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Mated to the Dragons

Page 10

by Sara Fields

  Draego pressed deeper into her and her body melted into his embrace. Taken by two men at once, she let their mastery overtake her and she allowed herself to enjoy every passionate second.

  Between them, she enjoyed one orgasm after the next, stretched wide and stuffed with two massive cocks. She has never felt so full in her life and she trembled as every inch of her body blazed with ecstasy.

  They groaned quietly in her ear and she screamed once again as her release tore through her, their hot seed painting her insides and claiming her as theirs, once and for all. At that moment, she couldn’t ask for a single thing more.

  She felt like she had it all.

  Two husbands, two dragons, two future kings, and she was fated to be their queen.

  What more could a girl ask for?

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning, Jada woke up nestled in her men’s arms and she snuggled closer between them, feeling Bruddis’ length against her thigh and Draego’s pressed up against her lower back. Closing her eyes, she hoped to not awaken them but Draego moved behind her, slowly running his fingers up her hip. She shivered.

  “It’s our first day as men and wife, Jada,” he murmured quietly and she couldn’t help but grin at his words. She stretched slightly and pressed her bottom back against him, feeling his iron shaft harden against her skin.

  Though they’d been together for such a short time, she felt like they were right for each other, that Draego was the bad boy she had always craved and that Bruddis was the man she’d dreamed of having since she was a little girl.

  Hot. Dominant. Incredibly sexy. Who had known that after everything fell into place, that she would have wound up with two?

  Bruddis shifted then, and opened his eyes, his red irises studying hers for moment before he grinned so broadly that the cutest little wrinkles appeared on the sides of his eyes.

  “Morning, little human,” he said groggily and she giggled.

  “Morning,” she replied.

  “Today is the Warrior Games,” Draego said almost disappointedly as he pushed his cock against her, as if he wanted to fuck her again. Not that she would have minded.

  “It starts sometime soon, doesn’t it, brother?” Bruddis asked with a sigh, laying his head back on the pillow behind him.

  “The sun has been up for several hours already, so within the hour,” Draego replied.

  Jada groaned quietly, trying to force herself awake. Lifting her arms overhead, she stretched, arching her back and pressing her breasts into Bruddis’ chest.

  He cupped one of them in his hands and ran his thumb over her nipple. She sighed softly, pushing into his touch even more.

  Draego slapped her ass from behind and she yelped, startled.

  “None of that now. We’re expected to attend our own wedding festivities after all,” he chided and that broke her of the want to continue more of their delightful bedroom activities.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “The Warrior Games happen only after a royal wedding. In terms of your Earth history, I guess you can equate it to the gladiatorial games of ancient Rome. The royal family competes for the honor to present the queen-to-be with her crown. In fact, the entire planet of Draegira looks forward to the event because it doesn’t come around too often,” Bruddis explained.

  “Will it be entertaining?” she yawned, not liking the fact that she had to crawl out of bed in order to go to some great gathering, especially when the covers were calling her name.

  “It’ll be great fun,” Draego said darkly and she couldn’t help but gasp quietly at the seduction that simply oozed from the sound of his voice. The excitement in his voice was also clear and she began to feel eager for the event herself.

  Bruddis threw the covers off and stood up beside the bed, in his complete naked glory. She couldn’t help but stare at his chiseled frame, taut buttocks, lean waist, and sculpted back. Licking her lips, she couldn’t help it as her pussy clenched, remembering how much she had enjoyed her last encounter with her men. Draego chuckled beside her and she bit her lip.

  Bruddis turned back toward them and smirked.

  “Like what you see then, little human, don’t you,” he said with a chuckle.

  Deeply embarrassed at being caught ogling his body, she shook her head and giggled nervously. His gaze turned dark for a quick moment before he lurched toward her and grasped her legs, effortlessly tossing her on her belly and flipping the blankets off her bare backside.

  His fingers touched her naked skin, rough and strong and she stilled at the silent warning.

  “I think you could use a quick reminder to be on your best behavior, don’t you, Jada?” Draego said beside her and she quickly glared back at him. Bruddis didn’t answer, but he smacked her bottom a few times softly.

  He placed his other hand on her lower back to keep her still.

  She swallowed heavily.

  She felt him reach to the nightstand and stiffened.

  “No, please don’t,” she pleaded half-heartedly, even as her pussy quivered with want.

  The leather paddle peppered her ass and she squealed at the sudden sting. He didn’t waver with his punishing hand and before long, her entire backside was sore and achy. When he finally stopped, she was left breathless, and her hips rocked back in forth in a useless attempt to shake away the pain.

  Her core throbbed and she allowed her thighs to drift apart, shocked to find them already wet with her arousal.

  “Ouch,” she pouted, although unable to hold back a smile.

  Reaching back, she felt the heat radiating from her freshly disciplined bottom and couldn’t help but sigh with a sense of satisfied pleasure, although she wanted so much more.

  Bruddis offered her a hand then and helped her out of bed. Her breasts bounced a little, heavy with her desire and her nipples pebbled in the chilly morning air. She could feel her wetness even more distinctly now that she was standing and wished the men would take her back to bed and claim her again, together.

