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Fallen Angels

Page 20

by Terence West

  "Here we go." Yokama clicked a button. "Open her tube."

  Jake hit the button and was met by a loud hissing sound. Standing up, he watched the tube's door creep open. Robinson's eyes shot open and she let forth a primal scream. Jake quickly pressed his hand over her mouth and tried to quiet her.

  "Please stop," he said in a quiet comforting voice. "My name is Jake Silver and I'm here to help you."

  She stopped screaming. She wasn't sure why, but she believed him. She was violently shivering. "I'm so cold." Her teeth were chattering.

  Jake grabbed her hand and slowly helped her out of the tube. Her legs were weak from inactivity making it very difficult for her to stand. Jake reached over and grabbed the robe. Opening it up, she quickly slid inside of it and wrapped it around her. "Is that a little better?"

  She nodded. "Yes." She looked around the room. "Where am I?"

  Yokama stepped forward. "You mean you don't remember being brought here?"

  She shook her head trying to loosen the cobwebs. "Vaguely." She ran her hand through her wet hair. "The last thing I remember is being in Egypt and running from several soldiers..." She trailed off. "I feel terrible."

  Jake helped her over to a row of chairs on the far wall and seated her. "Just sit here for a moment and relax. The effects of the hibernation will wear off in a few moments."

  Yokama turned around to Jake. "Christina is ready."

  Jake knelt down next to her and placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. "I'll be right back."

  She nodded as he stood up and walked toward Christina's tube. He shot Yokama a look. "Same as before?"

  Yokama nodded as he stared at his screens. "Hold on." He rechecked his screens. "Something's wrong!" He quickly moved to Christina's tube and hit the release button. Jake and Griggs watched as Christina began to shake violently. "She must be having a reaction to the fluid!"

  "Why would she be having it now? You just drained it out of the tube!"

  "When we inject the fluid it slows down the patients metabolism." He grabbed a serenge off a nearby table and filled it with adrenaline. "If a patient has a reaction to the fluid, they won't register it until we speed back up their bodies."

  Jake was panicking. "Has this happened before?"

  "Only once. Hold her down." Jake and Griggs grabbed her arms and tried to steady her.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "I'm going to inject her with a shot of adrenaline. This should speed up the reaction, or..."

  "Or what?"

  "Or it will kill her."

  Jake stared at the small Asian man. "Rest assured Doctor, if she dies so will you."

  Yokama looked at Jake with fear in his eyes. Slowly he stabbed the needle into Christina's chest just above her heart. Placing his thumb on the plunger, he quickly injected the adrenaline into her heart. Christina let out a blood-curdling scream. The three men stepped back. Yokama returned to his monitors to see what was happening.

  Turning back to Jake, he smiled. "The injection is working. It's moving the reaction faster through her body. She's going to be fine in a moment." He hit a key on his panel and another fine mist sprayed over Christina's body. Yokama watched as some of the spray flew out of the tube. It gave him an idea. Slowly reaching into the tube, he redirected the nozzle upwards and quickly hit the key again. Mist sprayed out toward Jake and Griggs.

  Jake fell backwards when the soapy mist hit him in the eyes. Griggs doubled over trying to rub the mist out of his eyes. Seizing his opportunity, Yokama ran to the main door and jumped through it. On the other side he quickly located a small red box with a glass plate over it. The box had a small white label on it that read 'Alarm'. Reaching back, he sent his fist crashing through the glass revealing a small red lever inside. Quickly pulling it, several klaxons immediately began to sound. Red security lights went on all over the research quarter of the facility. He leaned up against the wall. He knew base security force would be here any moment now.

  Jake tried to rub the mist out of his eyes to no avail. Drawing his pistol, he muttered several curses under his breath. His eyes were welled up with tears making it extremely difficult to see where he was going. He bumped into Alex's empty tube as he made his way toward the door Yokama had run through.

