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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

Page 12

by Tricia Wagner

  To say it was an easy ride home would be a lie. Every bump and turn we made felt like hell. By the third sharp intake of breath and Brantley’s fifth apology I had enough. “Brant, baby. You have stop apologizing. You didn’t do any of this to me. Please, just get me to your house. I’m fine. I promise.” He nods his head and doesn’t apologize again so I must have gotten through. As we’re pulling up to the house I see about a gazillion bikes and ten cars all parked like this place is a biker bar. I look to Brantley and he can see my eyes watering. “Baby, I’m sorry. I will tell them all to leave. They were supposed to give us some time.” Sigh. “No, it’s ok. I just look…I don’t know how I look, but I know it isn’t good.” He nods, “We will get you inside and showered and then you can come out and visit with everyone ok?” I nod as the first tear falls from my eyes. He leaves me in the car and goes to talk to Trance and Jason. They do a lot of nods and both look in my direction with hard expressions on their faces. That doesn’t look good.

  Brant comes back to my side of the car and opens the door. “Baby, do you want me to carry you or do you want to try walking?” Shoot. “I can walk. Just if you could help me?” “Of course.” I give most of my weight to Brant as we make our way into his house. He doesn’t stop me to visit with anyone he walks passed everyone and takes me right to his bathroom. I look up to see boxes and suitcases as I ask, “Um, is this all my stuff?” It’s everywhere. “Not all of it, but I wanted you to feel at home here. So, I had your girls pack up some necessities.” I scoff, “Necessities for a couple years or the possible month I’ll be here?” He quirks that damn eyebrow, “Babe.” Of course that is a response to what I just said. I shake my head and go straight to the shower. I see the mirrors are covered up and I shake my head. I turn on the water and I feel Brantley’s heat behind me. “Brant, I have to see myself.” “Get a shower, baby. And then you can if you really want to.” I nod and step into the hot steaming water. God that feels so good. “Are you staying in here?” He nods, “Just in case you need me baby.” That was nice. I hurry through my routine careful of all the cuts and bruises. I look down and see that I have lost a good ten to fifteen pounds and I look sick. I wash my ratty hair and think about the nightmare that will be to brush it out. I use extra conditioner just to try and help with the knots that I’m sure are in there. After I finish I shut the water off and Brant is standing there with a towel ready for me. He smiles down at me, “Feel better?” I really do. “Much.” He nods and hands me the hair brush. “This is going to be a disaster to brush out.” He smiles, “I’ll help.” I chuckle lightly and ask him to take the covers off the mirror. So unprepared for what I would see when he brought them down. Instantly, I almost fell to the ground. Gently, Brant holds on to me as I start to sob. Sobbing hurts. Bad. I try to catch my breath and that only hurts more. “Baby, your ribs. You have to calm down. It’s not as bad as you think. You still look beautiful.” I am not a vain person, but my face looks bad. I can’t face all of those people out there looking like this. Is he insane? “Are you insane? That’s awful. How can I go out there with all of those people looking at me looking like this?” He speaks softly as he says, “Easily. They’re your family baby.” I start to tear up again and he holds me as gently as possible without crushing my ribs. “Baby, can I ask you something?” “Y-y-yes.” “Do you remember what you said to me this morning at the hospital?” I sat trying to remember what I had said. “Which part?” “You were just about to fall back to sleep.” Oh no. Did I tell him I loved him? Oh God. He didn’t say it back. He doesn’t love me. He has me here out of pity. “I see those wheels turnin in your head babe. I just wanted you to know I feel the same. I love you Melanie Elizabeth Doran. I want you here with me for as long as you’ll have me. I will take you lookin just the way you are right now. Of course, I would rather you be in good health, but your looks do not change how I feel about you.” I stutter, “Y-y-you l-l-love me?” He nods, “Of course I do.” “I love you too Brantley.” His smile brightened up the whole room and I smiled back. I winced at the pain, but smiled through it.

