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Fallen Angels

Page 14

by Terence West

  "Just lucky I guess." He took another sip of his coffee. "Have you ever been there?"

  She sighed. "Unfortunately, yes."

  "Why is that unfortunate?"

  She adjusted her blue skirt. "Strange things happen there."

  Jake feigned ignorance. "Really? Like what?"

  She leaned forward and began to speak in a hushed tone. "I have heard about the testing that goes on there. They steal people right out of their homes and night and experiment on them." She leaned back. "I was the General's assistant when I first arrived here. But after the things I saw, I wanted out. So, when this job opening came up, even though it was a step down from where I was, I took it."

  "It was that bad there?"

  She looked him straight in the eye. "Yes." Clearing her throat, she readjusted herself on the couch. "So what are you, some kind of war hero?"

  "No. Why?"

  "The powers that be at Area 51 only recruit the 'best of the best'. They want this operation to remain top secret so they only recruit the most loyal soldiers."

  "How can they be so sure?"

  "This base has been operating secretly for over fifty years. They must be doing something right."

  "Yeah, I guess you're right." He glanced around at the bare white walls of the room. "Where is everyone else?"

  "Most of the other workers and soldiers take an earlier flight or take the bus."

  "The bus?"

  "Yeah. It runs in and out of the base four times a day."

  "Why do they run a bus when they have flights?"

  "Some people don't like to fly, that's all."

  Jake nodded. "Have to be an equal opportunity employer, right?"

  She laughed out loud. "Equal opportunity employer. That's a joke."


  "You didn't hear about the law suit filed last year against the base?"

  "No. What happened?"

  The woman stood up, walked over and poured herself a cup of coffee. "Last year a widow filed a law suit on behalf of her late husband. Up until his death, he was an employee of the base. She claimed that the base was illegally disposing of chemicals on site. She also alleged that they were burning most of the chemicals, releasing harmful toxins into the air and poisoning a lot of the workers. Some of these chemicals were blamed for eventually killing several other workers."

  "What happened to the lawsuit?"

  "It was thrown out. The President signed into law a motion that allowed Area 51 to do what ever it wanted under the auspice of National defense."

  Jake sipped his coffee. "So the President actually acknowledged that the base existed."

  "Yeah, but then the base quickly faded back into myth."

  Jake smiled. "That's the way the Government wants to keep it, right?"

  "That's right" Standing up she placed her cup of coffee on the table. "I've got to get back to work. You've still got a while before your plane leaves. Why don't you try and relax?" Jake took another sip of his coffee as she walked toward the door. Stopping just inside the door she turned around and smiled. "By the way Jake, I am also a patriot to the cause." She winked at him and walked out the door.

  * * * *

  Christina awoke back inside the box. Her head felt very groggy, and it took a lot of effort to even wiggle her toes. She was no longer naked, now wrapped in what looked like a black body suit. It felt very restrictive on her chest when she tried to breath. Her body ached as it moved.

  She heard the familiar sounds of the latches opening on the box. Feeling too exhausted, she didn't even try to fight what was about to happen. The top of the box slowly opened, but this time a human face peered in. A wave of relief flowed over her.

  The man was of Asian heritage with thick black-rimmed glasses and short dark hair. She recognized the face, but couldn't place it. He was speaking to her, but she didn't comprehend what he was saying. He stood up, turned his head and pointed down at Christina. Two large men dressed in gray jump suits moved over to her and carefully lifted her out of the box. Her body went limp in their arms. The room she was in was busy in comparison to the craft she had just been in. It was filled with men in white lab coats working on computers and checking long tubes filled with a thick green substance. She turned her head to the right and saw a woman suspended in one of the tubes. She realized then she had not been rescued. Panic ensued as her mind shifted into high gear trying to find a way to escape. She tried to struggle, but couldn't. The two men rested her on a nearby table and began to undress her. Unzipping the black body suit, they quickly pulled it off her. Staring off to the right, Christina saw an empty tube being checked by the same man that had opened her box. She knew it was for her.