  Stepping through the door, he stumbled over Yokama's out stretched leg. Jake hit the ground hard. Quickly moving forward, Yokama kicked the gun out of Jake's hand and delivered a savage blow to his head. Jake moaned in agony. Yokama turned and started to run toward the dislodged gun. Thinking quickly, Jake rolled over and shot his hand out wildly toward the researcher's legs. Luckily, he hit his mark tripping him.

  Standing up, Jake blinked his eyes several times trying to clear the tears from his eyes. Before he could reach the gun, Yokama was on his feet. The small researcher threw off his lab coat and sent a barrage of punches into Jake's face and stomach. Jake stumbled back toward one of the tubes. Yokama advanced, kicking Jake in the knee. Jake dropped to the ground in pain. All he could see through his blurry vision was a dark form moving toward him.

  Yokama leapt off the ground and caught Jake squarely in the face with a high kick. Jake fell to the floor bleeding. He knew his nose was broken. He felt the researcher grab him by the collar and stand him up. Jake tried to cover up, but not before Yokama delivered another blow to his stomach. Jake doubled over. Grabbing the back of his head, Yokama slammed Jake's already broken nose into his knee dropping the bleeding man to the floor.

  Yokama reached over and started to pick up the gun when he heard a voice behind him. "Don't move, Doctor."

  Yokama quickly scooped up the gun and pointed it toward the voice. He was startled to see Alex standing in the door with her weapon trained on him. He smiled. "How are you feeling?"

  Alex sneered. "You need to pay for all the people you've done this too. You are one sick son-of-a-bitch."

  "I think not. I—" The sound of the gunshot startled him. Slowly looking down, he saw blood gushing from a bullet hole in the middle of his chest. Wiping his hand across it, he stared at the blood on his fingers. Looking up at Alex with disbelief in his eyes, he quickly dropped to his knees, then to the floor.

  "I couldn't stand to listen to another word." She dropped the gun on the floor and leaned up against the doorway. Griggs and Christina joined her.

  Stepping past her, Griggs moved to his friend lying on the floor. Lifting him up, he leaned Jake against one of the tubes. "You okay?"

  He wiped some of the blood running from his nose on his hand. He looked up at Griggs with a smile. "When did they start teaching the martial arts at M.I.T.?"

  Griggs laughed as he helped Jake off the floor.

  * * * *

  Colonel Hunter stood on a small platform in front of ten men dressed totally in black in an empty gray room. The men stood at attention with their hands clasped behind their backs and their feet spread shoulder wide.

  Hunter addressed the men. "You are the base's finest, and I expect the best from you."

  The men stood stone faced as they looked at Hunter.

  "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've assembled General Perry's crack team." Hunter paced back and forth on a platform in front of the men. "Two renegade soldiers are loose on the base. I want you to apprehend them." He folded his hands behind his back. "These men have proven to be extremely dangerous and crafty. This will be a difficult task for you, but I am assured by your past performances that you will succeed." He stepped down off the platform and approached the CO of the group. "Captain Dylan, can your men handle this?"

  Dylan nodded. "Yes Colonel," he replied in his loudest voice. "My team is the best there is. We will not fail."

  He walked around Dylan and stood in front of his men. "Very good. You'll find your objectives and surveillance photos of the two men in a folder on the table in front of you. Good hunting Gentlemen." Hunter turned and briskly strode out of the room.

  Dylan quickly snapped around and faced is men. "I want full gear and weapon checks in ten minu
tes. We are going to find these men and bring them in. We have a reputation to uphold."

  His men answered in unison. "Yes Sir!"

  "Very well. Dismissed." Dylan watched as his men swiftly exited the room. Pivoting on his left heel, he spun around and began to walk toward the table. He flipped open the brown folder and browsed the first page.

  Apprehend Major Jason Griggs And Lieutenant Jacob Silver. Deadly Force Is Authorized, But Only In A Final Capacity.

  Flipping the page, he removed two black and white surveillance photographs of Griggs and Silver and placed them in the right breast pocket of his vest. Closing the folder, he tucked it under his arm and slowly made his way toward the door. His team had never failed a mission and he would be damned if this was the first. He wondered why Special Forces had been called in to capture to renegade soldiers. He felt his time was too valuable to be wasting on two loose cannons. Stepping out of the door, he started the long walk down to the armory where he would find his men suiting up for the task at hand.

