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Alien Mate Experiment

Page 16

by Zenobia Renquist

  Semeera clung to him, twisting in his arms so she held him with her arms around his neck and her thighs gripping his chest. She was undulating against him while he cupped her ass with one hand. She needed to touch him. Needed him to touch her. Everything was too hot, her skin too tight. Her sex throbbed and ached and flooded with liquid lust that she rubbed against Kader’s bared skin in a bid to excite herself and him.

  Why wasn’t he as far gone as she was? Last night, he’d been ready to rip the headboard in half. Now, he just held her, rumbling low, tail swishing quickly while keeping Doctor Gyan pinned with a savage look of promised pain.

  Doctor Gyan flicked his tongue then gasped with his pupils dilating. “You are right, Captain. She is intoxicating.” He took one step forward, stumbled back, only to lurch forward again, reaching for Semeera.

  Several guards got in his way. They grabbed his arms, and it was his turn to fight them, but he was no match. His dilated eyes were wild and his tail thrashed.

  Kader backed up several steps. “Now you feel her true arousal.”

  Doctor Gyan growled and panted. “Need… I…”

  “She’s mine.”

  “Can’t…” He shook his head, as if trying to clear it. “Away… Must…” He growled more.

  “Take the doctor to an isolation room so he can compose himself.”

  The security guards nodded to Kader and led Doctor Gyan away.

  Before the door closed behind him, the doctor said in a strained tone, “Get readings.”

  One assistant scanned Semeera and Kader.

  Semeera clutched at Kader tighter and whimpered. “Need you. Please, Kader. Please.” She pressed kisses to every part of him she could reach. Frustrated tears burned her eyes.

  Was this how Kader had felt the night before?

  She was ready to pull out his erection—no way he wasn’t hard—and impale herself on it. Fuck the audience. All she wanted was satisfaction. No, not wanted. Needed. Had to have it to survive another minute… second…

  “Not here,” she rasped with the little bit of sense she had left. A second later she said, “Please. Please. Please, fuck me. Please, Kader.”

  Kader asked the others in a menacing tone, “Are you finished?”

  The assistant scanning them squeaked and stepped back quickly. “Yes, Captain. You can—”

  He hissed and swept his tail, knocking over several carts of instruments before stalking out of the room. Before long, he was running. “Soon, my mate. I will relieve you soon.”


  And he did, tearing through the ship, knocking people out of the way who didn’t dodge. He nearly ripped the door off its frame when it didn’t open fast enough.

  With a single yank, he pulled Semeera off him and then dropped her.

  She barely registered the pain of hitting the ground before Kader was on her. He spun her to her hands and knees beneath him and yanked up her shirt with one hand while using the other to grip and hold her right thigh up, spreading her.

  And then he slammed forward.

  They both let out shouts of satisfaction as his throbbing erection penetrated to her core.

  Semeera clawed at the floor, trying to get away even as she pushed her hips up to meet Kader’s far-from-gentle thrusts. The rippling ridges on his shaft rubbed against her G-spot. She didn’t know why she reached under herself to stroke her clit, but her world exploded in stars the second she did.

  Breathing became harder because of her pleasured screaming as wave after wave of orgasm crashed into her. Battered her. Forced her to new heights only to drop her from them.

  Above her, Kader’s every breath was a deep growl that reverberated through her. He nipped at her back between her shoulders, nuzzled her neck with the side of his head, and used her thigh to pull her toward him as he slammed his hips forward.

  And then he came. Buried deep enough that Semeera wasn’t sure he hadn’t penetrated directly through to her womb. His hot seed flooded her oversensitive sex, soothing her, calming the heat.

  She gulped air, whimpering and trembling.

  Kader eased out of her and then toppled to the floor beside her. He groaned. “That…”

  “Yeah,” she rasped with a feeble nod.

  For several minutes they lay there, both of them too spent to do more than breathe.

  “I thought I would die,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Forgiveness. I couldn’t hold back.”

