Alien Mate Experiment

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Alien Mate Experiment Page 12

by Zenobia Renquist

  But if that was the case, she should just be up-front and tell Captain Kader she thought he was hot and wanted to jump him. The book on khartarn relationships said that was a perfectly acceptable way to start a sexual relationship with someone. The khartarns were all about free love with no societal stigma on purely sexual relationships because they didn’t have accidental egg layings.

  But females rarely were the instigators since making a male court them led to some awesome gifts. Females who didn’t want to string a guy along—milking him for everything he cared to give her—would grab the male and drag him to bed, as the preferred method. Almost literally, based on what the book had said.

  Some females just got naked and waited for the male to come home. Semeera laughed at that idea. She would, if she had the guts for something like that. Strip down and give Captain Kader a come-hither look when he walked in the door.

  Not ever going to happen.

  Knowing her luck, he would see her naked and lose all interest.

  Semeera groaned. She hadn’t thought of that. Both of them being interested didn’t mean they would still be interested once all the clothes came off. What if his penis had barbs or there were two of them? Actually, two wasn’t such a turnoff, now that she thought about it.

  Both holes at once. No waiting. No second male or toys needed. Kinky.

  Assuming he had two penises. There was only one way to find out—a conversation that laid it all on the line. Either he was into her enough to want sex and she could find out how many penises he had then, or he just saw her as a human he had to take care of and there would be no sexy times. The latter sucked, but at least she would know where she stood. She just needed Captain Kader to get his reptile butt back home so they could have said conversation.

  Chapter 10

  Kader stared at the stars, trying to recapture the mood from the previous evening and failing. He couldn’t look into space with the same wonder Semeera had exhibited. His gaze darted from one sector to the next, searching for threats that didn’t exist because the armada stood between him and all harm.

  Not all harm.

  The beast still raged within him.

  Giving himself time to think away from the temptation Semeera presented—in his fighter, the one place where no memory of her existed—had done nothing to improve his mood. Eating alone had made it worse. Visiting the observatory proved futile as well.

  He couldn’t keep dodging returning to his suite. He also couldn’t dodge the knowledge that Semeera’s misunderstanding had awakened desires in him that no amount of self-discipline and control would put to rest.

  Kader wanted Semeera.

  The situation didn’t get plainer than that.

  In the morning, he would confront her with that knowledge and hope she reciprocated with a lust that burned as hot as his own. Until then, he needed sleep.

  The sentry dozed on her feet when Kader approached. A light tap of his tail on the wall woke her before he reached her side. She saluted, and he sent her away.

  Beyond exhausted from thinking too much, Kader stripped off his uniform top as he walked to his room. He undid his pants as he reached his doorway then stopped cold.


  She was on his bed.

  The lust beast inside him howled his triumph.

  Kader reined in the reaction as he noticed two important things. First, Semeera was fully clothed. And he tried hard to ignore how the shirt she wore as a dress had ridden up high on her thighs so the juncture between them was just out of sight, teasing him. Second, she was asleep.

  This wasn’t an invitation. He wasn’t sure what this was.

  Why was she asleep on his bed?

  Except he didn’t care. Not one bit. She was there. Nothing else mattered.

  He stripped off his pants and crawled onto the bed beside her, careful not to cause any movement that would wake her. The moment he stopped moving, with his long body stretched out near hers, she cuddled against him, mumbling something the translation matrix didn’t catch.

  Her gentle heat radiated through him. Craving more made him chance wrapping his arms around her and bringing her closer. Still she didn’t wake.

  Surprise rippled through him when the gnawing, clawing lust of before abated. Not completely. Not with Semeera so close. But holding her while they were on his bed calmed and relaxed him. All the tension of the day, make that the past week, fled. He didn’t need an overlong visit to the shower to sate himself so sleep would come.

  All he needed was her, breathing peacefully in his arms. He fell asleep with his nose pressed to her hair.

  Semeera’s startled yelp brought him awake some hours later. She backed away from him quickly and he let her, although the urge to follow her was great.


  Kader said, “Good morning. Sssemeera.”

  Her mouth fell open. “You dropped my title.”

  “I did.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks, signaling he should check her scent, which he did with a quick flick of his tongue.

  There was that same spicy sweetness. He’d been correct in thinking it was a lust scent. But just to be sure, he asked, “Did you come to my bed as an invitation to engage in copulation?”

  “Not really.”

  Her answer stabbed his heart. “Why, then?” More than a little of his annoyance bled into his tone.

  “I came in here to figure you out. We’ve had a lot of conversations about nothing, and I still don’t know how to talk to you, Kader.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath.

  She gave him a tentative smile. “But maybe dropping your title is a good start.”

  “It is. Continue.”

  “Did you… Do you…” She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt while staring at the bedspread instead of him. “Were you upset when I held your arm?”


  She seemed to be waiting for him to say more, but he refused. He wanted to hear her thoughts before he voiced his.

