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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

Page 21

by Tricia Wagner

  It’s like I’m on cruise control. I look down to see that Brantley put me in a bathing suit with jeans and a tee over it. He drives me right to where I figured he would with a bathing suit on. His thinking spot. Our spot now. He pulls me back the path and sets our towels down. “Baby, I know you’re having a hard time with all of this, but I need you to trust me with all of it. I’m gonna take it all away from you. I just need you to give it to me.” I don’t respond right away and he must be getting sick of my silence. “Melanie.” Yep, sick of it. I snap my eyes to him and say “I killed someone.” “Yeah, but you’re forgetting the second half of that sentence. You killed someone who’s been trying to kill you.” I shake my head at him. Is that really a difference? In the moment while it was happening I didn’t think twice, I didn’t hesitate. He would have killed me or gotten the gun back and killed Brantley. I had to do it there was no other choice. “Mel. Baby, let’s go get in the water. It’s super warm it will give you some time to relax.” I can’t really think about anything at this point. My brain has chosen to completely shut down. I strip my clothes off and head over to the water. Brantley has my hand and he walks me in. We don’t jump thank God I don’t think I can handle that right now. We wade in until it’s where I can just still touch my toes to the ground. Brantley pulls me into his body, and I just stay like that letting him hold me as the sunlight moves over my body. “I don’t want to have any more nightmares. I don’t know how to make them go away.” “We’ll get to that baby. We’re going to make this all better again. I promise.” “Brantley, was a part of the plan to let Justin into the house? How did he get there?” He sighs as he looks into my eyes. “We found a spot under my crawl space of the bike room baby. He was apparently staying in there and that’s how he got in the house the night of the party. As for today, that was a mistake. He was supposed to get to the house, but never inside. It’s already been handled within the club.” I gasp, “Does that mean someone let him in?” He nods, “We think so. Weston had to turn in his cut today. We think he was a mole. Jason and Trance went to deal with that while I brought you here.” My mouth is permanently dropped, “You mean this whole time that the guys were watching me Weston was feeding Justin Intel? Why on earth would he and Justin have ever become friends?” “You aren’t going to believe this, but they’re cousins. Another thing that our own Intel didn’t come up with. When I brought him in to have our chat Weston must’ve seen him the next day. Everything kinda happened from there.” “Great, so now not only has Weston been patched out, but I also killed his cousin. What’s going to stop him from coming after me?” “Me.” I give him a nod as he bends and takes my mouth is a slow sweet kiss. I put my hands up over his next as he sinks down into the water to meet me eye for eye. He breaks the kiss and says “Melanie, I love you so much. We need to put this behind us so we can move forward.” I give him a nod. “The words, Mel.” “I want to put it behind us too honey. I really do.” We walk out of the water and he sets me up on a towel to catch some sun. I lay there for I don’t know how long, but I know Brantley’s phone keeps going off. “Who are you ignoring?” “My dad.” I snap my eyes to him. “Why?” “Because, he’s pissed we missed lunch the other day, and for obvious reasons I haven’t filled him in yet.” Lovely, another reason for his dad to hate me. “Just answer it Brant. He’s your dad.” “I know, but we’re having some much needed time together right now.” “I know, but it’s really going to bug me if you don’t just answer it.” “Fine. Hello.” Pause. I’m sure some screaming about what a raving bitch his fiancé is for not showing up for lunch the other day. “Jesus, dad. I had to go on a run. I called you before I left and told you I couldn’t come. I’m with Melanie now and I can’t talk to you when you’re like this. I’m going to go, how about you call me when you’re a normal human being again.” I have a shocked look on my face I just know it. I have never heard him talk to his dad that way. “Brant, what the heck? You’ve never talked to him like that.” “I’m sick of it ok. Nothing I do is ever right, or good enough. I’m done trying to please him.” I give him a nod and he pulls me closer. “Can we go back yet? I actually feel like I really am tired.” He kisses my head, “Yeah, the guys are all done with everything. Let’s go get you something to eat.” I groan, “Brantley, seriously don’t make me eat. Please.” He gives me a look that says I won’t win this argument. I shake my head at him and throw on my clothes. We get on the bike and head back.