  I turned from his arms and brushed through my hair. I ended up with it on top of my head. “Can I have a pair of yoga’s and t-shirt please?” He nods and out the door he went. He comes back with my clothes and helps me into them. “Makeup would probably be a waste of time, huh?” “Probably sweetie.” I nod. “Well, let’s do this then. Please don’t leave me.” “I’m not goin anywhere, Baby.” I give him a slight smile that probably didn’t reach my eyes. We walk out into his family room and I see people everywhere. Wives, Ol’ Ladies, Children of everyone in the club. Then I turn to look and see my girls standing there with my parents. Oh my God, my parents are here. I look up to Brantley who gives me a knowing nod. “Baby, we got here as soon as we could. The soonest flight out was this morning. When we arrived you were awake and being released so we came straight here.” Brantley gets close and whispers, “They didn’t know you were kidnapped until we had already found you baby.” I nod. Thank God. I go to my dad’s open arms and my mom folds into the side. My girls fold in on the open sides to our group hug. Sophie gets a little excited and squeezes. I let out a little yelp and Brantley’s stern voice cuts through “Watch her ribs. Jesus.” I respond immediately because I love the love I’m getting, “I’m fine sorry. Just caught me off guard. I’m so glad y’all are here.” This is said through tears. I feel Brantley grab my hand and start to pull me through. I need to say something to everyone that came to see me. “Honey?” He looks to me, “Yeah, Babe.” “Is there somewhere I can address everyone?” “Yeah, one sec.” He lets out a whistle and tells everyone to listen up. He helps me walk to the top of his stairs that is like a loft overlooking the family room. My mom and dad come up to the top with me as I talk to everyone. “Thank y’all so much for everything you have done. I know that the men in your lives were taken from you for a good deal of time to look for me. I appreciate it more than y’all know. For all the prayers and friendship you offered, not only for me, but for Brantley during this time. I know I haven’t gotten the chance to get to know y’all too well yet, but I look forward to many more gatherings and hopefully they won’t be as somber as this one. I would like to be able to say that I will have a chance to chat with everyone personally today, but we all know Brant, and I probably have a curfew.” Everyone laughs and I give it a chance to die down before I start speaking again. “To honor, love, loyalty, respect, and a brotherhood that takes care of their own. I love y’all.” Everyone gives me a here, here and claps with some whoops and hollers in there. I smile as best as I can before turning around, and heading back downstairs. Brant catches my hand and lightly pulls me into him. “That was beautiful, baby. Biker babe to the core.” I shake my head as my eyes sting with tears. Really? What’s with all the crying? “I don’t know why I keep crying. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, “Please don’t apologize. I hate to see you cry but hopefully some of them are relief and happy tears.” “They really are. Except of course when I look at my face again.” He shakes his head and gives me a light kiss on my cracked lips. Ugh. I hope those heal first. He helps me down the stairs and I can see he is fighting not to carry me. “I appreciate you letting me walk, honey.” He nods as he continues to help me down the rest of the way. “It’s killin me not to just do it for you.” “I know it is. But, I need to do this.” He smirks at me again. I’m sure it won’t take long before I am completely exhausted to, so I want to get my visits in as quickly as possible. At the bottom of the steps I am swarmed with hugs first from Trance and then with Jason. All of them apologizing for not realizing what the real play was. Ugh. I don’t know if these guys will ever forgive themselves and for that I feel terrible. “Please, don’t lose sleep over this. I’m here. I’m ok. I will eventually look and feel better too. This is not on y’all. It rests solely on Jack and Justin’s shoulders.” They nod and walk off leaving me to visit with everyone else. I meet new people and visit more with my parents and Kris and Soph. I start to doze o
ff on the couch when I feel arms slide around me and I hear Brantley, “Baby, I’m kickin everyone out in five. You need to sleep.” Sigh. “My parents…” He interrupts, “Are stayin at your place I already have everything set for them. For tonight they’re in my spare bedroom.” He thought of everything. “Thank you.” Trance came to say goodnight, but I heard Brantley speak first. “I want guys posted outside. The clubhouse and my house are covered. Please make sure that Kristina and Sophie get home safely. Once your back I want a word in my office.” He nods and turns to Kristina “Babe, you’re on the back of my bike in five.” Kristina looked at me and a slow smile spread across my face as I nodded. She blushed. Eeekk. That’s awesome. “Jason.” I see Jason appear and he tells him the same thing about the clubhouse and his house and his office and Jason turns to Sophie. “Sophie. You’re on the back of my bike in four. We’ll head out at the same time.” Sophie nodded unsure more so than what Kristina did. Which doesn’t surprise me. Sophie is shyer than what Kristina is, especially around the guys. This is going to be interesting. My best friends are about to get the biker treatment and I can’t wait to hear their stories like they sit and listen to mine. Everyone leaves and I say good night to my parents.