  “Did you like it?”


  Again, she waited and then blew out a breath. “Are you going to give more than monosyllabic answers?”

  “No.” He grinned.

  Semeera picked up a pillow and hit his chest with it and then his head. “You’re not helping.”

  He laughed, making no move to stop her.

  “Do you like me or not?”

  “Like is not the word I would use.”

  She dropped the pillow to her lap. “Then what would you use?”


  The heat bloomed in her cheeks once more. “Oh. So… I guess falling asleep on your bed was a good thing.”

  “Why did you?”

  “I told you. I came in here to figure you out.” She shrugged indifference that appeared forced, and said in a recalcitrant tone, “And then I fell asleep, trying to think of a way to annoy you for leaving yesterday.”

  “If this is your solution, Sssemeera, it has failed. I find your presence in my bed the opposite of annoying.”

  “You mean that? You’re not just being nice or humoring me?”

  “Is that what you thought of my attentions?” He fell onto his back with a hard sigh. If only he had declared his intention to court her from the start, they would have enjoyed each other by now. Several times.

  She inched closer but squeaked when he looked at her, and pulled back. “I didn’t realize there might be something between us until last night. When I researched on how to proceed—”

  Kader hissed, cursing the day he’d given her those books.

  “—I saw my actions may have prompted yours, which would mean you were only responding to me because you thought I was offering. Since khartarns are so hung up on propriety and proper order, I figured I should apologize and we could go from there.” She snatched up the pillow and smacked him with it. “But you left, you big jerk.” She smacked him again.

  Kader yanked the pillow from her and tossed it away before she coul
d hit him a third time. It didn’t hurt. Far from it. Her attack aroused him, and he couldn’t afford to act on it before they spoke. “Forgiveness, Sssemeera. Doctor Gyan’s notes stated casual touching was a part of your society and was no indication of affection. I misunderstood your apology to mean you had no interest in a physical relationship.”

  “You read Doctor Gyan’s notes?”

  “Yes. As captain, I am allowed access to all projects conducted on my ship until they leave my ship. This is the first I’ve exercised the privilege.”


  “Curiosity. Personal curiosity that has nothing to do with science or study.”

  She said in a small voice, “You could have just asked.”

  Amusement colored his tone when he said, “To you the same regarding entering my room unbidden.”



  She huffed with her arms crossed under her breasts. “Why doesn’t your room have anything in it, anyway? Where are all the photos and mementos and trophies for being the best cadet ever, or whatever? This place is so bare. Like you don’t live here at all.”

  “I don’t.” He glanced around the room. “This is a place where I sleep. Nothing else.”

  “Do you have a home waiting for you on Home World?”

  “I can visit my family clutch for a short time.”

  “Visit? That’s it?”

  Kader didn’t want to talk about this. If Semeera were any other female, he wouldn’t. Some urge compelled him to trust her with things he’d uttered to no other.

  So she understood how serious this was, he sat up and faced her. “You asked if I kept in touch with my sister. I said I do not since becoming captain. Forgiveness for misstating, Sssemeera. I cannot. Those of warrior rank do not associate with captains. If I am allowed onto Home World, I may visit my family clutch for only a short time because we are a family of warriors.”

  “Allowed onto Home World? What does that mean?”

  “It means a captain may not abandon his ship.”

  Semeera nodded. “We have a saying similar to that on Earth. So you weren’t being hyperbolic when you said this place is your prison.”

  “I was not.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You have no need to be. Your presence makes my sentence bearable at last.”

  “But now I know what that really means.” She met his gaze as she inched closer. “I’m curious about you too, Kader. Casual touching is something humans do, but it’s not something I do. At least, not to males I’m not interested in. For a lot of human females, that’s how we start the flirting process.”

  “I see.”

  “And you’re okay with that? Me flirting with you?”

  “I am so long as it leads to more. My patience is not infinite, Sssemeera.” He grazed her thigh with the tip of his tail. “You do not know how hard I’ve struggled against my curiosity and fought to remain noble.”

  “Then shall we be curious together?” Semeera gave him a shy smile that fell a moment later. “With the understanding that the doctors don’t hear about it.”

  Kader gave an insulted snort and smacked the bed with his tail. “Never would I do such a thing. Whatever happens between us is not fodder for scientific study.”

  “And if they ask?”

  “They won’t. But should they, I shall remind them I know the override codes to every airlock on this ship and how to make it appear as an accident that they ended up in space.”

  Semeera smirked with a giggle. “Good answer.” She crawled over to him, pressing against his side as he reclined on his back with one arm behind his head. Her shyness seemed to return under his constant appraisal. She dropped her gaze to focus on his chest.

  Kader couldn’t help staring at her. No matter how long he looked at her, he could never hope to see all the wonder of her. He brushed the back of his knuckles against her arm, reveling in the knowledge that he could touch her. “You forever remind me of cliff jewels whenever I look upon you.”