  One of the men lifted her up and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of bricks. She was still too weak to move, and she had gone past the point of caring what happened next. He slipped her into the glass tube on her back. Her head fell loosely to the left. She watched carefully as several men in lab coats examined another tube with a man inside. The man seemed familiar somehow...

  Yokama moved over in front of Christina's tube. His mouth was moving, but all she could hear were muffled sounds. Tapping a button on the top of the tube, the glass lid slowly slid shut locking her inside. She didn't even try to struggle. Letting her head fall to the left again she stared at the man in the next tube. One of the men had opened the tube and was reaching into the green fluid. She watched as they turned the man's head to the right to examine his neck.

  Christina began to sob as the green liquid flowed into the tube. Turning over to her right she placed her hands on the tube and tried to shout, but all that came out was whispers. "Daddy." Christina stared at the lifeless body of her father in the next tube. The green fluid in her own was already up past her head she mustered all of her strength to ball up her fists and pound on the glass. She mouthed the words 'I love you, Daddy'. She looked up in time to see Yokama hit another button on his console. A shock of electricity shot through her tube solidifying the fluid inside. Still conscious, but immobilized, she stared with wide eyes at her father's tube. She desperately wanted to close her eyes, but couldn't.

  * * * *

  Davis made his way back into his office. Several messages lay strewn about on his desk. Picking them up he quickly looked over them and placed them in his pocket. Sitting down in his chair he heard a knock at his door. "Come."

  General Perry opened the door and strode in. Davis immediately jumped up from his chair and stood at attention for his superior officer. Perry nodded for Davis to sit back down. Seating himself in a chair across from Davis, he pulled off his hat and laid it on the desk. "I want to know where you were last night."

  Davis was taken back. "Pardon?"

  "You left the base last night." His tone was firm. "I want to know where you went."

  Davis' heart began to pound as he struggled to find an excuse. "I needed a night off, and I was sure the base was in your capable hands, General." He spat the words at Perry.

  "Bull shit." Perry stood up. "I don't care what you think of me, but you have a base to run. I don't think you should be off in Vegas fucking around."

  "I agree."

  "Then why did you do it?"

  Perry stood up and placed both of his hands flat on his desk. "I don't care if I'm guarding a crashed UFO or a Goddamned merry-go-round, sometimes my men and I need a little rest."

  "Then why wasn't I informed?"

  "Last time I checked I was still the CO of this facility."

  "I am your superior officer!"

  "By one star."

  "It wouldn't matter if you were a Private 1st class, you still have to report to your senior officer!"

  Davis knew he had picked a fight he couldn't win. "I apologize, Sir."

  "That's not good enough for me or the President."

  Davis' eyes went wide. "I'm not sure I understand."

  Perry returned to his seat and motioned for Davis to do so also. "This morning I posted my report to the President on this
facility. Understandably, he was very disappointed."

  "In what?"

  "The way you run this ship. This is the most top-secret base in the United States and it needs a Colonel that understands this. So as of eight hundred hours I was appointed Temporary Commanding Officer of Area 51." Davis felt his stomach twist. "When I leave in a week Colonel Hunter will be promoted to General and he will take over from me." Pulling a folded packet of paper out of his pocket he laid it on the desk in front of Davis. "These are your walking papers, Tom."

  "How can you do this to me?" Davis slumped down in his seat. "I have been a damn fine officer for a long time and now you do this?"

  "I'm sorry Tom. I really am, but this is for the good of the Nation."

  "To hell it is." Davis chewed over what had just happened. "What are you planning to do with me?"

  "We can't really just put you back in population because of what you know, so we've decided to transfer you."

  "To where?"

  "Better pack your parka because you're off to Alaska."


  "You'll like it there. I hear the wilderness is beautiful and the fishing is incredible." Davis was to in awe to speak. "This transfer is effective immediately." Perry stood up and tucked his hat under his right arm. "Nothing personal, Tom." Opening the door he stepped outside and slammed it behind him.

