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Fallen Angels

Page 26

by Terence West

  "Yes Mr. President. I understand."

  "As of right now I want you to turn yourself over to base security to be detained until your flight leaves. Is that understood?"

  The line went dead. Perry slammed the phone down. "To hell I will. If I'm going down I'm taking Griggs and Silver with me."

  * * * *

  Jake jogged around the corner. Stopping, he saw the door just up ahead. Accelerating to full speed he sprinted down the remaining few feet of the corridor. Stopping at the door, he reached for the handle. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw several long shadows creep into the hallway.

  He turned the door handle. "Shit. Locked."

  Frantically he twisted it hard back and forth. The shadows were growing longer. Lowering a shoulder, he slammed into the door. He did it again. The footsteps were becoming louder. Taking several steps back, he charged at the door. Dropping his shoulder he hit the door with a thud. It broke open sending him spilling on to the floor. Quickly getting up, he slammed the door shut and stood with his back against it.

  He took a moment to catch his breath. Turning to his side, he pressed his ear up against the door and listened as the sound of footsteps passed him by. He waited a moment longer to move. Slowly turning around he came face to face with the device. He walked around it carefully surveying it from each side. Then he found it. The handprint in the middle of the control panel had an odd green glow to it. He had never seen it look this way before. It was casting a hazy green shadow on the ground and debris around it. Kneeling down, he wiped the sweat off his palms on his jeans. Lifting his hand up, he began to slowly extend it toward the panel. A bullet slammed into the dead bank of computers behind him. He dove to the floor covering his head.

  "Come on out of there Silver. We need to have a little talk."

  Jake slowly stood up. "General Perry. Somehow I knew you'd show up here."

  Perry walked slowly into the room with his weapon pointed at Jake. "I just thought that I would let you know that I have been relieved of duty because of you, and that I have come here to kill you."

  "Even if you do, my companions are all ready on their way out of the base."

  "You mean poor Major Griggs and Dr. Robinson?"

  Jake's eyes grew wide.

  "I've already taken care of them."

  Jake started to charge Perry. "You son of a bitch!"

  Perry lifted his weapon and stuffed it in Jake's face. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. One more stupid stunt like that and I'll have to punch a couple of holes in you."

  "I'd really prefer that you didn't." With a flash Jake had knocked the gun out of Perry's hand and had send a punch flying into his jaw.

  The older man staggered back hitting the wall. "You son-of-a-bitch." He charged Jake hitting him in the gut.

  The two men went sprawling to the ground with Perry on top. Lifting up on his knees, Perry threw several more punches into Jake's midsection. Recovering, Jake tossed a jab into Perry's nose knocking him off of him. Flipping over, Jake crawled toward the control panel and stretched out his hand.

  From behind, Perry jumped on him flattening them to the ground. Grabbing Jake's hand he slammed it to the ground. Lifting up, Perry sent punch after punch into Jake's kidney.

  Trying to break free, Jake started to writhe underneath him. Grabbing Perry's arm, he twisted the older man off of him. Rolling over Jake sent his knee flying into Perry's midsection. The old man groaned. Lifting up, he grabbed Perry's broken arm and twisted it as hard as he could.

  Perry screamed in pain as Jake re-broke the bones in his arms. Quickly standing up, he kicked the old man in the ribs. Swiftly turning around he threw himself toward the device. Landing on his knees he tossed his hand toward the device just barely missing. Drawing his hand up he quickly pressed his fingers into the recessed handprint.

  Before he could touch his palm, Perry sprang up behind him and ripped him away from the device. "Don't touch that!"

  Rolling over, Jake lifted his booted foot up and sent Perry careening away from him. Perry slammed into one of the dead banks of computers.

  Lifting to his knees, Jake jabbed his hand into the print. From behind him he heard Perry screaming. Standing up, he took several steps away from the device.

  Jake watched as the control box slowly transformed into a solid block of metal. The legs began to slowly retract as the device lowered itself to the ground. Two panels on the body slid open revealing a mass of wires and blinking lights. Two snake-like coils emerged from the holes and worked their way down to the ground. Two claws extended from the coils and slammed into the ground. The orb on top started glowing a bright red and a high pitched squealing started emanating from the device.

