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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

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by Tricia Wagner

  He grabs my hand before I can take it back. “So, before you left I was gonna get your number. We were kinda interrupted.” I hesitantly laugh, “Yeah, saved by the gunshots.” There goes that eyebrow again, “Saved?” I explain further, “I’m not really dating right now.” He confusingly says, “Well, that’s good because I don’t date.” I stupidly stutter, “Um. Er. Uh.” Well, that caught me off guard. He chuckled at me. “I’m not really the wooing type guy babe.” I scoff, “Well, that’s unfortunate because I am definitely a “need to be wooed girl” when I am on the market to be wooed. Which I am not.” His face gets hard, “Not on the market?” I confirm, “Exactly.” His eyebrow raises, “So you’re seeing someone? And he let you out of the house for a night out lookin like that without bein on his arm.” I think I then heard him mutter something that sounded like “pussy,” but I couldn’t be too sure. It seems he is also extremely worked up at the thought of me having a man. “I’m also not the type of woman that a man would “let” do anything. I do what I want. If I want to wear that dress, then that is what I damn well will do.” He smirks at me again as if I said something amusing. “So you’re not seein someone?” Seriously? “Not that it’s any of your business, but no. I am not seeing anyone, and I will not be seeing anyone in the near future. Especially since the last guy I had a conversation with got me shot at.” He winced as if that hurt him. Then I saw something flash in his eyes before he growled “I would never let anythin happen to you.” This needed to stop, “Well, you don’t really have to worry about it since we won’t be seeing each other after this. Now I’m tired, my relaxing bath is now cold, and my buzz is gone so if you could see yourself out I would really appreciate it.” I started to walk away, but was effectively stopped when a big arm wrapped around my middle and pulled my back to his front. God, he smelled good too. I looked to the side and up at him, and it was then I noticed just how much taller he was than me. At my 5’10 he had a good half a foot on me if not a little more. Wow.

  Instead of paying attention to how tall he was I probably should have noticed the lips moving toward my face. Before I had time to respond his lips were on mine, and I was being turned in his arms. I have no words to describe this moment. I am utterly speechless. Not only has he completely caught me off guard with this kiss, but this kiss is deep, passionate, and utterly sensual. He breaks the kiss and I breathe out “Oh my God.” He smirks, “No, not God babe. Just Brantley.” I let out a little giggle. Really Melanie. Since when do you giggle? “Beautiful.” I look up into his eyes again and realize that my hand is touching my tingling lips. “You have a will of steel babe. You went through an experience tonight that would throw most women off. I think you’re madder you’re missin out on your bath than you are that you could’ve got dead.” I roll my eyes, “I told you, I am choosing to wait until a later date to process the night’s events.” He nods, “Right well let’s run you another bath.” What? “No, you’re going to go. Then maybe I will get a bath.” He shocks me with, “I don’t like you here alone.” It was my turn to raise my eyebrow, “I’m always alone. This is nothing new.” He presses, “A woman like you should never be alone, babe. Can you humor me here?” Heck. No. “You are not staying here.” He smirks, “If I’m not stayin then one of my guys is posted at the gate.” Not happening. “I don’t need a body guard I can take care of myself if you haven’t noticed.” He shakes his head, “Oh I noticed, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I need to figure out what went down tonight. If it was about me I will make sure you are ok. And if it was about you I will kill anyone who thinks they can shoot at you.” Um. Wow. That was nice in a murdering kinda way. “Listen, that was kind of sweet. But I don’t need you off killing someone on my behalf.” He squeezes my side, “Babe, please just let me stay. I promise I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” I snort out, “That’s true since nothing is happening between us. I don’t know you though. I’m really not comfortable with you staying in my house.”