  "To hell it's not." Davis knew the timetable for his plan had to be moved up substantially. This won't give Jake long to finish his tasks,he thought dismally.

  * * * *

  Jake stepped aboard the plane. The 737 had been modified for the line of work it was in. There were no windows in the passenger compartment and several rows of seats had been removed in the middle to accommodate a table and two couches. From the computer banks built into the walls, it looked as if this plane could operate as a mobile base if needed. Loading his bag into the overhead compartment, he took a seat near the rear of the plane.

  A female stewardess emerged from the cockpit. She scanned the passenger compartment until she spotted Jake. Walking up to him she leaned over. "Are you the only passenger on this flight?"

  Jake nodded. "As far as I can tell." Jake quickly noted that she looked very good in her blue uniform.

  She stood up. "I hate the nine o'clock flight. It's such a waste of time."


  "Because there's never anyone on it."

  Jake smiled. "I could've sworn that I was someone."

  She gave him a mystified look. "You know what I mean." Sitting in the seat next to him she leaned back. "All right, I'll give you the usual drill." She took a deep breath, "The plane will be taking off in about five minutes and we will arrive at the base in about forty-five. Soldiers usually take this time to get into their uniform or take a nap."

  "If you don't mind me saying, you sound very cynical."

  "I know." She shook her head. "It's this job. I got into the Air Force because I wanted to fly, not be a stewardess. I could've done this without going to boot camp."

  "I'm sorry."

  She smiled at him, "That's okay, I'll live." She stood up. "Get buckled in, we're about to take off." She returned to the front of the plane.

  Jake grabbed the two sides of the seat belt and snapped it around his waist. He then realized there was one major flaw to Davis' plan. He was to impersonate an Air Force officer, when he hated to fly. Closing his eyes, he gripped the armrests as the plane began to shudder to life. He had been on many flights in his life, mostly when he was in the FBI, but the part he hated most was take off. He felt the plane taxiing around the tarmac until it was stopped again on the runway. Gritting his teeth, he felt the plane begin to accelerate as it cruised down the runway. His stomach lurched as the pilot eased it into the air. Leaning back in his seat he felt the plane climb at a forty-five degree angle. Slowly it began to level off. Keeping his gaze forward for what seemed like an eternity, he watched the seat belt sign turn off.

  Removing his seat belt he stood up and stretched. The stewardess emerged again. "Are you all right?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "Your face is very pale."

  He smiled. "I'm just not very good at flying."

  "You joined the Air Force and you don't like to fly?"

  "I've seen stranger things. A buddy of mine joined the Navy right out of High School and he couldn't swim. Didn't even really like the water."

  She laughed. "Sounds like he made a bad career choice."

  "That's what we kept telling him." Jake glanced around. "Where are the bathrooms?" She pointed with her thumb behind her. "Thanks." Grabbing his bag from above him, he scooted past her and made his way to the bathroom. Stepping inside the cramped room he laid the bag on the sink and unzipped it. Inside were several Air Force uniforms that Davis had provided him. Lifting out the one on top he began to pull it on. The jacket was a little tight in the shoulders, but he could live with it.

  Buttoning the last button up, he stared at himself in the mirror. Jake flashed back to an image of his father putting on his green Marine uniform in their bathroom. He was seven years old. His father was a tall well-built man with dark hair. His deep blue eyes burned with intensity and a sense of purpose. He stood in the doorway watching his father straightening his necktie. "Dad? Why do you have to go?"

  Turning around his father knelt down and placed his hands on Jake's shoulders. "My country needs me, Jacob."

  Jake began to sob. "But it's my birthday! Can't you stay?"

  "I'm sorry little man, but I've got to go." As long as he could remember his father had always called him 'little-man'. His mother had told him it was because he was so much like his father. "When you're older you'll understand." Standing up he grabbed his hat and his duffel bag and left the bathroom. He watched as his father gave his mother a kiss. Turning back to Jake he smiled. "Save a piece of cake for me, okay?" Jake nodded. "I love you son, and I'll be home very soon."

