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Lord Valorous (Lords Of Night Street Book 3)

Page 9

by Wendy Vella

  “I never questioned your intelligence, my lord.”

  “Just everything else,” he muttered. The woman was truly exhausting. Conversing with her was like talking to five people at once.

  “Forgive me, I did not mean to sound ungrateful. I am grateful for everything you have done for me, and realize that I have not conveyed that gratitude to you properly.”

  It was a new thing, to see her contrite, but there it was, now written all over her sweet face.

  “No, you have not.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “In fact, you have been downright ungrateful,” Jacob said, enjoying himself again now that he had wrestled control of the conversation back. “My only aim is to see to your well-being, and yet you have not seen my motivation as anything but sinister.”

  “Come now, sinister? Surely that is not the right word? Misguided, perhaps?”

  She was laughing at him now, and he refused to join her, so he continued to play the injured party.

  “Misguided? What part of my actions was misguided?”

  She waved a hand again. “We digress. What else did you and Lord Revel discuss?”

  “You will not be happy when you hear the rest, Poppy.”

  “As that man has never said a word that made me happy, I am sure nothing you say can shock or upset me, my lord.”

  “He said you propositioned him and stole from his aunt”

  Her mouth fell open and no sound came out. Color stole into her cheeks, and Jacob could tell she was genuinely horrified.

  “B-but, you did not believe him? Please tell me you did not. I-I know you do not know me well, or even a little—”

  “Poppy, let—”

  “I know my behavior has been less than stellar,” she added, rushing forward to stand before him. “And as I explained I also realize I owe you a debt of gratitude, but I would never—” She heaved out a loud breath.. “—do that with him... or anyone.”

  Jacob shouldn't be enjoying her discomfort so much. It was beneath him... no, really it was.

  “Poppy, let me assure you—”

  “The thing is... oh.” She stopped suddenly, her lovely body no longer moving, as she looked up at him wide-eyed. “I worked in that brothel, therefore how can I convince you that I have not done that with him.”

  Despair now formed her features, and Jacob saw the tears, although they never fell. It was instinctive for him to take the single step that would close the gap between them. He reached for her good hand, clasping it tight.

  “I did not believe it, Poppy.”


  “Really, and neither did Leo.”

  “But you know nothing of me other than what I have demanded of you, and how ungrateful I have been.”

  “There is that,” Jacob drawled, which made her lighten. “But there is also much more.”

  “What more?”

  As he was lowering his head as she spoke, her breath brushed his face. She tasted sweet and spicy. Her mouth was soft under his. Jacob battled with the need that lanced through his body.

  “Poppy.” He breathed the name against her mouth, and then his hands were on her back, closing the inches that separated them. He took her deeper; the kiss was so much more suddenly. Jacob lost reason as her hands flattened against his chest and she leaned closer.

  She couldn't draw a rational thought. For the first time in her life Poppy had lost control of her own body; suddenly it was Lord Hatherton's to command. The kiss was magical, his mouth taking hers on a sensual journey from which she never wanted to return. One large hand was on her spine, moving slowly up and down, leaving fire wherever it touched. Even through her layers of clothing she could feel the heat.

  “God, what am I doing!”

  She was suddenly released and Lord Hatherton was now several feet away. Poppy wanted to blink to clear her fuddled thoughts, but she had seen plenty of silly young women doing that, and she was not one of those.

  “I'm sorry, Poppy, that should not have happened again.”

  “Why did it?”

  He looked harried, and she had the feeling this was not the usual look for this man. Mr. Perkins had told her that Lord Hatherton was the calmest of the Lords of Night Street. He was a rational thinker, and thorough in his investigative duties. He did also add that when riled, Lord Hatherton was a man to fear.

  “I merely wanted to assure you that I did not believe Lord Revel's claims, and things got out of hand.”

  “By kissing me?”

