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Gilded Wings

Page 14

by Cameo Renae

  I wondered if Ethon and Azzah had defeated the Fallen and Hellhounds. There had been no signs of him, and I hadn’t felt his presence since I left. I wondered if he had been injured. I highly doubted it after watching him in action. Besides he had Bane, Azzah, and Ash with him.

  After what Bane told me, I wondered if I should be concerned for him at all. My whole outlook of Ethon had been tinged with even more doubt. He had an evil side.

  But the bond also made me remember his gentle touch, his beautiful black wings, his handsome face, and his burning crimson eyes. The times when he was with me had felt so sincere. During those moments I believed he would never hurt me, and his promises to take care of me and protect me were heartfelt. It was almost impossible to know what to believe anymore.

  I sighed to myself as my foot hit the last step.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll figure it all out,” Kade whispered, grabbing hold of my hand.

  “I hope so,” I sighed.

  Time was ticking down too quickly, and so was my luck.

  As we made our way down the hall, the wonderful aroma of food teased me, making my mouth water. When we entered the kitchen, Miss Lily greeted us.

  “Good morning,” she chimed, with her normal cheery smile. “Buffet is in the dining room.”

  “Thank you, Miss Lily,” I said, and Kade repeated.

  Everyone was already seated around the table with plates of food piled high. They were talking and laughing and it made me happy. For a moment everything seemed right with the world. We were encased within the barrier, temporarily protected from the darkest evil creatures lurking about in the shadows.

  Alaine entered from the back door, and I assumed she had come from the cottage. Hopefully Samuel had returned with some good news. I studied her face, but it didn’t seem like it was bearing anything good. She looked weary, and I noticed dark circles under her eyes for the first time.

  It wasn’t until that moment I put myself in her shoes. For years she kept me safe, staying away so I could live a normal life. Then all of a sudden, life carried me back to her, and was now threatening to take me away again. The stress of it all must be ripping her apart.

  Her eyes caught mine and a faint smile rose on her lips. Making her way over to me, she wrapped me in her arms.

  “How are you, sweetheart?” she asked.

  I’d forgotten to ask Kade is she knew about my escape. I was assuming he didn’t say anything so I answered vaguely. “I’m good.”

  “Good,” she answered.

  “Is Samuel back?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No, not yet. I expect he should be back soon. Go ahead get some food. You need to keep your strength up, especially over these next few days. We will discuss our plans once everyone has finished eating”

  “Alright,” I agreed.

  She released me from her embrace and proceeded into the kitchen. Kade and I took our plates and headed toward the food. I took a small amount of eggs, a few slices of bacon, and a biscuit drowned in homestyle gravy. Kade opted for the fried chicken, corn, biscuits, and gravy.

  All the rest of the Guardians welcomed us as we took our usual seats at the opposite end of the table.

  “Hey, Emma,” Malachi waved, with a mound full of food in front of him. It looked like he had both breakfast and lunch.

  “Hey, Malachi,” I responded with a smile.

  The rest of them were already piling food in their mouths. Dom waved and tried to speak, but his mouth was too full.

  “Jeez, Dom,” Alex stated. “Slow down.”

  Miss Lily entered the room with more napkins. “You let him be. He’s a growing Guardian. Look at these muscles,” she said tapping his biceps. “He needs to feed these pythons.”

  Dom swallowed down his food. “Damn right,” he chimed, throwing in a quick flex. “Miss Lily knows where it’s at.” He held out his fist, she pounded it, and then left the room. “She’s got it going on.”

  After brunch, Miss Lily and Henry cleared the tables.

  Henry patted me gently on the shoulder before he took my plate. “It’s good to see you, Emma,” he said softly.

  “It’s good to see you too, Henry. How is your sister?”

  “She’s doing very well, thank you,” he answered.

  “I’m glad.”

  “You stay safe and eat up. You need your strength.”

  “I will.” I turned and he winked, placing a chocolate chip cookie down next to me.

  “Why does she get a cookie?” Dom yelled from across the table.