  We pull onto the driveway and I feel Brantley squeeze my thigh. I look around him and see his mom and dad standing in his driveway. This seriously cannot be happening. We barely get off the bike and his dad starts throwing words at him. “Off gallivanting around and not even making time for your parents. Before her you never would’ve done this.” I can feel Brantley’s entire body shaking. “Dad, I will not even justify that part with an answer. I had to take Melanie away from here because we had a home invasion today. He had a gun to her head and if it weren’t for her quick reflexes she would probably be dead. Melanie had to shoot the man in order to survive, so I’m thinking my excuse to be gallivanting around with my fiancé is justified.” I hear his mom gasp as she runs to me and throws her arms around me. I hug her back as the tears start flowing down my face again. The look on his dad’s face says he realizes he shouldn’t have said what he said now. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Silverman. The day that we were supposed to have lunch I was getting ready and the same man was in our home again. He was in the bathroom while I was showering. He was also a part of the two that kidnapped, beat, and tried to rape me.” I can see that she has tears flowing down her face and Brantley gives my hand a squeeze. “Mr. Silverman, I apologize that you feel this way about me, but I have had a long day, along with not sleeping for about three days now, I think I’m going to go and take a nap. I’m more than happy to come for dinner or lunch any other day, but today.” His dad gives me a head nod as I kiss Brantley on the cheek, and I walk right into the house. I don’t know if any of the guys are still in there, but I do know that I feel like I could seriously crash. I say “Hey” to Gunner and Murphy who are in the kitchen and I walk straight back to the bedroom. I go into the closet and change my clothes and come out and fall right onto the bed. I curl up in a ball and wait for Brantley to come in. He walks in and plops down on the bed. He pulls me into his arms and turns me to face him. “Marry me. Tomorrow.” My eyes get huge, “What?” He brushes my face with his fingers, “I don’t want to wait. We can go to your parents and get married there?” Instantly, I go with my gut, “Let’s do it, but your parents have to come too.” He lets out a sigh. “You’ll regret it if they aren’t there for that day.” He half nods, “Well, I think I finally have my dad settled with the fact that this is happening so he might as well enjoy the ride.” “Can we take Trance, Jason, Kris, and Soph?” He smiles, “Yeah, no more though or else I’ll start makin brothers feel bad for not being invited.” “We can have a huge fire jumping party when we get back.” I give him a little smirk as he shakes his head at me. “I need to tell you something about two of your prospects.” His face gets serious, “Shit. What happened?” “Murphy and Gunner were nothing, but completely respectful while you were gone. The club couldn’t do better than the two of them. They helped me. A lot.” He grabs my hand and says “Can you give me two more minutes of your time babe?” I nod, “Yeah.” He pulls me up and walks into the kitchen. “Brothers.” Yes this was yelled. What the hell is he doing? “Prospects Murphy and Gunner front and center, now.” Oh sweet lord. I said good things about them. Why is he yelling? I give his hand a squeeze, but he squeezes it back like he has it under control. “Some things have been brought to my attention about the two of you. While we were gone, you were left basically in charge. You’ve been prospecting for eight months now. You would think I could leave the two of you here and not have to worry about the safety of my woman. The most precious thing to me in this world.” They both look to me and have horrified looks on my face. Brantley must be doing something because I onl
y said good things. “Don’t look to her. Look at me.” They both snap their faces to him and I bite back a smile. “Brothers, I call to a vote. All in favor of patching in these two brothers four months early say “Yeah” I hear all “Yea’s” going through the air. All opposed say “Nay.” Silence. “The Yea’s have it. Welcome to the brotherhood. Thanks for standin by my girl and making her as comfortable as she could be while following my orders.” They do man hugs with slaps on the backs and everyone starts to celebrate. “Now, get the fuck out of my house so I can get my woman calmed down before we get out of here and get married tomorrow.” More screaming and shouting. “About the orders you left for them to follow.” “Nope, not discussing it. We will talk about everything that got reported back to me later, but first I really am dying to know if you are a poker shark.” To this I throw my head back and laugh. Hard. “Christ it’s good to see you laugh baby.” I give him a genuine smile as he pulls me back to bed and we pass out until it’s time to wake up in the morning.

