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SEAL's Secret: A Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense Novel (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 24)

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  “Angry? You told her the whole story?”

  “Yep, and when I did she dropped a bunch of names and told me I’m, get this … an order taker. The doctor writes the prescription and I fill it. Who was I to question the doctor? Stuff like that. And the names of people who could get me in trouble.”

  “This sounds very shady.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Who are these doctors?”

  “Well, one of the biggest ones was the father of that girl who was murdered.”


  Donna had told Felicia over lunch that she and Cain weren’t dating. If that was the case, what was she doing meeting him, off the record, for a second time in less than twenty-four hours?

  Donna entered the Montage Laguna Beach and immediately saw why so many tourists from all over the world flocked there. It was beyond extraordinary. Set right along the seaside, it was a postcard photo realized.

  She was looking forward to seeing Cain, especially checking out his masculine physique. She knew from their night on the beach that he was chiseled. Her roving hand confirmed it. Now to see it without the pesky shirt in the way.

  There was only one problem. Cain had set up the date for the swimming pool. What sounded like absolute perfection to most women was playing out like a nightmare for Donna. She had a history with water, and that history said it wasn’t her friend.

  She remained optimistic. Maybe her troubles with water were turning. It did, after all, bring her Cain and that was reason enough to celebrate. And she desperately wanted to look toward the future, and not be pulled back into the past.

  To make matters worse, since her move from Chicago she’d quickly discovered that California’s delicious and authentic Mexican dishes had been too much to resist. She put on a few pounds since her move out West, but told herself it was okay. She had lost a lot of weight just before she left due to too much stress.

  She made her way to the changing room and entered the pool area. Cain couldn’t be missed. He shone in the late afternoon sun like an Adonis as he lay out on his lounger reading a book in nothing but mid-thigh swim trunks and aviator sunglasses. And the best part of him wasn’t his shoulders like boulders, chiseled chest, or muscular back. Sure, his bulging biceps, v-shaped torso and powerful forearms were impossible to miss, but his beautiful body was just icing on the cake. It was that sexy grin he flashed her way the moment she came into his view. Knowing that grin was aimed just at her was especially gratifying. Even more so considering all the beautiful Barbie dolls at the pool who looked like they spent their entire existence working on their figures. He didn’t give them a single glance. He only had eyes for her.

  Donna made her way over to the recliner next to his and laid out her towel. “What?”

  Cain didn’t reply.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  “Just admiring the view.”

  “Very funny. The ocean is the other direction.”

  “Who said I came to look at the ocean?”

  Donna felt herself blush. She felt out of place with her farmer’s tan at the luxury resort. Most of the other guests looked as if they used the word summer as a verb and not a noun. They were trim, tanned, and looked like they could have stepped off the cover of a fashion or money magazine. Her, not so much.

  “Well, I certainly didn’t.” Donna kneeled down next to Cain’s lounger. They both took in the view of each other, before Cain leaned forward and kissed her gently.

  Donna felt electricity run through her veins. Even after all the kissing last night, she felt herself light headed all over again. “Shall we have a drink?”

  “We shall,” Cain said as he casually motioned to the pool staff.

  A few minutes later they were on their backs taking in the sun. The sun warmed their bodies, while the thoughts of each other warmed their minds. Cain had pulled their loungers close so they could hold hands in the middle, and hold their drinks on the outside.

  After twenty or so minutes passed, Donna was starting to sweat a little. Cain seemed to notice right on cue. “Time for a dip. Care to join?”

  Donna looked out over the pool. She was unsure of the depth and still not committed to a swim.

  “I think I’ll work on my drink a little longer.”

  “Not a bad alternative.” Cain got up from his lounger and with big, graceful strides seemed to float towards the pool. As he reached the edge his movement continued forward right into a dive. Everything was so natural and fluid. It all looked so effortless.

  A few seconds later she could see his still submerged body approaching the other side. A few seconds after that he emerged right back where he started. He pushed his torso up and out of the water and rested his forearms on the side of the pool. He was facing her with that irresistible grin firmly in place. He had swam the entire length, down and back, without coming up for air. And he wasn’t breathing hard now. It was easy to picture him serving as a SEAL. He took to water like a fish. He looked at home in the pool. She counted her blessings as to how lucky she was that it was him that was there that night to pull her from the ocean.

  “Water feels great. How’s the drink coming along?”

