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Gilded Wings

Page 24

by Cameo Renae

  For the remainder of the ceremony, I kept my eyes on him.

  Then, the minister finally announced…“I now pronounce you man and wife. Kade,” he said with a grin, “you may kiss your bride.”

  Gently holding the back of my neck he pressed his lips to mine and the guests cheered. Rose petals were thrown in the air as we finished our kiss and turned to them.

  As we proceeded down the aisle we were stopped when someone stepped in our path, and I gasped as soon as I realized who it was.

  “Michael!” I said, throwing my arms around him. “You came.”

  “Of course I came,” he said, hugging me back. “I can’t stay for long, but since you invited me at least a dozen times, I couldn’t say no.” He gently caressed my face in his hands. “You’re a vision.”

  “Thank you,” I blushed.

  “Kade,” Michael said, extending his hand to him.

  “Michael,” Kade nodded, shaking his hand in appreciation.

  “Your parents couldn’t make it. Your father was called on a mission. I’m sorry.”

  “I understand. But I am glad you came,” he answered.

  Alaine came and stood next to me, her eyes fixed on a man she had never met before.

  “Hi, Alaine,” his beautiful voice sang.

  “Do I know you?” she asked, then glanced at me, and back at him.

  “I’ve been with you your entire life, but have never had the pleasure of meeting you.”

  Alaine shook her head, completely baffled, and then she turned back toward me.

  “Mom, I’d like you to meet your father, my grandfather,” I slowly introduced.

  She turned back toward Michael, her eyes perplexed. “My father?”

  “Yes, Alaine.” His smile radiated like a beam of sunshine.

  “My father?” she repeated, her eyes welled with tears.

  “Yes. Michael the Archangel is your father,” I said softly.

  Samuel placed his hand on her shoulder, and when she looked back at him, he nodded.

  Michael held his arms open to her. “Come, Alaine,” he spoke, and she fell into his arms weeping like a child.

  After a while she straightened up, wiped her tears, and faced him.

  “I’m sorry. I just never thought this day would ever come,” she sniffled, looking at him in complete wonderment.

  “It’s been long overdue,” he agreed.

  “How did you meet Emma?”

  “She called out for help before her transformation and I could not deny her.”

  “He did,” I affirmed. “I had to keep it secret because I didn’t think you would believe me, or understand.”

  “You’re right. I wouldn’t have,” she admitted. She then turned back to Michael with a pained look in her eyes. “Why didn’t you ever come to me? I called out many times.”

  “I know you did, my dear child, and it made my heart ache. But I could not answer because there is an order to things that even I cannot break,” he confessed.

  Alaine sadly nodded. “Did you send Emma the dagger?”

  “I did.”

  “And you sent me the amulet and suit?” she questioned.

  He nodded.

  “Thank you,” she said appreciatively. “Those gifts saved her life. She probably wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for them.”

  “I only did what any father, or grandfather, would do to protect those he loves. I wish I could have done more, but like I said, my hands were tied.”

  “I understand,” Alaine said.

  Michael’s eyes softened as he looked at her. “I’m so proud of you. You rose above all of the darkness in your life, and still became a beacon of light for all those around you – touching so many souls.”

  “I only try to do what is right,” she said.

  “You’ve been doing what is in your heart, a heart which is pure and unselfish,” he acknowledged with pride. He then turned to Samuel and extended his hand. “Samuel, it is a pleasure to meet you. I realize things happened a long time ago, but I want to personally thank you for taking care of Alaine and Emma.”

  “I love them with my life,” Samuel replied, with a simple bow of his head.

  “I know. And you are highly regarded.”

  “Thank you, Michael,” Samuel said.

  “I have a mission to take care of, so I must bid you farewell. But be assured this will not be our last meeting,” he said to Alaine.

  “I will be looking forward to our future encounters,” she said, hugging him again.

  “Good bye, Emma. Congratulations to you both. I will be seeing you around,” he said, winking at me.

  “See you, grandfather,” I giggled.

  He laughed, and in a flash, dissolved into a million sparking gold flecks.

  Alaine threw her hands up, holding the sides of her head as if they were going to explode.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. “Oh my God.”

  “He’s unbelievable isn’t he?” I said.

  “This whole moment has been unbelievable,” she said, turning and squeezing me in a hug.

  She then linked her arm into Samuel’s, ushering him to head out toward the reception. The guests began to follow, but when I turned around Lia’s eyes were fixed on mine.

  “Oh no,” I exhaled.

  “Emma,” she respired, her face filled with disappointment. “There are some major things you’ve been keeping from us.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. But there are things about my new life I didn’t think you would understand,” I tried to explain.

  “I’m your best friend, and best friends share secrets. They stick by each other through thick and thin… no matter what.”

  “We are your best friends,” Jeremy said, stepping next to her.

  “You both are the best friends anyone could ever have, and when this is all over, I promise I will explain it all to you.”

  “Promise?” she asked.

  “Cross my heart.”

  “Alright. ‘Cause I’m trying to make sense of it all. First, there was that big, handsome guy who popped up before vanishing into thin air, and then you were over there calling him grandfather, and Alaine mom… I’m going to need some affirmations soon or my head will explode.”