  * * * *

  The four of them walked slowly along the corridor. The wide gray hall was dimly lit. It had base directories hung on the wall every few feet. Griggs was deep in thought leading the group, while Jake was humming to himself while he brought up the rear. Christina and Alex were still wet and shivering as they clasped their robes tightly around their bodies.

  Jake quickened his pace to catch up with the girls. "Are you two okay?"

  Both women nodded. Christina turned to look at Jake. "I knew it all the time."

  He was confused. "Knew what?"

  "That you would come and get me."

  He smiled. "That's what I'm here for kid." He looked at the other girl. "I don't think I ever caught your name."

  "My name is Alex. Alex Robinson."

  "What were you doing in Egypt Alex?"

  "I am a UFOlogist. My research led me to a major find in Egypt."

  "What kind of find?"

  "That doesn't matter." Her voice was cold. It was obvious to Jake that she didn't want to talk.

  He took on a sarcastic tone. "I apologize. I thought it might be nice to find out a little about the person we have risked our lives to save."

  She stopped and pointed a finger in his face. "Don't you dare pin that shit on me."

  She startled him. "I—"

  "I watched one of my best friends die because of what I found there! Then I was taken by soldiers and stuck in a vat of that green shit!" She lowered her finger and stepped back. "Now if you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it."

  Jake's eyes were wide. "I'm sorry. I had no idea that you had lost your friend. I had figured that you were one of the run of the mill abductees."

  "Well you 'figured' wrong."

  "All I know is that General Davis sent us here to get you out. I'm standing up to my end of the deal." He turned around and took a couple of steps away from the group.

  "Did you say General Davis?"

  "Yeah, so what?"

  "General Thomas Davis?"

  Jake thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think that's his first name. Why?"

  She turned around and started walking. "It's nothing."

  "Oh, no." He trotted up to her and grabbed her by the arm. "You don't arouse my curiosity then tell me it's nothing. How do you know General Davis?"

  "He's..." She kicked her feet like a child not wanting to tell their parents that they had lost their best pair of mittens on the schoolyard. "He's my father."

  Griggs spun around. "What?"

  "We haven't seen each other in almost fifteen years. When my mother died, he decided to pursue a full time military career. I guess he thought that keeping himself busy was the best way to deal with mom's death." She got lost in the memories of her mother for a moment.

  Jake shook her arm gently. "Then what Alex?"

  She snapped back to the present. "He ditched me with my grandparents. I never saw him again. Sure, he sent the occasional Birthday or Christmas card, but that was it."

  "Why then do you have different last names?"

  "I was so angry at him for abandoning me that I changed my name to my mother's maiden name. I was only fifteen when he left."

  Griggs stepped up to Alex and Jake. "That's a very touching story, but we've got to keep going." The two nodded and startled to move behind Griggs and Christina.

  "Davis said you were they 'key'. Do you know what he was talking about?" Jake asked curiously.

  "The key to what?"

  "I was hoping that you could tell me."

  "I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about."

  Jake cursed under his breath. "So we were probably sent here to rescue you because you were his daughter." He turned around and took a couple of steps away from the group. He started to mutter to himself.

  Suddenly machine gun fire erupted from behind them hitting the wall right next to Jake. Startled, he spun around and caught site of a large group of fully armed men charging up from behind. "Shit! Run!"

  Every one in the small group broke into a dead sprint. Machine gun fire slammed into the walls all around them. Griggs spotted an open door up ahead. "In there!"

  Griggs stood at the door, directing the two women in. Jake dove through the door landing on the floor with a thud. Griggs followed him into the room just as a volley of bullets tore through the edge of the door right where he was standing. Griggs quickly scanned the room. It was a small office with one desk on the far wall and several potted plants in the corners. The walls were bare except for a framed portrait of the President and a large picture window behind the desk. "Dammit." Griggs knew his options were limited. "Jake, get the girls behind the desk. You and I will hold them off at the door."

