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Mated to the Dragons

Page 3

by Sara Fields

  Oh, God, it actually hurt. She wasn’t prepared for that.

  Her toes curled as the bite of his heavy palm spread across her skin and she keened, every muscle in her body tightening as she fought his hold with every ounce of her being. Her fingers wrapped around the fabric beneath her, as though holding onto the quilt would help her escape her current unfortunate situation.

  His palm was relentless and before long, her entire backside was burning so hot that she swore it would catch on fire at any second. The pain washed over her and she whined, but he didn’t stop, even for a second. He was clearly intent on teaching her a lesson.

  She squeezed her thighs together and was horrified at finding herself even wetter than before. Ashamed, she realized her entire body was beginning to tingle, the pain of the spanking gently molding into something more, something decidedly pleasurable.

  Her body was betraying her. Getting spanked was turning her on.

  A particularly hard smack to the top of her thighs made her cry out and she tensed. Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes as feelings of pain, pleasure, shame, and frustration all became too much for her. Draego continued spanking her, his palm catching every square inch of her bare, upturned bottom, and she whimpered as she pressed her hips against his thighs, as if hoping she could avoid the heat of his hand, but she knew better.

  Relentless. She imagined the view that Bruddis had from his seat, how her backside was turning red and how she squirmed to try to avoid Draego’s painful palm. How he could see glimpses of her naked pussy lips.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she sniffled and started to cry. She’d never felt so naughty and thoroughly disciplined in her life. Being punished like a bad little girl humbled her, made her regret her outburst, and made her question why she just didn’t listen in the first place. Now her naked ass was on display and Bruddis was watching the whole thing.

  She felt mortified and so terribly aroused at the same time.

  Shamed and submissive, she lowered her eyes.

  Her limbs relaxed and she unclenched her bottom without a second thought. She almost welcomed the spanks now, every single one throbbing deep into her core, a delicious burning that left her wanting more, the pain like a sudden sense of relief.

  All her sadness, loneliness, and hurt over the events of the past few months drifted away and the only thing that was left was her bare bottom, Draego’s palm, and her punishment.

  It felt like freedom.

  It took a long time for her to realize the spanking had ended and that Draego was rubbing his palm up and down her sore flesh, massaging the hurt away.

  “It’s time for the final part of your discipline, Jada,” he said softly, and she shivered.

  She felt him grip both cheeks of her ass and squealed when he spread them apart. Flushed with embarrassment, she realized he was probably staring straight down at her rosebud and she shuddered with shame.

  A slick liquid squirted onto her forbidden passage and he spread it around her tight rim with his thumb. She tensed when he started pushing against her bottom hole and tried to wriggle away. Slightly panicked, she tightened her cheeks, which only earned her a hard slap to the back of her thighs.

  “We can continue the spanking with Bruddis’ belt, young lady. Your bottom will not be properly punished until I have disciplined you inside and out. Do you understand?” he told her firmly, and she struggled to obey.

  His digit pushed against her tight rosette, stretching her in a way that was both painful and pleasurable at the same time. It burned in such an embarrassing manner that it left her trembling with the desire for it to stop and for it to continue all at once.

  She felt a second pair of hands graze against her thigh and she whined as she realized both men were watching this part of her punishment very closely.

  “She’s being rather difficult. Give her a second finger for fighting us. Make sure she learns her lesson,” Bruddis added, and she whined in response.

  Draego’s thumb pressed into her bottom and when it finally breached her tight rim, she keened at the painful stretch. He worked his thumb in and out of her, and before long, he started pushing inside her with a second finger, despite her protests for mercy.

  It hurt and she cried out as he advanced. She tried her best not to tense up, because every time she did, it grew more painful. When he had succeeded in punishing her bottom hole with two fingers, he removed his leg from the backs of hers.

  “Spread your legs. Show us that naughty wet cunt,” Bruddis commanded, the breathless want in his voice clear as day.

  She hesitated too long, and Draego spoke.

  “Do you want the belt then?”

  “No, Sir,” she quickly answered as she tentatively spread her thighs apart. Impatiently, Bruddis used his knee to push her legs open even wider and she moaned when the chilly breeze caressed her wet folds.

  Both men were silent for a long time and she did her best to stay still, thankful for the fact that she could hide her face in the soft quilt on the bed. She knew they were staring, knew they could see how aroused she was in reaction to such shameful acts, knew they’d be disappointed in her lusty, wanton nature. They’d probably send her back to the detainment center within the hour.

  Was that what she wanted?

  Draego pumped his digits in and out of her. She moaned.

  “She’s so wet,” Bruddis said in wonder.

  “Perfect for our bride,” Draego responded, before he finally pulled his fingers from her bottom. He grasped her around the waist and lifted her to a seated position on his lap, quickly wiping the tears from her face.

  “You took your first punishment well, Jada. I’m proud of you,” he said sincerely, keeping his icy eyes leveled with hers. She blushed and bit her lip, turning her head. His fingers gripped her chin softly and turned her back to face him.

  Bruddis sat down beside them and softly massaged the top of her thighs.

