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Bound to Ignite (South Jersey Bound Series)

Page 5

by Tess Lamont

  “I need a condom.” His voice was hoarse and thin.

  “I’m on the pill,” she panted.

  He froze. She offered something huge. Did she mean to say she wanted a relationship after all? Maybe, but now was definitely not the time to talk and he wasn’t going take that risk unless they’d committed. He reached over his head, and without looking, pulled a condom from his drawer.

  “Pill or no, I won’t put you at risk for pregnancy or anything else.”

  He handed her the package and she ripped it open.

  “But thank you,” he said, pulling her face down so he could kiss her.

  She nodded. With careful fingers, she rolled the rubber down over his erection.

  He cupped the back of her upper thigh, urging her up. Her breasts bounced with each quick, light pant. She stared down at him, exposed by passion. Her juice spilled, hot and slick, over his knuckles. Between her legs and just below her engorged cunny, his cock pulsed.

  “I need you inside me,” she whispered.

  “No movement until I say,” he commanded, guiding his cock into position. “Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” She nodded, poised but trembling.

  “Lock your arms behind your back.”

  She straightened her shoulders and clasped her palms as she threaded her fingers together. Once she stilled, he spread the lips of her cunt apart with two careful fingers.

  “Now,” he purred, “lower your pretty little snatch over my dick and ride me.”

  She eased downward while her pussy clutched his cock. Heaven. He steadied her with his grip on her thigh.

  She slid up and down, propelled by the power of her thighs. Blinding pleasure exploded through his body, but he wanted more. He pulled her upper body against his, wanting to feel the pebbly scrape of her nipples against his chest. She moaned as her hot, damp skin met his.

  With the last of his concentration, he made sure he angled so her clit skimmed against the base of his shaft. Then, he stopped thinking altogether. All that remained was her skin’s silken heat and the sound of her breath as she mounted toward climax. Her muff clenched, milking his cock with unbelievable pulses of heat and wetness.

  He held on as long as he could, but his sense of time and movement ceased. With his harshest, grinding thrust, he felt her break into orgasm. Her body sagged into his.

  “Ah…ah…ah,” she sobbed, shaking.

  One last, hard, upward drive was all he needed.

  Drifts of tingling shock rippled through his abdomen, stiffening his legs. In a dark, still place his body suspended. He was trapped without air.

  “Jillie,” he gasped as he came in a burst of burning, rapid-fire sparks.

  Growling, he closed his eyes and he clasped her against the light perspiration on his chest and buried his face between her breast and arm. Her heart beat in his ear.

  I love you, Jillian. His soul stretched to transparency and offered his heart the words, but they died in his throat. He could not find his voice.


  Jillian relaxed on Eric’s body, moving with his breath, rocking rhythmically like a ship on soft and rolling waves. She clung to his shoulders like she was afraid of drowning. Her cheek pressed into his skin and she focused on the wood paneling, fighting the desire to tell him she loved him.

  She had come into his home for a spanking and, perhaps, a fuck, but what happened was more than either of those things. Her reaction was still too new to parse. Her thoughts were more scattered than her clothing.

  She sighed. What did she know? The man cradling her so tenderly was one of her oldest friends, yet they might as well have been strangers.

  A cord binding them always existed, but tonight she was aware of a new and stronger connection. Unfortunately, she didn’t know what the hell to do with it.

  Entangled in his muscled limbs, his peace stole her worries. His warm arms crossed her protectively. Sleep weighted her eyelids. There would be time to think, later.


  “Wake up, Jil.”

  Eric’s deep voice roused Jillie from a comforting slumber. His lips grazed her neck. She smiled.

  “Jillian, we have to get your things from the hotel,” he prodded.

  “The hotel?” she murmured. “I don’t have to check out until morning.”

  “It is morning, love,” he said.

  Her groggy senses sprang to life.

  “Shit!” She sat up in a flash, forgetting her bruises. “Ah Shit!”

  She rolled to her side. Her bottom still smarted, but he winced as if he were the one in pain.