  “Yeah, we both will,” Jeremy added.

  “And you will. As soon as this whole celebration is over,” I promised.

  “Okay,” she said, hugging me. She grabbed Jeremy’s arm and pointed. “To the ballroom, where the food is! Take me now.”

  Jeremy rolled his eyes, and then led her down the pathway of rose petals.

  JUST AS KADE AND I made our way toward the pathway, I gasped, feeling a rush of heat twist in my stomach. It felt like a warning.

  “What’s the matter?” Kade asked.

  “I don’t know. But I feel like something bad is about to happen.”

  A faint smell of a sweet smokiness caught my nose.

  “Fallen,” Kade whispered, and as soon as he spoke, his beautiful hazel eyes went black.

  “Emma, stay behind me,” Kade said, stepping in front of me.

  “Oh, how sweet,” Azzah’s words dripped with disgust. He and Bane appeared in the corner of the open space.

  “What do you want?” Kade asked, in a not so friendly tone.

  “Bane?” I questioned, trying to read his expression. He looked torn but he didn’t answer.

  “We came for the girl,” Azzah spoke in a deep, growl.

  “You aren’t touching her,” Kade crouched. “What happened with Lucifer is over.”

  “It’s not over,” Azzah roared with laughter, slowly stepping closer. “Lucifer is imprisoned in hell, unceasingly tortured by the death of his son, and his heart is unwilling to rest until one thing has been accomplished.”

  “And what is that?” I asked.

  “Your death.” His black wicked eyes fastened on mine.

  I would normally freeze with fear, but instead, a deep seeded fury overcame me, burning like an inferno. I was glad
everyone else was gone from the area, still making their way out of the labyrinth.

  “He can’t touch her,” Kade said, “Lucifer has been bound to Hell.”

  “Yes. But his legion has not. They will come, and they will keep coming until there is no breath left in her.”

  “Let them try,” Kade threatened.

  “We will,” Azzah implored.

  My fury erupted from within, and I could not contain it. I felt myself being involuntarily thrust toward Azzah.

  It all happened so fast, like a flash of lightening.

  Before anyone could react, Azzah pulled a huge, sharp sword from behind him and charged toward me. I could hear Kade yelling my name, but everything inside of me was muted and focused.

  I went invisible, momentarily throwing him off, and then reappeared right at his side. Grabbing hold of his arm, I thrust him to the ground. He twisted his body and kicked me backward with such great force I flew upward into the air about twenty feet.

  And then it happened.

  My wings suddenly appeared, fully extended, stopping my backward momentum with one brisk flap. Below me, collective gasps and screams filled the air and a look of utter astonishment filled everyone’s faces as they watched.

  Alaine and Samuel had just exited the labyrinth and were standing next to one of the trees. Alaine’s hands were clasped over her mouth, and her eyes were wide with terror. Samuel’s face was filled with concern as I watched him immediately call his wings.

  But Azzah had also called his wings, and was heading toward me. Kade tried to intercept him, but when Bane moved in his peripheral, he changed directions and flew forward to take him down.

  The fury within me continued to burn.

  With a flap of my wings, I shot forward like a rocket to meet Azzah head on. I was on autopilot now, my body a slave to my gifts.

  In a microsecond, we collided. The raw strength in my arms crashed against his chest, ramming him backward. His body impacted the ground with such violent force, it sent a shockwave of energy outward, sending the chairs flying back, crashing against each other.

  I landed on top of him, and for a moment, his black eyes were filled with shock and awe.

  With a quick twist of my chest, my right wing swung around and beheaded him.

  I stood as Samuel landed in front of me, and looked upon the scene with pride and adoration.

  Everyone rushed back toward us, but Thomas and Dom kept them back. Samuel quickly spoke his angelic words, and Azzah’s body burned into ash.

  Kade brought Bane forward, holding one of his wings under his neck.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Bane said, his arms extended out to his side.

  I knew he was telling the truth.

  “Lucifer sent us. We had to. We are slaves to his will.”

  “I know,” I said, stepping forward. “I know.”

  Samuel stood next to me, his striking black wings still spread, anticipating any danger.

  I folded my wings behind my back, and touched Kade’s hand. “It’s alright. He won’t hurt me.”

  “Emma,” Kade said, his eyes landing on my wings.

  “I was going to tell you,” I breathed. “I just didn’t think it would be like this. I’m sorry.”

  His expression softened. “It’s alright,” he smiled and nodded. “We’ll talk later.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  My gaze went back to Bane. “You tell Lucifer where he can shove it.”

  “I’m not returning to the Underworld. I don’t care if others are sent to seek out and kill me. I want to live. I want to be free.”

  “As you should be,” I said, gently lowering Kade’s wing from his neck.

  “Thank you,” Bane said with a nod. “You will never see me again.”

  “And hopefully it will be because you have stayed hidden,” I grinned.

  He smiled then bowed his head. “Live well, Emma.”

  “Live well, Bane.”

  Bane called his wings and with a single flap he was gone.

  Everyone rushed back into the area, and Alaine was the last to enter. She didn’t say a word as she ran to me, but tears were flowing from her eyes.