  Her head was reeling and her body felt strange. As a vicar’s daughter, she had not stolen kisses like others in her village, simply because her father may have found out and the consequences would not have been pleasant. Although, upon reflection, if that was what they felt like, perhaps she should have taken the risk. However, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to recreate the thudding heart, or ridiculous urge to give this man whatever he wanted. There was also the small matter of losing the ability to think. Poppy didn't have a great deal in life, but her intellect was something she prized.

  “Do you do that often?”

  He blinked. It didn't look silly on him; in fact Poppy doubted anything looked silly on this man. She swallowed her sigh. He was just so bloody handsome it made her toes curl.

  “Do what often?”

  “Kiss people like that in gratitude.”

  “That's the most ridiculous statement you have uttered so far.”

  He wasn't looking harried now, he was looking angry. Black brows lowered as he scowled at her. Poppy had the feeling he was angry with himself as well as her. Although what she had done, she could not fathom, and in fact she thought her question justified considering what had just transpired between them.

  “Well, what did you mean by wanting to assure me you did not believe Lord Revel then? Surely kissing me achieved the opposite?”

  His eyes narrowed as he glared at her.

  “You are an incredibly annoying woman, Miss March, and we shall discuss this matter no further. I will merely add that I was wrong to kiss you—”

  “Again,” she added.

  “And we shall blame it on temporary insanity that has now passed. Please return to work.”

  “But what is to happen now with Lady Revel?” If he could push that kiss aside, then so could she, even if her body still hummed with anticipation.

  “If my man on the inside cannot come up with any information, then we are going to find a way into that house to check on Lady Revel.”

  “Oh, what an excellent idea. I shall come too, to ensure she is not in need of my aid.”

  “No you will not!” Color filled his face.

  “But I must, surely you see that. She may be in some distress, and I should be the one to care for her.”

  “No, and that is my final word.”

  Poppy snapped her teeth together as Lord Hatherton closed the distance between them once more. This time he simply lifted her arm and fitted it in the sling, before leaving the small room.

  “Well” was all she could find to say.

  On her way home from work, Poppy had met with an old friend of her mother's who had come to London to visit with her daughter. Two weeks had passed since she started work at Night Street. Her body was starting to heal, and she was enjoying assisting Mr. Perkins. She had not seen a great deal of the Lords of Night Street, or more importantly, Lord Hatherton. He acknowledged her when he arrived and left, but did no more. Poppy was grateful for this, because after the last kiss they shared she had wondered if she could work there. But he now treated her no different from Perkins, and for that she was grateful, even if her heart still raced when she saw him. She had no doubt that this… infatuation, or whatever it was she felt for him, would ease in time.

  “Surely you will not walk at this hour, my dear?”

  Poppy was preparing to leave, and Mrs. Rodgers looked concerned. They had spent a wonderful evening talking about her family and news from home, and she had to admit to feeling homesick now. />
  “Oh, no indeed. I shall summon a hackney, Mrs. Rodgers, there will be plenty about at this time of evening.”

  The elderly woman's features relaxed. “Of course you will know how to get about this city, Poppy, having lived here for so long now. I shall pass on to your family how well you are doing. But make sure you find time to visit them in the near future.”

  “I will.”

  Poppy huddled into her coat as she walked along the street minutes later, mulling over the news she had heard. It seemed her siblings were growing up. Turning right instead of left, she hurried toward Lady Revel's house. It was dark, so she could pass by without detection. Perhaps she would see something... anything that would alleviate her worry for her dear elderly friend.

  She knew the Lords of Night Street were doing what they could to get information about Lady Revel, but it was extremely hard and delicate to get. They could hardly storm the house; that would cause a scandal and no one wished that on the elderly woman.

  Reaching the house, Poppy continued on down the path and around the back. No one would see her in the dark, and she just wanted to check. Of course, what she was checking for she had no idea. Poppy saw light coming from the lower level, where the servants were probably still working. Lord Revel was no doubt out somewhere socializing.