  Brantley carries me back to bed because he feels like he isn’t doing enough to help me. I go to the bathroom first and I know he must realize I have been in here forever. I hear a knock at the door, but I don’t answer. I am so caught up in my thoughts of how I look. The bruises on my face are mean. They are fierce just like the two big cuts one just above my lips and the other above my eyebrow. How could someone be so cruel? And he thought I would beg for him to love me? The tears are silently falling from my eyes as I feel two strong arms softly wrap themselves around me. I breathe in and my breath hitches. “I’m so tired of crying, but I can’t help it. I look hideous.” He lightly squeezes me, “You could never look hideous, baby. The pain and the bruises will fade. We will make sure you don’t have a scar where the cuts are now. The rest of your body will heal too. Which, my main priority is to get the weight back on you that you’re missin.” Ugh. “You noticed.” He gets close to my ear, “Honey, you’re already small. Curvy, but small. I feel like when I’m carryin you I’m carryin a box of feathers. We need to get some meat back on your bones.” I nod as I crawl into his big bed. I bite through the pain as I settle into bed. Brantley settles in behind me, and the relief that washes over me comes out in uncontrollable sobs. “Baby, I’m here. No one can get to you. I am right here. I love you, baby.” I cry a little more until my breathing evens out and I can get out some words. “I love you so much Brant. Thank you for making me feel so safe and cared for.” “Anything for you, baby. Anything. Now sleep. Tomorrow we can talk about the question of mine you need to answer.” I sigh because I’m sure he has a lot of questions that he needs answered about how everything went down. I wonder if I need to speak to the police. This can all be taken care of tomorrow. In the comfort of Brantley’s arms I fall into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I need to wake up I know I do, but all I feel are Jack and Justin’s fists beating me and Jack’s fingers and hands groping me and sliding inside of me. I start to scream. “No, no please God no stop touching me. Please. Brantley. Help me. Please don’t be dead. God, please someone help me.” That’s when I hear my guardian angel. “Baby, I’m here. Please wake up.” I feel his fingers gliding over my face “Please, baby wake up. I’m right here.” I snap my eyes open and jolt upright in bed. Screaming out in pain. “Honey you have to sit still. Your ribs.” I sigh heavily. The pain is slightly better than it was a week ago. These nightmares are getting worse though. The more they tell me that Justin is still at large the more my mind plays tricks on me. I have barely left Brant’s house, and I have thrown myself back into work. It was now, in this moment I realized I needed to get my shit together. I’m alive. Brantley is alive. We were happier than I ever thought we could be. He would protect me with everything he had. This I know after learning about what he went through without me for those six days. I also know that he really loves me as much as he says he does. He’s keeping close. I know he’s waiting for me to lose it. But, the memories only come back to me in my dreams. “Baby, I think you need to start thinkin about seein someone about these dreams.” I nod into his body, but don’t say anything else. I don’t know if I am comfortable talking to someone about everything that happened. The vague details that I gave Brant were enough to push him over the edge. With Justin still out there I know things will not end well for him. I just wish I knew that he wasn’t going to show up tomorrow and make my nightmare’s a reality. “I mean it this time baby. If not, I’m makin the call.” He would too. “I know.” He must be satisfied with my answer because he doesn’t say anymore. I release myself from his hold and start to get out of bed. “Where you goin baby? It’s still early.” I try to explain, “I don’t think I can go back to bed. I just need some water and I’m gonna get up for the day. Stay here and sleep baby.” I lightly sigh as he says, “I can’t sleep without you. I’ll come out with you.” This has been our normal routine for the past week. “No, I’ll stay here. Lay back down, baby.” He sighs heavily. “Baby, I know you aren’t gonna sleep. Its fine I’ll get up with you.” I shake my head, “It’s ok. I should really lay back down anyways. I have a phone conference today for a potential shark client. I need to be well rested.” He reaches out for me and tucks me back into his warm body. It isn’t long before his breathing evens out. I slowly get myself out of his hold and head for the kitchen. I heat up some water and make some honey tea. My face and body are healing every day. I still don’t want to see clients so I have been keeping everything over the phone. I open the door and head out onto the back deck. I get settled into my chair with my tea when I see Jason off to the side. “Mel, what are you doin up so early?” I shrug, “Can’t sleep I guess.” He asks, “Still dreamin?” I nod. “Care if I sit?” I look up to him, “Sure, do you want coffee or tea?” He shakes his head, “No, babe I’m good, but I would like to chat openly if that’s ok?” “Yeah, of course.” “B told me about your dreams. He said they’re gettin worse and not better. I know that man more than anyone wants you breathin free and clear, but I also want you that way. You need to know you’re safe. We aren’t goin to let anyone get near you. You also gotta know that if I’m feelin responsible, so is Brantley. I know he thinks this is something that coulda been prevented. I wish I could say I saw it comin, but I didn’t. I can’t for the life of me come up with what we were thinkin.” I needed to talk, “Can I cut in for a sec?” He nods, “Yeah, babe.” Here goes nothing. “None of this is your fault. I swear I feel that down to my bones. I hold no one except the men who did this to me responsible. I don’t want you walking around feeling like this is your fault. Yes, of course I want you to find Justin and more than anything make sure that he is not a threat. Until that happens, I don’t think any of us are going to sleep all right.” “Ok, but we’re going to find Justin. I need you to know that. I also think you need to get the whole story out. I know you’re holdin back babe. If you think that Brant can’t handle it, you’re wrong. He can and he will. Let him take these events off of your shoulders.” Shoot. “You really think that he can handle it? I mean the small details that he has gotten before I finish, he ends up needing to leave the room. I just don’t want to bury him.” A voice cuts in, “Babe, I’m sorry I haven’t handled it well up until now. Jason, I got it from here man. Thanks.” My head snaps to the side and I see Brantley there with a concerned look on his face. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” He doesn’t sound mad when he says, “I know you didn’t. I need you to trust that I can take this. Come inside and sit with me. We need to talk.” I nod and stand up and find Brantley sitting down on the couch. I don’t know if I really want to relive all of this. I need to get it all out there though, and I need Brantley to be the one to hear it all. I let a wavering breath and Brant gives my leg a squeeze. I sit cross legged on the couch one cushion in b
etween us. “Brant, it may take me a bit to get through all of this. I don’t want you to freak out. I don’t want broken furniture, décor, plates, or glasses.” He interrupts me with, “I get your point, babe. I’m sorry I haven’t handled our conversations very well, but I’m here for you. No matter what. And I need to know.” “Ok.” And from there I broke it down.


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