  “No, not that, Kader. I mean before. In the infirmary. I seriously felt like I would die if we didn’t have sex.” She lifted up enough so she could see his face. “Was that how it was for you last night?”

  “Yes.” A wealth of meaning inhabited that single word.

  “Seriously? You seemed a little out of it, but not like I was.”

  He gave her a smug grin. “I am a warrior. I was at the end of my control but I still had enough to try to resist, though I failed.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not. You are now my mate. Mine. Uncontested.” He hissed and his tail swished on the carpet. “For that knowledge alone, I give Gyan a stay of execution. But if he had…” He hissed again.

  Semeera turned his head so he looked at her and pressed a kiss to his lips. “He didn’t. I didn’t feel anything, Kader. Do you hear me?”

  He nodded.

  “Khartarn females may have reacted, but I didn’t. Being human may have kicked off your frenzy, and possibly Gyan’s—”

  Kader hissed again.

  “But I only responded to you. I only want you. Earlier should have proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

  “It did.” He pushed his lips against her cheek and flicked out his tongue. In a sexy growly voice, he asked, “Want to do it again?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” She pounced on him, giggling and then moaning as they came together for a second time. Later, she would point out the lack of chains to Kader. She wanted her male to trust himself with her.

  Chapter 14

  The technician standing before Kader trembled and darted his gaze to the open door of the ready room. Annoyed with the male’s skittish behavior, Kader asked, “Is that all you have to report?”

  “Yes, Captain,” the male said quickly.

  “Keep me apprised of any changes. Dismissed.”

  The male saluted and then ran from the ready room.

  Kader didn’t blame the male for his fear. Since his mating, Kader had lost much of his patience. More than he cared to admit. Being away from Semeera’s side to perform his duties instantly sank him into a funk nothing save returning to her could fix. He snapped at people without meaning to, and his frustration with their blatant displays of cowardice when in his presence had caused him to dent more than a few floor panels in the past three weeks.

  He’d lost count of how many times he’d apologized for his behavior. At least his crew was quicker to obey his commands now and did so without question. The situation reminded him of his first days aboard the ship when the entire crew had watched him with wary regard, ready to run if he chanced to attack. He was a warrior, and they’d assumed all he knew how to do and the only way he knew how to communicate was through violence.

  It had taken weeks of patience and soft speaking to allay them of that fear. Now it had returned, and he wasn’t sure the fear was misplaced this time. His territorial and possessive behavior made him a danger. Only Gyan’s experiment—Kader had to quell the urge to find the male and rip his head off—and the knowledge Semeera wanted no other male kept him calm.

  Relatively speaking.

  The male he’d been was gone. The male he was now left his ready room, causing more than one person to gasp in fear, to prowl the ship under the guise of doing his rounds in order to expend some of his excess energy. The timer on his fighter had reset, but the call of freedom space usually provided was barely audible when compared to the melodic cries of pleasure Semeera would emit the moment he returned to her.

  It was a melody he’d he
ard every night since their mating. She’d moved into his room because sleeping apart was no longer an option. And sleep didn’t come until after they had tired themselves with lovemaking. Languid, sweet copulation that spoke of their feelings for each other.

  Sex was no longer a hurried frenzy because he didn’t employ his musk. It was voluntary now, and he didn’t see the need for it. Semeera had no such control over her own lust scent, but it wasn’t nearly as intoxicating and control-sapping when not augmented by his musk. And he hardly needed it. Semeera’s hunger for him matched his hunger for her. She was always ready for him. Always eager.

  Kader stopped walking and buried his claws in the wall closest to him, struggling to rein in his desire and then his annoyance at having to deny it. The few people who had been walking the hall scattered quickly. Cowards.

  He pulled his claws free and surveyed the damage with a sigh at his own lack of control. He needed to stop thinking about sex or else he wouldn’t be able to finish his duties. “Repair, come in.”

  “Yes, Captain!”