  Draego looked at her with a sort of all-knowing expression and she looked away, feeling her face heat with humiliation.

  Bruddis dressed first, tying on his black cloth pants and off-white cotton shirt. He shrugged a dark brown leather jerkin over his shoulders and lashed a wide belt around his waist. Lastly, he pulled on a pair of socks, followed by dark leather boots. Draego did the same. She was left to watch, standing naked in between them, until Bruddis handed her a small package wrapped in cloth and tied with twine.

  She opened it slowly to find a beautiful silvery white dress. Holding it by the shoulders, she held it up in front of herself and gasped. There were two layers of fabric, one a sheer white, the other the color of her skin. Both brothers helped her into it and tied the sash around her waist into a long hanging bow that reached the floor. The high waist settled just below her breasts and the neckline veered low, showcasing an ample view of her cleavage.

  Looking in a nearby mirror, she gasped at the gown’s beauty, but also at its daring nature. The two fabrics made it seem as though it was transparent, but upon further inspection, she was relieved to note that her nipples weren’t peeking through.

  Sliding her feet into a pair of white leather slippers, she sighed happily as Bruddis pulled a comb gently through her hair. He brushed her locks until they shone and he grinned as he spun her around to look her in the eyes.

  “Simply the most beautiful woman in all the land,” he mused softly and Draego nodded behind him.

  “Let’s show our princess bride to the world today,” Draego added.

  She grinned, never happier in her life. How could she be so lucky? After all the unfortunate events throughout her life, culminating with the framed murder charge the president had forced on her, she had begun to lose hope for her own happily ever after. But now, she felt hopeful.

  Her thoughts made her feel a little guilty as she remembered her family. She wished there was some way she could reach out to them, some way to let them know
that she was doing well and most important, that she was alive and not dead, just far away on a mysterious planet deep in space.

  Immersed heavily in her thoughts, she smiled gently as the brothers placed a stark white fur mantle over her shoulders. They had black ones on their backs. She vaguely noticed intricate swords lashed to their waists, the gold filigree and gemstone inlays too beautiful to ignore.

  Draego took her hand and led her out of their chambers and down a series of hallways and stairs that she very quickly lost track of. In no time at all, they were out in the fresh city air. After a short walk, the three of them were standing in front of a huge building that reminded her of the ancient Roman Coliseum, except triple the size and made of striking white stone. She could already hear the excited sounds of an audience waiting inside. They walked indoors via a side entrance and up several flights of stairs until they emerged in a special open suite that had an entire view of the inside of the coliseum.

  The suite was entirely visible to the crowd and at its center, there were three seats, all padded with a royal red cushion and outfitted with enough detail to realize it was a throne. From the position of the chairs, she guessed that once they were seated, the crowd would be able to see their presence, no matter the angle.

  Walking to the ledge, she looked out at the packed stadium seating, guessing there were several hundreds of thousands of people gathered inside, waiting for the show to begin. It was truly incredible to behold. Draego and Bruddis walked up beside her and out onto a stage that reached further into the arena.

  The entire crowd went silent in an instant. The effect of that quiet was astounding and Jada looked on in awe.

  “I welcome you, fellow Draegirans, to the Warrior Games! I present to you, my wife and your future queen, Princess Jada,” Draego said, lifting his arms into the air.

  The crowd roared with approval.

  Bruddis took her hand and delicately led her out onto the stage with his brother. If it was possible, the crowd cheered even more wildly than before.

  She couldn’t help but smile, waving to them, finding their excitement contagious.

  “Let the games begin!” Bruddis shouted once the audience had quieted again and their screams were deafening.

  Trumpets sounded, along with other musical instruments that she didn’t recognize. The three of them took their seats, her in the center, and waited for the festivities to start.

  Biting her lip in anticipation, she leaned forward in order to see better.

  A line of men and women in heavy armor, at least fifty of them, filed out from an open hatch below. She watched as they walked into the center of the arena and faced the royal suite. They each knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads.

  “It honors us to fight in your name, Princess Jada. May the fates smile upon us this day,” the group said in unison and Jada smiled. They stayed on their knees until Draego and Bruddis declared that they were allowed to rise.

  The trumpets and alien music sounded again and the group walked back into the dark mysterious door at the edge of the arena.

  Another door opened and a throaty wild roar ripped through the air, animalistic and utterly terrifying. Jada gripped the armrests of her chair with fear and nervous curiosity.

  A massive cage was rolled out by a group of men, although she looked at it with confusion because there was nothing inside it. They opened the door wide and just left it there, a long beacon on the white sandy floor. All doors on the ground floor closed, until one last one opened. A wild animal emerged, an alien creature that resembled, at least remotely, a polar bear from Earth, but that’s where the similarities ended.

  Its fur was white, except it sparked in the sunlight. It was huge, at least ten feet tall, with four long limbs. The talons were stark black and a foot long, digging into the sand as it surged forward. Ears that flopped like a dog’s moved in the wind until it lurched to a stop at the center of the coliseum. It looked around, red angry eyes marveling at the crowd as it growled.