  “Dear Lady Revel,” she whispered. Before she could draw another breath, a gloved hand closed over her mouth.

  “One word, Poppy, and I shall gag you. Do you understand?”

  Poppy nodded quickly, and the hand was removed. She turned to look at Lord Hatherton. Dressed entirely in black, he looked menacing as did Lord Vereton, who stood beside him.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” The words were a furious whisper.

  “Ah... I was passing on my way home.”

  “From where?”

  “Visiting a friend.”

  “Your route home took you around the back of Lord Revel's house?”

  Luckily it was dark and he could not see the color in Poppy's cheeks.

  “Of course not. I was simply checking... ah—”

  “If I could intervene, we really do not have time for this conversation, and it is bloody icy out here.” Lord Vereton hissed the words at them.

  “Are you going to climb up to Lady Revel's window?” Poppy asked.

  “We are going to hopefully enter through the lower floors and make our way up to hers. You need to leave, and I shall apprise you of what I find tomorrow. After I've given you a piece of my mind about your reckless behavior, that is!”

  “Oh... could I not—”

  “Absolutely not!” both men said instantly.

  “Oh, but—”

  “God’s blood,” Lord Hatherton snarled. “Walk to the end of the street now, Miss March. Hamley is waiting there with the carriage. Get inside, and I shall return soon and apprise you of what we find.”

  “But I could stand watch for you both, in case anyone comes.”

  “From where?” Jacob glared at her. “It is hardly a through road. Furthermore, no staff will be out here unless absolutely necessary. Now go, Poppy, before I really get angry.”

  “You're always angry,” Poppy muttered, turning away. “And I should tell you before I go that Lord Revel has a woman sitting outside Lady Revel's room.”

  “You did so earlier.”

  “Well I was not sure you would remember, so I am telling you once more.”

  His teeth snapped together as he glared down at her.

  “But of course, you are noblemen, and need no help from one such as I.”

  Lord Vereton was chuckling softly now.

  “Christ, woman, will you shut up.”

  “It is wrong to blaspheme, but in light of the circumstance I forgive you.” Poppy didn't add anything more, she simply walked away. Stopping at the corner of the house that would take her back to the street, she flattened herself against the wall. Peering around, she watched the lords move from window to window before disappearing around the other side and out of her line of vision.

  She did not want to leave. What if Lady Revel's condition was so dire that Poppy needed to go to her? What if there was trouble, and someone chanced upon the lords while they entered the house? She wasn’t deliberately trying to be annoying, but could not make herself leave. Poppy moved slowly around the front of the house, she waited a few minutes until she hoped the lords were inside, and then hurried to stand beneath Lady Revel's window. Cold seeped into the thin soles of her boots as she looked up at the window. Huddling into her scarf, she watched, waited, and prayed.

  The slide of a window had her looking upward. The breath lodged in Poppy's throat as she saw Lord Hatherton’s head appear. Dear Lord, surely he was not about to climb outside? Too frightened to move in case he looked down at a noise she made, Poppy held her breath as he and Lord Vereton climbed out and perched on the narrow ledge that ran around the house. They then crept along it until they reached Lady Revel's balcony. Only then did Poppy exhale.


  The woman seated outside Lady Revel's room was slumbering as Jacob and Leo reached the third floor. But as her chair was stationed in front of the door, they could not enter the room. Instead, they slipped into another several doors down. Opening the window, they climbed through.

  The ledge running around the house was wide enough to walk along, and they quickly made their way to Lady Revel’s balcony. Something made Jacob look down, and he saw her. Poppy was beneath, looking up at him.

  “Idiot,” he snarled. “That woman has no concept of how to follow orders.”

  Leo joined him and lifted a hand to Poppy. She replied with a small, nervous flick of her fingers.

  “Don't wave at her, for pity’s sake, Leo. It will only encourage her!”