  “Level ten, sector five.” He didn’t say more and didn’t need to. The personnel assigned to repair and maintenance of the ship knew any recent orders from him involved destruction he’d caused because of how often he called now.

  “I’m sending a crewman now, Captain.”

  He nodded. “Forgiveness.”

  “It’s our job, Captain.”

  Kader moved on, knowing the crewman wouldn’t want to meet up with him. At least his repair team stayed busy. He shouldn’t be the one keeping them busy with his constant destruction that would soon earn him an inquiry hearing due to his ship’s increased need for building supplies. At that time, he would have to confess his mating and to whom he’d mated.

  Gyan hadn’t reported the phenomenon to anyone. Not out of consideration for Kader or even Semeera. The male protected his project and didn’t want a higher-ranking doctor usurping his spot to study the first khartarn mating to someone outside their race. Not even the other species who made up the Domain had sparked a mating. And this was a true mating, which hadn’t occurred in generations.

  The doctor was almost giddy every time Kader and Semeera submitted themselves for study. That wasn’t often. And they absolutely refused to allow the doctor and his team to observe their copulation. The subject hadn’t been broached by the team since the first request had garnered a threat of being ripped apart and beaten with their own limbs. Funnily enough, that threat had come from Semeera who had assured them Kader would be the one actually carrying it out.

  His mate was fierce, thus perfect for a warrior. No other mate fit him better.

  Kader stopped walking with a frown. He’d forgotten something important until just that moment—his obligation to the family clutch. Although he assumed they wouldn’t want eggs sired by a disgraced warrior, he had never confirmed such. Now that he was mated to a female who could never give him eggs, he needed to inform his family elders the possibility no longer existed.

  He returned to his ready room and shut the door. While he should have this conversation with Semeera present, he didn’t want to subject her to his family’s reactions. Also, her existence remained confidential. But he could have this conversation without compromising that.

  After coaching himself into a calm attitude, he made the call.

  “Captain Kader,” Grandfather answered with cool regard.

  His grandfather was a former superior, and it surprised Kader that the elder male bothered to answer the call knowing who made it.

  Kader bowed his head. “Superior.”


  Before Kader could answer, his grandmother shoved his grandfather back from the view screen and got in front of it, a large welcoming smile on her lips. “You call us at last. It’s been years.”

  “I serve in disgrace. It wasn’t right for me to contact you who belong to a proud warrior family. Forgiveness.”

  Grandfather hissed with his arms crossed over his chest.

  Grandmother whacked him with her tail and then pointed at him when he dared to try talking back. Once he snapped his mouth shut, she turned her attention back to Kader. “You appear well, my grandson.”

  “I am… Grandmother.” He was better for hearing her call him my grandson. If she had referred to him only by his name, that would have indicated he wasn’t welcome and shouldn’t call again. His family would be truly lost to him then. “I call to inform you I have mated.”

  “That’s wonderful. When do you return to add eggs to the clutch? Soon, yes?”

  “Like he can get permission to land on Home World,” Grandfather grumbled then dodged back before she could hit him with her tail again. “Do not abuse me when I speak the truth, female.”

  “Hush. And don’t female me. I was a superior long before you and stayed one long after you retired.”

  Grandfather mumbled something Kader didn’t catch but, knowing Grandfather, it was some excuse that properly—in his mind—explained why he was less than his mate while still trying to be above her.

  Grandmother snorted with a shake of her head. “Stop using your mother as an excuse. Now hush. You have nothing constructive to say.”

  Though he harrumphed, Grandfather stopped talking.

  Kader had missed the way his grandparents argued. There was a deep love between them that Kader once hoped to find in his own mate, and he had. Though he and Semeera argued far less. That part he didn’t hope for. “Grandmother, I do not return to place my eggs within the clutch because my mate cannot bear them.”

  “What?!” Grandmother and Grandfather spoke in unison.

