinctively safe with him to latch onto him like that in her sleep.

  Now that he’d gone, anxiety crept over her.

  Seriously!? What was with getting attached to the first male who was nice to her?

  Sure, he was kind of good-looking for a lizardman—Lord, that chest. But he was still a lizardman and had abducted her for God only knew what purpose. Surrounded by aliens, the nice one was probably the most dangerous, lulling her into a false sense of security so she was docile and amiable.

  Gyan spoke, bringing her attention to him. He held out a maroon brick-looking thing with tan specks throughout. When she didn’t take it right away, he broke off a piece and put it in his mouth.

  Must be food. Hopefully it tasted better than it appeared.

  She took it and sniffed it—kind of a fruity smell. It was densely packed like an oversized energy bar. For all she knew, that was what it was. A test lick didn’t reveal much of a taste so she bit off a small piece.

  Not horrible was the best compliment she could give this alien energy bar. It had a mild sweetness with some citrusy and berry-like flavors and was the consistency of a dense meat loaf—dry and chewy. Before she could figure out how to request water, Gyan handed her a large cup of clear liquid she would assume was water.

  As with everything she’d done so far, the doctors watched her eat. Her finishing the energy bar prompted Gyan to wave the metal rod over her again, probably scanning her digestive tract. Whatever readings the rod gave him made him nod again as he moved his claws over his tablet.

  The door to the clinic opened and the one who entered was, she believed, the first female she’d seen of this alien species. Unlike the males who had V-shaped chests of varying broadness—Kader’s being the broadest—and slim waists, the female was slim from top to bottom. She had no visible curves, no breasts, which meant this species probably didn’t breastfeed.

  But then, if she was accurate in likening them to lizards, that only made sense. Egg layers didn’t need boobs. And like most lizard species on Earth—Semeera’s only frame of reference—the female was smaller than the males. She was still taller than Semeera, though.

  This particular female was a light clay color and wore a jumpsuit-like uniform and had a device curved around the right side of her head. It resembled a phone headset. A communications device?

  The female went straight to Gyan and spoke to him while stealing glances at Semeera. After Gyan nodded and gestured Semeera’s way, the female came over. Her yellow-with-red-flecked eyes were wide with wonder, and her tail swished quickly from side to side.

  Gyan said something in a curt tone, making the female startle.

  After offering an obvious apology, she spoke to Semeera. She tapped her mouth and pantomimed speaking before she held out a small black box on her palm.

  Semeera shook her head. “I don’t know what you want.”

  The female nodded and beckoned with her free hand.

�You want me to talk?”

  More beckoning.

  “Okay, so I have no clue what you want me to say. But if you want me to talk, I can do that. I don’t appreciate being here. Wherever the hell here is. It’s great to find out there is life among the stars beyond us, but this isn’t exactly an ideal meeting. Next time, how about an invitation with an RSVP card?”

  Another beckoning motion.

  Semeera rolled her eyes. “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. This is Jane. See Jane run or whatever. To be or not to be. There’s nothing to fear but alien abduction and a severe lack of toilet paper.”

  Should she stick to English? Maybe if she tossed in what few foreign words she knew, that would help them track down her language faster. “Yo quiero Taco Bell. C’est la vie. Danke schoen. Feliz navidad. Mele kalikimaka. Uh… Edelweiss. Du hast. Mein Herz brennt.” She rambled in English and broken Spanish—mostly song lyrics she hoped she pronounced correctly—for what seemed like ten minutes before the female waved her to stop. “Finally.”

  The female and Gyan had a short exchange before she left with her black box. Hopefully, that little exercise would lead to something that would help them communicate.

  Thinking to test the limits of her freedom now that Kader was gone, Semeera slid off the bed and headed for the restroom. Everyone stopped and watched, but no one got in her way or tried to stop her. She used the facilities and then headed back to climb—literally climb the headboard—onto the bed.

  Like the last time, a doctor rushed into the room after she used it. He appeared disappointed and shook his head when he came out.

  Gyan said something while gesturing at her and the other doctor nodded.

  Semeera bit back a laugh. They weren’t getting a stool sample out of her until she de-stressed. She didn’t make the rules of the human body. She just knew them. And even though they had done nothing threatening to her, she was beyond stressed.

  Things would be better once she could communicate with them. Until then, Gyan said things she didn’t understand while referencing his tablet. When that got too boring, she took a nap and was happy they didn’t bother her.


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