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06 All Bark And No Bite

Page 10

by Jana Leigh

  Trent leaned close. “You are ours, now and forever.”

  As soon as the words soaked in and the happiness spread into her heart, he pressed his hips forward. That movement coincided with Bear going as far inside as he could. They filled her to the max. She’d never experienced anything more amazing than loving her two men at the same time.

  Had her hands not been used to support herself, she would have rubbed them down Trent’s chest or grabbed onto his muscled shoulders for support. Right now, all she could do was experience the amazing joy that bubbled within.

  Each of Trent’s thrusts made her pussy wetter. The more excited she became, the more her ass seemed to understand its role. Sparks of lust stabbed right through the thin membrane. Bear’s speed increased, and the friction made her cry out with need. Her brain scrambled when Trent matched Bear’s speed. Their pumping action caused her pussy to milk Trent’s cock until he groaned.

  “You’re killing me,” he said.

  Lily felt her pussy clench, and at the same time it must have bore down on both their cocks because Trent gritted out.

  “Fuck, Lily. Don’t do that or I’ll come.”

  She smiled. Trent reached out and rubbed her breast. The smooth palms eased across her strained nipple. Her building orgasm was making her limbs begin to tingle and waver. She hoped she could hold up, but she felt Bear tighten an arm around her center, as if he knew she was going to need help.

  She turned her head to the side to draw in more air. “I’m going to come. Oh, God.”

  “We’re right there with you, sugar.”

  Trent clasped her arms to keep her steady, and Bear moved his fingers up to her waist.

  Bear yelled, and Trent sounded like a lion as he roared. Their cocks grew and pulsed. Heat warmed her insides. They kept pumping long after they’d finished climaxing.

  “I love you.” She needed to let them know before she had to do what needed to be done.

  They both pulled from her as she panted, trying to calm her breathing down.

  She untangled her legs and dropped back on the bed. Trent managed to get a wet towel, and cleaned her up.

  She was exhausted and spent. As they lay on either side of her, she savored in the feeling of completeness and smiled. Merry Christmas to her.

  Dangerous: All Bark And No Bite

  Dangerous Series

  Author: Jana Leigh

  Editor: Rose Colton

  Artwork by: JK Publishing, Inc.

  Published by: JK Publishing Inc.

  Dangerous: All Bark No Bite

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  © Copyright February 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

  Let me say thank you for being so patient, waiting for the final book in the Dangerous series. I am honored to have such great fans.

  However, as loyal fans you know me well. I would never not have something else in the works. So keep a look out for my new series starting in 2013. The Cowboy Seal’s Elite and yes, the first book will have a little twist for you. I am trying to keep you on your toes.

  Enjoy the last book in the Dangerous Series,

  Jana Leigh


  As Lily sits in the office, taking on a dangerous killer, she thinks back to four weeks before Christmas.

  Lily plumped the pillows behind Bear and then smiled hesitantly down at him. She had no clue what the hell she was doing. Her life was a mess, and it seemed to be spiraling out of control with every passing second.

  Hitmen, mobsters, and new siblings seemed to pop up every day. How the hell was she supposed to deal with this, and deal with two men wanting her? Bear and Trent refused to listen to her when she told them that she was just not the woman for them.

  She knew her friend, Jazz, was immersed into her ménage relationship with Lily’s newfound brother. Then there was Bailey and Calli, they were both in a ménage with wonderful men who seemed to love and adore each of them. It was quite the endorsement for ménage relationships. However, Lily wasn’t as strong as them. She looked at the amazing creatures her friends were and knew she fell short.

  Lily was honest with herself. She knew what she looked like in her oversized sweatshirts and jeans. She was like the cat lady from down the block, literally. Just yesterday, she had found another stray cat and put him in the barn, which made six in the last few years. All of them starting in the barn, then they would wander in the house, and stay.

  ‘Looney’, the first cat that had migrated to her large house, was the Queen of the Jungle. She was named ‘Looney’ because of her propensity for attacking something in the air only she could see. And many times it ended up being close to people who would inevitably be scratched by the cat. Lily tried to move the cat back out into the barn, but the damn thing snuck in somehow. Then she would have lead a new cat whenever they appeared. So cat lady, yay, that was her.

  “Do you need anything?” she said softly and walked around the bed to bring the table back to where it stood.

  Bear smiled at her and patted the bed next to him. Lily felt her cheeks blush. When he was hurt a week ago, Lily made the decision to give this whole thing a try. The thought of one of her men being hurt scared the shit out of her. Then, of course, the thought of two men also scared the shit out of her. She wasn’t sure yet, what this all entailed. Since her decision and pronouncement of giving the ménage a try, they had not had the opportunity to actually speak about how this was supposed to work.