  He looked deep into my eyes as if he was reading my mind. Good Lord I hope he can’t see that there really isn’t anything he could make me do that I didn’t already think about doing to him. Really, if you were me you would understand. He is the kind of hot you just don’t say no to. He lifted his eyebrows in question as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. Great. “What?” He says, “I’m stayin. I’m sure you have a big bed we don’t even have to cuddle.” Oh. My. Hell. No. I glared. “If you stay, you do it on the couch or in a guest room. Not in my bed.” Once again with the eyebrows. He totally knows I want him. I start walking back toward my bedroom. I’m definitely needing a bath right about now. I need to relax. He grabs my hand and starts guiding me toward my bathroom. “What are you doing?” He turns me to face him, “I interrupted your bath. Now I’m gonna run you a new one and let you relax for a bit. Then I’m going to tuck you safely into bed and make sure you get a good night’s sleep.” He was worried I wasn’t going to sleep. Well that was kind of sweet. I hate to admit it but this night didn’t exactly go as planned. Maybe he is right. A bath is definitely what I need. “Ok. I’ll take a bath. I’m still not sure on the sleeping arrangements though. I don’t sleep with men I don’t know.” He nods, “Once your bath is done I plan on gettin to know you. In turn, you will get to know me too.” I didn’t know what to do with that information so I filed it away as well. I went straight into the bathroom thinking he would leave me be, but instead he followed me in and let out the water I had already had in there. He then started running hot water and adding bubbles. Once it was up he moved toward me and swiftly kissed me on the lips and walked out of the bathroom. I took off my clothes and sank down into the hot water. Oh god this felt good. So good that I could almost forget about my ruined night.

  As I lay there in the tub I let my mind wander to the man who was now in my house probably roaming around snooping. He was so many contradicting things. Scary, dangerous, handsome, sweet. What do you do with something like that? I could handle him if he was being a jerk I would just kick him out. He seemed genuinely concerned with my well-being though. I haven’t really had anyone look after me since I moved out of my parent’s house. That was eight years ago. I mean my parents still “looked after me” in a parental way. I was so lost in thought I didn’t hear the door click back open so when I heard a voice say “Babe, the waters getting cold.” I jumped and prayed to God the bubbles were still providing coverage. I looked down and Praise Jesus the bubbles covered all the right places. I looked at him and glared. “Who do you think you are? You can’t just come walking in here while I’m in the bath.” He raised an eyebrow and gave me a “Babe.” As if that answered everything. I raised my eyebrow and said “Babe, do you mind. I’ll get out, but first you have to GET OUT!” He chuckled then exited the bathroom. I got out of the tub and ran to the door to lock it. I got dressed and headed out to my bedroom. Deciding I wasn’t going to even wonder where he was now I grabbed my nightie, slipped it on, and crawled under the cool covers. I sighed heavily as I tried to let sleep take me. The “getting to know Brantley” portion of the evening would have to be postponed. I was exhausted.

  Chapter Two

  I wake up alone and get ready for work. I ignore the fact that I’m not sure if I’m happy or disappointed that he’s gone. I do everything on autopilot and I get to the office and pull into my spot. I get out of the car just as the first shot rings out. I take off in the opposite direction of where the shots seem to be coming from. I was running down an abandoned alley. This isn’t how my day was supposed to go. I’m not even supposed to be working today. Heels are not exactly made to run away from people trying to kill you. If I make it out of this alive I will be forever wearing tennis shoes. Remind me of that tomorrow when I get ready for work! I hear someone running behind me, but I refuse to look back. I have a head start and if I just make it to the next building they won’t be able to get to me. Just then my heel decides to break and I go crashing to the ground. Lovely, 1500 dollar shoes and they c
an’t even make it through one gun chase. That’s when I feel it. A gun to my head. Please no, please no. I try to beg, but the words won’t come. I hear them click off the safety and I close my eyes and start to pray to God that this is a dream and I will wake up from it. Finally, I find my voice and start to scream. LOUD.