  Bolts of lightning began to shoot off of the orb in all directions hitting everything in the room. Small fires broke out where the bolts of electricity hit.

  The solid red light of the orb started to blink on and off rapidly as the device began to shudder. "Oh, Shit," Jake muttered.

  Perry's eyes widened as he stared at the device. "What the hell is going on?"

  "I think we're in trouble here." The ground around them began to shake. "Run!"

  The two men charged for the door. Kicking a foot out Perry tripped Jake sending him to the floor with a thud. Looking up, Jake watched Perry run out of the room.

  Muttering under his breath as he lifted himself up, he charged out of the room after Perry. Looking behind him he saw a huge ball of flame shoot out of the room into the hall. Turning his attention back ahead, he caught Perry skittering around a corner.

  Skidding to a stop, he watched Perry charge out of sight. "Shit." He kicked the wall as hard as he could. Turning around, he started to make his way back toward Alex and Griggs.

  * * * *

  Rounding the corner Perry stopped just short as a large girder fell from the ceiling narrowly missing him. The base was shaking violently now. Large chunks of plaster were falling down and shattering on the floor around him. Ducking around the corner, he stepped over the girder and proceeded on his way.

  Reaching the control room he slammed through the door entering the control room. Moving past the large conference table, he raced for the door on the opposite side of the room. Grabbing the handle, he opened the door just as another tremor shook the base.

  Loosing his footing, Perry fell to the floor. Lifting himself up he stared around the empty room. The banks of computers whirred and beeped warning of the impending doom of the base. Lifting himself up, he grabbed for the phone on the wall next to the door.

  Picking up the receiver he keyed the intercom button. "This is General Perry," his voice echoed through the halls of the base. "The base is about to suffer a major melt down. I'm ordering a total evacuation immediately!"

  Dropping the phone, he took a step back into the conference room. Laying his hands on the table he gritted his teeth. "Two bases destroyed, two days." He slammed his fist down. "I'll have your head Silver."

  Chapter 24

  "Is he ready to go?"

  "No! He's lost a lot of blood. I don't think he's going to make it." Alex was cradling Griggs in her arms on the cot.

  "We need to get out of here now!" The base shuddered again. Jake grabbed on to the cell bars trying to keep up.

  Alex ran her hand across Griggs' sweaty forehead. "If we move him we run the risk of loosing him," her eyes were pleading with Jake.

  "If we don't move him, we're all going to die." Another tremor ran through the base. Keeping his footing, Jake walked over to the cot and knelt down. He slowly reached over and took Alex's hand. "We need to go Alex."

  She nodded.

  Reaching over, he slipped his arm under Griggs and helped him to set up. Grabbing his face, he turned it toward him. "Are you with us Major?" Griggs moaned and his eyes started to roll back in his head. Jake shook him. "Come on Major, Stay with us!"

  "Yeah," his voice was weak.

  "We need to move you."

  He nodded. "I can make it." Slowly he twiste
d on the cot and lowered his feet to the ground.

  Alex stood up next to him. "Put your hand on my shoulder. I'll help you up."

  Klaxons all over the base started to sound as another shockwave rumbled through the base. Jake lifted Griggs' arm over his shoulder and helped him to his feet. Griggs let out a moan of pain as they hobbled toward the cell door.

  Jake and Alex helped their injured friend through the door and into the hallway. The three stumbled toward the wall as another tremor rocked the base.

  Jake frowned. "We need to pick up the pace."

  Griggs moaned again. "I'm going as fast as I can here."

  The three scooted around the corner narrowly missing the ceiling panels and lights that were crashing down around them. Reaching foreword, Jake opened the door in front of them then stepped back with wide eyes.

  "We're not going this way." Rubble from the collapsed walls and roof filled the hallway making it impassable. Dust from the collapse flowed out filling the hallway.

  Turning around, Jake looked behind them. "Shit! The hall behind us collapsed!"

