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Red Sun Resort

Page 5

by Carl Hamlin

  Debbie shrugged. “Tanya couldn’t take hearing the whacks. After the second one, she ran out saying she was going to pack. She wants to use your car to go to the motel.”

  Cindy tilted her head. “But you’re still…”

  Debbie turned to Jim, and her face turned dark pink. “Oh, gosh, Jim. Sammi, can I make the same deal? I don’t want to leave either.”

  Jim glanced at Sammi, who nodded her approval. Cindy took Debbie’s hand. “Want me to hang around out here?”

  Debbie shook her head. “Thanks, but…. I really don’t want anyone else hearing this. I don’t think I’ll do as well with handling the sting as you did.”

  Cindy started to leave, but Sammi stepped forward and put her hand on her arm to stop her. “ Cindy, you are a sweetheart. But before you go, I want to ask you two something. Who obtained the fake I.D.’s?”

  Jim nodded. “I want to know that, too.”

  Debbie slowly raised her hand and flashed a meek and apologetic grin. Jim looked at her and placed his hand on her back. “Hhuumm.”

  Then she looked down and uttered. “Whoopsie”. She glanced at Jim. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  Jim leaned down and peered into her eyes. “It does. Still want the deal?”

  Debbie trembled but nodded. “Yes. Deal’s still on.”

  Cindy placed her hands on her bottom and backed toward the door. “I will see you all later. Going to go rest my butt on a bag of ice. ” She disappeared through the door, shutting it quickly behind her.

  Once the door was shut, Jim and Sammi turned to look at Debbie. Her eyes grew large and she clasped her hands behind her back and began to sway gently back and forth and whistle with a fake nonchalance.

  She looked at Jim and blew out a long breath. Next, she pointed to the back wall. “Tell me again about how that smaller paddle was used, please.”

  Sammi walked back to the paddle and took it from the peg, then brought it to where Jim and Debbie were standing. She held it in front of Debbie. “This was used to paddle smaller kids, mainly. But sometimes, when the principal or teacher had an older student who had earned a special dose of embarrassment, this was used to give an over the knees spanking, usually sitting on the end of the desk. I was told that the whacks would not be as painful on an individual basis as the bigger paddle, but there would be more of them.” She smiled. “At least, that’s what I was told by those who experienced each of these paddles. I never had the pleasure.”

  Jim chimed in. “I had the big one used on me. Just once.”

  Debbie visibly gulped as she looked at the board. She shook her head and muttered, “I’m not sure why, but if it’s alright, I’d prefer to be taken over your knees and paddled with the smaller one.”

  Jim nodded and walked toward the desk. He sat down on the end of the desktop, and Sammi handed him the paddle. Debbie turned to Sammi and handed her glasses to hold, and in return, Sammi gave her the two remaining clean tissues from her jeans pocket.

  Debbie forced herself to take the three steps needed to reach her fate. She kicked off her sandals and leaned forward and up on her tiptoes to assist Jim in lifting her enough so that she would be able to stretch over his lap.

  Once settled in across his lap, Debbie looked back at Jim. “When I put on this skirt, I wasn’t planning on being paddled.”

  Jim laughed. “If necessary, Sammi will come to your rescue.”

  The fabric of the light, pleated skirt had folded and fallen around the curves of Jim’s target. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the paddle moving back and forth as Jim took aim, and held her breath as it drew away.

  When the paddle returned with a CRACK that echoed in the small room, Debbie yelped loudly from the shock of the sting. A second, then a third arrived quickly, bringing about immediate squeals of pain.

  The fourth smack resulted in a howl and an outburst of loud crying, and the one that followed a few seconds later changed the crying to sobbing. Debbie began squirming from the pain, and the skirt began to ride up on her bottom. Sammi walked over, tugged downward on the hem and stood back again to witness, as a hoarse “Thank you” was barely heard.

  Debbie felt the paddle being patted across her fiery backside, and she gritted her teeth to await the next smack that took her breath away from the intense sting. She again struggled to stay still, and as she felt the skirt once again ride up nearly to her waist, she proclaimed through a strained voice, “The hell with modesty. You see more of me at the swimming pool. Let’s get this over with.”