  It’s then that I feel arms come around me and I open my eyes and realize I am in my bedroom. With a man. I start to scream even louder because I forgot someone was home with me. That’s when I hear “Mel, its Brantley. You’re safe. No one can hurt you. I got you, babe.” I stop screaming when I recognize his voice. I slowly turn my head up to look at his face. His face is pained like he thinks this is his fault. “This is so embarrassing.” His hand cups my face, “No, it’s not. I knew this was goin to happen. This is all my fault. You will not get hurt do you hear me? No one touches you.” I nod my head even though I don’t really believe him. “Babe, look at me.” Um? “I am.” He shakes his head, “No, look at me.” I still looked at him the same way because I’m not sure what he was really wanting me to do. I was looking at him. “No one. No one touches what belongs to me.” Well, if that didn’t break me from my nightmare stupor what would? “Yeah, maybe we should discuss what you just said. I don’t even know you.” He smiles, “You will.” This isn’t happening. “I don’t think I really want to.” I feel his thumb swipe my cheeks, “You don’t get it. What happened between us tonight, including the shooting, was all a big part of you becomin mine. And I take care of what is mine.” I shake my head, and even though my body is still semi shaking I try to roll out of his hold. “Where were you sleeping just now?” He states the obvious, “Beside you.” What? “I asked you not to do that. I’m in a nightgown can you please let me go.” I look to his eyes that are laughing, “I know you are. Babe, I gotta say, gettin into that nightie was not gonna make me sleep on the couch.” Lovely. “You can’t just barge into my life and take over. We don’t even know why there was someone shooting as us tonight. It could have been a coincidence.” He shocks me with, “It was not coincidence. My men looked into it. They were shootin at you to get to me.” I put my arm out to the side, “Ok, well easy fix is for you to stay away from me and then that doesn’t happen again.” He tries to grab for me as he says, “Babe, can’t do that. Especially since now you’re on radar. They think that you mean somethin to me and they’ll use you to get to me.” I do not think so. “You could just tell them I don’t mean anything to you then problem solved.” He pulls me back onto the bed, “Only issue with that is I don’t think you mean nothin to me. I think we jumped on a ride tonight that is goin to lead to you meanin a whole lot to me.” Um. What is happening? “You’re joking.” He shook his head as a response so I jumped up off the bed and started to pace “You barge into my conversation on the dance floor, lead me around with your hand leaving a burning feeling on my skin when you touch it, you intrude on my girls’ night, you don’t let me walk to my car alone, which in turn I might add got me SHOT AT, and NOW you’re telling me that you won’t let me go because you think that I might mean a whole lot to you down the road. What about what I want? Did you ever think that NONE of this was how my night was supposed to go? Now I have bad guys after me, a stranger in my bed, and I have to find a way to deal with people being able to get passed my gate.” All he got from all of this was, “I leave a burnin feelin on your skin where I touch you?” I definitely didn’t mean to say that out loud. “I...uh…well…you…” I didn’t know what to say so I just left it that and he smirked at me. Great. He knew he did. “Melanie.” Hand on my hip I say, “Brantley.” He puts an arm out, “Come here.”

  I shake my head and start to move toward my closet to put on some more clothes. Before I can get there Brantley has me up in the air and placed back on the bed. I look around and say “You did not just do that.” “Yeah I did, and we gotta talk.” “No we definitely don’t need to talk. You need to leave. You just manhandled me.” I try to move but I can’t, “Did I hurt you?” I struggle, “That is not the point.” He doesn’t struggle to keep me there, “Yes, it is. Just answer me. Did I hurt you?” I sit still, “No.” “And I won’t. So chill out so we can have this conversation.” I roll my eyes because I already know I don’t have a choice but to listen to him. I throw my hands out to the side to make a “please continue” gesture. Really, just get on with it. “Ok. First, you have to know my world is not always safe. There are people in my world who will always be safe. I have never had an Ol’ lady. Reasons being, exhibit A, from this evening. I told you I don’t date. That was true. If you need wooed, then I will do my part to try and convince you that wooing is not needed. While I am not doing, that I will do my best to woo you in other ways. You need to know that I got a taste of you tonight. You’re salty and sweet. I like both sides of you. I am not gonna let you go and I am definitely not gonna let anythin happen to you. That you can take from what you will.” Still lying in a compromising position I point out, “So basically what you’re saying is, whether I want it or not you’re in my life now. All because you decided to interrupt a conversation I was having on the dance floor?” He decides to shock me with, “Clocked you as soon as you entered the club, Babe. Not when you were dancin with that asshole. I watched you all night. Didn’t let anyone have an in, and then your girls left you with that dickweed. Which, if I’m sayin, doesn’t make me too fond of your girls.” I laugh, “Yeah you’re tellin me especially since they let you follow me to my car.” He quirks his eyebrow, “Yeah well I am a normal guy.” I laugh. Loud. “You are not normal. None of this is normal.” His hand brushes a hair out of my face, “You tell me right now that you didn’t feel anythin for me all night. Not once did you feel the chemistry between us. And you definitely didn’t enjoy that kiss we shared right? Tell me that and I will go.” It’s just words, right? “Ok easy. I felt nothing. I didn’t even know chemistry could come in less forms of zero, but tonight with you it did.” There. That should do it. “Now please, see yourself out.” “Nope. You’re lyin.” “I am not.” I lied again. “Yeah. You fuckin are.” Great. “Oh so now what you’re a human lie detector?” “Yeah, as a matter of fact I am. I see your pupils when I get too close. I see your eyes go big when I touch your skin. And I see them flutter shut and then flutter back open when I kiss you. To prove it I’m gonna kiss you again right now.” “N-” before I could even get “No” out of my mouth his lips were on mine. And because I was trying to speak my mouth was open. Which gave him the perfect in.