  Alex pointed to a door partially buried behind a pile of debris. "That looks like our only choice."

  Jake nodded. Moving Griggs over to the nearest wall they leaned him up against it. "Stay here Major."

  He tried to laugh. "I don't think I'm going anywhere."

  Jake and Alex quickly moved over to the door and began throwing the debris out of the way. Piece by piece they moved it out of the way trying to get to the door. Finally opening the door they found the hallway empty. Alex let out a sigh of relief. Running back over to Griggs they grabbed him and swiftly started through the door. Half way down the hall, another shockwave slammed into the base. Griggs lost his footing and fell hard to the ground.

  Kneeling down next to him, Jake slipped an arm around his midsection and began to lift him up. Once back on his feet, Jake quickly pulled his arm away. Looking down, he saw that blood had soaked his shirtsleeve and hand.

  "Damn." He tried to wipe some of the blood off on his pants. "Turn around Major." Griggs slowly spun around. Running his hand across his wound, Jake stared at the blood that had accumulated on his hand. "When you fell you must've re-aggravated your injury. Are you okay?"

  Griggs thought for a moment. "Yeah, I feel fi—" His eyes rolled back and he began to fall to the floor.

  Quickly Jake shot out his hands catching Griggs before he could hit the ground. Doing his best to support him, he slowly lowered his friend to the floor. "Major!"

  Alex fell to her knees next to him. "Jason!" She gently touched his face with both hands and drew her mouth close to his ear. "Don't leave me."

  "I think it would be best if you stepped away from the Major." Jake and Alex looked up to see Anne standing in front of them with her weapon drawn.

  "Anne," Jake groaned. "How did you get here?"

  Walking toward Jake, she began to wave her gun in his face. "I told you that I worked at Area 51, I just lied about what I did." She ran her gloved hand across his face. "It's nice to see you again."

  He forcefully pushed her hand away from his face. "Don't touch me," he said in an icy tone. "You had Christina's father killed for talking to me."

  "I did nothing of the sort," She smirked. "I merely informed my commanding officer that one of his main researchers was imparting top secret material to a civilian. He made the call after that."

  Rage filled Jake. "You cold hearted bitch. He had a wife and daughter to support. Did you ever think about that?"

  "My only concern was national security."

  "And yourself."

  "Well," she pushed her gun into his gut, "someone's in a pissy mood today."

  "I'm not in the mood for your shit, Anne. Either you kill me or get the fuck out of my way."

  Stepping back she cocked the hammer back on her pistol. "Fine, if that's the way you want it." She started to squeeze the trigger.

  "I don't think so." Jumping at the moment, Alex sent a kick flying at Anne knocking the gun out of her hand.

  Anne grabbed her throbbing hand. "You bitch!" Taking several steps forward, she leapt at Alex knocking her down. In a flurry she was sending her fists into Anne's face, scratching, and tearing at her hair. Quickly reaching down, Jake ripped Anne off of Alex and threw her across the room.

  Anne recovered and charged Jake. Leaping off her feet she sent a high kick in Jake's chest knocking the wind out of him. He fell to the ground and rolled to his left just as she was about to stomp on his face. Grabbing her leg, he tossed her to the ground.

  Alex lifted herself on to her feet and brushed a mess of hair out of her face. Turning around, she bent down and picked up Anne's gun.

  Anne smirked. "Even if you'll kill me, you'll never make it out of here alive."

  "I'll take my chances." Alex pulled the trigger. Anne's body slumped to the ground as blood oozed from the wound in her mid-section. Slipping the pistol into her holster, she knelt down next to Griggs. "We need to get him out of here."

  Jake knelt down beside her. Reaching over he placed his fingers on Griggs' neck and pressed down. An odd expression passed over his face as he moved his fingers across his throat. "I can't find a pulse."

  Tears welled up in her eyes as she lowered her head to his chest and tried to listen for breathing. "He's not breathing either." She strattled him and laid her hands in the middle of his chest. She quickly began administering CPR. She pumped hard on his chest feeling his ribs crack under her hands. Lowering down, she leaned his head back and pushed two long puffs of air into his lungs. Lifting back up she pumped hard on his chest again.