  Jim landed a hard smack across the center of the ruby red panties, eliciting a high-pitched squeal, and then gave her another. Once again, she felt the soft patting, and then received her final two whacks, each followed by a cry of pain and harder sobbing.

  Jim helped her to stand up, and reached to his pocket for his handkerchief, as she had soaked the tissues through. Not even realizing that she was doing so, Debbie leaned against Jim with her head against his chest as she worked to get her crying under control.

  Debbie stepped away, and then Sammi walked up, hugged her, and began to lead her from the room. “Aside from your backside, are you okay?” Jim followed a few feet behind.

  Debbie tried to talk, but at first, she could only sniffle. “Yeah. At least I can stay now. But I wouldn’t want to go through that again.” She laughed through her now subsiding crying. “Especially the ones when my skirt was up on my back. Did those ever light me up.”

  Outside the school, Sammi and Debbie paused on the porch. “I can’t resist the urge to get to a mirror. I’m sure Cindy and I will compare the damage. I have a feeling you may want to change the name of this place to Red MOON Resort.” Debbie stepped down, waived over her shoulder and walked slowly and gingerly toward the bunkhouse.

  Jim finally came to stand on the porch next to Sammi. She looked at him and nudged his side. “Well, how do you follow that?”

  Jim seemed lost in space. “Huh? Sorry. I’m sort of distracted, I guess.”

  Sammi giggled. “You mean after paddling the behinds of two gorgeous young women?”

  Both went silent for a moment, before Sammi spoke. “Jim, was that kind of, you know, erotic for you?”

  Jim did not answer at first. “Not at the time.”

  She turned toward him. “But thinking back on it…”

  Jim shook his head and laughed. “Is that a question? An accusation? Or what?”

  Sammi laughed. “Curiosity is all. At first, you seemed so hesitant. But you were obviously becoming more amicable to the whole thing as the events progressed.”

  Jim looked at Sammi. “The same for you. In fact, it seemed as if you were suddenly like a director on a movie set. But, it was no movie…. It was real. Actually, it was unreal.”

  Sammi leaned her head against his side. “Feel funny about it?”

  He shrugged. “Of course I do. Still, it was their idea. They each made the request.” He laughed and looked at the bunkhouse, where the three were putting Tonya’s luggage in Cindy’s car. “Smacking the backsides of two grown women was not on my calendar.”

  Jim and Sammi walked to where the trio was standing next to the car. Tanya walked over, and then looked down with teary eyes. “I’m sorry about what we did. I’m going to the motel. I…. I just couldn’t talk myself into…”

  Tanya opened the door and started the car. Jim leaned down and spoke to her through the window. “I want you to come for the Saturday noon cookout before everyone checks out, okay?”

  Tanya nodded. “Thanks. I’ll be there.” They all watched as Tanya drove away down the long gravel lane.

  Once she was out of sight, Debbie began rubbing her bottom again. “What I did on my summer vacation…” They all broke into laughter. The young women walked to their bunkhouse, and Jim and Sammi headed back to the house.

  Jim glanced at his watch. “I guess I’ll take Buttercup to the clinic. Doc wants to keep her there in his corral for a couple of days to figure out why she’s wheezing
so much.”

  Sammi placed her hand on his chest. “She’s been doing that for two years. She’s getting old, Jim.”

  Jim grunted in reluctant agreement. “I want to do what we can for her. My aunt loved her so much, I just have to do what she would want.”

  Chapter 5

  Debbie walked slowly into the bunkhouse, embarrassed to see Cindy. But Cindy was the one on her bunk on her stomach, her clothes down to her knees, and a plastic shopping bag full of ice cubes on the sore backside.

  Although there were still tears running down her face, she could not help but laugh at the scene. “Does that work?”

  Cindy nodded slowly. “Care to join me?” Her eyes were rimmed in red.