  My arms naturally went up and around his neck and he gave me more of his weight. Oh my, this kiss was even better than the last. What am I doing here? His tongue does another soft sweep in my mouth as he gives me a hungry growl and my hands start exploring. What? You can’t blame me. I’m delirious. I blame the shooting. It has me doing crazy things. “Tell me what you want, Baby.” That was nice. His hands started going down and under my nightie. He glides them up and then they are on my nipples. “Oh God, that feels good.” “Yeah, tell me what you want.” “You.” I breathed it. Oh god I am such a slut. “Baby, I’ll give you what you want, but not everythin.” With that my panties were gone and in their place was Brantley’s mouth. Oh. My. God. He had a little bit of scruffiness that I could feel on my inner thighs. How long has it been since I’ve been with a man? Was it ever like this? No. That was a firm no. “Oh God.” I hear, “No. Brantley.” He growled and I felt that EVERYWHERE. “Brantley. Oh my. That feels amazing.” He added his fingers and I thought I was going to die with pleasure. A couple more swipes and he was going to have me. “Please, don’t stop. Right there.” He definitely didn’t stop. If anything he did it harder and it felt amazing. One more swipe with his tongue and I heard “Let it go, Baby.” And I did. I screamed out his name as I plunged over the edge. This was not just one orgasm. This was like three orgasms. It was so long and I just kept plummeting further and further over the mountain. Was that even physically possible? I was shattered. I laid their completely spent. Brantley came up and kissed my mout
h and I could taste me on him. I liked that. He tucked me into his side and I started to turn over. “What about you?” He kissed my temple, “I’m fine baby. You had a long night. Go to sleep. Tomorrow we can talk.” I don’t think I wanted to have another conversation with him again. “I feel bad. You just gave me that, and didn’t get anything from it.” He smirks, “Oh, I got somethin from it.” Huh? “What was that?” He lightly chuckles, “Babe, watchin you come three times in my mouth, the pleasure was all mine. That was phenomenal. Which means when we get to the other stuff, it’s gonna be even better.” Oh no. I just let him do that to me and I’ve known him for what six hours? I am not a slut. I never, NEVER do anything like that. “Babe, what’s wrong?” Before thinking I blurt out, “I am not a slut. I don’t do that. Ever. Especially with someone I don’t know. I don’t know what came over me. All of a sudden you were kissing me and I was caught up in the moment. I don’t ever do this. Sleep in bed with a stranger.” I feel like he’s laughing when he says, “Well, I gotta say I’m relieved to hear that. I don’t want to hear about your past experiences though babe. I just want us to have what you just gave me. It was beautiful. Never, would I ever take you for bein a slut for what you just gave me. Now, I never want to hear you refer to yourself as a slut ever again.” “But…” He puts a finger to my mouth, “No buts baby. You are not a slut. This is why I didn’t want to do anymore. I want you to be of sound mind when we get to the really good stuff. And from what I can tell, it will be really good stuff.” I think my cheeks turn the color of a tomato. “Aw…my baby is bein shy.” I hit him with my hand on his shoulder and start to turn back over. He was teasing me and I was worried about his well-being. Really? “Hey, I’m just teasin. It was beautiful baby. Just like you.” I liked when he called me baby so I gave him a swift nod and continued to turn back over. I didn’t think I would ever be able to fall back to sleep, but soon I did. And not long after me so did Brantley.


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