  Lily looked over her shoulder, Trent came into the room and shut the door, quietly leaning against the wall. He crossed his feet and his arms, looking at her intently. She shifted nervously and looked at Bear. His real name was Sebastian Bronte Timon—it really didn’t fit him. He had a short, military-style haircut, his face was angular and gruffly handsome, his blue eyes were soul searching, that is the only way she had been able to describe the looks he gave her. But it was his nickname that fit him the best. When Lily first saw him, his sheer size scared the shit out of her until the huge man opened his mouth. His voice was like warm, smooth chocolate, which she could sit and listen to for hours. Her best friend told her his voice would be her down fall, and she had been right. However, his ability to make her feel like she was the only one on the planet that he cared about was a tremendous drawl. Lily knew that if is she allowed it, he would envelop her in his net and never let anyone hurt her.

  Trent was cut from the same cloth, although he was slightly smaller, he was no less divesting. Where Bear looked like the live version of GI Joe, Trent looked like he could have stepped off the cover of a GQ magazine. His brown, long hair, tall, lithe, perfectly, sculptured and muscular body, that went along with his green sparkly eyes, and narrowly, handsome face made her shy around him at first. How could such a drop-dead gorgeous man actually want to date her? Shit, was being in a ménage even considered dating?

  Lily went and sat
on the bed, staying closer to the edge, fearing she would fall off if one of them made the wrong move. “What’s up?”

  “Well, that’s what we want to talk about. When we were in New York you said you were ready to give this a shot, but so far, you have been avoiding being in the same room with Trent and I. We were just wondering if you were backing out of that deal?” Trent asked, pushing away from the wall and coming to stand by her, basically blocking her into the place she was sitting. Shit, she was really going to have to deal with this.

  Lily sighed and looked at the men. “No,” she said softly and then swung her feet nervously. “I’m just not sure what the hell I am supposed to do,” she blurted out.

  Both men chuckled, but Bear was the one who answered her. “Sweetheart, there is nothing to do, we just are.”

  Standing, Lily then took a few steps and turned and looked confused. “I don’t get it.”

  “If you were dating one man, what would you do, hold his hand when you were sitting watching television or walking down the street? Or how about kiss him good-bye when he left?” Trent said softly, and Lily rolled her eyes.

  “Of course,” she snapped. “But there are two of you.”

  “Yeah, we know that, it doesn’t make it different. We both like to hold hands with our woman and we both also would like a kiss. However, if this whole thing is making you feel uncomfortable, then we'll back off,” Bear replied.

  “I am not uncomfortable, that’s the wrong word. I guess if I had to name it, I would say I’m feeling anxious,” Lily said.

  Trent came to her side and ran a hand down her arm. “How about, we start with something simple.”

  Lily was mesmerized by the look in his eyes as she nodded and waited. They were close to the edge of the bed, and Trent backed her up until her legs hit the edge and she automatically sat down. Bear reached out a hand and grabbed hers. She smiled and turned to look at the large man.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” Bear grumbled, smiled when she was hesitant, and looked at Trent for something.

  “Go on, I will get my chance. Until the big baby here is well, I guess I can actually be nice,” Trent teased and Bear laughed.

  “Whatever, ignore him, he's just being a whiny ass,” Bear said and pulled her until she was leaning over his body, taking care not to hit one of his wounds. Although he was healing nicely, Lily knew for a fact he was still sore.

  She felt the first brush of a kiss on her cheek and she turned her head. Bear captured her lips in the sweetest kiss she had ever received. It was slow and sexy. His lips teased hers until she was ready for more.

  Lily turned her head and sealed her mouth over his. As she felt his hand tangle in her hair and hold her still while he took over, his tongue then pushed into her mouth softly, and she opened, giving him free access to what he wanted. He tasted of mint, and she smiled. They planned this, nice.

  Bear groaned and pulled back after fully exploring her mouth and smiled at her. “Thank you,” he said and looked into her eyes. She saw desire and passion there and wanted to sink into his arms and remain there forever. Nothing could touch her while he was protecting her. She felt safe.

  Then Trent tugged on her arm, and she reluctantly stood, only to be enveloped in another set of arms that made her feel safe and aroused. She looked up at Trent and smiled as he leaned down and captured her mouth in a heated kiss. He didn’t tease or go slowly. Trent consumed, claimed, and he branded her lips with his, explored her mouth with his making sure she knew who was in charge. Lily gladly handed over the reins, and sunk into his embrace.

  This was what it was like? she thought, and then something clicked, there was no choosing or jealously. They would work together as a unit. This was something she could deal with.