  Jake nodded and quickly moved the two women behind the desk. "Stay there and keep your heads down."

  Another wave of bullets slammed into the doorframe sending slivers of wood flying in all directions. Griggs quickly threw his arm over his face and jumped back. Both men quickly flattened themselves against the wall.

  Griggs turned to Jake and smiled. "Just hope they don't have anything bigger that a machine gun."

  "That's a comforting thought."

  Griggs rolled around the edge of the door and snapped off three short bursts from his weapon then quickly retreated. "We're out numbered. There's no way we can beat these guys."

  Just then a small cylinder shaped object slammed against the door and fell on the floor next to the two. Griggs, to his horror, immediately recognized the object. "It's a tears gas canister! Get back!" With one foot he kicked the canister out of the door just as it began to spray the noxious chemicals into the air. "We need to get out of here right now!"

  Jake quickly weighed their options. Raising his gun he fired at the window shattering the glass. "We're going out the window!"

  Griggs leaned out into the night air and looked down. "Are you insane? We're a full story up!"

  Jake pointed down to a truck that had a canvas top. "That should break our fall."

  "Now way!"

  One of the soldiers wearing a full-face gas mask broke through the fog that was rapidly filling the room. He spotted the two standing next to the window and started firing. Jake quickly spun around and unleashed a wave of bullets from his gun hitting the man squarely in the chest.

  "We don't have a choice! Go!"

  Griggs climbed up on the windowsill and stared down at the ground. Mustering his courage, he leapt out of the window and sailed down toward the truck. Hitting the canvas top hard, he sat up and slowly slid off the top to the ground. He waved up to Jake.

  Reaching down, Jake grabbed Christina's arm and lifted her to the window. "Jump Christina!"

  She screamed. "I can't! I'm afraid of heights!"

  Jake squeezed the trigger and fired off several rounds through the door. "If you don't you'll be dead!"

  She closed her eyes and jumped. Jake watched as she landed on the top of the truck with a thud. She quickly slid off into Griggs' waiting arms. Jake
returned his attention to the door as another soldier broke through the fog. He fired twice hitting the desk and the wall next to Jake. Returning fire, Jake hit the soldier in the head knocking him to the floor writhing in pain.

  He grabbed Alex. "You're next!"

  Alex was climbing up into the window just as two more soldiers emerged from the fog. Jake quickly snapped off several rounds hitting the first soldier, but the second one fired hitting Alex. Letting out a scream, she slipped awkwardly out of the window and fell.

  "No!" Jake pulled the trigger. Nothing. "Out of ammo." Tossing the gun as hard as he could at the soldier, he jumped over the desk and delivered several swift punches to the soldier's midsection dropping him. Turning around, he sprinted for the window as three more soldiers jumped through the thick haze of chemicals. Bullets whizzed past his head as he leapt on to the desk then dove head first out the window.

  The world seemed to slow down as he watched the ground rushing up toward him. Inadvertently twisting his body in the air, he landed on the roof of the truck flat on his back. Pain shot through his body as the windows of the cab exploded due to the force of his impact. A bullet slammed into the roof of the truck right next to his head. Looking up he saw several soldiers leaning out the window firing at him. Swiftly he rolled off the top and on to the hood. Scooting to the edge, he jumped off and ran toward where the other three were waiting.

  Looking around they found themselves standing in front of the massive doors that lead to the hangar. Jake smiled. "Well, we're back to where we started." He looked at Alex. "Are you okay? Where did the bullet hit you?"

  She pulled up the robe to show where the bullet had grazed her leg. "It's not bad. Just startled the hell out of me."

  "Good." He looked at the other two. "You guys all right?"

  Christina nodded. "I think I landed wrong." She held up her hand. Two of her fingers were smashed in at the knuckles and quickly developing a deep purple bruising. "The Major says I broke my fingers, but I'll be okay."

  Jake slapped Griggs on the shoulder. "Where to now Boss?"

  "We have the girls. We just need to get out of here."

  "How do you suppose we do that?"


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