  “Because she’s extraordinary and you’re not,” Alex answered, smacking Dom on the back.

  “Hey, I’m special too,” he said in a cry-baby voice, pretending to wipe away tears.

  “You’re special alright…” Malachi grunted sarcastically.

  Dom hurled a biscuit at his head.

  “Yes, you are special, my dear.” Miss Lily came and placed a large platter of cookies in front of him.

  “I knew you loved me,” Dom said, standing and hugging her.

  Miss Lily laughed and exited the room once again.

  They all dove for the plate but Dom threw his body over it. “Hey, let’s not get crazy.” He stood up with the plate and walked around, placing one cookie in front of each of them.

  “You’re such an ass,” Alex huffed.

  “What did you say?” Dom said swiping back his cookie.

  “Hey,” Alex grumbled.

  Alaine stood up. “Alright, we need to discuss important issues.”

  Dom took his seat and threw Kade and Malachi a cookie.

  “Do you want one, Alaine?” he asked, ready to toss one her way.

  “No thank you. I’m good,” she said, holding up a hand and walking to the front of the table. “There has been a lot of movement in our surrounding area. I’ve received word from Bane that creatures from the Underworld have been released.”

  I turned to Kade, and he grabbed my hand under the table. At least she knew; that was the main thing, and I didn’t have to say anything. If I did, she’d know I went out unprotected and I’d be even more heavily guarded. I knew it was for my own good, but she didn’t have to worry about me leaving. I was staying inside from now on.

  “So what kinds of creatures are we talking about?” Dom asked, crunching on a cookie.

  “There have been multiple sightings of Hellhounds, and the body of a dead Gryphon. It was found about a half mile from here in the forest. Bane also mentioned seeing a few Grimlock.”

  “Grimlock?” I gasped. Those creatures terrified me. If we hadn’t had backup in the Underworld, Samuel and I would have been dead at that Grimlock gate. They had already captured and injured both of us, and we were only alive because of Dom, Malachi, and Danyel.

  “Yes, but I’m only going on hearsay, and what others have witnessed. I haven’t seen any of these creatures myself, and am hoping we won’t have to.”

  “So, in other words… all Hell has broken lose,” Dom stated flatly.

  “Yes,” Alaine answered. “The barrier is set up to keep the Fallen out, but we aren’t sure how it will affect the rest of these creatures. At the moment someone is holding them back and it might be because they are still gathering others.

  “Whether it is Lucian or Lucifer, we need to be ready. It’s coming down to the end, and we need to make sure Emma is safe. Her safety is our top priority. I doubt they will attack us during the day because it will take time for their eyes to adapt to the light. But I have a feeling that soon, when darkness falls, we will have a battle on our hands. Until then, I need all of you to stay within the barrier.” She glanced around the room with a look of adoration. “I’m so proud of each and every one of you. I hope you all get your wings for this. You have proven yourselves time and time again.”

  “What about Emma?” Malachi asked. “If those creatures were sent by Lucian, they will be coming for her. Shouldn’t she be taken to safety, or at the very minimum hide in the safe room?”

�Yes, Malachi. Our plans to leave and take her to a safe-house have been canceled. It’s too dangerous to take her outside of the barrier now, especially with the new threats. To be certain of her safety, Emma will stay in the safe room during the night, and I will allow Kade to stay with her.”

  Both our heads snapped up to her.

  “I trust you both, and know Kade’s intentions.”

  “Thank you,” he said. “You know her safety is my priority.”

  “I know,” Alaine answered. “This is why I am delegating it to you.” She turned toward the others. “I want you all to rest today and make sure your weapons are ready. I’m not sure if they will attack tonight, but if they do, I want to be prepared. I will be sending Henry and Miss Lily on an extended vacation, until this is all over.”

  James was the only quiet one, and I’d forgotten he was even in the room until he spoke. “We all need to be on top of everything. There is no room for mistakes. We will stand guard around the property but inside of the barrier. The guard posts will be held until the sun rises.”