  “I like her. She's got spirit. In fact, she reminds me of Charlotte and Grace.”

  Jacob ignored the small flash of pride at his friend's words. He was angry with the risks she was taking, and would let her know just how angry when he got hold of her. What the hell was she thinking, walking about in the dark alone?

  “Go to my carriage!” he whispered as loud as he could, for fear he would wake someone.

  Poppy of course ignored him.

  “Backbone,” Leo whispered.

  “If you're quite finished perhaps you could shut up, so we can do what we came for.”

  “You're awfully touchy about Poppy, Jacob.”

  “I'm not awfully touchy about her, I'm angry with her. Note the differences, please, Leo.”

  “You always sound pompous when you're denying your feelings.”

  Jacob muttered something foul and reached for the window, praying it was not locked. It wasn't, and he slid it upward and entered with Leo behind him. Thick curtains made the room dark so Jacob parted one enough to let in a weak shaft of light. As their eyes adjusted, Jacob heard the soft breathing of someone he hoped was Lady Revel. Moving closer, he confirmed it was her. Searching the bedside table, he found several vials of liquid. Handing them to Leo, he bent to study the woman.

  She appeared to have lost a considerable amount of weight, and he noted the side of her neck had some kind of skin irritation. Her breathing was shallow and erratic. If he had to guess, Jacob would say that Poppy was correct, and Lady Revel was being poisoned.

  He gently touched her cheek, but she did not respond. Not wanting to frighten her awake, he signaled to Leo that they were leaving. Once out on the balcony, he looked down and saw Poppy still stood looking up at them.

  “Infernal woman,” he whispered. She'd be freezing by now.

  Beside him, Leo was unstopping the first bottle and sniffing the contents.


  “Yes, Lady Revel is exhibiting the symptoms. We need to get her out of here, and soon, Leo. I don't believe she will last much longer if not treated. In fact, I'm not entirely sure she will recover, but as I am not a doctor that is only a guess.”

  Leo looked grim. “Then we get her out tomorr
ow morning.”

  Jacob nodded. “I'll beat her nephew senseless if he tries to stop us.”

  Throwing a final glare at Poppy, Jacob and Leo made their way back into the house. They managed to get down and back out the window undetected. Once outside they crept around the front and out onto the road. Of Poppy there was no sign, which suggested she had finally done as he told her and gone to his carriage.

  “I'll leave you here, I have a matter to attend to.”

  “What matter?” Jacob questioned his friend.

  “A personal one.”

  Jacob snorted. “A woman then.”

  “There is no need to scoff simply because the woman you have shown interest in is a trifle difficult, whereas mine is soft and willing.”

  “I am not interested in Poppy. She is not someone I could even contemplate being interested in either, even if I was.”

  “Why, Jacob?”

  “Don't be ridiculous, Leo. You know very well when I marry, it will be someone who lives in our world.”

  Leo was silent for a few seconds, his eyes steady on Jacob.

  “You mentioned marriage, not I, Jacob. Take her as your mistress, if it is beneath you to have her any other way.”

  Jacob looked at his friend as if he had sprouted horns. “You, of all people, are speaking to me this way? The man who looks down his nose at women constantly. The man who uses them only for his pleasure and gives no thought to what life they live or person they are? You, who have vowed to wed only when there is no escaping it.”

  Something flashed across Leo's face. Guilt, regret, Jacob was not entirely sure in this light.

  “Perhaps my views are changing.”

  “Since yesterday? I think not.”

  “All I'm saying is that if Poppy is special to you then don't walk away from that. I have watched two of my friends find women, different women, and both are happier than I have ever seen them. Perhaps it is not for me, these matters of the heart, but I believe that they may be for you.”

  “Surely you are joking,” Jacob scoffed as something uneasy crept over him. “I have no interest in Poppy other than sympathy. I know nothing of the woman, and do not care to,” he lied. “She is no one to me but a person who has fallen on hard times.”


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