  “Do you want some more aloe?”

  Despite her panic, her heart flipped.

  “No, thank you.” Jillian swallowed. “I just have to be careful how I sit today. What time is it?”

  “Almost nine.”

  “You’re kidding! Why didn’t you wake me? I’ve got to check out by eleven. There’s wedding stuff all over my room!”

  He snorted. “It wasn’t some nefarious plan. I just woke up myself.”

  “Sorry,” she said, shaking her head. Why did she feel so embarrassed now, when she had no shame last night? “Um, thank you for letting me sleep here. I guess we kind of fell asleep by accident.”

  “I wouldn’t have let you go, even if we hadn’t fallen asleep.”

  Let her go? Her cheeks pinked. “Excuse me.”

  She walked to the bathroom fully aware of his gaze on her ass.

  “Do you have a robe or something I can borrow?” she called from inside the safety of the door.

  “I have a robe, but you can’t borrow it. I prefer you naked.”

  She peeked at him around the door through narrow eyes.

  He raised a brow as his half-grin mocked.

  She shut the door, quick. Squinting into the mirror, she gathered her hair into a fist-ponytail. Her lips were deep red and her skin still splotchy from friction. Anyone seeing her would know she’d been nailed like a fuckbunny. That was before she tried to sit!

  Her nipples ached; her ass twinged. She squinted into the mirror. Was that a hickey? Damn. He might as well have written ‘Eric’s’ in permanent marker all over her body.

  A panicky feeling quaked in her chest. What was she going to do? Last night, she’d truly felt like she was falling in love. When he’d cared for her, he had been so tender. She’d been sure he felt something deep for her as well. This morning, however, everything seemed complicated yet again.

  Where could they go from here? Surely, they couldn’t sustain this kind of intensity for very long. If they grew bored with one another, she’d lose this precious thread to her past, and she cherished her childhood friendships—they were irreplaceable.


  She gulped some mouthwash and swished. She just couldn’t talk to him about her confused feelings. She couldn’t! How could she look at him after calling him ‘sir’ all night long? What must he think of her now? As she finished rinsing, a gentle rap sounded against the door.

  “Jillie?” His call was playful and suggestive.

  “You can’t come in.” Her voice was high-pitched and whiny. She winced.

  “You’re wrong. Look at the door, there is no lock.”


  “You don’t need to hide, and I’m not going to force my way in. Open the door.”

  She scowled. She was not hiding. Well, maybe a little. She put her hand on her hip and opened the door.

  “Do you have to pee or something?”

  “Nope, took care of it before I woke you. I just thought we could get ready faster if we showered together.”

  She highly doubted his plan’s efficiency, but the idea of a soothing, warm shower in his arms tantalized. He had the most amazing shoulders…

  Oh man, she was lost. “Ah, okay.”

  He smiled and touched a finger to her forehead. He stepped around her and turned on the water.

  “It takes a moment for it to get hot. I should have replaced the water heater during the r
enovation, but I didn’t. It’s in the area meant for…” He shut his mouth abruptly and turned away.

  Interesting. What didn’t he want to tell her?

  He cleared his throat. “I’m guessing you like it hot, but, ah, warm water would be better for your—”

  “Warm is fine,” she interrupted, blushing.

  He grinned and flipped on a heat lamp. The small bathroom warmed instantly under the glowing red light.

  “Is the temperature good?” He guided her hand into the stream of water.

  “It’s good,” she said.

  She stepped into the tiled bath and he joined her. She reached for the soap.

  “Stay still.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Let me wash you.”

  She gave up fighting. She closed her eyes and let the warm water trickle over her skin. He ran the sudsy bar all over her body, slithering bubbles and massaging. She reveled in the slippery, sensual sensation.

  Her legs wobbled when his hands swept across her thighs. Sweet satisfaction made her sigh as he slid the soap back and forth against her pussy.

  She laughed low in her throat. “I think I’m clean by now.”

  “Well, I think I’ll do a closer inspection.” He angled the showerhead to rinse her and then he sank to his heels.