  Debbie found another plastic bag in the trashcan, and then filled it with ice from the cooler that sat in the corner of the room. She took her skirt off, and after Cindy moved over to make room, lay down next to her. She reached back and lowered her panties, and placed the bag on the hot patch.

  Once the shock of the ice wore off, Debbie shook her head. “Wow! Can’t believe we did that.”

  Cindy sighed. “That really hurt.” She turned to look at Debbie. “How was it for you?”

  Debbie wiped away another straggling tear. “I took it across his knees. The smaller paddle.”

  “Whoa! That must have been different.”

  Debbie laughed. “It sure was. That was one hell of an ass whopping’. And my skirt kept riding up, so I got some of them that way. Those stung even more, needless to say.” Cindy turned to see Debbie’s face had turned crimson.

  Sammi looked around the kitchen in which they were standing. “I’ll try and think of something special for dinner this evening. I’ll check with the girls to see what sounds good to them.” She gestured toward the living room. “I’ll also spend some time cleaning a single man’s dwelling.”

  Jim grinned and walked to the drawer where he kept the keys to the truck he used to pull the horse trailer. He pocketed them, then walked back to Sammi and kissed her. “You okay after this morning? This thing you seem to have about that school office…”

  Sammi waved the comment away. “You have a good drive. In addition, be careful putting that horse in the trailer. Sometimes she seems to forget where she is and who we are.”

  Jim leaned down and kissed her again. “I know, you’re trying to prepare me for that day. I know it’s not that far away.”

  Sammi began to choke up. “I’ve rode Buttercup so many times myself…I understand.” She looked away for a moment. “I hope Debbie and Cindy’s butts are ready for a ride this evening. I’m happy that they ended up being able to stay. I guess they have that one weak area of judgment. I sure can think back. I can relate to that.”

  Jim reached for the doorknob. “But Sammi, there seems to be something haunting you the past couple of days and it appears to involve that old school. Especially the office.”

  Sammi ignored the comment, and then turned to him. “You have a good one. See you later.”

  Jim stood next to the veterinarian as Buttercup paced around the small observation corral. The doctor gestured toward the aging mare. “I’d guess two years at the outside. We’ll keep the old girl here for a couple of days, and I’ll get some strong supplements in her. When winter comes, you may want to keep her in the stable most of the time. Her joints are really stiffening up.”

  He was feeling somber about the horse. The animal was a link to his aunt and uncle, as much as the place he now called home.

  He was also still rattled by the events of the morning, and was concerned about whatever was bothering Sammi. He had definitely fallen for her, and hoped that there was nothing that would prevent their relationship from becoming more serious.

  He knew that he would be coming back in a couple of days, so he asked the vet if he could leave the trailer next to the side of the corral. Jim said goodbye to the vet and began what was to be an indirect drive back to Red Sun He was planning to travel ten additional miles to a town past Webster Bend, where he could be more anonymous when he stopped at a drug store.

  The farewell cookout was a big hit. Tanya did indeed come to join them, and seemed to not be at all resentful of what had happened. She told of how she had taken advantage of the quiet time to do more recreational reading than she had done for years.

  The Mason family was overjoyed at what they had done. The kids raved about seeing the deer and coyotes, and the father had managed to catch two good-sized trout from the lake.

  Hot dogs, hamburgers and baked beans made for a good time, and Jim invited everyone to take one more dip in the pool. The group scattered and headed for the bunkhouses to change into swimwear.

  Jim had noticed that Sammi had headed into the house, and was surprised to see that when she returned, she was also ready for the pool. Sammi was an impressive sight in a two-piece swimsuit. The swimsuit was not as revealing as a typical bikini, but presented enough of her uncovered form to allow one to appreciate her body. In fact, as Sammi sat on the edge of the pool chatting with the college students, Jim noted that this was the most of her he had seen, and it was an enticing vision.

  The three co-eds joined Sammi at the edge of the pool, and since they were intensely engaged in chat, Jim went about taking pans and the non-discardable ware into the kitchen to place in the large dishwasher.

  The Mason family left first, waving and yelling good-byes as the van pulled slowly away. The girl talk at the pool continued for some time, and when they went into the bunkhouse to change clothes and prepare to leave, Sammi felt wistful.