  “I call back of house,” Dom said, raising his hand.

  “Why? So you can be close to the kitchen?” Malachi smirked.

  “Dude, you do have brains in that huge noggin of yours,” Dom snickered.

  “Yeah, and if you keep jabbering, I’m gonna use my huge fist to knock in your huge noggin.”

  “Oh, someone’s mighty feisty today,” Alex said, slapping Malachi on the back.

  Malachi turned and glared at him, “I’m prepared… for anything,” he rumbled back.

  “We’re all prepared,” Dom added. He then stood and threw his fist in the air. “We may be outnumbered, but we are mighty, and ready to kick some ass!”

  “Yeah!” the rest of the Guardian’s yelled in agreement.

  Whoever sent them knew what they were doing. They were an awesome team. I looked around at each of their faces, gleaming with confidence and positivity. We had the best team of Guardians in any world. I knew it because through each obstacle we’d endured, they all still remained.

  My thoughts immediately went to Samuel. I prayed he was alright out there on his own. I wondered if he would be able to find some needed answers. Time was ticking, slowly running down to either our victory or demise.

  The day went by much too fast while the Guardians prepared themselves for battle. War was coming, and it was coming soon. An annoying buzz of doom lingered in the air. I knew what we were up against. Our enemy was strong, and we were fiercely outnumbered. If the creatures of the Underworld could break through the barrier, I didn’t see any of us surviving. Not without help.

  Would Lucifer keep his end of the deal and come to our aid when we needed him?

  All we could do was wait and see. My hope was dangling by the smallest of threads. Any kind of intense pressure would easily break it in two. It was fragile, but for now, it was intact. There was nothing I could do to make it stronger. My fate was balancing precariously on those around me. And when it came down to the end, I would do my part, whatever that may be.

  War was inevitable. My greatest hope and prayer, was that we all survived.

  PREPARED FOR THE NIGHT, I glanced out my window. The sun was lingering on the horizon, and I soaked in the beautiful colors it created against the darkening sky. It was as if the hand of God had created a master piece right in front of my eyes.

  A single tear tickled my cheek, and I quickly swiped it away. I didn’t know how many more sunsets I would be able to watch, but at least I had this one. I made sure I took it all in. As the end drew near, I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted to be awake and aware of everything around me – to make every moment count like it was my last.

  I was waiting for Kade to arrive and take me to the safe room. My super suit and dagger were in my duffle bag, and I was dressed in black sweatpants and my grey hoodie. I traced my finger across the black words over my left chest, wondering if in less than a week I would possess the same magical hidden wings as Ethon. No other Nephilim had the gift of wings, not even Alaine. But I couldn’t dwell too much on something so doubtful. I had enough to deal with in the present.

  A soft knock at the door made my stomach flutter with butterflies. I walked just a little too fast to open it.

  Kade held out his hand to me.

  “Are you ready?” His charming crooked grin made me warm inside, and I watched on as he raked his fingers through his thick brown hair. I placed my hand into his and he pulled me against his body. Pressed tightly together, he leaned over. I thought he was going to kiss me so I closed my eyes, only to hear the door shut behind us.

  That was embarrassing.

  I quickly opened my eyes and his angelic face was an inch away, his sweet breath tickled my nose. Gently clasping his hand behind the back of my neck, he leaned closer and kissed me. When he pulled away, I was left dizzy.

  “I’m ready,” I exhaled. He took the duffle from my hand and we began to walk down the hall toward the bathroom that had the secret door.

  “How many secret doors are there in this place?” I asked.

  “Three. One on each floor. There is a room right below us on the opposite side of the hall, and the last one is on the first floor, behind the grandfather clock in the foyer.”

  “Wow. I would have never known.”

  “Yeah, Alaine wanted to build a few more, but her late husband already thought she was crazy for even thinking of making secret doors which led to a safe room in the middle of the house. She had a lot of convincing to do, but he finally gave in. I’m glad she did it.”