  "Come on!" She screamed. She continued to breath for him and pump on his chest.

  Jake laid a hand on her shoulder, "he's gone Alex."

  "No!" She cried. Pushing Jake away she continued with the CPR. She was determined to save him.

  Grabbing her, Jake pulled her off Griggs. "He's gone!"

  She struggled in his arms. "No! I can save him!"

  "You can't. Let him go," He said in a low soft voice. "We need to get out of here."

  Tears rolled down her face.

  "He would've wanted it that way."

  "I know," she said in a weak voice.

  Kneeling down next to their fallen comrade, Jake laid his hand on his friend's chest. "Thank you Major Griggs. God's speed on your way." Carefully, he closed his friend's eyes.

  * * * *

  Perry stepped out of the conference room into the hallway. The pipes running along the ceiling had cracked and fallen to the floor in a large heap. Trying to navigate around them, he stepped on a loose pipe and slipped. Falling down hard, his head slammed into one of the broken pipes cutting a long gash in his forehead. Rolling off the pipe, he held his hand on the cut trying to stop the blood that was gushing down his face. Lifting himself out of the rubble, he cautiously made his way to the end of the hall.

  Four soldiers, oblivious to everything except their own safety, sprinted past him nearly knocking him down on their way toward the exit. Catching himself on the nearby wall, he cursed them under his breath.

  Cradling his broken arm, he walked unsteadily down the hall. Turning the corner, he found himself confronted by the room that held the device. Moving cautiously closer, he poked his head around the edge of the door to take a look inside. A huge ball of flame shot past him as he ripped his head back from the door.

  Flattening himself against the wall he tried to think. He needed to find a way to shut the device down. He wasn't about to have the two most top-secret bases in the United States destroyed while they were under his command.

  Taking a deep breath, he jumped around the corner and spotted the object. It had now completely cocooned the room in a mass of wires and cable. He watched in horror as several more coils shot out from the device and adhered themselves to the walls and ceiling. Surges of blue electricity shot along the cables toward the nest around it heating the wires and cables until it became one solid mass in the room.

nbsp; "Jesus," Perry muttered to himself. Just then a bright beam of red light shot out of the glowing orb atop the device and slammed into his head. He knew in that instant that this was no 'power source' as they had once believed, but a doomsday weapon. Through the mind link he realized that the aliens that had created it to destroy their enemies used it, and sometimes members of their own race that didn't conform to the society. This particular device had been left on Earth to destroy the colonist in case they stepped out of line. Perry came to another realization. It was alive.

  The red beam of light suddenly died. Several coils snaked their way toward him wrapping themselves around his legs and arms. They crawled up his body until they had him entirely wrapped up. The coils began to retract pulling him to the ground. He cried out in terror only to be silenced by one of the chords that worked its way up into his throat. He immediately started to gag and choke. It was cutting off his oxygen.

  The device carefully maneuvered him into the web of wires. Once he was in place, the coils that were holding him broke off from the device holding him in place. He was trying to breathe, but failing. He watched another surge of energy blaze out from the device toward him. In his horror the cables around him solidified in place. He knew he was going to die.

  * * * *

  Jake and Alex rounded another corner and came face to face with several soldiers. Jake thought quickly. "General Perry has ordered an evacuation. What's the quickest way out of here?"

  The soldiers looked at each other then back to Jake and Alex. A long silence past before they answered. "Why don't you know the way?"

  Alex answered. "We were part of the team General Perry brought over here from Area 51. We're not familiar with this bases lay out."

  The lead soldier nodded. "Go back the way you came. Take the first right; follow that hall until you can take another right. That should lead straight to the main exit."

  Jake smiled. "Thank you."

  As they turned to leave, one of the soldiers grabbed Jake's shoulder. "Aren't you forgetting something Lieutenant?"

  Jake spun around. He had no idea what he meant. Then he caught sight of the rank on his collar. He was a Major. "Sorry, Sir." Jake snapped to attention and saluted. Alex understood and followed suit. The soldier returned the salute.


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