  “It’s coming.”

  “Okay. I’m going to swim a little. Don’t mind me.”

  “I’ll just continue … taking in the view. You know.”

  Cain flashed a sexy smirk her way as he pushed off with his feet and was suddenly submerged on his back heading towards the other end.

  ‘It’s not fair,’ Donna thought to herself. I can’t even muster up the courage to get in the water and this guy is half fish. Then a smile crossed her face. ‘But he is here for me. How did this girl get so lucky?’

  She watched his body glide through the water, back and forth across the pool. At times he was fully submerged, at other times he swam a number of different stokes, each one as effortless as the last. Donna felt like she was watching a live art performance. She felt a very similar sort of happiness that she felt the night before. A happiness she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  After fifteen minutes, Cain swam back up to the side of the pool. “Last chance.”

  Donna wished she could jump in and just latch on to him. She wanted to feel that power over the water, and the power of each of his graceful strokes.

  Her head vetoed her heart. “I’m good right here, for now.”

  “Okay.” Cain pushed up and out of the pool, his shoulder flexing. His arms like twisted rope. As he made his way back to her she could see where all that powerful propulsion came from. His legs and calves were surely sculpted from granite.

  He grabbed his towel and made his way to the rinsing shower. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as the water came from the showerhead and glistened down every inch of his physique. His eight pack abs flexing as he rinsed each part of his body. The rinsing shower was meant to cool the pool patrons down, but it was doing anything but to Donna. She felt a hot sensation at the top of her skin, and it wasn’t from the sun.

  Her body ached to join him under the rinsing shower. She imagined herself rinsing him up and down and then him taking her there. The fantasy was feeling too real, and she had to look away.

  She pointed towards the ladies room and Cain nodded.

  When she was inside she splashed water on her face. ‘Wow, this man is hot.’ She noticed her breathing was heavy and her thoughts scattered. She took a moment to gather herself and made her way back to the pool.

  One drink quickly turned to two. After the second the hotel staff arrived to inform them that their spa time was ready to begin. Couples massages would be first.

  Donna looked at Cain with a sense of shock. As she was frozen in surprise, Cain took her hand and led her towards the spa area. Was there anyway this day could get better?

  Donna was about to find out.


  Donna and Cain barely got the door open to her apartment. Somehow the key found the lock in-between deep, passionate kisses and roving

  “Should we get something to eat?” Donna asked.

  “I already know exactly what I’d like to put in my mouth the rest of the night,” Cain said.

  Donna felt a pulsing in her thighs. She wanted it as much as he did.

  “Let’s get something to eat first.”

  “Don’t want to work up an appetite first?”

  Donna smiled. “Chinese okay with you?”

  Cain could understand that Donna wanted to slow down the pace a little. “Chinese sounds great.”

  Donna reached up and tapped Cain on the nose, just before delivering one more quick kiss. She was happy he could read her signals, and glad he was the type of guy not to push for too much too fast.

  While they waited for delivery, Donna wanted a grab a quick shower. Not only to remove any lingering oils from the incredible massage, but also to freshen up. She turned on the TV for background noise and made her way to the bathroom. She shut the door all the way making sure that Cain knew she wanted at least one more go with her shower sponge before putting the job in his hands.

  She’d also grown used to working long hours, and knew at times her personal hygiene suffered because of it. She wanted to make sure she was freshened up.

  Cain sat on the couch thinking about what might happen when she returned. The bulge in his pants was incredibly uncomfortable. He burned to take her to the bedroom and show her that swimming wasn’t the only form of physical activity he excelled at.

  But first, he should talk with her. He knew she wanted the same thing he did, but he could sense she was holding back. He knew the experience would be better for both of them if they were both relaxed.

  She came out of the shower, and playfully threw a separate towel over Cain’s head. “Your turn if you want.”

  “I want, but there are some places I might not be able to reach.”

  “Well then, I might have to check behind your ears when you finish.”

  “Or you could help me to make sure I pass inspection.”

  “I could, but that would make inspection too easy. And there’s no fun in that, is there?”

  Cain smirked in that way only he could as he made his way to the shower.

  Donna took Cain’s place on the couch, thinking they should talk. There were too many questions and not enough answers. Not just about him, but in both directions.

  Cain finished his shower quickly and joined her on the couch. He had brought a backpack with him, and as the prepared type, had included a second pair of trunks and a white t-shirt, the perfect lounging attire.