  “Me too.” I smiled thinking about how Alaine had planned everything out from the beginning, even though she didn’t know what the future held. She was a prepper.

  Familiar thundering growls and barks erupted outside, just as we were making our way to the last room. The darkness had awakened the creatures.

  As we entered the bathroom, I disconnected from Kade and made my way to the window.

  “Emma,” he called after me.

  “Just keep the light off. I have to see what’s out there.”

  I slowly pulled the curtain from the window, and saw fiery red eyes slowly emerging from the forest.

  Hellhounds. There were at least a dozen of them; more than any of us had anticipated.

  “Emma,” Kade called, pulling the secret door open.

  “Wait, please,” I whispered, frozen.

  Malachi stood just inside the barrier, about twenty feet away from one of the beasts. His sword was drawn, and he was crouched, ready to take it on. There were too many Hellhounds for the few we had, even with all six of them fighting.

  As I glanced to the right, I saw Thomas, and beyond Malachi to the left was Alex.

  The Hellhound in front of Malachi stopped. Kade stood behind me and pulled back the curtain a bit more so he could see. His chest pressed against my back, so I leaned into him for support.

  “What happens if they come through the barrier?” I said, my voice quavering.

  “Then we run for the safe room,” he said, taking hold of my hand.

  We watched helplessly, incapable of offering any help.

  My breath seized as the beast crouched. It pounced toward Malachi, who stepped forward to meet it, his sword raised above his head. But as soon as the beast hit the barrier, it slammed to a complete stop and dropped to the ground. Sparks flew everywhere and the Hellhound yelped in pain.

  “Oh my God. It worked,” I exhaled loudly. The barrier actually kept the Hellhounds out too. I wondered why it worked on Hellhounds and not the Darkling.

  “Now we know they’ll be fine, so it’s time I get you inside before Alaine finds us standing here. There are monitors in the safe room where you can watch what’s going on outside.”

  “Okay,” I agreed. Our hands were still locked together as he led me into the secret passageway. As soon as we were inside he clicked on a flashlight and handed it to me, then closed and locked the door behind us.

  While we were wal
king to our safety, I started to feel horrible; I was abandoning the others. But I knew there was really nothing I could do to help. If I were out there, they would probably be worried about saving me, which would be more of a hindrance than good.

  Once we reached the safe room and Kade locked the doors, I began to feel a bit claustrophobic. I walked over and sat on the bed.

  “What happens if the Fallen break through, and find this secret room? We won’t have a way to escape, and this safe room will become our tomb.” My mind started to go haywire again, thinking up every negative scenario.

  Kade grinned and made his way to me. He sat down on my side and took my hand. “Don’t worry. They all know what they’re doing out there. This is just for safety measures. Plus, there is another way out,” he said pointing under the bed. “It’s a downward drop of about a hundred feet that will take us into an underground tunnel that leads to the garage. It’s a last resort.”

  “It’s good to know we have an option.”

  Kade walked over to a cabinet on the wall, just above a small desk. When he pulled open the cabinet, inside were five small monitors which he clicked on.

  Each screen was split, with two different views from different areas around the house. My eyes locked onto the first screen, looking out from the front of the house. Malachi was in the left corner of the screen but beyond him were three huge beasts, Hellhounds, stalking the perimeter trying to find a way in. Behind them I saw a set of black wings quickly fly past, and I could swear I saw red eyes flash. My heart dropped.

  Was it Ethon?

  I hadn’t seen, felt, or spoken to him since Bane dropped me off that night at the barrier. From what Alaine and the others had said, he and the goons hadn’t been in the tower. I didn’t even know if he was alright, or had been injured. Alaine said she spoke to Bane about Lucian setting the Underworld creatures free outside, but directly after he gave the information, he left as well.

  Maybe they were in danger and needed to find another place to hide since Lucian’s Fallen and his creatures were out there now. They weren’t protected by any barrier, and would be easy targets. It could have been Ethon doing a fly-by just to check and make sure the barrier was still intact. Or maybe he was making sure I was safe.


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