  “Are you alright?” she cried, her face was filled with fear and concern.

  “Not a scratch. See?” I showed her my arms. “But my hair is sort of a mess, and my dress is a bit damaged.”

  She gathered me in her arms. “Emma,” she sobbed. “I was terrified. But you have proven to everyone that you have fulfilled the prophecy. You’ve become utterly transcendent.”

  Thomas stepped forward with Lia in his arms. She was lying limp, her mouth wide open.

  “Did you put the sleeper on her?” I gasped.

  “No, she did this herself. She fainted as soon as she saw your wings.”

  “And the photographer?” I asked, pointing to her still body, flailed out on the ground.

  “Dom put her out right before the action started. We didn’t want photos of us flying floating around the internet,” he laughed.

  “Emma?” Jeremy asked, stepping around Thomas.

  “Hey Jeremy,” I grinned apologetically.

  “How?” He shook his head in disbelief, his eyes locked onto my wings. “What—?”

  My face twisted a bit, knowing I had to give him an answer.

  “I know,” I exhaled. “Well, for starters… I’m not entirely human.”

  He pushed his glassed up on his nose. “I can clearly see that.”

  I turned to Samuel, Alaine, and then Kade. “We’re angels. Immortals.”

  “And you were like this the whole time?”

  “No. I transformed on my eighteenth birthday.”

  His brow furrowed. “But, your birthday isn’t for a few more months.”

  I shook my head. “My true birthday was a month ago.”

  He exhaled loudly. “Well, I guess that makes a lot more sense. I thought it might be a little fast; you know… getting married at seventeen and all.”

  “Are you mad?” I asked.

  His eyes looked at me, and then the hugest smile filled his face. “Are you kidding? Our best friend is immortal. That’s the most freaking amazing thing ever!”

  “Good,” I said, walking to him. I hid my wings, and then hugged him.

  Behind Jeremy, Dominic stood shaking his head.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’ve got nothing. You have rendered me speechless.” He grinned and shrugged.

  “Now that is a miracle,” Kade laughed, and everyone else joined him.

  “I know we all have some major questions and things we need to discuss, but there are guests and a celebration that needs to be attended to first.” Alaine said, wiping the black mascara from under her eyes. “So, let’s all head to the ballroom!” She then paused and turned. “Dom, will you please take the photographer to the kitchen and revive her first. Give her some of your charm, and hopefully she’ll stick around.”

  “You got it,” he said, tossing the limp photographer over one shoulder, and holding her camera in the other.

  Everyone started out of the Labyrinth and when I turned to Kade, his eyes were fastened on mine. A look of passion and desire swirled within them.

  “Come here,” he said, stepping closer.

  His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling me firmly against him.

  “Wings?” he asked, his eyes smiling with adoration.

  I nodded.

  “When did you know?”

  “The day I showed you my other gifts. They were the reason I was on the floor.”

  He laughed. “I had a feeling something was up. You’re very sneaky.”

  “I wanted it to be a surprise,” I said.

  “Well, you totally pulled off the surprise factor. Even the Fallen were shocked. They weren’t ready for you.”

  “Are you ready for me?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding? I’ve been ready since the day we first touched.”

  “Well, I’m not
sure if I’m ready for you,” I grinned.

  “Oh, you won’t be,” he affirmed. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. “Are you ready to go to the reception?”

  “No. How about we ditch the party and find a place to be alone?”

  “Alaine will kill us,” he answered slowly.

  “I know,” I sighed. “But it sounds like a great plan.”

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered softly in my ear. “Tonight, I will give you an after party you will never forget.”

  His words left me blushing and breathless.

  “Let’s go,” he said, swooping me up into his arms, and carrying me out of the labyrinth.

  As he carried me down the hall toward the ballroom, I could hear soft classical music playing in the background.

  When we entered the room, Kade paused at the entrance.

  “Wow,” he gasped.

  I was dazed and incapable of words.

  The ballroom had been transformed into an enchanted dreamland, filled with the most exotic trees and flower arrangements, all done in white. Thousands upon thousands of golden twinkle lights filled the room. The light from the chandelier was dimmed, while up-lights, lowlights, and spotlights accentuated every floral masterpiece with a soft golden glow.

  In the center of the room were five circular tables, with golden table cloths and white china table settings. The center of each table held tall crystal vases, filled with bouquets of white roses.

  It looked like a golden wonderland, a place of magic.

  As soon as everyone saw us, they began clapping.

  Kade set me down, and I wrapped my arm around his. As we made our way in, the song we had our first dance to, the night of the masquerade ball, started playing.

  Kade turned to me with a smile, then unhooked his arm. He bowed in front of me, then held out his hand.

  “May I have this dance?” he asked.

  I placed my hand in his and he led me over to the dance floor.

  The music played, but the world around us began to fade away. Wrapped in his strong arms, I laid my head on his chest and curled my arms around his neck, never wanting the music to stop. His sweet scent swirled around me, and with every inhale, filled me with desire. I wanted to disappear, and finally be alone with him.

  As the night continued, there was so much laughter and happiness, it was the celebration of our lives. But before we knew it, it was over.


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