  It felt so nice. She felt relaxed, taken care of, and for the first time in a long while, she felt like the world had been lifted off of her shoulders. For the moment, her past didn’t matter, only the present, and she couldn’t help but sniffle and hope for the best.

  Even with a red-hot spanked bottom, she was optimistic. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. Maybe she could find her happy ending here after all.

  As she glanced back and forth between the men, they smiled.

  “I’m to be your bride?” she questioned softly.

  “You’re to be our bride, and our queen,” Bruddis responded with a nod.

  She was to be a queen? Were these men princes?

  “As our wife, you will link my brother and me as one, and we will both be able to ascend the throne and unite the country under our rule,” Draego explained.

  “What’s going to happen next?” she asked. She snaked her hands around her chest and covered her hardened nipples, still fully aware of the wetness between her thighs.

  “You’re going to meet the king. If we receive his approval on our choice of a wife, then we can proceed with the fire shaman’s ritual. Although the manner in which you achieved warrior status is questionable and not altogether morally sound, I don’t foresee any reason why our father wouldn’t accept you as our choice,” Draego replied.

  “What do you mean by ‘achieved warrior status’?”

  “You’ve killed before, experienced death. This garners great respect on our planet, especially when in battle,” Bruddis murmured. “It’s also generally expected that kings and queens should have some knowledge of death, and since you already do, our marriage should be able to proceed without delay. Your past should please the fire shaman.”

  She studied Bruddis’ and Draego’s faces and saw a tired sadness there, a quiet exhaustion both were careful to hide behind calm and knowledgeable eyes. What the hell was a fire shaman?

  “I… I never killed that man. I’m innocent. I was framed,” she whispered quietly. For some reason, she felt like she could trust these men, or maybe it
was that she wanted to trust them. Whatever the reason was, she couldn’t help but hold her breath, waiting for either of them to respond.

  “Don’t lie, Jada. I don’t welcome untruths from my bride-to-be,” Bruddis replied with enough ire that she clamped her lips shut. “Do it again and I’ll whip you for your insolence.”

  She looked away, biting her lip to keep from crying. Why should they believe her anyway? It’s not like this was anything new to her, but the fact that they didn’t believe her seemed to bother her more so than ever, more so than anyone else. She quickly blinked away her tears and tried to think of other things, desperate to change the subject.

  “Can I at least get dressed?” she asked with a sigh.

  She played with her long brown waves, keeping her dark emerald-colored eyes plastered to the floor, trying to hide the fact that her feelings were hurt as best she could.

  “Perhaps, although it would be good training to make you walk naked around the castle, don’t you think, brother?” Draego said thoughtfully.

  She tore her eyes up at him and watched as his eyes perused up and down her body. She shivered with both embarrassment and delight, the pained feeling of their disbelief of her words gradually fading away until it hurt much less.

  Gently, Draego helped her to stand and she curled her toes in the soft carpet underneath. Her backside still ached and Bruddis reached out, running his fingers up and down her scorched flesh.

  “Was this your first spanking, Jada?” he asked, his eyes boring into hers. She nodded gently and he leaned forward while still sitting on the bed and placed a kiss on her hip. She moaned softly under her breath. His hands snaked around her thighs.

  “Open,” he commanded, and she hesitated, earning a hard pinch on her backside that made her squeal. She rushed to obey him as quickly as she could, not wanting to earn any further punishment.

  His palm rested against her clit and he patted her softly, the moist sound of skin smacking skin shameful to her ears. The simple position of his hand held so much power that she trembled, wondering what he would do next.

  “You get very wet when we give you pain,” he noted, holding her gaze with his own, and she felt a hot flush come over her. He smirked then and his gaze darkened.

  In the flash of a second, his palm left her pussy and came back with a harsh slap. He quickly gripped her chin as she keened with pain, forcing her to keep her eyes level with his.

  “Remember to be a good little human and obey your masters or else you will be punished,” he whispered, and she shivered, her pussy hot, wet, and ready as the residual pain from his slap radiated across her folds, settling deep into her clit and even deeper in her core.

  Across the room, Draego smirked before heading off toward a great wooden armoire. He opened it and dug into a drawer, taking out a white bundle along with a pair of soft-looking leather slippers.

  “Come. Let’s get you dressed so that you can meet the king. He isn’t doing so well today, so time is of the essence,” Draego said.

  “Not doing well?”

  “Our father is very sick. It’s expected that he won’t make it to the end of the week,” Bruddis answered, his sadness raw in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she answered quietly. Both brothers responded with silence.

  Biting her lip, she looked away. What had she gotten herself into?

  Chapter Three

  A short time later, she was fully dressed in the white gown, wrapped up safely in its softness with her feet encased in the leather slippers. After that, Draego and Bruddis led her out of the bedroom and down a corridor lit with candle chandeliers to an extravagantly carved wooden door. A man dressed in steel armor stood guarding the door, and he opened it upon their entry. He bowed with respect as they walked by.

  Jada wasn’t used to such treatment, but she was whisked ahead without being able to say a word of thanks to the armored man. She was led directly into another massive bedroom, even larger than the brothers’ room, with extravagant golden furniture and beautifully colored flowers in vases strewn over every possible surface. It smelled of lavender and roses, but there was a certain undercurrent of stale sickness still apparent in the air.

