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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

Page 15

by Tricia Wagner

  We head inside and first are handed a glass of champagne while they pass around hors d’oeuvres. I have the best looking guy on my arm this evening. Well, I guess I’m on his. Still with his arm around me I feel like I can conquer the world. We find where we are sitting so I can set my clutch down. I see a ton of people that I know and I can honestly say I am so excited for them to meet Brantley. The one guy that makes me nervous is a guy who calls often for construction work. He is quite persistent and Brantley knows all about him. We have fought about how Brantley will stay out of my business life. We fought and usually I lose, this time though I put my foot down. Technically the guy isn’t doing anything wrong, he’s just pushy. Plus, with my relationship I get a construction guy to come with it. At least on local stuff. The MC benefits from that as well because most of them work for Brantley. Of course Andrew doesn’t seem to notice that I have a badass on my arm because he comes straight over. “Ah, just the girl I have been waiting to see. Do you have a minute that I can steal you away Miss Melanie?” I look to Andrew, “Actually, we’re quite busy. You can say what you need to say here. Andrew this is my fiancé Brantley; Brantley this is Andrew.” He doesn’t shake his hand he just looks him up and down, “Nice to meet you I hadn’t realized you were engaged.” I smile, “Yes, sir. We’re getting married in about two months.” His eyes get a little big and he looks to my stomach. Rude! “Wow. That’s happening quite fast.” This is where Brantley of course jumped in. “You’ve met her. No need to waste time when you know what you have is the best.” I give him a huge smile at that response. Don’t judge me it was a good response. Andrew does not approve I can tell by the way his forehead is scrunched up. “So what can I help you with Andrew?” He shakes his head, “The construction on the new Valley project would be a great place for us to start working together.” This should be easy, “I already have a crew set and ready to go for that project. I apologize, but we’ve signed a contract with a local construction company.” He looks baffled, “Who?” I press forward, “Not that it is any of your business, but we went with Silverman Construction.” This is where it went downhill, “Those crooks? I wouldn’t mess with them, ya know they are just a bunch of men in a motorcycle gang.” Brantley couldn’t even help himself, “Club, sir. We’re a club. And I happen to be President of that club. Which also makes me owner of Silverman Construction. I invite you to call us crooks one more time.” Shit, I need to defuse this situation and fast. Before I get to say anything Andrew speaks. “I apologize I didn’t realize. I just think it’s awfully funny that I was so close to signing a contract with Doran Designs and now all of a sudden she is engaged to the owner of a huge construction company.” I do not think so, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Our engagement actually has nothing to do with the contract being signed. They were the best. We need the best on the jobs we’re doing. If that were you Andrew, you would have the contract.” With that I step away starting to pull Brantley away. I really don’t need someone questioning why I make the decisions I want. No one ever questions my decisions and it’s not going to start now when everything is going so well. “Melanie, no one should question you like that. If my company getting that contract is too much of a conflict of interest, then maybe you should go with someone else.” I look to him and calmly say, “First, if it wasn’t you it never would’ve been him. You know how horrible it’s been dealing with him. I don’t have a board for a reason Brant, do you know why that is?” He shakes his head, “Why?” I explain, “Because, I trust my own decisions. I don’t need other opinions to back mine. I make a decision and it’s calculated. You got that contract on merit not because you’re my fiancé. We’ve had this conversation.” He nods, “I know; I just don’t want to see you go through someone second guessing you.” I want to be done with this conversation, “His opinion doesn’t matter. Mine does that’s the whole point Brantley. You signing that contract was the best decision my company could’ve made. That’s the bottom line, I will not justify it to anyone.” He gives my waist a squeeze and I look up into his eyes. “Give me that smile, baby.” To this I smile. He kisses me softly and then pulls back. “Thanks I needed that.” He chuckles lightly, “Anytime, babe. You know that.” We mingle a little more and Brantley carries himself exactly how I thought he would. He really does have the best of both worlds that we live in. We sit and eat where dinner has light conversation with the people around us. Usually at these events I skip the dancing part and stand with the men and discuss business. Yes, in my business there are few women who are invited to these types of events. Terrible right? Swimming with the sharks that’s all I do. Brantley here with me though gives me more confidence than I have ever had before. I was usually pretty sure of myself when it came to business too. We stand and talk business and Brantley lets me do my thing. Another reason that I am so grateful to have found him. He’s not intimidated by my success, he embraces it. Then it’s time for the awards. Mine is presented last so we need to wait until the very end for mine to be given. They call my name and everyone stands to applaud.