  “When you meet her, you will understand. Details concerning my mission are classified at this time. For now, I can only tell you that I will add no eggs to the clutch. Forgiveness.”

  Grandfather snorted. “Trust you to choose a defective mate.”

  Kader couldn’t stop himself from hissing—almost screeching with the force he put behind making the sound—and smashing his fist into the wall beside the screen. “Do. Not. Insult. My. Mate.” The promise of painful death dripped from his every word, and he saw his grandfather through a haze of blood-red vision.

  Grandfather pulled back with his eyes wide while Grandmother gasped in surprise.

  Kader didn’t ask forgiveness because he’d done nothing that needed it. Protecting his mate, both body and reputation, was his right and privilege. And though he loved his grandparents, they should be thankful they weren’t aboard his ship or else he may have attacked the older male for those words.

  He yanked his hand free of the wall and shook it to relieve his stinging knuckles. Blood seeped past his scales. He would have to visit the infirmary. He heaved a breath. “Repair, come in.”

  “Here, Captain.”

  “My ready room in one hour.”

  “Copy that, Captain. The wall panel repair of level ten, sector five will be completed by then.”

  “Good work.”

  Kader turned his attention back to his grandparents, who stared at him with worried expressions. They deserved a warning. “I have entered into a true mating.”

  They gasped in unison, horrified surprise on both their faces.

  “All that you have read about the phenomenon is true. I am more volatile. My tolerance for drugs that would stop a normal warrior is higher. I am quick to react before I think when it comes to protecting my mate. Know this now because I won’t be in the proper mindset to give a warning should you insult her when we visit.” He pinned Grandfather with a pointed look as he said the last.

  The male nodded.

  Grandmother asked, “How?”

  “That is currently under study and also deemed classified.”

  “Is that why…” She stopped and shook her head. “No. I will not ask that. All will be revealed when we meet her, as you said. Are you well, my grandson? I’ve never seen you so… angry.”

  Kader gave her a rueful smile. “I must relearn my control, but I am wel
l, Grandmother. I am whole. My mate is…” He struggled for a word to explain the way Semeera completed him, fulfilled him, and gave his entire life purpose. “She showed me beauty in the stars.”

  He glanced to the side at the painting Semeera had created for him to decorate his office. The large canvas depicted her planet as viewed from her single moon. It resembled every other planet that boasted life and yet it held a deeper meaning for him simply because it had given life to Semeera.

  Grandfather said, “I’ve never seen that expression on your face before.”

  Kader startled and turned back to the conversation. “What expression?”

  Grandmother said in whispered awe, “Peace and joy and love. I am happy for you, my grandson. If the cost of such as this is a true mating, then I cannot see it as bad.”

  “My crew would disagree.”

  With a dismissive wave, Grandfather said, “They have nothing to fear from a warrior so long as they do not interfere with his duty.”

  Kader sucked in a sharp breath.

  Grandfather nodded. “You are a warrior, my grandson. The disgrace you suffer belongs to your former superior, not you. The clutch will be lesser for not having your mate’s eggs, but she is a welcome addition to our family.”

  “That poor female,” Grandmother said in a sad tone. “To never have eggs. I’m sure she’s devastated. Every female wants children, even those who say they don’t truly do in the end.”

  “They do?” Kader hadn’t thought of that. He’d handled the loss of future children with indifference, but had Semeera?

  “Well, not all. My sister never wanted children and never had them. She happily dodged tending the clutch as well.” Grandmother shook her head. “I consider that one an outlier.”

  Suddenly, tending to his wounded hand before returning to his suite no longer concerned him. Kader needed to speak to Semeera. “Forgiveness, my grandparents. I must attend my mate.”

  “Yes, yes. Go. Go.” Grandmother made a shooing motion before the screen went blank.

  Kader didn’t bother with his mask of calm as he tore out of his ready room and bypassed the elevator to run to his suite. The elevator would be faster, but confining himself to the small space might lead to him wrecking it.


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