  A frail-looking, white-bearded man lay underneath a mountain of burgundy and gold blankets, propped up by a mass of pillows. He opened his eyes, blue-green irises studying them as they walked up closer to the bed.

  His face was white as a sheet, his breathing shallow and his hands shook, fingers gripping the blankets beneath. Jada noticed the veins in his hands, purple. Such a stark contrast to his chalky pale skin. He was definitely very sick. She bit her lip, empathy surging forth.

  “Good afternoon, Father,” Draego said softly, while he brushed his hand over the king’s. The elderly man smiled softly, which seemed to deflate him of whatever energy he had.

  “Our bride arrived today. We wanted you to meet her,” Bruddis added as he picked her up by the waist and sat her down on the side of the tall bed, effortlessly, as if she was the weight of a single feather.

  The king reached for her hand and took it within both of his. His eyes crinkled with joy, red-rimmed and moist, but she couldn’t help but smile in return. Underneath his obvious sickness, she could see a kind-hearted man concealed deep in his eyes.

  The eyes of a king, of a man with vast knowledge of the world, a deep understanding of everything around him. She felt his gaze, saw him study her and at once, accept her, for who she was no matter what happened in her past.

  “Take care of my boys. Take care of Draegira,” the old man whispered, his voice gravelly and barely audible. It sounded like it had taken all of his energy to utter those few words. She gripped his cold fingers and nodded.

  “Don’t worry, I will,” she responded, feeling compelled to reassure the king.

  “You’ll make a great queen. The people will love you,” he whispered as his eyes grew heavy. He released her hand and relaxed into the bed, exhausted at the exertion of speaking. His ribcage rattled from the effort.

  “Thank you, your majesty,” she whispered as Draego took her hand.

  “Get some rest, Father,” Bruddis added and the three of them made their way back out of the room. Jada turned back as they were walking away and realized that the king had already fallen asleep.

  It was incredibly sad.

  When she had reached the relative safety of the hallway, she ventured to ask about it.

  “Why’s he so sick?”

  “His blood has recognized the rise of our blood, that new more powerful alphas have come of age,” Bruddis explained and she looked back at him with confusion.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Our royal bloodline is very special here on the planet Draegira. It recognizes when the next alpha needs to come in to power, when it’s time for the next of kin to take the throne. It’s been that way for generations. You’ll understand more with time. We’ll have to take you out on the outskirts of town to fully explain what we mean. Despite our humanoid appearances, we are definitely alien to your kind,” Draego explained.

  “We have some time this evening before we have to prepare her for the fire shaman’s trials tonight. Why don’t we head out to the plains to introduce her to perks of our bloodline the right way?” Bruddis said with a smirk.

  “That could be arranged,” Draego chuckled.

  She glanced back at them in confusion. What did they mean by trials?

  They stopped along the way and grabbed her fur mantle, before they descended into the depths of the castle, walking along stone hallways and curling staircases. With every step, her eyes skirted around her, taking in the uniqueness of what she imagined was a great big castle. Eventually, they exited the building and ventured out into the chilly fall air. She gasped upon walking into the massive sprawling white stone city, brightly lit under the rays of the sun. It was so beautiful that she felt like all her words had left her.

  Speechless, she let her gaze wander, taking in the great big buildings and
the spotless streets, devoid of a single piece of trash to mar its beauty. It was otherworldly. Magical.

  The three of them walked for a long while down cobblestone streets, heading in the direction of the city limits while she studied the various buildings and people they passed. Women, men, and children all bowed their heads as they traveled down the streets, every single one stopping whatever they were doing to pay their respects. It was a heady sight to behold.

  No one bothered them. In fact, they seemed to do their best to allow the three of them a wide berth, one that spoke to both deference and love, and also fear. She looked back and noticed a small group of guards escorting them, but they didn’t make their presence known in any way. They were far behind and probably only there in case any sort of situation came to a head.

  When they finally reached the outskirts of the city, Bruddis ran forward into the grassy field, following a well-worn dirt path before whirling around back toward them. He tossed his mantle off his shoulders and quickly unlashed his belt from his waist. In no time at all, he had taken off his leather jerkin, revealing a sculpted chest that was so chiseled that it reminded her of the gods of old, carved from marble.

  She wanted to reach out and touch his skin, run her fingers along his hard muscle and kiss him. Startled, she took a step back, unsure of the origin of such lustful thoughts. Where the hell had that come from?

  When he unbuttoned his dark cloth pants, she sighed as he pushed them down over his hips and time seemed to slow as she saw the massive girth of his cock for the first time. The bulbous head bobbed up and down, the thick shaft standing straight up toward the sky and she licked her lips, suddenly wondering what he would taste like.

  Draego gripped her shoulders and held her still and she briefly wondered why.

  Bruddis stood in the field, completely naked and she admired every square inch of him. A lean waist angled down to trim hips and his thighs tensed as he smirked back at her, very much aware of her obvious gawking of his male form.


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