  Lily smiled to herself and then focused back to Junior.

  “As I said, one of two things. First, I can call the nice lawyer who helped me this morning and have him send all of the papers to the proper authorities. I believe with everything we have you would be looking at solitary for the rest of you miserable life, or…” she said, turning her head to the side to keep from laughing at the fish face Junior was currently sporting. She had obviously taken the wind out of his sails.

  “Or what, you vicious bitch?” Junior ground out.

  Lily turned back and grinned at him as her phone vibrated on her leg. “Or, you can step down quietly, let me take over, and we can be one big, happy, fucking family.”

  Chapter One

  Lily had no idea if he was going to buy her bullshit, but she was certainly going to try. As she waited, she tapped her foot impatiently. Her brother was a fucking idiot; he was actually trying to bargain with her about how this was going to go down—as if she would ever actually let him get away with shit.

  Just before Christmas, they found out Junior and his brother put a hit out on the two remaining children of Senior Digrossi. Not surprising, considering they wanted anyone who could stake claim to their father’s money dead. What made it so sick was the children were a teenager and a baby. They weren’t even old enough to protect themselves, and they were going to have them killed. It was demented. Alexander was the oldest and was a wonderfully bright and amazing teen. Bailey and her husbands were adopting him. It was scary how fast he just fit into their world. It was the baby Lily and the others were now worried about.

  Lily fumed, ready to burst out with her sickness toward the brothers’ messed up minds, but she held back, hoping she would be able to make it through this without falling apart. She had to, the others depended on it, whether they agreed to this or not.

  “Okay, I get that you have the documentation, but you have no clue how to run this company. This is a multi-million dollar company, we have a lot going on, and you have no idea the dynamics of this company. I will have to get you trained and ready, before you can just take over the reigns,” Junior said almost desperately. He didn’t want her to get control of the money. Well tough shit.

  “Brother, you can flap your jaws all you want. I am taking over this company as of this moment. I need you to leave the office. My lawyers are in the foyer to explain how this is going to go. You have twenty-four hours to leave the home my father left me. I will be moving in immediately,” Lily said brusquely and then stood and waited for Junior to get his ass out of her new chair.

  She only needed a few minutes to see what she needed and then the lawyers could dismantle the whole company, give the feds the information they needed to put the bastards behind bars, and give the money to charity. She wanted nothing from this company; even the clean funds were dirty. Lily only wanted to make sure some of the people who were innocent that worked here were given enough money to make it until they got another job. The rest of them could kiss her ass.

  “You can’t fuckin do this.” Junior once again began to yell and stood. She wasn’t stupid. He could hurt her in this office by herself, so she stood and looked at him with a bored expression.

  “I can, and I am,” Lily said, forcing herself to walk to the doorway slowly, even when her instincts were telling her to haul ass out of there.

  She could hear Junior making noises behind her and when she reached the door she turned. He was looking in his desk, shit, probably for a gun. Knowing she needed to get people in here before he could actually grab a weapon, Lily swung open the door and motioned the men who were waiting in the hallway into the room.

  They were Feds, all set up to look like her lawyer’s assistants. Men in black suits walked into the room carrying briefcases and guns under their coats. Lily breathed a sigh of relief when Junior slammed his drawer shut and looked up with a bright red face.

  “Get the fuck out of my office,” he yelled at the men. Lily grinned and shook her head but froze when she felt two people step behind her—close. A bit too close, she thought, and then slowly looked over her shoulder to see Bear and Trent standing there with black suits and fierce expressions on their face. Fuck a duck, she was gonna be in a lot of tro
uble tonight.

  She turned back quickly, and Bear leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Sweetheart, your ass is gonna be sore tonight.”

  Yep, she was screwed. Grinning even more, she stepped forward. Her men were here and they would protect her. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She had planned all this behind their backs, and they had a right to be pissed. Someone must have tipped them off before she even left this morning to have them here and joining the others.

  Thinking back over the private phone calls she made, and the late night emails she sent—damn it, she thought she had been slick. This whole time probably, since she had contacted the man in the Federal Prosecutors office, they had known and never said a word, they let her dig her own grave.

  “Junior, you need to pack up and get out. I will call you when we are ready to figure out how you are going to fit into my company,” Lily said and crossed her arms. She knew nothing was this simple. They were going to have to play the game with the two brothers to get what they wanted. It was just a matter of figuring out what exactly they had to do in order to get them in her web.

  “I need time,” Junior said, gritting his teeth.

  Lily nodded absently and walked over to where there was a conference table, motioning the men to follow. When she saw her men were all settled, she turned back slowly and laughed. “Take your time. We are going to be going over a few things here.”


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