  Brantley stands to help me out of my seat and gives me a kiss before going up to give my speech. He knows I hate this part. “The RIAI Triennial Gold Medal is only given every three years. It is a huge honor to be the recipient of this award this year. I honestly don’t have the words to say how great this makes me feel as a professional. A lot of people say, wow that’s great because you’re a woman, but honestly I don’t like to separate myself by gender. I work just as hard as anyone else if not harder. I don’t want to be looked at as a woman, I just want to be looked at as an architect. Receiving this award just proves that, that is exactly what I am doing. I need to thank my family for all of their support over the years of my getting to exactly where I am now. I also need to thank my friends who push me to be a better me every day, and last but certainly not least, if we’re speaking of surrounding yourself with people you would like to emulate, I have to thank my fiancé. He inspires me every day to just be me. He accepts me for exactly who I am and expects nothing else. I love you Brantley and I appreciate your support every morning I wake up.” I blow a little kiss and exit the stage as everyone applauds. I make it back to my seat and Brantley pulls me back into his arms. “Can I take you home and get you out of this dress now?” I lose my breath. Gone. I give him a nod as we stand up and excuse ourselves for the evening. He helps me into the car and the whole way home we have some sort of contact. Oh God. This is going to be fun.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I wake up with a wonderful achiness in between my legs. A full night of Brantley. I look over to see he is still sound asleep. I get up and get myself together for a run. No work today since last night went so late. Although, it’s never a day off. I always have something work wise to do. I head out to the kitchen and see that Jason and Trance are both standing guard. Shit. I almost forgot about Justin for a minute. They must see the look on my face because Jason speaks first. “Mel, you can’t run alone.” I half nod, “I forgot. Anyone up for a run? Brant is out cold.” They both look at each other and shake their heads. Trance says, “I’ll go with you this time. We’re not doing what you make Jason do all the time though. I already worked out this morning.” I look at the clock, “Holy crap, what time did you wake up?” He smiles, “We’ve been off and on all night. I worked out at the clubhouse an hour ago.” Ugh, I really wanted to run, but I don’t want to make them go with me. “It’s fine I can skip it today or I can run later on the treadmill.” Jason jumps in, “Girl, get your shit together we’re goin for a run.” See, they love me. Jason gets up as I put on my shoes and we head out the door. Brantley is still not a fan of me running with the guys, but he gets over it rather quickly. Usually. Besides I’m pretty sure that Jason is obsessed with Sophie, and Trance definitely has eyes for Kris. Not that either of them would admit it and not that Kris and Soph pay any attention to this at all. (Insert eye roll here.) I think my girls are just trying to play it cool, but ever since the night I came home from the hospital the guys are
overly protective of my girls. They are at every club function too which is like unheard of unless you’re a groupie slut, ol’ lady, or a girlfriend to one of the guys. My girls have been accepted into the family with me.