  She listened to the water splash against his back. He flicked his tongue against her clit with expert efficiency and the warm water heated the small enclosure. She gasped into the mist as his swirling tongue caused pleasure-tension to coil up her legs.

  She pressed her back into the travertine for support and tilted her hips, letting him explore without resistance. Her body chilled as she shivered in a sweet, rolling release that left her body fully relaxed.

  “Now,” he smiled up at her, blinking as the water splashed around his face, “you’re clean enough.”

  Water had flattened the hair against his scalp and dripped over his cheeks, but when he grinned, he was adorable.

  He rose to his feet and curled his arms about her body. The water snuck between them, running in countless rivulets down her face, her breasts and her back. He kissed her until she could feel nothing but his mouth.

  She pulled away, breathless. “You’re quite good with your tongue,” she teased.

  “Thank you.”

  “But you still need to wash…”

  “Would you like to help?”

  Her fingers slipped over the bar of soap as she took it from his palm. She placed her hands, and the soap, against his chest and explored his body the way he had hers.

  She could feel a breeze of cool air against her wet skin, but the warmth of the water and the heat radiating from the lamp kept her from being cold.

  She worked her way around his body, teasing until his cock strained with obvious need for attention. She sank to her knees.

  He gasped as she worked her lips around his sensitive skin. She was learning the moans and sighs that told her he was pleased. He jerked his pelvis as he approached orgasm. She pressed her hands against his ass when she knew he was building and drew her fingers in a soft, light, repetitive tickle across his tightened balls. His long, strangled cry echoed in her ears as he came in pulses. Once again, she swallowed. She could hardly believe it, but she liked his taste.

  He rinsed off, shaking and grinning like a kid with candy. They stepped out of the shower and he wrapped her in a thick, soft towel before shutting off the water and then grabbing a towel for himself. She smiled at his thoughtfulness.

  “I don’t want to go,” she said.

  “I can go with you,” he offered.

  She cocked her head to the side. Her orgasm—and his—had taken the edge off her nerves and brought back some of the magic of the prior night. Still, she craved privacy.

  “Eric,” she said softly, “I need some time alone.”

  The light of love and teasing in his gaze disappeared. She could have sworn he paled.

  “I understand,” he said as he turned away.

  Her heart lurched. She couldn’t leave it like this, she just couldn’t. Almost as if he heard the plea of her heart, he swiveled around.

  “You could come back for breakfast after you’ve collected your things.”

  “All right.” She sighed with relief. “I’ll come back.”


  Back in Jillian’s hotel room, there wasn’t much to pack. At some point during the morning, Christina and Lisa must have removed the mess they’d all created in her hotel room last night as they prepared for Lisa’s wedding. Which was good, because Jillian moved as if molasses filled her veins. Her emotions were torn between wanting to return to Eric and wanting to hit the highway…just push aside all her confusion and run.

  When a knock sounded on the door, she jumped.

  “Jillie, are you in there?” Lisa called.

  “She is not,” Christina muttered. “I told you, she’s at Eric’s, probably strewn across his bed and getting decent after-care. Which, by the way, I could use. Come on, open the door, and we’ll collect her case. I gotta get back to Bryce.”

  “Good grief,” Lisa said, “you and Bryce will survive ten minutes apart.”

  “Hey,” Christina responded, “I’m surprised Ben even let you out of bed this morning.”

  “Ben’s fast asleep.” Lisa giggled. “I wore him out. A girl only has one wedding night, you know.”

  Jillian opened the door.

  “You’re here,” Christina said in surprise.

  “So, are you still a spanking virgin?” Lisa asked. “Or did Eric man up?”

  “Oh he manned up, alright.” Jillie made a sound between a sniffle and a snort. “Come in.”

  Christina sat on the bed, but then jumped up with a yelp. “Sorry. The new riding crop I gave Bryce left a nasty welt.”

  Jillie rolled her eyes. “Is that why your eyes look all glassy?”