  We make the calls to everyone we need to and we all meet at the airport. My parents were getting everything setup at the church I grew up in and everything would be taken care of by the time we landed. Even his parents were happy with the invitation. Of course his mom was excited, but his dad’s was a reaction I was not expecting. I already had my dress so I pack everything I could possibly need and my hair stylist will be on the plane with us. We all arrive at the airport and get on the plane. “How did you get us all on the same flight?” This was from his dad. “I own the plane, sir.” “You own this plane?” “Yeah.” I shrug as we get onto the plane and he sees that it is a private jet. I look to Brantley and bite back a smile. Take that success Mr. Silverman. He doesn’t say anything more as we take our seats the stylist starts working on all us girls’ hair. It takes the whole flight, but we are finally beautified. I had a limo picking us up at the airport that Brantley didn’t know about and promptly shifted his attention to the kiss that I was giving him. “I’ll give you that play because that kiss was hot, but babe this isn’t necessary.” “No way, for my wedding day, were we not arriving in style. For the reception at home we can roll in on the bikes.” “You can consider that a deal.” I give him another kiss as we get in the limo. We meet my mom and dad at the church where my mom is already ready. She pulls me away from Brantley mad at me because we spent the night together the night before our wedding. It’s not like this was planned. I’m with the girls, my mom, and Mrs. Silverman while getting dressed. They’ve gotten together all of my something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence for my shoe. I look at my mom who is looking at me funny. “Mom, what’s wrong?” “I’m just so happy for you baby. Brantley is so wonderful. Lilly, you have a wonderful son.” “Oh, I just love your daughter. This is seriously so perfect.” There is a knock at the door, and I turn to see Brantley’s dad standing there. Lovely. “Can I have a minute with Melanie please?” My mom looks to me and I nod. What else was I going to do? Everyone leaves and the door is closed. “John-“ “Melanie, please allow me first.” I give him a nod. “I was wrong. I was wrong about everything. I see the way that my son looks at you. He deserves the happiness that you give him and I don’t want to come in between that. I also don’t want to cause any kind of issues for his relationship with me. I love my son. I now realize that you’re the real deal. The money thing threw me off at first, but I realize now that you are a good person. Not only a good person, but you’re good for my son. I apologize for everything I said in the past. I am not too proud to admit when I am wrong, and here, I was.” Wow. “John, I really appreciate you saying that. I really look forward to building our relationship. Thank you for coming in here and saying those things to me, especially today.” He gives me a nod and goes to leave. “Think we should probably hug it out Papa Silverman.” He gives me a light chuckle as I throw my arms up around his neck and he kisses my cheek. Then he was gone and the girls were coming in to take me to walk down the aisle. I seriously cannot believe we are really doing this. I turn the corner as my dad grabs my arm. I see Brantley down at the end and all of my nervousness was gone when he gave me his “I wet all panties” smirk and I can’t help but smile back. I finish the walk that I consider the walk that will start the rest of my life.


  “Dadda. Dadda. Vroom. Vroom.” I roll over and wake up to the sweetest sound. Our baby boy calling for his dad. The first day I held him in my arms was the best day of my life. After meeting his mommy and making her my wife I didn’t think anything could top it. But, he did. Connor Ryder Silverman was born a year ago today. His mom has been my wife for almost a year and ten months. I made sure everyone knew she was mine and I thought I loved my woman before. But, my woman pregnant? Best feeling ever. I intend to do it again soon too. Our life isn’t all ups there are definitely downs to, but the company is always good. I love my little family and couldn’t be happier with the way life has turned out for us. As for our friends, I think they still have some learning to do. I get up and head to the nursery where Connor is standing waiting for me. “Dadda. Dadda. Dadda.” “I’m comin buddy.” I pick him up and head to the kitchen. I get his baby cereal together and then we head out to the back deck to wait for mommy to wake up. It doesn’t take long before I hear my wife make her way out the back deck doors. “There’s my boys.” I tag the back of her head for a good morning kiss. Connor reaches for her and she grabs him saying “Happy birthday little cutie. I love you so much Connor.” “Mama, Mama, Mama.” She lets out a little laugh and I swear I could listen to that noise for the rest of my life. Thank God I’ll have the chance to do that. We sit taking in our beautiful view before the crew arrives for birthday celebrations. God I love my life.

  Look for Jason and Sophie’s story in “Shifting Minds” Skull Shifter’s MC 2. Coming Soon!

  Enjoy Skull Shifters? Check out more work by Tricia Wagner!

  Dirt and Whiskey Series

  Mopar Man

  Cutting Edge

  Open Road

  Livin the Sweet Life (Coming Soon)

  Bennett Brigade Series


  Justice (Coming Soon)

  Bounty (Coming Soon)

  Pittsburgh Hunks Series

  Buc Fever

  Put on Ice (Coming Soon)

  Swing and A Miss (Coming Soon)

  Skull Shifters MC Series

  Shifting Life

  Shifting Minds (Coming Soon)

  Shifting Time (Coming Soon)




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