  We head out the door and stretch it out and make our way to the path behind the club. It doesn’t take long for Jason to start slowing down. I feel bad he is definitely worn out. I’m sure he’s not sleeping. I stop at a rock and jog in place. “J, I’m sorry. Let’s turn back.” He throws his arm out at me, “Nah Mel. I’m good. Just a bit tired.” I nod, “I know you are. We have a picnic today so I need to get stuff ready for that anyways.” He smiles, “Can I ask you a question?” “Sure.” He seems shy when he asks, “What’s the deal with Sophie?” I bite back a smile. Told you! “What do you mean?” “I mean, she’s hot then cold. I can’t get a read on her and I have no idea what she thinks about me.” Oh I know exactly what she thinks about you. I can’t tell him that though! “Well, I mean you watched Brant and I unfold. Maybe you should try that approach and see what happens?” He raises an eyebrow at me, “You mean force her into a nonexistent relationship with me until she agrees to move in with me and marry me?” To this I laugh. To an outsider it probably would seem like that is what happened. “It wasn’t exactly like that. Maybe you should have this conversation with Brantley.” His finger goes to his ear, “Speaking of, he just radioed. You know how he’s not a fan of wakin up without you.” Great. “Yeah, I thought I had at least an hour. Let’s turn back so I can start cookin some stuff for today.” “Sounds good.” He radios back to Brant to let him know we’re on our way. It doesn’t take long before we’re back and I see Brantley standing on the front porch. He is seriously so good looking. “Sorry honey. I needed to run before I started cooking. You were dead asleep I thought I had enough time to get back.” He ignores me saying, “Jason, I told you I wanted her to stay in. Justin is still a threat. We don’t know what he is planning here. I need to know she’s safe.” He shrugs, “Sorry Prez, she’s quite convincing when she wants to do something.” Yeah, except he didn’t even tell me that Brantley wanted me to stay inside. “Honey I’m back and we’re all good ok? I need to shower and get ready for everyone to be here in a couple hours.” He pulls me into his arms and he can finally do that without my ribs feeling like they are re-breaking. It’s an amazing feeling I have to say. He pulls me close and whispers in my ear “I thought you got plenty of a workout last night.” Huge smile to that, “Oh I did and it was a delicious feeling this morning. I love your property Brant, it’s just too beautiful to pass up a run in the morning.” “You mean our property.” I shake my head at him and smile. I’m still waiting for him to receive the letter that says his mortgage was paid off. He insists on paying all of the bills and I never would live here without doing my part. So if I pay something off then I guess it isn’t his bill to pay right? Yeah that isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. “Yeah, our property honey.” He smacks my butt as I walk passed. I let out a little squeal as I run to the bathroom.

  I hop in and quickly go through my getting ready routine. I must say it has significantly decreased in time because I do a lot less than I ever would have. I get out and blow out my hair so that it leaves soft waves in it. Throw on light makeup and put on a pair of jean shorts and a cute plain black tee. I come out of the bedroom and find Brantley getting the meat out to put on the grill. He turns to look at me and says “Bedroom, now.” He seemed angry. What the hell? I turn around and head back to the bedroom because who is going to argue with that? “Brant what’s wrong?” “Change.” I step back. Is he serious? “What’s wrong with my outfit?” He slides his finger along the bottom hem of my shorts, “Those shorts are practically up your ass.” I turn around to see if they were even close to being up my ass and they weren’t. So to this I laugh. He can’t be serious. “Brant, seriously? These shorts are longer than my workout shorts that you made me throw out the other day. I am not changing.” “The whole club is going to be here and see you walking around with all that hanging out.” I’m so sure. “Brantley, I am wearing a T-shirt. Everything is covered except my legs. I am not changing you’re just going to need to get over it. I’m here with you and everyone knows that. No one would dare even try to look at me the way that you do. We’ve discussed this already.” He shakes his head at me and pulls me into him. “The second someone says something inappropriate and I have to jump into action you’re changing. I want to hear no argument when it happens too.” “Fine.” Only because I know that isn’t going to happen. I roll my eyes and go to walk out of the room. “And no eye rollin, the guys give me enough shit for that already.” “Fine.” I walk out and head back to the kitchen to start my cooking preparations. I come out to a smirking Jason who says, “Well, at least you didn’t have to change this time.” I stick my tongue out at him as he laughs. I shake my head and get to cooking. It doesn’t take long for people to start showing up. Food in tow, everyone brings a dish. We get everything setup out back of the clubhouse and the guys start up some cornhole games. Yep, a buncha big burly bikers at a picnic. The day is for family, the night is for the party. My girls get here and I grab Sophie to tell her about what Jason asked me this morning. “He said that? He said that I am hot and cold? Is he insane? He’s the one who will be paying attention to me one second and the next he acts like I don’t even exist. See! This is exactly why I don’t date. I hate guys.” To this I laugh and we set everything out on the table. Everyone is here and I mean everyone. Even some of the people from our Kansas chapter come and I get to finally meet some of them.