  "I love you too Dad." His father waved good-bye and was gone.

  He ran to his mother wrapping his arms around her. She rubbed his back and held him tightly. His mother had always seemed to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She always knew how to comfort him in a way only a mother could. Her dark wavy hair hung to the top of her blue blouse. She had large brown eyes that were always filled with love and warmth. "He'll be back soon Jake. Let's go open those presents." Jake wiped a tear away and nodded. He had no idea that it would be the last time he would ever see his father.

  The letter came three weeks later. He remembered it vividly. His mother was cooking dinner and he was watching a western on TV. There was a knock at the door. Wiping off her hands on her apron she walked to the front door and answered it. "Yes?"

  Two men dressed in Marine uniforms stepped inside and removed their hats. "Mrs. Silver?"

  "Yes, I'm Rachel Silver."

  The two men glanced at each other. "I'm afraid we have bad news." Jake watched as his mother began to cry as the two men handed her a folded American flag. "We're saddened to inform you that your husband, Captain Jacob Silver, has been shot down over Vietnam during combat." Jake's mother dropped to her knees crying uncontrollably. The man pulled a square black box out of his pocket and opened it. "He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor." He handed the box to Jake's mother.


  The two men replaced their hats and turned to leave. As they took a step out of the door, the man at the rear paused. "We're very sorry for your loss Ma'am, and if it's any consolation, he died bravely." He closed the door behind him.

  Rachel lay on the floor in a heap with her head buried in the folded up flag. Jake rushed over to her and sat down beside her. "What does that mean, Mom? Is Daddy coming home?"

  The words seem to cut her to the bone. She sat up and pulled Jake into her arms. "No Sweetie, Daddy's not coming home." The two sat wrapped in each other's arms for what seemed like an eternity sobbing uncontrollably. From that day on Jake had hated the service for taking his father away from him.

  Adjusting his tie, Jake leaned over and splashed some cold water on his face. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out. Putting his bag back in the overhead compartment he sat down. Closing his eyes, he tried to catch a quick nap before arriving at the base.

  Chapter 12

  The plane finally rolled to a halt much to Jake's relief. The stewardess walked up to Jake's seat and informed him that he could now exit the plane. Standing up, he grabbed his bag out of the overhead compartment and slung it over his shoulder. Putting on his hat he walked down the center aisle of the plane toward the door. One of the pilots was already standing there opening the door. He looked up and smiled at Jake. "Welcome to Area 51 soldier." He opened the thick door.

  Stepping on to the stairs, Jake was assaulted by the scorching heat of the Nevada desert. At the bottom of the stairs stood several men dressed in black fatigues. Reaching the bottom Jake snapped to attention and saluted. "Lt. Jacob Silver reporting for duty, Sir." Davis had given him a crash course in military etiquette and chain of command. Scanning the symbols on the man's collar he knew that he was a Major.

  The Major saluted and stepped forward extending his hand. Jake grabbed it and shook it. "Glad to have you here Lieutenant. I'm Major Jason Griggs, I'll be your CO." Letting go of Jake's hand he turned and pointed to his men. "This is Lt. Steve Harris, my second in command."

  Jake stepped around and shook his hand. Harris was a tall man, though not as broad as Jake. His cleanly shaven face and red hair shone in the sunlight. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir." Jake knew even though they were the same rank, Harris was still his superior officer.

  Griggs pointed past Harris to the next man in line. "This is Private First Class Jack Lansinger." Lansinger saluted Jake. Jake returned the salute then shook his hand. Lansinger was a tall wiry man. He had shortly cropped blonde hair and a dark goatee. "Next in line is PFC. Dan Altone." Altone saluted. He was larger than Lansinger, but not by much. He was built with dark skin, dark curly hair, and steely blue eyes. "And finally PFC. Wendy Black." Black saluted then shook Jake's hand. She was a thin woman with wire framed glasses and short blonde hair. "Now that you know the team Lieutenant Silver, let's get to work. First things first, we've gotta get you out of that uniform."


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