  Cain could see there was some concern on Donna’s face. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. Definitely.”

  She still seemed a bit concerned as if her mind was distracted. “Anything you want to talk about?”

  “Funny you should ask,” she said.

  The doorbell rang as Donna began to open her mouth to speak.

  They dished out the portions and the conversation became light again.

  Their lust for each other was apparent, even with a stomach full of Chinese food. Cain sensed Donna’s desire to slow down the pace and suggested they watch a movie.

  Donna was relieved at the suggestion and slid a DVD into her laptop and cuddled next to Cain.

  Just outside in the bushes, a shadowy figure squatted watching the events of the evening transpire.

  He carefully steadied his Nikon Coolpix P610 with its extraordinary sixty times optical zoom. He quietly snapped photos of Donna, but more importantly Cain. He would have to find out who this man was before he returned to Donna’s apartment for the third, and hopefully final, time.


  “Tell me we’ve got someone Detective Davis.”

  “Not yet, Chief Charles.”

  “We need something. Someone. We need to show at least some sort of progress.”

  “I know.”

  “Well then …”

  “I’m working on it.”

  “Work harder.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t have any leads, because she’s too busy working the lead suspect,” Detective Dennis Dudley said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “You have to be careful, Davis,” Chief Charles said. “This is a small town. People talk. It doesn’t look good.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Have you cleared him at least?”

  “I’m working on that too.” She was surprised the chief seemed calm about his knowledge of her being with Cain. How he got that information seemed obvious now. She made a mental note to watch what she said to Detective Dudley.

  “Sounds like you’ve got a lot of work to do.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Get to it. I’m getting killed out there on the street.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Donna turned to leave and shot a look at Dudley. He smiled. She may have had big city experience, but she was still a newcomer at this station. Better to tread lightly, at least for now.

  Back at her desk, Donna typed in the girl’s father’s name. Not so much as even a ticket. His record showed him to be an upstanding citizen. She pulled his tax returns and started digging for clues.

  By lunchtime she had begun to weave her way through a web of accounting twists and turns. She was glad nothing seemed to lead offshore. A few third party foundations that were involved in contributions to the doctor’s humanitarian foundation caught her eye. Some of the contributions were significant.

  She reviewed the crime scene photos, report, and his statements. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  ‘Hide in plain sight,’ she thought. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Time to pay the doctor a house call.


  Donna rang the bell to the doctor’s beautiful home. No answer. She knew he took a leave of absence after his daughter’s death. It was a normal and very understandable thing to do. Due to the brutality of the murder, and the limited resources of the department in its ability to provide an officer to watch over his safety for awhile, it was especially sensible if he let some time pass before returning home.

  She expected he’d use that time off in the local area or to visit friends and family out-of-town. Not to disappear entirely.

  She walked around the property looking for any clues. No cars, no pets, no sign of anyone.

  She made her way to the back yard and found the doctor sitting there in a chair. He was writing in a notebook, with a drink by his side.

  “Excuse me, Doctor.”

  His eyes slowly shifted from his notebook to Donna. He had a look of annoyance, not surprise. He must have heard the doorbell and refused to answer.

  “Hello, Detective Davis. Don’t civil servants make appointments these days?”

  “Civil servant isn’t entirely accurate, Doctor. And I was just hoping to ask you a few quick questions.”

  “I appreciate that, but I’ve already gave a very lengthy statement to your colleagues. Nothing new has surfaced.”

  “I understand, but I thought it would be helpful if I could speak with you, myself. It’s always better in person.”

  “I see.”

  The doctor reluctantly stood. “One second please.” He walked around the side of the house and returned with a chair for the Donna.

  “Thank you.”

  Donna sat. “I’ve read your report, and won’t ask you any questions you’ve already answered. I don’t want to take up any more of your time than I have to. I’m sure this is a difficult time.”

  “It is.”

  “Doctor, is there anyone you might have performed work on recently that may have been less than satisfied with the results?”

  From her question, he quickly determined that she likely didn’t even know what he did. He was more of a prescription writer than an actual practitioner of medicine these days. “No. Everyone seemed very satisfied.”

  He had taken the bait. She would play dumb. “How long have you been practicing medic

  “I’m in my 20th year.”

  “And your ex-wife lives in Colorado?”


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