  “Cliff jewels? Is that a good thing?”

  “Yes. They are very rare jewels. Highly prized. Only the nobility can afford them.” His compliment garnered him one of her beautiful smiles. “You are just as rare, but far more beautiful with your eyes the color of the sands of the desert sea at midday.”

  The heat of a cute blush made her cheeks rosy. “Smooth talker.”

  “I speak the truth. If that makes me smooth, so be it.”

  She stared into his eyes. “You really want to have sex with me?”

  Her question accompanied her fingers tracing random patterns over his chest, making Kader forget how to speak and even think for several moments. Through sheer force of will, he kept his erection from pushing past his sheath, which would bulge his shorts and show Semeera how much he truly wanted sex with her.

  He covered her hand with his, halting her motions. Meeting her gaze, he said, “I do, but we cannot now. I have duties to attend to. But tonight…” He let the heat of his gaze relay his meaning.

  Semeera’s blush grew, and she ducked her head, sliding her gaze away from his. With a small nod, she said, “Okay. Tonight.”

  And then she leaned into him. Kader didn’t know her intentions until she pressed her plump lips to his mouth. His tail thumped the bed several times, drawing her attention.

  She pulled away quickly with a worried expression creasing her brow. “What’s wrong?”

  He blinked at her several times, opening his mouth but not finding his voice.

  “Kader?” Her eyes got big. “Oh, crap. I’m sorry. I did something wrong, didn’t I?”

  Her panic snapped him out of his stupor and he held her hand as tight as he dared, to keep her from retreating from him. Sitting up slowly so as not to startle her, he lifted his free hand to stroke the pad of his thumb across her lips. “You did nothing wrong. Such contact is unknown to my people.”

  She stared at him in disbelief. “You don’t kiss?”

  He shook his head.

  “Did you… like it?” Her expression was worried, and she curled the fingers he held against his chest.

  He gave her a rueful smile. “Did you not notice my excitement from the way my tail hit the bed?”

  “That meant you were excited?”

  “In this instance, yes.”

  “Oh.” She glanced at his tail and then at his face. “Do you want me to do it again?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  A pleased smile curved her plump lips as she leaned into him again. And when her lips touched his, he couldn’t help thumping the bed with his tail. That was the only outward indication he allowed himself. Anymore and he would spin Semeera to her stomach and mount her right then.

  She passed the edge of her tongue over his lips before she pulled back, staring at him as he stared at her.


  His shift had already started.

  Desire could not and should not override his duty. No matter how inane that duty was, especially when pitted against the desire to explore what other ways Semeera’s people had physical intimacy.

  In a growling voice, he said, “We will do more of that tonight.”

  Semeera giggled with a nod. “Sure thing. I’m glad you like it. Maybe we’ll try a deeper version.”


  She lifted a single finger and pressed it between his lips, making his eyes go wide. In a husky voice, she said, “Deeper.” She tapped his lips and sat back.

  He smacked the bed with his tail so hard Semeera toppled against him with another giggle.

  She pressed a kiss to his chest. “I like your tail. It’s much more expressive than you are. I thought I was projecting my feelings or something.”

  “I acted reserved so as not to burden you, should my desire be my own and not yours.”

  “Likewise.” Instead of giving him another kiss, as her words indicated she would, she sat back and pulled her hand away. Once free, she made a shooing motion. “Go on. Y
ou have to go to work.”

  He bared his teeth with an annoyed hiss, but turned away because he knew she was right to remind him. To linger was to entertain the idea he would shirk his duty and stay. As he rose from the bed, Semeera drew her fingers over his tail, jolting him to a halt and pulling a wanting growl from his lips.


  He took a breath and closed his eyes, keeping his back to her. “You send me away and yet tempt me at the same time. Is that how your people flirt?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to tease you. I’ve just always wanted to touch your tail again.”

  He took a step away from the bed when all he wanted to do was turn back. “Tonight, Sssemeera. You may touch it then.”


  He started to say more but thought better of it and rushed to his bathroom. It took him several minutes to rein in his lust. His musk perfumed the room quickly, prompting him to shower with scent-inhibiting soap and then douse himself in the spray. While he thought no one could possibly scent him through so much of the stuff, he imagined he still could smell it.

  He hoped it was imagination only and left to do his duty.

  Semeera wasn’t on his bed when he passed. Nor was she in the common room. Since her bedroom door was closed, he guessed she’d retreated there. That was considerate of her. He may have found the sight of her an excuse to stay if she’d lingered on his bed.

  Night couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter 11

  Kader shoved away his tablet with an angry hiss. His ability to concentrate had deserted him. Only one thing was on his mind—Semeera. Just thinking her name made his rod throb painfully. He just barely kept it from pushing free of his sheath.

  Compared to the previous day when he’d thought their relationship had failed before it even began, anticipating the end of his shift when he could finally be with her was so much worse. Every second was an eternity. Any voice that wasn’t hers grated on his nerves.


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