  We are all huddled around the fire when I see a big group of the guys come walking over to us. That is when I hear Brantley bark, “Melanie, inside. Now.” Whoa. What the hell happened? I look at the group of guys and see them all not making eye contact with me. I feel someone beside me elbow me, so I swing my eyes to Brant, “Brantley, what is your problem?” He booms, “I am not discussing this here. Inside the house. Right fuckin now.” I won’t embarrass him in front of his men by talking back, a courtesy to which he is apparently not going to give me, so I stand up and walk passed everyone right into the house. What the hell did I do? I walk straight to our bedroom knowing that he would’ve wanted me to go there anyways. I walk in and I hear the door slam as I jump out of my skin. “Brantley, what the hell is going on?” He ignores me and says, “When were you going to tell me?” Huh? “Tell you what?” He screams, “That you fuckin paid off my house and the clubhouse mortgages?” Oh. That’s what this is about. Well, shit. Who the hell ratted me out? Had to be Trip. The treasurer for the club. I bet he got the letter. I thought I had another week. “Speak.” Is he for real? “Brantley, I don’t understand why you’re so mad.” He looks baffled, “You don’t- You don’t under- You don’t understand why I’m so mad, that my Ol’ Lady, just had a fight with me about who was in charge and who was payin the bills and she went behind my fuckin back and paid off my house and my club’s mortgages.” I see. “Oh, ok so it’s your house?” He doesn’t think before he says, “You fuckin know what I mean.” I nod, “Yeah, you’re right I do. This time when I leave Brantley don’t bother coming after me. You are just like your father. You don’t want me to be successful just like him. Or worse, you want me to be successful I just can’t show anyone that I’m successful is that how this works? Tell me Brantley, did you just hear yourself call this your house? Every time I call it yours you make sure to point out that it’s “ours” so it’s ours until I make a payment for you? Is that how this works. When that happens it goes back to being yours? Please enlighten me on how this all works because if that’s the way it is then I will not be a part of it. Y’all do good things with your money. The runs you go on for the children’s hospital all the money that you raise. Think of the resources you can use now that you don’t have a payment for those things. There wasn’t even that much left on your house so I don’t know why you’re so upset. If it bothers you so badly, I will take the payment back.” “Thank you. That
’s all I want.” I snap my eyes to his face. He seriously wants me to take the payment back. “Fine, but you remember that when I do, I take myself back with it. If you won’t let me be in there financially, and emotionally I’m gone. I refuse to be with someone who is intimidated by my success. I thought a successful man like yourself wouldn’t be too proud to be with someone who makes a damn good living, but I guess I was wrong about who you really are.” I go to leave not about to hear what he has to say at this point. I walk straight passed him and head out the bedroom door. Shocked as hell that he didn’t follow me. I am too drunk to drive so I walk outside to see if someone can take me somewhere. If not, I’ll stay here until I can drive tomorrow morning. Nowhere near Brantley though that’s for sure.

  I look around and see everyone is trying to avoid eye contact still. “Trip are you drinking already?” He wearily says, “No, Miss Melanie.” “Can you take me to my house please?” I hear some gasps and I see the look of shock on Trip’s face. “I’m afraid I can’t do that without Brantley’s permission.” I shake my head at him. “So let me get this straight? You can rat me out in the middle of a nice family gathering, but you can’t give me the courtesy of taking me elsewhere when that shit blows up?” More gasps. I probably shouldn’t be talking to him like that, but I am pissed way the fuck off. He gives me another look of shock as if I wouldn’t have figured out it was him that did it. “Melanie, leave Trip alone. Sit your ass down, you aren’t leaving.” This of course was Brantley. “The fuck I’m not. If he won’t take me then I’ll take myself.” I get out my phone to call Erick. Frederick’s son who is filling in for him while he takes time off after the incident. By the time I get the number pulled up my phone is being ripped from my hands. “Brantley, give me back my fucking phone. You don’t have a say in what I do at this point.” He booms, “The fuck I don’t. You’re staying. You’re definitely not driving.” I shake my head at him. I am spitting mad at him right now I cannot believe that he is being like this. “Fine, I’m staying now give me my damn phone.” He gives me a look as he sticks my phone in his pocket. Seriously, as if I’ve never been there before? I give him a good shove that catches him off guard and go for his pocket. I just get the top of my phone out when I feel myself being lifted off the ground and carried in a fireman’s hold. Good God. “Brantley, put me down, right fuckin now!” Yes, I’m shrieking. I refuse to be treated like this. I can’t even imagine what all of our audience is thinking about this right now.


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