  “No.” Christina smiled wide and rubbed her ass. “Bryce told me he loved me.”

  “Yay!” Lisa exclaimed, wrapping Christina in an impulsive hug.

  “That’s great,” Jillie said.

  She fought jealousy’s stabbing pain. She was truly happy for her friend but even more painfully aware Eric had mentioned nothing of love.

  “Thanks, Jil,” Christina said. “When I was uncertain about my needs, you really helped me work through my fear.” She reached out and grabbed Jillie’s hand. “And your spanking adventure? How did it go? Was it everything you’d fantasized about?”

  Jillie tried to smile, but her lips quivered.

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry,” Lisa rushed to her side and rubbed her back. “The first time can be a shock.”

  “No, the night was beautiful. Well, after a rough start, anyway.” She bit her lip. “Why didn’t you guys warn me how I was going to feel? I’m nervous and embarrassed and all I want to do is curl up at Eric’s side and never leave.”

  “Oh, hon,” Christina soothed. “Part of you knew this was going to be your reaction. Hell, you pretty much had it all planned out.”

  “I didn’t think I would feel this strongly,” Jillian said defensively.

  Christina challenged her with a look of disbelief.

  “Give her a break, she’s new,” Lisa said.

  Chris pursed her lips. “Tell Lisa how far back your crush on Eric goes. She didn’t know you back then.”

  Jillie looked at Christina with surprise. “You knew? Am I that obvious?”

  Christina nodded. “Since you were about twelve.

  “How does Eric feel?” Lisa asked.

  Jillian threw up her hands. “That’s the problem. I don’t know.”

  “I suggest you ask him, then,” Christina said.

  “I can’t.”

  “You asked him for a spanking,” Lisa pointed out. “How much harder could it be to ask him how he feels?”

  “A lot!” Jillie said. “He’s such a player. That side of him has always made me keep my distance.”

  Christina smoothed Jillian’s hair from her for
ehead and cupped the side of her cheek in a way that reminded Jillie that Christina was a mother.

  “Honey,” Christina said. “I hate to tell you this, but I’m going to be honest. This was never just about a spanking. It was about you and Eric all along. I would have warned you if I thought you were heading for trouble, but you and Eric have been friends for a long time and I thought you both would finally see how good you could be for each other.”

  “Last night was magical.” Jillian sighed. “I just don’t know if I can sustain it.”

  “Look,” Lisa said, “you aren’t going to know all the answers right away, so deal with it.”

  “She’s right. What-ifs can drive you crazy. Trust your feelings.”

  “But my feelings say I’m in love,” Jillie confessed.

  “I’m not at all surprised,” Christina said. “And something tells me Eric won’t be, either.”

  Lisa patted Jillie’s shoulder. “You told me when I was confused about Ben to trust myself and to go and get him.”

  “What are you waiting for, Jil?” Christina asked. “Don’t lose courage, now.”

  “Go and get him,” Lisa said.


  Eric turned down the gas on his stove and checked his beeping cell.

  A text from Jil flashed. On my way.

  The trip from Route 73 would give him just about enough time to finish up his specialty—eggs with rosemary and onions. He guessed they were his specialty, anyway. He’d never actually made them for anyone but himself.

  He broke a few eggs into a bowl and added the fresh herbs he’d chopped.

  Cooking for Jillie felt normal. Having Jil in his house felt right. Was his pleasant, domestic sort of feeling so bizarre?

  Whenever a woman had slept over before, he’d always been a little relieved when she left. But when Jillie had left this morning, the spirit of his house hadn’t become peaceful and still. The house had felt empty and waiting for Jillie, like the pond outside waited for the spring thaw.

  The butter started to crackle and he poured the eggs into the pan.

  It wasn’t as if his feelings for Jillie were new. On their senior trip somewhere out in the Pine Barren wilderness, their group of friends had snuck out into the night and roamed the woods. She’d shivered and he placed his coat around her shoulders. Absurd, but the sight of her in his jacket had made him hard, as if by folding herself in his clothes, she was folding into him.


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