  Sammi stayed near the pool to finish the clean up. She had not gone back to the house to get dressed, but instead, pulled on a lacy cover-up.

  As the college girls began to emerge with their belongings, Jim and Sammi helped, and Jim then stepped in to secure the bags riding on the top and the bumper carrier. When all was packed, the women took turns exchanging hugs with Sammi, and each embraced Jim as well. There was no mention of beer consumption or paddles having been applied to visiting backsides.

  As the girls drove away, Jim looked to the sky and saw that the predicted thunderstorms had moved in close. A strong breeze suddenly began to move the branches on the nearby trees. All that remained on the picnic tables was a pack of Styrofoam plates. The wind blew the package off the table and it began scooting along the ground. Rain began falling, and as Jim and Sammi laughed as they chased the package, the wind became fiercer and the rain intensified. Jim finally caught up with the package, as the rain became a torrent. They were near the school building, so Jim and Sammi ran up onto the porch.

  A bolt of lightning struck back near the lake and thunder rattled the porch floor. The breeze suddenly turned cooler against Sammi’s wet body, so they opened the door and went into the school building, closing the door behind them. As soon as they were inside, the rain became so hard it sounded like a roar on the old roof and the wood siding.

  As if she were reading Jim’s mind, Sammi leaned her head against his chest. She looked up at him with a twinkle in her eyes. “Sort of cozy and romantic in here, huh?”

  Jim feigned disinterest and shrugged. “I guess so. A fellow could go and get those sleeping bags from that closet back there and spread them out on the floor. And, I suppose a guy could put a couple of those logs in the stove to warm the place up.”

  He leaned down and kissed Sammi, and she whispered, “Such things would never have crossed my mind.”

  Jim laughed. “I’ll go get the sleeping bags.”

  He turned to walk away and Sammi called to him. “Are you really, really ready this time?”

  Jim turned and smiled. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You know exactly what I mean. Do you have one?”

  Jim walked slowly back to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “No, I don’t have one.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I have two.”

  Sammi arched her eyes. “Whoo-hoo! Let’s go get those sleeping bags.”

  They la
ughed and kissed as they took the rolled-up bags from the classroom closet. They took them back to the classroom, but before they spread them out on the floor, Jim reached into a small metal box on the wall and retrieved a box of matches. He placed two of the pressed-wood logs in the stove, lit each one on an end, and closed the stove door. In a moment, there was a brilliant fire flicker through the glass-stove window, and heat was flowing out. He walked around the room, pulling down the aged brown roll-down blinds.

  The emotional tension began to build, and they worked in silence as they spread five sleeping bags on the floor, providing a soft cushion for the antics they had in mind. Without saying a word, Sammi sprinted to the other classroom, and returned with two pillows.

  They knelt down on the makeshift bed in unison. Sammi slowly and teasingly pulled the cover-up over her head, and then tossed it onto a desk a few feet away.

  They reclined while wrapped in each other’s arms, and began rolling around and laughing as they kissed. Sammi scooted away just far enough so she could unbutton Jim’s shirt, pull it free from his jeans waist, pull it off him and toss it toward the same desk.

  Suddenly, Sammi sat upright, and then leaned down toward Jim’s feet. She pulled off his boots, peeled his socks off and nearly jumped on him to lie on top of him.

  They engaged in a deep long kiss, and then Sammi began to giggle. “Isn’t this just awful behavior for our old school?”

  Jim kissed her and laughed. “It sure is. I should go and get one of those paddles and warm your behind for this type of behavior.”

  Jim could feel her body stiffen right away. He could feel a slight but distinctive sensation of her lifting herself from him.

  “Sammi? I was just trying to be funny.”

  She hugged him tightly. “And it was. I’m just being…”

  Jim ran his hands up and down her back. “Is this something to do with how the office room creeps you out?”

  “Jim, thinking of that office…I mean it never happened to me, but, it makes you think of getting a butt-warming with one of those old paddles, or that scary-looking rod. That was what it symbolized when we were kids.”


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