  Jada was suddenly very grateful that she was so high off the ground.

  A warrior ran out into the arena, shield and sword in hand and Jada squeaked with panic. That fighter wasn’t going to survive! She had to do something.

  “Don’t!” she cried out, pushing up off the seat before Draego caught her hand.

  “Sit,” Draego commanded. “These people fight for you. It is our way.”

  With a whimper, she sat back down.

  “What is it?” she wondered aloud, studying the strange-looking animal.

  “That’s a male polarkon. Violently territorial and extremely dangerous. You wouldn’t want to run into one of those in the wildlands, that’s for sure,” Bruddis answered, and the three of them watched as the beast noticed the lone knight who had entered into the arena with him.

  The man down below stalked a safe distance away from the alien bear-like creature. The polarkon growled menacingly and Jada shivered.

  “Is the point to kill it?” she asked quietly. Despite the terrifying nature of the beast, she didn’t want to see it hurt.

  “No. The polarkon was caught specifically for the opening of these games and will be released upon its completion. The warriors all entered with a healthy respect for the beast and have been taught that it is a dishonor to shed its blood, unless utterly necessary. Instead, they have to guide it into the cage so that the creature can be safely freed into the forests after everything is over,” Draego explained.

  She watched with nervous anticipation as the creature surged toward the man, but then, she sighed with relief as he sidestepped out of the way and bashed it on the head with the blunt end of his blade, dazing the beast for a short moment.

  A nearby attendant startled her with a large goblet of wine and a tray of meats and cheeses that she quickly dove into. Taking a sip of the delicious beverage, she moaned softly as the delectable tones of berries washed over her tongue.

  A collective gasp from the crowd echoed throughout the arena and she quickly put her goblet back down to watch the warrior move closer to the polarkon, banging the flat of his sword against his shield. Closer and closer he edged, until the alien creature lashed out with one its paws, catching the knight off guard and slamming him against a wall.

  Jada held her breath for a long time, fully expecting the man to be dead. The sheer power of the alien creature was terrifying.

  Amazingly, the man stood to his feet a few seconds later and the crowd yelled its approval. Another warrior ran into the arena, only this time, it was a woman.

  The crowd went wild. Maybe the woman was a favorite of theirs?

  She wore very little armor and Jada shuddered with alarm. What did the woman think she was doing? She only wore a pair of leather pants, complete with a jerkin and a small shield in her hand. In the other, she held a rather tiny-looking dagger. If the polarkon decided to attack her, she was doomed. His talons were much too big for her leather and shield to guard her from most certain death.

  The woman tossed her red hair and the beast stilled, sniffing the air.

  Draego smiled beside her. “This woman is very smart. She’s done her research, I’m betting.”

  “Why do you say that?” Jada questioned.

  “Watch, little human. I have a feeling that woman is going to win this match today,” Bruddis replied, placing his huge hand over hers. Her heart pitter-pattered at his touch and she turned back to the games, reaching for Draego’s hand with the other.

  The woman walked into the center of the arena and tossed her hair again. The man grunted in annoyance and charged at the polarkon, but the alien beast ignored him entirely.

  It lifted its long, toothy snout into the air and sniffed again.

  The creature walked to the woman, closer and closer while she stood her ground.

  Jada whined out loud in fear for her.

  Instead, the polarkon rubbed its head against the female’s shoulder. At any moment, Jada expected the polarkon to tear the woman in two, but that d
idn’t happen. Instead, the beast continued to cuddle against her, sniffing and licking the woman’s throat.

  Amazingly, the woman walked into the cage and the polarkon followed. Once the creature was in the cage, she moved toward the front of the enclosure and petted its snout gently. The polarkon purred then, so loudly the entire audience could hear it.

  She’d tamed the beast and even though she had watched the entire thing, Jada had no idea how she’d done it.

  “How?” she asked, astonished at the events that just occurred. The beast had been ferocious one second and calmed the next. How was it even possible?

  “Vanilla. When a mated, bonded pair of polarkons come together, they mate for life. Once this bond is established, the female emits a vanilla scent, and this calms the males around her. This particular male polarkon is young and unmated, so he’s particularly susceptible to it. Bravo, warrior woman, honor is with you today,” Draego exclaimed.

  “The other knight must not have studied his foe in the slightest, assuming that brute force would win such a contest,” Bruddis chuckled as the male warrior hung his head in shame and left the arena.

  The polarkon, calmed by the vanilla scent, curled up in a ball and closed its eyes, safely in the cage. The woman slinked out and closed the door behind her, effectively trapping the tamed beast. Another group of men entered and wheeled the cage out as the music started again, announcing the start of the games’ next event.

  The warrior woman bowed before leaving the arena.

  Two men entered the arena from opposite ends and charged at each other. Jada watched as they clashed swords, pirouetting and side-stepping in an intricate dance that was mesmerizing to watch. She drank some more wine and nibbled on a piece of cheese. The fight lasted for quite a while, both men pretty evenly matched.

  Finally, one of the men knocked the sword out of the other’s grasp and held his blade to his throat. Jada held her breath.


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